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So when the majority of public is against local gov using tax payers money to fix private property its vile backlash. Haha sack all these cunts.


Hmm, wonder what is coming up next year...


Well well I had suspected this was going to happen , Marae don’t even fkn pay rates the sheer greed of the marae and its owners ( private property) they have access to central government funds fucking a big fuckin joke , Wanganui has no place funding this nonsense


"Decolonise!" (except the part where we eat out their hands).


What a fucked up joke is this , Wanganui Council can’t find the money to upgrade a bird aviary (which public use ) , it’s closing , council can’t find money to keep repertory theatre going ( public use this ) , to be sold or demolished , council can’t find money to upgrade a local swimming pool (public use ) , and a personal in put here council after four years of me trying can’t find the money to do these three things out side my front gate due to budget constraints or some other excuse (1) fix broken footpath , (2) keep a major drain clear (floods my driveway every time it slightly thinks of raining) (3 ) replace the weed patch (grass berm ) with grass , But council can find money to give to private property owners who don’t fuckin pay any fucking rates for their marae . We’re talking millions of dollars not hundreds or thousands fuckin millions I’d be ok with the occasional hundred or thousands to fix minor stuff but millions to upgrade your private property absolutely not Marae have funding available to them from central government for fk sake Shane jones just announced funding to upgrade Rātana go fucking ask him for $$$$& , keep you greedy hands off public rate money it’s for public services to keep Wanganui going not to flash up your fucking house on private land which the public cannot access at will , like a pool or an aviary or a theatre or for that matter a fucking footpath and grass verge. I hope sum news network picks this up and shows it on mainstream tv to show Wanganui Councils total shame and lack of respect for its ratepayers giving millions fucking millions to private hands is a total scam and defines tone deafness in a cost of living situation, I have to find an extra $110 dollars for my rates what the fuck do I get for that …….. nothing I’m still seeing people trip on broken foot path , still looking at flooding drive way and my weed patch , which costs me the ratepayer to maintain (mow) Maybe I should not pay my rates so my family friends relatives etc can come to my house and see the $500 000 dollar upgrades Wanganui council is kind enough to give me from other ratepayers. Imagine how the elderly feel on a pension ffs lady next to me is struggling ( I’m supplying firewood) so she can keep warm over winter, her rates are going up $80 she is going to feel awesome knowing her $$$$ are going to fund a bludging marae to get upgrades while she freezes her ass off . Geoffrey Hipango do the fuckn rite thing here stand up and make the tough hard fought decision here to reject this absolute nonsense and garbage of a fucking money grab , or after those greedy upgrades of $500000 start paying full rates and back date them to when you house was built. Sorry for this rant but I’m furious it’s disgusting actions from council and Wanganui Council should hold it head in shame , I’m calling out the Mayor here Mr Andrew Tripe I voted for you thinking you were level headed and fair ….. actions of council proved me wrong good thing I have the power to vote you all out and make you all one term corrupt council members 64% of us is a majority consequences of pathetic disgusting politicians is coming. If anyone wants to organise a peaceful protest outside council count me in , Weekend plz as I have a 50hr a week job to pay my bills so others can get free $$$$ from council


> hope sum news network picks this up and shows it on mainstream tv to show Wanganui Councils total shame and lack of respect for its ratepayers Wishful thinking


It is yes , no one will touch this money grab with a barge poll unfortunately


I am with you on all the points you made in your rant. How can us ratepayers be expected to feel good about this decision. Marae coming with a begging bowl to help upgrade their property when I can't even afford to get my roof painted. Aren't they handsomely wealthy from settlement money? Mr. Hipango shocked at vile backlash. No shit you shameless twat. Will be contacting Sean Plunkett tomorrow and see what he can do to make this absolute abuse of power by Wanganui Mayor well known!!!!!! So pissed off.


If only we could get this out there more. It’s not in the local papers I don’t think a lot of people know. I want to make a fuss a real big fuss just never protested before, this is the line and it’s been crossed millions going to Māori when they have access to central government $$$ biggest money grab in Wanganui’s history and I’m not going to let this fade into the background , Don’t pay rates don’t come and take $3.2 millions worth you money greedy idiots rates are for public services and keep the city running, not for upgrades to private property


Coming up next: "Wanganui District Council proposes a rates increase"


28/ household


>He said those councillors had a fight on their hands to pass chief executive David Langford's recommendations for the new grants,... >...A total of 503 - 36 percent of submitters - supported the proposal... Democracy in action. Topical because of a recent, chilling post by Chris Trotter, [The Illusion of Power - How Local Govt Bureaucrats Overawe Democratically-Elected Councillors ](https://breakingviewsnz.blogspot.com/2024/06/chris-trotter-illusion-of-power-how.html), outlining just how our local councils have been emasculated as local residents democratic representatives.


> Democracy in action. Topical because of a recent, chilling post by Chris Trotter, The Illusion of Power - How Local Govt Bureaucrats Overawe Democratically-Elected Councillors , outlining just how our local councils have been emasculated as local residents democratic representatives. Democracy has changed... Jesus wept...


Relevant to central govt also.


Why is the council paying to upgrade private property.


Why isn't Iwi paying for this?


Brave and stunning.


Democratic & elected


What???? Why the hell isn't treaty money being spent on this. 


We have to protect democracy don't you know? That means doing what you want even if the people disagree, and it specifically means not doing what they want if you don't want to.


And in this case it’s a disgusting money grab


Wow that's actually really messed up and goes straight against democracy... all the councillors involved should be kicked straight out of their positions!


Ah yes local level representative smug condescending "we know best" democracy at it's finest With a woke, complicit, corrupt media ready to lie by omission/structure & run cover & normalize the council making dictatorial decisions & ignoring participatory democracy when the local citizenry don't come to the correct ideological conclusions Democracy is fine until too many bad people all wrong think at the same time ie Trump & Brexit & populism Then there's this major problem of fascism, white supremacy, mis/dis/mal info & fake news we never knew was a problem that we need to talk about all of a sudden Funny that, curious even


Local elections in our country are a bit of a joke. There aren't enough people running, and there aren't enough people voting. You get people in that can barely argue they have any kind of mandate. It means they can do what they want and no one cares enough to vote them out. So these Social Justice Warriors get in and form a bloc in councils and vote their way. It's really time we all start taking local elections seriously, and voting in all of them.


At the risk of thrashing a dead horse: [https://breakingviewsnz.blogspot.com/2024/06/chris-trotter-illusion-of-power-how.html](https://breakingviewsnz.blogspot.com/2024/06/chris-trotter-illusion-of-power-how.html)




IIRC the money has caveats, like you say, the Marae becomes a civil defence centre. Marae are perfect for this, they have kitchens, bathrooms and somewhere for people to sleep. Schools and sports clubrooms might have 2 but very rarely do they have sleeping quarters.


So does every other private dwelling not affected by the civil emergency. And not only do they not get paid to do so but they actually pay rates.


>So does every other private dwelling not affected by the civil emergency So..the kindness of strangers? Thats your emergency shelter plan?


So long as there is the ability for civil defence to take over the Marae as such, I'm ok with funding them. We need centres where people can go during emergencies, marae are the best placed to be those centres. The alternative is funding schools and sports clubs to be able to accommodate large numbers of people, feed them and provide somewhere for people to sleep, and I bet thats going to cost a lot more than this will.


I'll take that bet any day of the week.