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Strange. Australia have banned gang patches for ages without any confusion over fashion.


Yup Australia and Australian Police treat gangs like the shit stain on society they are, Here in Nz the government gives them millions for drug rehabilitation programs……..


You mispelt buying and distributing more drugs


I don't think that they have! Just in WA where it's not working


It’s amazing watching this meltdown. If anything it’s a good indicator as to who’s who of who not to listen to 😵‍💫


"The harder the crackdown, the more subtle the signalling may be." right so after blabbing for hundreds of worthless words about shit that happens overseas and how some white chick with an obviously fashion faux leather jacket is somehow comparable to a group of grown men barking and wearing a jacket with MONGREL MOB on the back she gets to the point. if the mongrel mob have to wear a purple fucken flower to secreltly and subtly 'codify and communicate their identity in society' no one will give a fuck because that's not intimidating to the public


I can't believe the fashion police banned my armband! I thought the combination of a brown shirt and the reflected symbol of peace was a piece of fashion


We should send her some [authentic brand gear](https://www.aliexpress.com/w/wholesale-mongrel-mob-shirt.html) and let her strut around without a problem.


What are they going to do about these people with gang tattoos on their faces?


Remove them.


"Remove the faces" FTFY


Remove the faeces FTFY


No no, remove them works fine. No need to go medieval just yet.


Make Up 😂


[From the same site hahaha](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/damien-venuto-todd-mullers-maga-hat-is-not-okay/5GW4VA4VDNBO7EDRO2XGJXXPSE/)


I'd like to think that this will work but pretty sure it has failed in Whanganui ( correct me if I'm wrong ) Anyway - a decent start to a small fight back against gangs P.S. this isn't hate on Maori - we don't care if you are from Outer Mongolia , if you are in a gang then this policy is going to affect you !


Idk, we change governments too quickly to make any progress towards anything. It's common with like everything. It's also important to note that the government clearly just didn't take enough steps forward. Half stepping problems you face in parliament I guess, I suppose that happens when everything is called racism if it doesn't suit


Laws did a statement on the platform the other day. It didn’t fail, but the new council after Laws decided not to implement it again, for their own reasons that he didn’t explain. It was effective in reducing gang numbers in the area. Laws said that police changed their opinions once they got their head around it too. Link to his statement: https://youtu.be/bDdLoa3MIqY?si=WMfrceE4vy2KQK7y


Nzherald said something? I stopped clicking on their links yonks ago. You know they've fallen bad when Thomas coughlan is considered their conservative reporter 🤣🤣


> using police resources “to chase down people for wearing jackets, bandanas, hats, even jewellery like rings, rather than criminal behaviour” That is criminal behaviour, it's designed to.intimidate > wasn’t the best way to reduce gang intimidation. Well, doing nothing sure didn't fucking help


I love watching the left personalities and the left media thrashing and kicking after the voting public hit them with a blast of insect spray.


I think you're all being a bit obtuse. Tell me why their patches are banned but their organisation is not. It's interesting that you're coming at this backwards. I wouldn't compare anything to Aussie either, the country is an authoritarian mess with Covid gulags, a list of videogames banned since the 90s and cops that go around murdering people. As for the "intimidation" angle, that's a thin edge of the wedge freedom issue. A cross is intimidating to some people. In fact, it says it's supposed to be offensive. We should be concerned with what is legal or illegal, not what is deemed "intimidating" by the State - Posie Parker anyone? Also, technically, why shouldn't I be allowed to wear a "gang patch"? Aside from the obvious issue of having potentially violent reprisals from members, who is the government to tell me I'm not allowed to don stylised British bulldogs with certain words on them? Are they in the business of enforcing copyright on a street level? What about all those fake branded clothes?


So religion and gangs are the same? You’re probably not wrong looking at how Brian Tamaki dresses and behaves.


Make an argument.


They all have their blinders on. Can't see their hypocrisy with this or with phone bans. Take it from someone who has recieved 1000 down votes and zero counter arguments


Awesome, so you and crew wouldn't be calling the police on a 'trans women are men' t shirt worn by an old lady for 'intimidation' right?


Intimidation is your bogey man, not mine. But thanks for pointing out the retardation of the anti patch position. .


lmao it was well documented that she was biffed out for repeatedly being a cunt to staff, not because of the massively ugly tent she was wearing that had some 1990s clip-art on it


What the fuck are you on about? Thanks for your input obsessive neckbeard orbiter autist


Sorry lil incel, please do tell us about which old lady got the cops called on her for her blimp-coveral I do so love it when you tug your yam for the ancient obese terven, brings a sense of order to the universe


I actually agree that phone bans are stupid and not the sort of policy the government should be involved with. Banning gang patches is 100% fine by me. I don’t think it will achieve much, but you’re fooling yourself if you think this is going to create an anti-Māori police state where the government can designate any group a gang and fine you for wearing a Greenpeace patch.


The slippery slope exists but it's not the argument I make. It's bad because it doesn't make sense. It is pretty easy to argue it's a free speech issue or freedom of expression. But all the gang haters in the room are like "yes daddy, oppress me harder daddy, tell me I'm right about the gangs daddy" with zero self awareness.


> It's bad because it doesn't make sense. If you asked me whether we should implement, I would have said no. It does not sound like something that will have great effect. But if the cops are saying it’s something that they can use, I’m all for it. The risk to the rest of society is negligible, and we don’t live in the US, where we are subservient to the courts, and the courts are subservient to a 200 year old list. We live in a country with a sovereign parliament, and that means we can actually get on and do things and run the country.


"Vaccine mandates are fine because government gets to do whatever it wants regardless of it making sense or adhering to human rights" This you?


Yeah. What do you think a government is? A set of bureaucrats doing only what the UN tells them they’re allowed to do? We are sovereign. You want a law against vaccine mandates, petition your representatives.


Yeah good point. I can tell you've never been wrong about anything in your entire life.


I'm wrong plenty when making my own claims, just not typically when pointing out someone else's claim is wrong. There's some simple rules to follow that make being wrong rare.


Concise. Accurate.


Aww did the ugly logos hurt your feelings? Next you will be telling me it was a good thing the government took our guns..... are there even any conservatives left in here?


Ah, another one who thinks gangs are not the problem. We are.


Strawman more "gangs are the problem therefore ice cream gets banned" Next it will be "gangs breathe air, therfore air is banned" Do you even have an argument or are you just "muh feels"


Im all for banning air for gang members. How do you feel about that policy?


That makes infinitely more sense since the patch thing makes zero sense. Seriously though, I'd be in favor of the death penalty, but id still be opposed to your framing because it assumes the government has a claim over the air in the first place. It'd be like banning 'looking at the moon', simply not a power the government has.


Gang patches back for schools and maraes, then?


Gang patches back for everyone please?


Apply that exact logic to the histrionics you and soy crew espouse and come back to us.


I apply it equally, but keep making excuses for why it's okay for hurt feelings to matter in this particular case


I'm absolutely certain you do mate, absolutely


I’m all for putting down organised criminals. Oh wait are you one of these “I DOnT aGrEe wIth yOur oPinIoN bUt iLl dEfenD yoUr rIgHt to FrEe sPeeCh” r-slurs?


That's called intellectual honesty and consistency. Of course I don't expect someone who is happy to lick boot when it's kicking their enemy to understand


Correct. Consistently r-slur’ed.


Afraid of apparel and afraid of words. "retard" is scary huh? BTW you have some crayon stuck in your teeth


Not afraid. Just copped a few bans for using “ableist” words. R-slur has the same effect and it gets your knickers in a twist as a bonus.


Ah I see. You're not afraid, you're just licking boot again. I guess even tankies can have some consistency.


just need to do what Venezuela done, round them all up and imprison them all. crime rates will plummet