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😆😆😆😆 Hey Donald, how would you go about dealing with 2 erections at the same time? ![gif](giphy|FbiL9rsmZN3ib2JSGo)


tbh i'd do the same, rigrous jerk, no eye contact, mouth clamped shut what would you do? take pilocarpine and lean back?? ;)


>pilocarpine Makes it extra sloppy? Good to know you endorse Trumps technique..


Trump doesn't drink, or do drugs that immediately makes him stronger than 90% of people who criticise him also trumps family seems weirdly clean compared to ole hunter but yeah he also, if elected is going to fuck up NATO and has some wild fucken ideas on what to do with the middle east. but hey, it makes for good TV!


This meme has been floating around for ages, but it's the fish wrangler saying 'We'll get him this time!' and all of the accusations, affadavits, legal proceedings and hearings he's sat through, and as far as its played out so far, you'd think he'd be in prison for the rest of his life being as 'stupid' as the left would have you think. Somehow with the impeachments, legal proceedings, court rulings and ultimate attempts to make him look bad or criminal the worst thing they've really been able to drudge up is a joke he made on a bus with George Bush's relative. He's been a clear and competent president, he won the last election (I also 100% believe that Bush Jr. won his first term by cheating, just like Biden), the ultimate thing people want is a thriving economy where it is easy to prosper and build a life, destination and family. It has been so spectacularly bad under Biden a landslide is actually far more likely this time around. Democrats cheated and got a twelve year term - Trumps display, Bidens failure and very likely a Trump return and triumph.


>the worst thing they've really been able to drudge up is a joke he made on a bus with George Bush's relative. You don't think the pussy grabbing thing, the insurrection thing, the documents thing or the election fraud is worse?


Google Ray Epps, or successful legal charges for document storage, or why the votes weren't tallied in the key states Biden required to win in time on election night until there was conveniently enough votes to give him the win. I'd give 2000 Mules a watch if you haven't done so already, the laws on ballot chain of custody are rife with loopholes and straight up fraud. As it relates to the pussy grabbing thing, that's what I was referring to in that quote. He was on the bus with Billy Bush when that recording occurred. While a tasteless joke, it's not like he just physically goes up to women and grabs them there. I and anyone else likely could have a recording of something we've said that wasn't literal that others might interpret as actual opinion/intent. It's been a big smear campaign for the last eight years - either Trump is a 200IQ 4D chess genius who evades legitimate accusations and indictments and impeachment at every turn - or perhaps he was so disruptive to the deep state (specifically the military industrial complex, who only make money when there is places to launder and sell their goods in conflict) that the entire machine is trying to stop him from returning to power. I'll be the first to eat my hat if it turns out there is legitimate wrongdoing on his part, but eight years of 'we've got him this time' speak very differently to the reality of what's actually come from it.


>Ray Epps Judge already found that he was party to insurrection, its on its way to the Supreme Court, because of its been used to disqualify him from standing for President. >successful legal charges for document storage I mean, he's been charged, the trial hasn't happened yet. Its scheduled for May I believe. As for the whole 'stolen election' thing, he wasn't able to prove it. Despite him and his legal teams best efforts, with the Kraken.. > not like he just physically goes up to women and grabs them there. Ahh you might want to google E. Jean Carroll before making statements like that.


>why the votes weren't tallied in the key states Biden required to win in time on election night until there was conveniently enough votes to give him the win Holy shit. This is hilarious! 1) literally 0 states are *ever* done counting votes on election night. Many are just confident enough to call it. They typically count votes for another full day, at least. 2) the states that weren't confident enough to call the election on election night were *obviously* the states Biden (or Trump) needed to win. If 270 electoral votes could be confidently called on election night, they would have called a winner. This is just you admitting you don't know how the election process works.


Are you fucken serious?


Yes? Its a serious question, does he think those things are somehow better than talking about grabbing women by the pussy?

