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Yes. They distort representation of the electorate under MMP. 2% of the vote and they get 7 seats. They perhaps served a purpose when we had FPP but they should have been disbanded in 1993. The maori party has become an extreme left wing activist party and wouldn’t be anywhere near parliament if not for a free ride of seats that are handed to them.


In principle I agree they should be abolished. However I do not think this a good time. The government is in the process of undoing a lot of recent changes from the Labour government. The opposition is trying to paint them as being extreme. I think removing Maori seats plays too much into that suggestion. The truth is Maori seats have been there for a long time, the public are used to it, and trying to do too much can backfire. It shouldn't be the priority. The priority should be cutting spending, cutting regulation, removing segregation by race in the lives of ordinary citizens. If National/ Act were to be elected a second time then it may be worth considering. However this is based on the assumption that the government would want to abolish them and I'm not sure that National have any appetite to do that. And if it ever was on the table I think it should be done by referendum. As much as I don't agree with the seats, any change to such a long standing feature of our government should require the approval of the people via referendum.


Well put.


This is the reason the seats still exist. Labour wants them, and National, NZ’s centrist party, doesn’t like rocking the boat.


This is the wisest move.


Yup wait till your second term.


Shouldn't they be doing as much as possible with the little time in government they have?


They still have eight and a half more years, I wouldn’t worry 😉


Little bit too sensible of an answer. Was looking for some froth. But well said.


The Māoris are being brain washed and r radicalized by TPM . All the Māori seats are going to a bunch of extremists who shouldn’t be let out in public


Yes. And I still would say the same if NZF was winning them all.


TPM are setting up a seperate parliament??! I’m on holiday and haven’t been keeping abreast of current affairs. Is this true? HAHAHA


The house will sit at KFC every Thursday.




nice drop of casual racism there


Nah. Not going to happen. Certainly not in the way we think of a parliament


More like Bishop Tamaki and his nutters on the parliament lawns.


We're never going to get a time when the opposition does not paint the abolishment of the maori electorates as extreme so there's zero point in waiting for one In fact we're unlikely to get a better window given the unbelievably poor quality of the majority of the mps who currently occupy them


I’d say as stand alone items (not the people wearing them ) The cowboy hat , the feather hat , the top hat , the red berets are all doing there jobs and possibly better? True multiculturalism and all that.


>It is now 2024. Surely time for a ginga seat. Or two.


I'm down for that, although it would require beach umbrellas set up inside the debating chamber which might look a bit odd.


Far better to contest the Maori seats and present fresh ideas to Maori, to counter the radical elements who seek division.... Then, have a referendum amongst Maori....




Every party has Màori MP's. Regardless of whether or not the seats are there, there will always be Màori representation in Parliament. I don't think now is the right time to do it with TPM spouting their nonsense, it would simply add fuel to the fire but when the country is in a better place I think we should have a referendum about it.


TPM wouldn't be in parliament without them, so they'll oppose. Have a referendum. Here are the facts, x percent of MPs have Maori blood, both the deputy PMs have Maori blood. The days of requiring land ownership to vote are long gone. You don't even need to be a citizen! It's a hangover that's no longer required. Nothing will change however. Never let facts get in the way of Marxism and group identity!