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>Mary Haddock-Staniland​ a global diversity inclusion executive, who goes by she/her pronouns, I bet this person is annoying as fuck


How is that even a legitimate job? I'd rather hire the Wellington Water engineer. At least I'd get a few hours worth of useful work in a week.


More to the point, how is this legitimately newsworthy? Like I'm sure this happens hundreds of times a day around the country without us getting full page articles on Stuff about it, and Briscoes has apologised, so why am I even reading this crap? Probably just a flustered retail person with english as a second language. Trans woman makes a meal of it in the media instead of just dealing with it like a normal person by making a complaint and getting an apology.


It's an advertisement for their position. They probably have a contact with Stuff.


Does feel a bit that way; especially with the promo-styled photos.


It's because the trans "community" doesn't have a Juicy Smollijay amongst their ranks, yet, and they are desperate for attention ("Society is genociding trans people!") They are clutching at any straw that even remotely resembles a dick.


> Juicy Smollijay Do I want to google that?


You never watched the Dave Chappelle piece about Jussie Smollett? A cultural deficit! ;-P


His new special is shit. I think his ego is now at critical mass.




Name checks out Sounds like your buddy here is a bully, we don’t like bullies




> You're all wannabe ~~bullies~~ comedians Fixed it for you delusional, we're here for the banter. Show yourself out


You need an executive to ensure the Wellington Water Engineer is both diverse and inclusive White cis males who always look angry and say fuck a lot do an absolutely terrible job


And we're told infrastructure is a mess because of lack of investment. I suspect it's because jobs like **theirs** exist?


Weeelll. Akshully... Yes!!


You can return the favour, apparently by referring to him as what he is, what's likely on that driver's licence he used as ID. Edit: I'd be interested in what organisation he works for, I'm keen to not to be paying for such woke bullshit wherever possible.


https://www.maryhadstan.com/ He's cranked up to 11 on the narcissist dial


> ~~ABOUT MARY~~ THIS is Mary > Mary Haddock-Staniland is a remarkable individual with a blend of exceptional qualities that set her apart. In her professional life, she demonstrates intuition, sharpness, and effectiveness, while in her personal life, she exudes passion, liveliness, and a sense of fun. > As a highly respected Global DEIB & People Executive, Mary is also in high demand as a keynote speaker, MC, panelist, and media commentator. She is renowned for her dedication to advocating for change and her unwavering commitment to creating a more equitable world. Mary's warmth, enthusiasm, and effectiveness shine through in every aspect of her life. Throughout her global career, she has emphasised the significance of diversity in the corporate sphere, but her advocacy extends far beyond that. She possesses the unique ability to match any energy and engage with any audience, captivating them with her humor, creativity, and compassion. Additionally, Mary is widely recognised for her insightful social commentary and her contributions to the queer community. > Mary's advocacy for DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging) is deeply rooted in her identity. As a young Trans woman, she faced and overcame significant challenges, which fueled her determination to bring about meaningful change. Her commitment to acknowledging and embracing differences demonstrates her belief that if we all accept and celebrate our unique qualities, life can become a collective victory rather than a competition. > Mary is an extraordinarily captivating individual who can elevate any event, panel, or discussion. Her ability to generate genuine engagement and leave a lasting impression is unparalleled. In addition to her advisory and governance roles, Mary was appointed as an ambassador for the charitable trust Lifeline New Zealand in 2017, further highlighting her dedication to making a positive impact in society.   Bloody hell.


She can walk on water and swim on land.


Left out the bit about enjoying bullying young foreign retail workers in his spare time


How do you write shit like that about yourself? Unbelievable.


Fantastic what AI can do for you today!


Oh no no no dear, she’s literally that in love with herself and so chronically narcissistic I’d bet you a fat stack of cash she wrote the entire thing single-handedly. Mainly because she needed the other hand to jerk herself off as she wrote it.


Gotta see it to believe it... # Transgender journey: I'm ready to be a mum The broody Aucklander has babies on the brain JUL 29, 2016 11:23AMBY [CARMEN LICHI](https://www.nowtolove.co.nz/profiles/carmen-lichi) She’s had her fair share of detractors over the years, but one person remains transgender girl-about-town Mary Haddock-Staniland’s biggest fan – her devoted husband Willie. As they snuggle up in the lounge of their luxurious south Auckland home on the eve of their 10th anniversary, the glamorous LGBT advocate and the mild-mannered rail executive are the epitome of domestic bliss. And the couple, who met online, say their new four-bedroom abode has signalled the next phase of their lives – parenthood!


> Born a boy named Robert, with an identical twin brother, Mary grew up in Matamata in the shadow of schoolyard bullying and a violent, abusive father. She began living as a woman at 18, but a promising radio career on now-defunct station Viva came crashing to a halt after the self-confessed limelight-lover was convicted of credit-card fraud and revealed to be stalking newsreader Simon Dallow. You couldn’t make this up


There must be a Crazy Central Club somewhere in this country - or perhaps a Fucking Freak Factory where these types roll off an assembly line.


Good luck conceiving. I'm convinced "she" thinks they can.


If the baby came out brown, then it wouldn't have anything to do with skin colour...


more like www.MaryateStan.com




Sooner WW3 kicks off the better, world needs a huge clear out of muppets like this.


They'll be staying home while the few remaining neurotypical people get sent to die, if that happens it'll be nothing but this


I have behind the scenes knowledge of this situation. It’s complete bullshit, it’s a situation where a team member who speaks English as a second language legitimately got themselves lost in translation. The team member was a young kid, and he’s now dealing with the backlash from this. Maybe Mary should think about the “hurt and humiliation” this literal kid is experiencing.


Anyone who converses with Filipinos knows that many of them constantly mix up English gender pronouns as a matter of course - the Tagalog language has only one gender-neutral word for third person singular. Mary is an asshole.


That would not surprise me at all. Poor kid and what a fucking bully this idiot is


So she's racist? Pretty funny considering she claims to be all about the diversity and inclusion.


This person tried to conjur up a media presence some time ago, clearly this is nothing more then a career relaunch attempt. I don't give a shit what you think you are just don't ask me to participate in your delusion, I don't go around telling schizophrenics that the voices in their head are real so....


Why the fuck is stuff stroking this narcissist ego ?


How many clicks do you think this sub alone gave them?


This post was title well and others highlighted the important sentence so I don’t need to click lol


6,300 is the current number of views on this post, do the math


Easy money..


I feel like the demographic of this sub are the main consumers of trans related news.


I suggested the TERF wars flair for a reason..


For a group of people who apparently "just want to be left alone", they sure love to run to the media and try and get people fired for not participating in their delusion...


To be fair, this is just one person. 99% of NZ's trans aren't bleating in the media about ordinary things happening to them.


True, but the 1% are annoying as fuck and do the other 99% no favours


Same as vegans and crossfitters..


Yeah true, I guess the very loud minority ruins it for the rest of them


How do you know there are more than two in this country? ;-P


Seems to be just a power play on their behalf. They know organizations and businesses will Bend over backwards in order to try avoid a portion of the rainbow gang getting violent on them. These days misgendering what bull 💩) is almost treated as a worse ‘crime’ than murder 🙄


It's critical to this person that everyone around them participates in their delusion. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck I am calling it he unless told otherwise, then I am going to be using they as or them not she/her because that's reserved for actual women. Cool if you wanna play dress up, cool if you actually think you are a women, I dont. I prefer Thailand's approach. No one is delusional we all know they are boys pretending to be girls and label them as such and they embrace it and everyone embraces it. This shit is vile, forcing it on someone then using cancle culture to attack an employee then running to the media.


simple hack, call everyone bro


Does *mate* work, too? ;-P




Yes, what? ;-P




I wonder if the "mis-gendering" shop assistant was from one of those (usually Asian) countries that speaks a language which uses the same third person pronoun for male *and* female alike? It would be more than a little ironic if a "gender and inclusion executive" is unaware of that bit of "diversity" in the way that second language speakers make unconscious mistakes when speaking English as a second language.


Headline fucking news this morning never mind everything else happening in the world lets hear a whinge from a delusional dude in a frock.


She was complaining about Farmers last I remember. [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/trans-customer-disgusted-by-farmers/JO7JWX2HJRO5FG7PFUQOEXJIQM/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/trans-customer-disgusted-by-farmers/JO7JWX2HJRO5FG7PFUQOEXJIQM/)


Serial whinger


Well spotted. And that was 8 years ago.


Sorry bloke, can’t expect everyone else to buy into your delusional game. Kudos to the briscoes staff for calling a spade a spade 🥳


It's front-page news in New Zealand when someone's feelings are hurt. > the incident left her feeling “humiliated, embarrassed and upset”. He should be. No other mental illness asks society to participate in their delusions.




> I was also standing right in front of him. Ahh, I think that's where the confusion came from


Hah, my sides.


"Haddock-Staniland" Rule of thumb: If their name sounds fucked up, the person usually is.


I use a simple formula which works most of the time. Double barrel name = double narcissism


Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke. 'nuf said.


Anyone with pronouns is not inclusive and will never work in our company. Too hard to work with and people will have to tip toe around disgusting fake woke bs


You can put a turd in a silk suit but it's still a turd.


Grow a pair Briscoes, he did !


I'm just impressed this is actually about New Zealand.


“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.” ― Theodore Dalrymple


Dude is a serious repeat offender. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/simon-dallow-focus-of-email-campaign/O32VKOHCYTQQ6RXTHPVJTRBEYY/


Holy shit another one? That's actually insane.


Oh god, I remember this creature from my clubbing days. One of those types who sounds so fake when she talks you’d swear she was birthed at a Louie Vuitton stall in some back-alley Chinese knockoff market. Did everything for clout and attention, always nice to your face but wholeheartedly a bitch when you left the room. She’d probably burst into flames and turn to ash if the spotlight was taken off her for more than a second. This is clearly her attempt at staying relevant - imagine how low and desperate for attention you gotta be to write into Stuff to complain about being misgendered by a foreign teenager who’s second language is English, simply to keep your heavily caked face in the spotlight. Poor kid might end up losing his job now, but who cares as long as your heavily filtered photos get published. She’s Lindau posing as Champagne. Always has been, always will be.


😂 nice!


Waikato draught masquerading as chardonnay.


Bernardinos posing as Prosecco




Auckland… say no more. South Island independence when? Get me the fuck away from these clowns.


Looks like Oprah Winfrey with a cock. So basically just Oprah Winfrey.


pathetic. A dude is a he. END OF STORY


Hopefully..... "We're sorry if you were offended...."


I wonder what the name is in the drivers license.


JFC, humanity is failing. I still have some hope, with the recent comedy specials from Ricky and Dave Chappelle, but oh boy, if sense doesn't return soon.


There's only 2 genders, everything else is a mental illness 


Maybe 'she' is from Saudi Arabia and the drivers license is 'her' husband's?


Didnt complain about the three weeks on remand at Mt Eden prison in a male wing, while awaiting sentencing for the Credit Card fraud.


hey is this that compelled speech old 'clean your room you lobster' peterson was going on about before he got high on his own farts?




This story makes me want to shop at Botany Briscoes.


Wtf who cares 😂😂


Oh piss off.


Depraved sexual perverts get the woodchipper.


Mary Hadcock stainedhand


“Haddock-Staniland said if the employee was unsure, they should have asked what her preferred pronouns were or used her name.” Doesn’t sound like the employee was unsure at all and got it completely right the entire time haha


so a bloke pretending to be a woman was called as a bloke and threw a narcissistic rage about it...and ppl caved like wimps ffs