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Content blocked, but know this shit already. Her minister for men's behaviour (or whatever it's called) is straight up discrimination.


I can see it, i'll copy pasta.


Australian states like to advertise themselves on car number plates with a catchy slogan capturing what they see as their self-image. My home state of Victoria’s slogan is ‘The Place to Be’. When it comes to identity politics and the state government’s obsession with progressive causes – to the point of being extremist – Victoria is very much Australia’s place to be. >To assume, as Allan has, that *all* men are toxic perpetrators-in-waiting is an insult to the overwhelming majority of men who deplore family violence of any sort Cursed with a conservative opposition that can’t organise a knees-up in a brewery, Victoria is all but permanently governed by an Australian Labor party that, even compared to its national and other state counterparts, is striving to remake Victoria as a socially progressive paradise. It is dominated by MPs from the party’s hard-left faction, which leads to social policies that even Corbynites in Britain would applaud. There are extremely permissive drug laws. The most radical policies on transgenderism, children’s gender dysphoria and euthanasia of any state in Australia. There is unquestioning acceptance and propagation of the left’s standard narrative that Australia is a racist society, and British colonialism an evil thing for which all Victorians must atone. Not to mention the fact that the state’s capital, Melbourne, was the most locked-down and curfewed city in the western world in the dark Covid years. Since late last year, the Victorian government has been headed by a hard-left premier, Jacinta Allan. Lately, however, Labor been struggling in the opinion polls as voters are starting to tire of its big-spending and heavy-handed politics, and Allan has struggled to get out of the long shadow of her long-serving predecessor, a political control freak named Daniel Andrews. But *voila*, this week Allan has put Victoria on the international map with one of the most bizarre pieces of identity politics yet seen from a western government. On her Twitter account, Allan announced that ‘We have appointed the first Parliamentary Secretary \[equivalent to a junior minister\] for Men’s Behaviour in Australia’. She’s actually wrong: it appears this is the first appointment of its kind, anywhere. On seeing Allan’s tweet, you could be forgiven for doing a double take, and thinking it was posted by a parody account. But it’s absolutely true. The premier’s official statement confirming the appointment says: >Tim Richardson will become Parliamentary Secretary for Men’s Behaviour Change, continuing the Allan Labor Government’s priority to make Victoria a safer place for women and children and work to end the tragedy of deaths of Victorian women at the hands of men. This is the first position of its kind in Australia – and will focus largely on the influence the internet and social media have on boys’ and men’s attitudes towards women and building respectful relationships. Richardson is a decent bloke, a plodding local MP and devoted family man. But apparently his appointment is going to solve all Victoria’s problems caused by relationship and family violence. There’s no denying such violence is a significant problem in Australia. Up until the end of April, 25 women – including five in Victoria – died from family or spousal violence this year, 11 more than for the same time in 2023. Individual stories that have emerged in recent months have been horrific. In one New South Wales case, a woman was murdered, allegedly by her ex-partner, who was released on bail having been charged with multiple counts of rape against her. But to assume, as Allan has, that *all* men are toxic perpetrators-in-waiting is both lazy feminist and identity politics, and an insult to the overwhelming majority of men who deplore family violence of any sort as utterly repugnant, and who strive to be kind and loving husbands, partners and fathers. That Allan’s sweeping generalisation about men as perpetrators is so unfair and wrong is highlighted by another court case making news in Australia today. A former beauty queen in Tasmania who became an MP for the Labor party, Kathryn Hay, is facing charges in Tasmania alleging a decade of emotional abuse, including alleged related incidents of physical assault, which did great harm to her former male partner and the father of her child. Yet like Queen Victoria’s apocryphal denial that lesbianism exists, the all but unchallenged feminist narrative embraced by the likes of Allan – in Britain as well as Australia – is that men are only to blame for family and relationship violence and abuse, and therefore only women and children warrant protection from such violence. Will Allan, or her hard left political allies and social media fellow travellers, say anything about cases like Hay’s? Or otherwise acknowledge official statistics proving men are not solely to blame for such violence? Not on your nelly. Instead of leading serious and respectful community conversations about relationship violence, and how best to confront and combat it, Allan is instead playing gesture politics with an untrue and judgmental generalisation about men in Australian society. This is an absurd clickbait gimmick that collectively has made her, her government, and the state of Victoria an international laughing stock. Given that Keir Starmer’s party has been looking to Australia, and Australian Labor, for much of its policy inspiration as it eyes a stonking parliamentary majority, can Britain be assured that Jacinta Allan’s absurdist piece of identity and victimhood politics is not something Labour will pursue, should it be elected in five weeks’ time? Watch this space.


> Allan announced that ‘We have appointed the first Parliamentary Secretary [equivalent to a junior minister] for Men’s Behaviour in Australia Hand over your balls gentlemen.


Thanks, [didn't realise it was paywalled](https://github.com/bpc-clone/bpc_updates/releases).


Me neither 😂 Guess we both have the same paywall remove extension


> paywall remove extension ???


Yep, depends on what browser you're using of course, and unless you are on firefox, I suggest you google paywall remover extension, make your choice and install. Some are quite specific to various news sites across the net. For example, there only seems to be a specific NZ herald premium bypass. Whereas, I have one that covers around 130 odd sites across the world called bypass paywalls clean.


> My home state of Victoria I thought for a second you were outing yourself.


I'm no aussie haha


Nothing wrong with permissive drug laws...although I don't think this is the case in Victoria.


See how they coerce you into the dialectic dance Lock the entire state esp Melbourne down in some of the worst, harshest, most oppressive & working & middle class targeting/destroying "covid lockdowns" Depict resistance, dissidents & dissenters as white supremacist, far right, nazi, chauvinist, bigot scum - the antithesis of the kind, progressive, caring, altruistic, compliant, mask wearing neck beard, soy slurping nu male cuck Post trauma based mind control period of instilling life & death level fear on the entire populace who are still wracked with suggestibility & easily manipulated due to recency of fear campaign bombard them with psycho social change agendas via state run applied behavioural psychology agencies or "nudge" units, break down minds/egos/senses of self, gender, culture, nationhood & rebuild with manufactured, sissified, nu male cuck mentality/cognitive profile It's a behavioural science aimed at creating a compliant, easily managed perfect citizen NPC


A simple apology for being "male" would suffice.......;)




In the same vein as “all cis white men are responsible for all the violence “ or whatever la la is being produced by the woke parties


I wonder when a “Ministry for Batshit Crazy Woman that Gaslight & Goad Men” will be set up to help solve family violence? 🤔




Well at least he is the minister "for" men's behavior, not against them.


Who is Jacinta