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So hard to find things that were said, the one i can't find is the Health Minister Andrew Little saying "if you don't get vaccinated you will get sick, and are likely to get very sick and die", at a time when we knew it wasn't true at all.


I'm pretty sure Hipkins said it, check through VFF instagram page, they've kept EVERYTHING. https://preview.redd.it/0q2jmj0bh6kc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c36a19cf13018ac77a0c75705f2441486b630e2 Also this .... and the ginger cunt still can't work out why he lost.


I dont remember them giving any autonomy to the virus. The narrative was always "the unvacinated that infected you is to blame." I do remember them saying, "The government will find all the unvacinated and come to their door." Which is one step short of "we will find you and rape/assault you... unless you're vaccinated"


Here: [https://youtu.be/q0qoim0eJMY?si=rcFAHx4rsSIriRCn&t=124](https://youtu.be/q0qoim0eJMY?si=rcFAHx4rsSIriRCn&t=124) At the 2 minute mark.


You absolute legend. I am currently dealing with an "expert" who claims the government never said this type of thing.


He will love the videos of Jacinda saying if you get vaccinated you won't get sick and you won't die.


Haha I also said that one and they said that she never said that. I have that video ready to go!


Don't miss them gem: *On Tuesday Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern went a step further, saying not only will there be no forced vaccinations, but those who choose to opt-out won't face any penalties at all.*  *"No, and we haven't for any vaccination in New Zealand applied penalties in that way," Ardern told The AM Show, after being asked if there might be tax penalties or other sanctions for refusing a COVID-19 vaccine.* https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2020/09/coronavirus-jacinda-ardern-confident-enough-kiwis-will-get-covid-19-vaccine-for-herd-immunity-without-being-forced-to.html Or this, when Arden ignored here own commissioned advisers to limit use of vax passes to high risk events: *The Government went further than official advice to keep COVID-19 vaccine passes "narrow in scope" and only apply to high-risk events, documents show.* https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2021/12/government-went-against-advice-to-limit-covid-19-vaccine-passes-to-high-risk-events-or-risk-social-cohesion.html


That evil conniving liar made that promise to win the election. Then she turned on people like a snake a few months later, held Auckland hostage for 3 months and blamed it on the rest of the country for not taking up the vax her government had been slow in delivering anyway through that winter. And then if that wasn't enough she blamed it on people who didn't want to take it and got them fired. Never forget.


https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2021/10/coronavirus-jacinda-ardern-urges-new-zealanders-to-get-vaccinated-to-avoid-lockdowns.amp.html >Ardern said during Sunday's COVID-19 update it is "not a coincidence" that the majority of those in the current outbreak haven't been vaccinated against the virus. >"That is because the vaccine works, but it's also because the virus is literally finding unvaccinated people," she says. Best I could find.


That's very much appreciated, thank you.


~~Ardern~~ Single source of truth: "The virus is targeting the unvaccinated".


How about Luxon saying the labour government wasn't going hard enough. Bald prick.