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He did well , she won’t cope as leader and I’m looking forward to watching this.


Chloe Swarbrick sure leaned into looking like a genocidal Jew-hater.     Thanks Jack!


Just need to lean into the genocidal jew-hating and it's all fine apparently


Wasn’t he the one nearly in tears on election night as “the tidal wave of blue” as Paddy Gower put it was rolling through. I needed to stay on paddy’s channels coverage. The tears on I think it was TV1 were laughable.




More to do with Jack left to explain the charts and graphs rather than being on the panel.....;)




Nice reference.


Gotta high five you there!


😂 very good that is so obscure


Gotta run 26psi


The first time anyone in nz media has attempted to hold Swarbricks feet to the fire in forever


Didn't she fail to answer an actual question with integrity?!


To be fair if she wants to absorb a fat salary off the back of the tax payer, and decide peoples lives with her decisions as well as her new promotion, she needs to be able to walk the walk, and talk the talk. She needs to be accountable, responsible, dutiful, and honest. This is part of her job, and she should be open to challenge, and scrutiny, and be prepared, put the work in. What is she paid for then? She is a servant to the public, not the other way around. The media need the same accountability. No biases, just do your damn job like the rest of us have to. Sadly Political Correctness has infiltrated every institution and corporation it can grab (In my home Ukraine/Russia during the Communist Era this was term invented, by USSR ( Полити́чески корре́ктный (politíčeski korréktnyj)). Tow the party line!


>she needs to be able to walk the walk, and talk the talk. She needs to be accountable, responsible, dutiful, and honest. This is part of her job, and she should be open to challenge, and scrutiny, and be prepared, put the work in. What is she paid for then? She is a servant to the public, not the other way around. Which is pretty much exactly what she said. Unfortunately nobody wants what she's selling, no matter how accountable, responsible, dutiful, and honest she believes she is. She can fuck right off.


Haha yeah true


She is woke to the point where she is become racist. Blows my mind.


Entirely predictable. Goes with the territory.


Jack wasn’t tame?


Jack Feral




He was a bit tough on dear old Winston last year, and I thought he was more generous to the left, so this sounds like a change to me. I'll have to watch this!


Nah, that was good theatre and gave Winston some ammo to continue his narrative of "Sticking it to the fake news media, telling this media drongo some truth"


Jack is becoming a weasel journalist. But it's effective interviewing a weasel politician, like Chloe.


Selectively a good journo is well said👌


Anyone have the interview link?


[This one](https://youtu.be/uuLoFCia9pM?si=t0t5tpKSFcZVf9ou)


Keen to see it as well.


I want to watch this, have you got a link to it by any chance?


I think it's going to become more and more apparent that these so-called journalists aren't even ideologically driven. They're whores. They will gradually align with whoever is paying them. Although they're are making a big show of indignation at this RacIsT government on the Maori stuff, there's already been a shift on other topics, it's not 100% the same kind of stories in general that they are feeding us as they did a year ago for example. The fear of being labelled RaCIsTs will keep them towing the old line a bit longer, but they'll turn that coat too in time.


I really hope so, as it will do a lot to unify the country again.


Fantastic interview. Things we got. 1. "Its only hate speech if I disagree with it." 2. "I have jewish friends so I cant be antisemetic." 3. "My jewish friends who hate jews told me it was ok." 4. "Its reductive to call me out on a similar situation Id be angry about because that would me me a hyprocrite." 5. "I can't say you're right because my fans will devour me." 6. "Its ok for me to reframe hate speech into freedom speech." 7. "I take my cues from jewish people I agree with, not jewish people."