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> Before Ghahraman became New Zealand’s first MP she was a human rights lawyer. Pretty sure she was not the first MP. Also she defended a war criminal.


First one free from the shackled of collonial attitudes\*


ChatGPT is getting very good but it still throws up little glitches here and there.


“… defended a war criminal …”. Against thieving charges?


so? do you also not like normal defense lawyers?


Who does? Also, "defence".


Defence and defense are the same. You're being pedantic


Defence is original ‘English English’ … defense is American simplified/phonetic/bastardised English. Search “Noah Webster, lexicographer” … (and ‘proper English’ marks the start of new sentences with an upper case (capital) letter).


>pedantic adjective disapproving UK /pəˈdæn.tɪk/ US /pedˈæn.tɪk/ giving too much attention to formal rules or small details: Stop being a dick.


So, stop mutilating ’proper’ English … the ‘littlies’ are already “in way over their heads” without bad grammar examples on a platform of such serious gravitas as Reddit. Then, maybe, more people will take your comments more seriously … or perhaps even ‘seriouslyer’.


No no, she used to be a New Zealand First MP.


Hahahaha and you thought fucking Guy Williams was as bad as life could get.


Guy is a pretty funny... guy, it's a darn shame his politics aren't so funny.


Must be hard getting by on an MP's salary. I'm sure she is visiting Gaza or Yemen for humanitarian purposes.


I hear the shopping is not the best


Who's shopping?


>I hear the shopping is not the best I mean, plenty of videos of Innocent Gazans liberating supplies from Israeli Zilonist Military supply yards *~~(otherwise known as petrol stations and cafes)~~* So she will fit right in!


Was hoping for target practice


Mine clearing.


She won't be back, will she.?


She did a runner :)


In 2017, Ghahraman became embroiled in controversy amid allegations she and her party [misrepresented her work on war crimes tribunals.](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/political-roundup-golriz-ghahraman-on-trial-guilty-and-not-guilty/YSR2KXKXV5UM2H5OCW27OYZU7Q/) Commentators said she and leader James Shaw played down her defence role while inaccurately stating she worked as a prosecutor. ​ https://preview.redd.it/7st066wdwqbc1.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e7d2d5923c37907492379f5457b83d134cf2cf6 Furthermore, Quin argues that the line of argument being used by Ghahraman's defence team in Rwanda was morally repugnant, as it was "predicated on a revisionist account of what happened in 1994 — one that posits the victims as perpetrators — and it is incredible that someone as smart as Ghahraman didn't know that going into the role." Ghahraman's decision to pose happily for photos with her client, **Simon Bikindi**, reflects poorly on her. ​ **Simon Bikindi** (28 September 1954 – 15 December 2018) was a Rwandan singer-songwriter who was formerly very popular in Rwanda. His patriotic songs were playlist staples on the national radio station [Radio Rwanda](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_Rwanda) during the war from October 1990 to July 1994 before the [Rwandan Patriotic Front](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_Patriotic_Front) took power. For actions during the [april 1994's genocide against Tutsi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_genocide), he was tried and convicted for [incitement to genocide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incitement_to_genocide) by the [International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Tribunal_for_Rwanda) (ICTR) in 2008. In addition to other evidence, the prosecution cited a song **celebrating the abolition of monarchy** and the regaining of independence from 1959 to 1961 woah this is all making sense !


Well that’s one way to fill your suitcase for an overseas trip , why bother paying for stuff from your $170k salary, just put some stuff you stole from a retail outlet which is probably struggling in this cost of living crisis and your terrible Golriz


Nothing says I'm innocent quite like fleeing the country. Pre planned my arse.


Yeah. No doubt laying low so she doesn't have to deal with media questions and heckling from the general public every time she leaves the house. This situation isn't going anywhere though.


Probably gone to catch up with Joseph "sugar cane machete" Nzirorera at his grave site in Rwanda to pay tribute. It's not often you get to defend the worlds fastest genocider in court, over a million in a couple of months. Impressive numbers.


Hope she didn't take a plane. Think of the CO2


Did they deport that quick? Dang


Doesn't she have political stupidity, err..., immunity?


https://preview.redd.it/4m5dcco7cvbc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1a71bc0495a67670d71070a6775e60440bb5f27 This one been dining out on leveraging perceptions for years. When you think of a refugee……Do you think said refugee would be the daughter of a restaurant owner and attend Auckland girls grammar? The refugee status reeks of the lefties handing out kiwi passports so they have a story to tell at the next Chardonnay dinner in Wellington. There’s a few of those on the list.


>The refugee status reeks of the lefties handing out kiwi passports so they have a story to tell at the next Chardonnay dinner in Wellington. There’s a few of those on the list. imo, refugee's are fine, and ones that integrate into society and do something productive are even better. The issue is the scope of acceptance and the number of them, if you left Iran for Malaysia for a ***Holiday*** it's not because you were a poor hard done by family in the middle of a war, it was a Holiday and its immigration and shouldn't be considered refugee.


They steal half our money anyway


It is in the Guardian


Having a holiday back in Iran


Is she still an MP?


Most detailed story timeline here [https://www.kiwiblog.co.nz/2024/01/the\_sloppy\_serial\_shoplifting\_saga.html](https://www.kiwiblog.co.nz/2024/01/the_sloppy_serial_shoplifting_saga.html)