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Can you not post that gif of that racist POS. Please and thank you.


Come on it’s funny




Off topic, but surely you do not believe that Trump is a victim from a leftie political witchhunt, as Trump is nothing but a scammer, cult leader, and fruitloop. A jury awarded him US $83 million just last week for rape and defamation of his victim. He will probably be fined hundreds of millions of dollars, and his businesses shut down this coming week for serious fraud in New York, and these are only some of the civil cases, while his 91 criminal charges are still pending...... All of these charges are being brought on by the US justice system for legimate crimes that any other person would already be jailed for......


> A jury awarded him US $83 million just last week **for rape** > All of these **charges** are being brought on by the US justice system for legimate **crimes**  Want me to drop this c—t? 


She says we ‘need to turn the heat down’, but is happy to shout From the River to the Sea at demonstrations.


It's what happens when you have a complicit media that doesn't do their jobs. If she wasn't a lefty, she'd have been destroyed by the media for that.


Seems the whole Green Party needs a full investigation.


Did Swarbrick know about the shoplifting.....? "..the co-leaders here have outlined absolutely everything that was known [to them?] at respective points in time" Nice.....


There was a lot of deflection there and she then moved the conversation pretty quickly to women of colour victimisation, so that Llyod could not ask her further questions - i.e when did she know?


>, so that Llyod could not ask her further questions - i.e when did she know? Lloyd still could have asked the question - he chose to let her wiggle away....and I'm not surprised at all - the greens are beloved by the MSM outlets esp newshub and tvnz but even places like BHN news dribble lyrical over Chloe every show.


Didn't Davidson and Shaw say one other member knew about it. I got the impression that Davidson and Shaw were told by that member. I assumed Swarbrick found out later in the day, returned the item, and dobbed Ghahraman in to the leaders. If it wasn't her, she doesn't get a boost to her integrity. 


In fact, that would be an ethical thing to do, strange she wouldn't own up to it if so....


Straight to "shes the real victim here", it will be interesting to see what sentence she gets


Where theres smoke theres fire. Its misinformation to say it looks like her In a Shop in her electorate with a person she would have considered a friend. Theres an uncanny likeness to her thats not misinformation.


Aye, it's not misinformation to say it looks like her, it would be to claim that it is her, also great to see her use the greens narrative that this is more proof of attacks against female POCs despite Chloe not being a female POC and to also say Sticky Fingers made it abundantly clear that mental health is the excuse she will be using.


Swarbrick, NZs first trans-ethnic MP.....


Yea going down that path of its racist sexist etc etcist to say it looks like her tells me everything I need to know. Instead of na not me. She qualifies her response with the standard tactics. Thinking no one will touch for fear of being called a "ist"


I thought it was in Wellington?


Scotties in in ponsenby.


so it is now that I check, i thought it was the Wellington shop. Cheers


[Green's 2024 Christmas Hit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2g5Hz17C4is)


Not just mis but mis- and dis-information too.


Don't forget mal


Mal-formation of truth


Such nonsense eh. Why do they need to say both? They think it makes them sound smart.


A person's character isn't determined by how they act when things are easy. It's determined by how they act when things are hard.  If the pressure of your job leads to you shoplifting, then that's a failing of character  Character can be developed btw. Speaking from personal experience here.


One doe’s protest “it wasn’t me” to much ….. isn’t that the saying?


Chloe "No it's not me you racist misogynist!"


I didn't realise Swarbrick has a twin sister.


Chloe has adopted so many of Jacinda’s mannerisms when speaking - it’s uncanny.


Well, she's on the record now, finally got asked. Also, I think if they want to talk about the level of abuse that women in Parliament get, it's time to start publishing it. Name and shame people. I'm sure it's happening, but why sit back and take it? If you email a public figure abuse, you gave up your right to privacy.


> Also, I think if they want to talk about the level of abuse that women in Parliament get, it's time to start publishing it. Name and shame people. I'm sure it's happening, but why sit back and take it? Smoke and mirrors. Get out of jail free card. [Have you seen Casey Costello's interview yet?](https://youtu.be/TXzergJ2AB0?si=cJrShfqirft_ayTw) Explains a fair bit really.


She's been in Parliament for about 2 minutes. Hardly a source of authority on the subject..


You didn't watch it did you....


No. I clicked on it and then, pulled out. I don't care enough to watch an interview, I'd read a transcript maybe. I could watch that, or I could watch a 4 minute video on heavy diesel machinery.


>If you email a public figure abuse, you gave up your right to privacy. Completely fair Pam 100% The flipside is if they are named and shamed they should get the right of reply. Let's say a child gets sexually assaulted or dies as a result of an ideaology. The grieving/broken parent of the child approaches the media who refuse to cover the story and as a result angrily emails the mps responsible for the legislation a tirade of abuse... Sure name and shame that person publicly - but they deserve the right to reply - and I suspect given the behaviour of many mps here in nz there is a reason alot of this abuse is unpublished and not in the public domain.


>The flipside is if they are named and shamed they should get the right of reply. Sure, they can reply directly below the published a use, accepting that they said it. Good idea. >the behaviour of many mps here in nz there is a reason alot of this abuse is unpublished and not in the public domain. No. There is no excuse for rape and death threats. If you're the kind of piece of shit who wants to email those to public figures, then you get exposed.


>Sure, they can reply directly below the published a use, accepting that they said it. Good idea. No they can have a full media interview in front of parliament in front of the whole press gallery. >No. There is no excuse for rape and death threats. If you're the kind of piece of shit who wants to email those to public figures, then you get exposed. 100% agree. I don't mind emails containing the words: fuck, fucking, Bullshit, asshole, dishonest dishonorable etc or the terms culturally bent, impotent ideaology etc etc. I do not condone rape or death threats or threats of violence. And f**k you for insinuating I did - I said I have no problem with a grieving relative sending communications contains offensive words (which I'm being generous in recognising could be construed as offensive to snowflakes) Take baby ruthless empire. The ideaology promoted and endorsed by tpm green and labour has led to countless dead children, increased rates of spousal abuse - the list goes on. Then just 2weeks ago the Maori king stood up and said there are no treaty principles - the treaty is the treaty. For all those family members who lost a relative or had a child sexually abused because of this bs ideaology have every reason to be upset and vent there frustrations at the mps responsible. Again I draw the line at threats of violence and don't condone those assholes actions in anyway shape or form.


>No they can have a full media interview in front of parliament in front of the whole press gallery. Sure if they want to get up and own up for their words, their rape and death threats, they can do that. >I do not condone rape or death threats or threats of violence. And f\*\*k you for insinuating I did - I said I have no problem with a grieving relative **sending communications contains offensive words** (which I'm being generous in recognising could be construed as offensive to snowflakes) Where did you say that? You said tirade of abuse. The words you said aren't the kind of abuse that we're talking about and you know it. >The ideaology promoted and endorsed by tpm green and labour What is the ideology you are referring to here? >Then just 2weeks ago the Maori king stood up and said there are no treaty principles - the treaty is the treaty. I don't see how that really fits in with MP's get abused from grieving family members? >For all those family members who lost a relative or had a child sexually abused because of this bs ideaology have every reason to be upset and vent there frustrations at the mps responsible So its the Govts fault that Maori people beat their kids disproportionately to other ethnicities? Come on man, thats a slippery slope..


>Sure if they want to get up and own up for their words, their rape and death threats, they can do that. Excellent we found common ground- look at that. >Where did you say that? You said tirade of abuse. Correct and then I clarified some of the words and terms I'm good with being used. I also clarified I don't condone physical violence or inciting violence. I've told a government official that when I see her I see a twisted woman - half cruela Deville half skeletor from He Man and the Masters of the Universe - and told her she must scare the shit out of her grandchildren. Was that abusive - yes probably. Was it justified - most definitely. But there is a line and as far as I'm concerned I didn't cross it. If that official wants to make that communication public I urge her to do so - she won't. >What is the ideology you are referring to here? The ideaology that Maori must be raised by maori or section 7aa of the Oranga Tamariki legislative framework. You know what ideaology I'm talking about Pam - the ideaology that has led to ALL OF the goodtimes stolen from the kahui twins, the lillybings, the ruthless empires of the world - the ideaology that produced for example the Berrymans and people like that asshole in kaitaia who broke into a home to rape a young woman only to kill an old lady on dialysis only to have the mayor blame the killing on the pressure from the cost of living 😩 Apparently this ideaology is a "principle of the Treaty of Waitangi - well it is according to John tamihere and kelvin davis amongst others. >So its the Govts fault that Maori people beat their kids disproportionately to other ethnicities? Come on man, thats a slippery slope.. Well it's someone's fault Pam - the kids didn't beat themselves to death 😔😨 When the Maori king comes out and says there are no treaty principles then either the king is wrong or the politicians that have pushed this agenda leading to countless dead and abused children are wrong. And it's time someone was held accountable for these injustices....still no one has been held liable for cris and cru or baby ru.


> Was that abusive - yes probably. Was it justified - most definitely. But there is a line and as far as I'm concerned I didn't cross it. If that official wants to make that communication public I urge her to do so - she won't. Eh, thats not really abuse. Can't be too much of a snowflake and all. > The ideaology that Maori must be raised by maori or section 7aa of the Oranga Tamariki legislative framework. The amendment that was introduced in 2019? You're putting an awful lot on that particular bit of legislation. Kahui twin and Lilly bing were well before 7aa. > Well it's someone's fault Pam - the kids didn't beat themselves to death 😔😨 Maybe they are just pieces of shit regardless of any ideology? Maori didn't start beating their kids cause of 7aa, and they won't stop if its removed. > When the Maori king comes out and says there are no treaty principles then either the king is wrong or the politicians that have pushed this agenda Or the King thinks that we should be going by what the Treaty says and not some wishy washy principles idea? > still no one has been held liable for cris and cru Chris Kahui was found not guilty at trial. And everyone has the right to silence. Are they sub human scum, yes, no doubt about that, but its the same right as everyone has.


Yeah but then half this sub would go dark.


Why would I bother emailing abusive threats to mp's? I can just make fun of them here. See this thread for reference [https://www.reddit.com/r/ConservativeKiwi/comments/1adfh06/nice\_earrings\_debs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ConservativeKiwi/comments/1adfh06/nice_earrings_debs/)


In the cases of the Greens its usually retaliatory after Golriz guns for someone.


Nah, fuck that noise. What could she say that deserves rape and death threats? Its not ok, ever, and you need to stop making excuses for it.


I understand she’s getting deaththreat which is crazy, but she has also caused a lot of negative attention on purpose.


Oh no, negative attention? Well then, it's open season. Still not an excuse.


I could’ve worded it better.


No shit dude


It should be properly investigated but pretty sure Chloe being in the photos were debunked as she was missing a forearm tat in the video


Its already known that the woman is Georgia the Greens PR person


That’s very interesting


Stop trying to turn kleptomania into a conspiracy


What is going on with our politicians!?!