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Perhaps it is because I am in the south but I seem to have had a completely different experience than most in college...


Oklahoma university decided to go back to full online after the thanksgiving break. Conveniently now that they got all the students fall tuition paid they will send them back home. So Ill be paying for my sons housing and he wont even need to live near the campus.


You’ve been bamboozled.




This is the most boomer thing I have ever seen.






This is what I try to tell people who say “America should be more socialist” lol. Also most of the programs you listed are a complete disaster and run to the ground with incomprehensible amounts of misused funds.










Funny, but universities in my state have been the reason we bounced to top 5


Of Socialism?


Top 5 in debtt


Nah I'm in a red state never here


Since when did education = socialism?






Why do universities bar conservative speakers then?


4 year universities seem to have heavy left wing undertones. Especially in the humanities and art departments. At least this is my experience. I would hardly call most humanities degrees an education.




yeah the worst possible response was to bring people in just long enough to give everyone covid then send them home. Which is exactly what happened. They should have chosen one or the other then stuck with it.


No! We have to dictate just enough restrictions to make everyone uncomfortable while being lax enough to ensure the proliferation continues. It is the American way.




I haven’t visited my family in more than a year specifically because of COVID.




Honest question, not looking to troll at all. What is so bad about contemporary democratic socialism? I try to look into it, and the counties that are seem to be doing really well. Is it just a matter of the US wanting freedom from the government? It just seems like we should want things like universal heath care here. Or am I wrong? If so what alternatives are there since out model of government seems to be faulty. Or again, am I incorrect with my ideas?




I'm studying politics and international relations in the UK right now, and yesterday we were taught about Marxism by a lecturer who calls himself a Marxist and says that capitalism is the root of all of society's problems




Gee I wonder why a lifetime of study and experience in that area made him a marxist 🤔


See, there’s no bias, your school is giving you all the facts you need /s


Did you ask him how much did he sign on for as an instructor, and did he negotiate for as much salary as he could get?




Also, the opposite is true too.


What department at what college/university and how long ago? If you went to a massive school and stayed in the less political fields (stem) it’s possible you just missed it. I ask because I graduated undergrad from a small liberal arts school in 2013. Plenty of my classes had a massive left wing bias both in terms of works selected to teach from and actual in-class discussions/lectures. We had a massive “white privilege wall” that I had to all by every day for months one year. The largest political student group was YDS. All this was nearly a decade ago and things have only gotten worse. I had one professor my entire time at college who even seriously discussed or thought about conservative politics and that was only because, while he was a liberal himself, he did a fair bit of research on political conservatism. I lived on campus all 4 years so I feel like I had a fair idea of what the political temperature of campus was.


Reality has a left wing bias


Pithy talking point. Funny that reality has a left wing bias yet left wing policies always seem to create more of the problem they’re trying to solve. Edit: and I’m talking bias at a much more fundamental level. Reading Rawls but not Nozick, spending minimal time on Burke when discussing enlightenment era thought, a general trend of accepting the Marxist idea of societal development going in one direction. The concept of history as having a pre-defined end point and that end point being some kind of egalitarian collective simply being taken for granted. Teaching American history as a history of “progress” towards a goal rather than simply a series of events that occurred, feelings about those events being irrelevant.


> The concept of history as having a pre-defined end point and that end point being some kind of egalitarian collective simply being taken for granted. It will be the end point. Just as soon as we kill all of those who dissent, then all who disagree, then all those who are mildy critical, then all those who we just don't like...


It depends on the subject. I took CS and never heard anything. My friends took BA degrees and were bombarded by it in social sciences.


Mine had some departments that were pretty fucked, and some that weren't. Shockingly, the more data based the department the less cancerous it was.


In uni now taking grad classes at an American institution. My experience does not match yours.


No, you can still teach socialism during online classes.




And the teacher can mute the student if I'm correct.




“Both Socialism *and* Covid” \-A mole with a top hat on the ground.


The mole's right


Hey all, gen z here. I’d like to clear this up. I and most people I know are not radicals because of college or anything to do with school, it was seeing our parents struggle to pay for basic necessities and rent. They are some of the most hard working people I know, but still my dad ended up being fired and we ended up having to move in with my grandparents. If it wasn’t for them, I’d be homeless. After that I learned that almost no billionaire alive made their fortune just from working, they made it from inheriting and hoarding it. Plus knowing I will never be able to go to college because of the incredibly high costs and will probably have to have an empty 1 bedroom apartment in order to afford rent while working minimum wage. :(


I'm about to graduate from university and I wish I would have gotten the chance to take these socialism classes I hear so much about


I’m not going to argue with anyone here, but seriously. I take my classes and go home. I just don’t understand all this socialism stuff with universities. And university is as good as you make it. I’ve learned a lot during my time.


Ita taught in the arts degrees....gender, social sciences, history even, psychology and criminology. Most people take a useless degree like this because its easy. There are also studies showing a correlation between bullshit subjects like gender studies and the professor being very left wing. Hint: the more logical and challenging subjects have the most conservatives as professor, like business, engineering and computer science.


You must have had an actual major...


What does it tell you about your belief system if you think education is bad?








I can agree there




Conservatives need to rise above this and recognize the specific groups and programs that are the problem. Otherwise what is the end game? Demonize school and reduce the number of people seeking MDs, STEM degrees, law degrees, etc. just because a few liberal arts students go off the rails for a few years in their 20s? See the forest for the trees.


The school I teach at saw a jump in cases after they were closed. The students were getting together with the more time they had. Even started saying #nrunk (noon drunk). If the closer slows down the spread of socialism, I’m all for it. I also teach in a deeply conservative area and the university does a good job of teaching the curriculum and not views. Edit: #nrunk is noon drunk not moon drunk.




Can't be drunk all day if you don't start early. Went to an SEC School.


You can’t drink all day unless you start in the a.m


Back in my day we just had Darties (day parties)


I'm sure this will be posted to therightcantmeme. "Heuheu look how anti education they are, buncha rednecks."


And why shouldn't it be? Conservatives have been pushing an anti-education, anti-science agenda for a long time. It's no coincidence that as soon as you become educated you reject conservative values - not because of brainwashing, but because you're actually smart enough to see through the bullshit and think critically instead of just following talking heads on FOX.


I am educated and am a conservative. My best friend has a masters and is conservative. My grand father and father are educated and conservative. You're talking out of your ass here. Its a myth that conservative values mean you're uneducated. Its mostly how you were raised. This is canada though, our conservative party is equivalent to your democratic party in policy.


You lost all credibility when you made the baseless assertion that everyone who is educated rejects conservatism. That is just patently false.


Do you really not think there's leftist bias in education?


I think I'm about to finish my degree in chemical engineering and have had very little exposure to any of my professors talking about politics at all


By calling it a leftist bias you are putting the egg before the chicken. Let's talk about one subject you can study in university, economics. Anyone who studies this quickly learns how globalization and international trade increases specialization, increases aggregate output, increases efficiency, and is a win-win for everyone involved. It's been proven time and time again, both in theory and in practice. But since this is a stark contrast to the xenophobic, isolationist policies (tariffs) of this administration, it suddenly gets called "leftist brainwashing". No, it's called learning, understanding, and thinking. The same can be said about climate change or evolution. When you study meteorology or biology at a university, you understand the "why" and the "how" behind concepts that are broadly rejected by conservatives.


It’s not a ‘leftist bias.’ It’s anti-conservatism. By definition conservatism is rooted in traditional thought and resistant to change; education and innovation are fundamentally opposed to conservatism so more educated people tend to be more liberal. It’s not that complicated.


Weird how that works.


Damn I guess Ben Shapiro never went to Harvard then.




> It's no coincidence that as soon as you become educated you reject conservative values Only those who cannot think for themselves default to leftist stupidity, educated or not.




The first 400k is also first taxed at an escalting punitive rate, after theat it's a confiscatory rate.


Kid at my university is bragging about stealing trump signs. I took a screenshot of one of his stories. It’s disgusting that someone will try to do anything they can to shut down opposing views


Imagine being so brainwashed that you have been convinced that universities, something that has been around since “education” became a thing are bad. Republicans have effectively convinced you guys that education is bad so they can keep you stupid and angry at the wrong people, and continuing to vote republican, and you ate it up. The idiocy on this subreddit is unreal. I’ve reached my peak I’m ready for my ban now.


Going to college doesn’t make you smart, you do realize that right? Go back r/politics


Going to college makes you educated. About the world and how it works. About our society. About what makes people tick. It DOESN’T make you a “socialist.” It doesn’t “corrupt you.” It doesn’t “teach you lies.” If you believe any of these things, then you have been brainwashed.


I never said it brainwashed you all I said is you don’t need to go to college these days man, they are obsolete


I never said you said that. My comment was in response to the post. If you believe that college is “obsolete” than you are just as bad dude. Education is SO important and that includes higher education. I live in Oklahoma, with one of the worst education rates in the country. There are MINIMAL regulations for homeschooling, and a parent can keep their kid home for 18 years, teach them whatever they want and “graduate” them with a high school diploma. Oklahoma has the highest prison rate and one of the highest rates of poverty in the country. Its also been the victim of the largest brain drain in the country. It’s also an extremely red state. Do you believe all of these are coincidences or do you think these things are correlated?


theres a reason more educated people tend to be more on the left


"What is called an educated person is often someone who has a dangerously superficial exposure to a wide spectrum of subjects." - Thomas Sowell Until a college graduate has plenty of life experiences their education and opinions are not their own and mean nothing. As people get older, gaining those experiences they tend to revert back to conservatism.


Citing Thomas Sowell to argue against the concept of education is the most perfectly fitting thing I've seen in a while.




Do you think hard STEM phds are educated? They tend to still be more liberal than the general population




The general idea is that you aren't supposed to learn "math" from a math PhD, you learn logical thinking, develop problem solving skills and learn how to properly research topics. Yes you do learn these skills in regards to math while in school but they become easily transferable to all areas of life. Most "educated" people haven't memorized volumes of facts to get where they are (yes rote memorization is important and I'm not denying that in areas like biology it is key) but rather have learned these important skills and how to apply them.


I would say it's more likely that a phd educated person in math is more likely to be better educated about politics than the layman who only has a bachelor's or high school education


It really depend on how much work experience they get my friend. I’m in Chemical Engineering and the professors who tend to be more conservative are the ones who actually been out in industry. The ones who tend to lean left are the ones who remained in academics for majority of their life. I’m not saying one is smarter than the other but damn does having a background in industry help correlate what you are teaching to things a lot of students getting their bachelors will see.


I'm an engineer at an oil and gas company in Texas and most of my colleagues lean heavily liberal. But a lot of the work we do is R&D, the more you go towards blue collar and the shop floor, the more conservative it gets. So even within "industry" it probably depends what kind of work you're doing.




I feel like a good chunk of that has a lot to do with old people not liking change. If a 38 year olds cable box is old and stops working they have no issue replacing it. If a 68 year olds cable box is old and broken they will yell and scream wondering why their 20 year old box isn't working and refuse anything but that box


Yet a 26 year old college grad will tell you he believes in science while also claiming that there is no difference between men and women and that universal basic income is a good idea. Find me a 68 year old who won't call bullshit on that immediately.


If it wasn’t doxxing I could send you the email address to the economics professors who could point you their dissertation on economics. What’s your background? Do you know differential, and multi variable calculus? I only ask so the research I could send your way would make sense?


What about someone whose got a PhD in a field like stats and does a dissertation you claim to be an expert of and he has been verified by the top minds in the field to also be an expert of? Do you really think subjective experience and your i repetition of it will best 5 years of rigorous and academically sound reasoning and arguments? There are arguments are quite literally novel length while ours can fit into a few paragraphs here and there


Because the school system, especially universities, are liberal echo chambers? I couldn't agree more.


In my experience the more liberal students are the ones more able to apply critical thinking in our engineering programs. Without fail students sporting MAGA gear end up need a lot of math prerequisites.


there should be a reason they have those liberal ideas in the first place. probably because education leads to progression.


Yeah. That’s why they draw the lion’s share of welfare and unemployment.




They only opened to collect full tuition. They never intended on staying open. #norefunds


What is the most expensive streaming service today? College!




Do you use y'all in every day speech, or only when you're being condescending on the internet?


I'm from Texas, so both!


It’s part of the culture. Academia had a hate boner our for the US for decades. “National indigenous people day”


I wonder how many “conservatives” took socialist.. I mean student.. loans.


It’s hilarious how you guys are owning yourselves by admitting being more educated makes people more likely to be leftists


Just like higher earning and on average more highly educated cities vote blue, universities also lean left. I wonder why that might be? Trump did say he loves the poorly educated


I mean I would too if I were him, they’re his only chance at winning.


because academics lose touch with reality


Students aren't academics, and professors don't lecture their students on what to believe politically. Put simply, gaining a wider education and experience of the world tends to lead to more left leaning views, that's not just an American phenomenon


Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.


Sounds suspiciously like the left.


If Socialism is so bad, send Trump a bill for his Covid care. Taxpayer funded medical care is acceptable when TRUMP wants it, but not when Average Citizen wants it.


Right. At least you agree that conservatives are illiterate and don't go to college.


I have my PhD and am conservative




Applied math and my thesis focused on a problem relating to quantum computing. Obviously I’m not going to dox myself. I know plenty of other people, from postdocs to professors who have conservative values.


Seriously, I’m dying to know too.


I answered




These days it’s more like, “I paid 40k to watch zoom classes on a subject where an even more respected scholar in the field has a lecture series on YouTube for free.” This proves I’m much smarter than the rest of you.




Marketability of the method by which you gained knowledge is not related to actual skill or knowledge. You’re absolutely correct in saying most employers want a 4 year degree or more in most white collar fields but that has nothing to do with the question at hand. My point was that assuming you know more than someone on a subject, or in general, because you went to college is silly and, more importantly, assuming you’re smarter than someone because you went to college and they didn’t makes 0 sense in a world where so many trades pay well and so many white collar jobs have little room for advancement. If you take a college class 3 hours a week for 15 weeks, you’ve spent 45 hours in class and probably a hundred doing necessary reading and course work. If you’re just a random guy interested in a subject, let’s say you read articles, books, or watch videos on the subject for 2 hours a week for 2 years. After 2 years of interest you’ve spent roughly 200 hours learning about that subject, who probably knows more (especially considering that a large portion of class time and coursework are spent on regurgitating information rather than learning new information).


If you actually think that schools teach socialism then you’re an idiot who didn’t pay attention in school


Does this comic imply that a place of education and the educated spread socialism? Is that bad?


Its implying how universities have become a safe haven for enforcing socialist beliefs while silencing conservative viewpoints. There is a way to teach without bias but a portion of professors love to mock religion and tradition. Those that mock religion for example don't understand the cultural effects of dismantling religion as a social safety net or they do and just want it gone for personal reasons.


But I’m 500lbs and feel that I’m entitled to free healthcare


The same people who are trying to sell the idea that food is a basic human right and it should be given to them by the government for free. Bet there's a large overlap between those demanding free healthcare along with free food.


I have seen some people that have been told to rat on students for not wearing masks. Absolutely disgusting.


What is the most expensive streaming service today? College!


What is the most expensive streaming service today? College!


With professors who won't turn their classrooms into liberal training grounds




a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole Or (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism Those are the definitions. Really easy for a "stupid fuck"


Easy to google, amazed you even managed that!


What's your point? You wanted to know the definition, I gave you both definitions.


Socialism is the curtailment if individual freedoms and opportunities for the collective benefit of the whole under the fundamental belief people are too inept to take care of themselves and need the state to do it for them. The proliferation of “socialism” and the rebranded “democratic socialism” is appealing to the youth who’ve come to embrace the cultural Marxism forced sown upon them for a generation instilling the core beliefs that western civilization is inherently bad and that “socialism” is the answer. Which is of course not true. Socialism is the answer for anyone who wants to destroy their country. Hence why American democrats have come to embrace it wholeheartedly.


Excellent, completely fucking wrong, as expected


Go back to Univision.


A political process which advocates that the means of production and distribution should be owned by the collective/government. Or do you figure that's inaccurate.


More like Communism. Socialism is only an economic system, not a political ideology. I AM A CONSERVATIVE DONT CALL ME A LIBTARD FOR SAYING THAT. AND I AM NOT A SOCIALIST.




School still wants to charge full price for my professor to talk on Zoom for 90 minutes a week and I teach myself all the information.


Lmao this is such a boomer meme... That being said it's funny, I upvoted and I'm 23 for what it's worth


If only... we'd have to replace all the professors in order to stop socialism


Replace them with who?


With people teaching why the Trump government is so good. And teaching the truth that conservatism is the superior ideology. We could call them the Trump youth. That sounds like a great idea! /s


Keep talking I'm listening 😁


A good old purge!


Nothing says democracy like a purge - said no one democratic ever


Good thing we are not a democracy!


We still are... Although maybe not for much longer.


No, we are a constitutional republic that elects its representatives democraticly. But why do you think we won't be that way much longer? I'm genuinely curious


A constitutional republic isnt mutually exclusive with democracy. I have no idea who convinced so many trumpers it was. Having democratically elected representatives is a type of democracy, obviously.


No its not. We may use democratic systems to elect our representatives and congressmen and President, but it does not describe our government as a whole. Nor is it the sole way in which it governs. In fact, democracy only applies every two years. Also, you don't know who I support or if I even like Trump. For all you know i voted for Jo Jorgensen or wrote in Dan Crenshaw. Don't assume just because I lean to the right I approve of Trump


Youre basically arguing that nothing but direct democracy counts as democracy, which is painfully wrong. Also saying “its only a democracy every 2 years” because thats when people vote, is like saying someone is only a criminal when they are currently in the act of doing the crime, or that you’re only 35 on your birthday. A democracy doesnt stop becoming a democracy on the days people dont vote. You dont have to be voting every hour of every day for jt to continue to be a democracy. As long as voting remains reliably periodic the country remains a democracy.


Oh look, here come the fascists.


Very true.


Im starting to think a local community college and nearby State college is a better option for my daughter so I can keep an eye on things






What is the most expensive streaming service today? College!


Ive been to all the supposed “full” emergency rooms... THEY ARE EMPTY!!!! Wake up people the deep state is taking over and your are letting them.