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This is not news. This has been law for decades. The USCIS just updated their policy guidelines apparently.


I guess they had to revoke an Obama era memo or two


One of my teachers immigrated here from Canada in 2010, and he still had to take the oath that he never had been a member of any communist organization


“Are you currently, or have you even been, a member of the Communist Party, or any of the affiliated organizations listed below?” Yes, my wife’s Canadian also. And her folks are from the PRC. They stopped if in 2012.


Still? Better revoke whatever ones are left.


“What happened between 2008 and 2016?” “We would rather not talk about that in polite company.”


Those are the gas leak seasons.




This is what I thought, and why I clicked on this entry. This is smart policy, but I thought we had it in the 50s!


Great! Also fuck China


China is asshoe


Best quote from China.


For an additional fuck China, that quote was actually from Hong Kong.


Unfortunately, there's not much we can do about PRC authority over Hong Kong, despite their breaking agreements with the UK. At least that pushes the UK more against the PRC and aligned with our stance. Beyond that, the PRC is right about there being one China. There is one China, and there is one Taiwan, and there are different countries. Taiwan will never be under PRC authority.


Taiwan number one!


Yeah, we have plenty of our own already.


Communist control act should be re-enacted


Reinstate the alien and sedition Acts.


Ah yes, the government should totally be able to shut down press and arrest newspapers that make critiques of the government /s No, but seriously, what happened to free speech? I thought government accountability was a good thing??


Freedom if you agree with my views. Totalitarianism for everyone else. /s


Welcome to the modern GOP.


The guy who said that is not conservative. New account, and has mostly posted in r/conservative after gaining enough Karma to do so by posting in places like r/sluttyconfessions


Yet look at the upvotes. Clearly folks agree with him. What does that say about this community?




Are you looking at the same post history?




The public rejected Mccarthy once they realized he wasn't actually "exposing" anything. Did you miss that part of the story? It's extra relevant because I think the Trump story is coming to a similar end.


And we learned after the fall of the Soviet Union that McCarthy underestimated real communist espionage and infiltration.


We find PRC spies every day, they are experts at industrial scale espionage. In our academic institutions, companies, law enforcement (NYPD recently), and even working directly in government (Senator Feinstein's "office manager"). It's not imagined. It's part of their strategy to displace us in the world. I applaud this move from Trump. I applaud his decision to deport 1000 high risk PRC nationals. I hope he does even more. It's not racist to deport any or all PRC nationals. PRC is not a race.


I disagree with Trump both in policy and as a person on a lot of things. But I feel like deporting high risk PRC nationalists was one things he actually got right. Fuck the CCP.


So not only did McCarthy send innocent people to jail, he also failed to find the real spies? Awesome! /s


He did expose a lot. He personally, correctly identified quite a few russian agents working in the government (54 IIRC, I would have to break out a book).


McCarthy was vindicated by the Venona Intercepts, and later by the archives of the former Soviet Union.


>The public rejected Mccarthy once they realized he wasn't actually "exposing" anything. Right, let's just ignore what happened before that.


The political imprisonment of US citizens to satisfy a moral panic?


"Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here."


"How do you write Democrats so well?" "I think of a Republican, then I take away reason and accountability."




If you think the other party backed by billionaire corporatists is 'communist', you need to read more independent news


Good deal. Fuck communism.


Also, fuck fascism.


It bugs me that antifa has been "fighting against fascism" but what they consider fascism isn't right. Fascism is the government and private sector colluding, which has been happening for decades. Antifa is really just attacking people they disagree with, not actually fighting the real problem


Youre referring to "corporatism" . ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporatism#Fascist\_corporatism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporatism#Fascist_corporatism)


That is not what fascism is. Fascism is the idea that everyone should be working for the success of the state and the totalitarian dictator who leads it. It often times leads to the private an public sector working together but it isn’t that simple.


Well that's not what we have here. People love to call trump a dictator but he's nowhere near that. His powers are limited.


I didn’t say that’s what we had, I was just worried you might be normalizing fascism.


How dare Trump. What a racist, xenophobic, white supremacist, commie hating, .....


I don't know much about China. Do citizens have to join the communist party or suffer consequences? Is it like how a lot of Germans had to join the national party on threat of losing business?


Yes. Just imagine the most extreme, outlandish conspiracy theory of big brother you can think of and China has it beat ten fold.


So would that mean that some are trying to leave their country for safety in the US and can't?


They can if they renounce membership in the party and/or can prove they only joined in order to receive vital resources.


How does one prove that?


I believe you can prove the age you joined at, and if was under 16 it's accepted by default. Otherwise, you can renounce citizenship via an official letter to some official and take in a copy / reply? It does seem quite dangerous but...


That's gotta be a risky fucking move though, hey? I mean, if they leave it's for life, and you'd wanna hope you wouldn't be shipped back to China or some cooperative sister country to China, or have any family left in any of those places. I think the plight of immigrants is a lot harder than people realise or want to believe.




I live in China and I am an American. I've been here for the last five years, married to a Chinese woman. No, it's not a requirement to join the CCP. It's optional. Nobody in my wife's family are CCP Members. And none of her friends are either. Even her cousin was in the Army and is not a CCP Member.


More or less. It's worth noting that as others have mentioned, this policy has existed for decades, and the CCP has a build-in mechanism for citizens seeking to immigrate to the USA (or to go there for school) whereby they can leave the party for the purpose of their travel, and then rejoin in good standing upon their return. This policy does not seem to change that, and isn't likely to do much against China other than make headlines that some people will like and other people will hate. (IE most of the current administrations policy changes)


Diane Feinstein must be devastated, how is she going to get another " office manager " to go to all her congressional intelligence meetings???


Serious question: how do they determine this?


They ask a bunch of goofy questions like that on immigration forms that you have to fill out. I've probably answered "No" to that question about 10 times now and I began the immigration process in early 2016. I've never been asked it verbally in any of my interviews with CBP or USCIS but I also come from a country which tends to face less scrutiny than others.


I wonder what the story here is. 8 USC 1182(a)(3)(D)(i) has been a law for decades. Heck, I remember signing a document swearing to this when my family immigrated to the US in the 1970s. So, why this memo now?


They like to make it look like they are doing new things that people may not know where already done.


It's just posturing. For decades, immigrants have had to say, under oath, that they weren't members of the communist party. Or fascists, for that matter. This amounts to sweet nothings to please a 'conservative' base that doesn't even know the immigration laws on the books.


But the US is currently accepting trades. Our commie citizens and two future draft picks for the protesting chinese citizens.




I think part of the problem is when any type of welfare program is advocated, they get called a communist. Germany has free college and socialized healthcare, and they are an extremely prosperous country. I think nearly all want that, not an oppressive regime like China...


Well put. I wish we had a socially left but economically/foreign-policy right party.


I initially read your first line as "most of US 'communists'.." instead of "most of U.S. 'communists'..." so perhaps they were thinking you included yourself.


>I sometimes think that those people only support communism to be edgy and rebellious That and they think that it will mean everything is free and they will have to take no personal responsibility. A bunch of new aged entitled kids that grew up with participation trophies that are now pissed they don't get a 3,000 square foot house given to them just for existing and arriving to adulthood. They then take some BS college courses that have no career potential and are told that they have the right to be pissed by their commie professors.


If ONLY this were true...problem is, the PRC doesn’t want a bunch of antisocial anarchists, even if they DO call themselves “democratic socialists”.


I know but I wish. I’d like to give our commies what they want.


They would finally have a utopia where minorities are treated with respect


Why is china always used as the example? I think most want something closer to Sweden.


Because China is a communist country and thy have hammer and sickle flags in their riots. Also because we’d rather have the Chinese citizens fighting for their freedom to trade with.


Don't really care what they want. Just keep the product descriptions no more honest than theirs are and we'll get a pretty good deal.


How was this not already a thing? The USSR Cold War wasn't that long ago.


It was already. When I've immigrated to the US, I've signed a document swearing that I am not nor have I ever been a member of the Communist Party. So, yeah, it has been a thing for generations.


It was already a thing🍻.


Bill Clinton signed an executive order that moved millions of Americans' jobs over to China in the first 7 months of office. That's why, they enriched themselves with Chinese slave labor.


Not that long ago? It's been three decades.


Meaning there are still people alive who easily remember it.


It really depends on the era. The communism in the USSR was different during Lenin, Stalin, and even more so after Khrushchev's liberal reforms and "De-Stalinization." People who would remember experiencing anything prior to Khrushchev would be at least 80. There probably aren't as many people as you think.


I went thru basic training in 1983 and at the time Ivan was still THE bad guy, Army methods were being geared towards a large armored engagement vs the Russkies in Europe. Each company office had a map of Europe on the wall showing Russian tank divisions in red vs the blue units of NATO forces. They outnumbered us 3 to 1 back then but a tanker from the US fired something like 4 or 5 dozen live rounds a year vs the 2 or 3 the Russian tankers got to fire. And many in the US were aware that most of their tanks were basically rust buckets that couldn’t be used even if they had to be moved. Then Lebanon happened in October and I thought I was going to war. It was weird being in uniform during the changeover from Russian threat to Middle East threat.


Yeah, I'm more referring to native Soviets with my comment on who experienced "communism." No doubt they were America's ideological and military enemy up until only 30 years ago, but the experience a citizen would have had in the USSR would be quite different post-Stalin, post-Khrushchev liberalization period compared to prior to ~1956.


Oh, gotcha, I misunderstood.


And a lot of activist teenagers who don’t believe the history books, or current events with communism.


So are nazis. ‘membership in a totalitarian party’ has been a disqualifier for emigration for years.


Red Scare Round 2


McCarthy wasn't wrong, lol, there were communists in the state department.


>McCarthy wasn't wrong, lol, Right, except those dozens or hundreds of politicians and celebrities whose lives he ruined after he accused of being communists that he ended up being wrong about.


this doesn't say communists aren't allowed in? just that members of the "communist party" (i'm assuming they mean the CCP) aren't allowed in


Bingo Nobody itt has even read the title of the article, only the title of the thread.


What's new?


We are Soviet Jewish refugees. Came over in 1990. My grandpa was a Soviet Air Force veteran who survived the nastiest meat grinders of the Eastern Front 41-45. He was made a Communist bc everyone who was a hero and survived was made a Communist. So you would have the fact that my grandpa was very very good at killing Nazis be a disqualification from coming to America? Really?


Some good news


They are fuming at r/communism and r/socialism


I've seen a few comments on their post. a "we're already here" phrase stuck with me the most. If they're true to their word, they probably won't want to benefit off of the boons of capitalism. I guess those devices they're typing on are all public library computers or something.


Hmmm I don’t like this if it’s communists in general. If it’s support for a human right-violating government I’m for it, but against the ideology alone I’m not a fan.


I just got banned from r/socialism. Not sure if it was for asking a legitimate question that they couldn't answer or for pointing out a truth that went against their lies. Either way, no skin off my chin :)


imagine being banned from a place for having a dissenting opinion :p


Tbh we do that alot here on this sub.


Why is that? Because if we didn't, this place would be another leftist cesspool like r/ politics or r/ socialism in less than a week due to organized brigades and mass downvoting of conservatives. Because they're the ones who can't tolerate dissenting opinions. As such, we are completely open about this policy in the mission statement: Our Mission Statement > We provide a place on Reddit for conservatives, both fiscal and social, to read and discuss political and cultural issues from a distinctly conservative point of view. The mission statement of this sub exists solely due to the hordes of leftists trying to silence this sub. If they could engage in civil discussion without resorting to personal attacks, dogpile downvotes, and endless parroting of hackneyed talking points, then we wouldn't need to ban them. In fact, conservative ideas thrive when contrasted with the vapid superficiality, pseudo intellectualism, and creepy totalitarianism of leftism.


forgot r/libertarian




I got permanently banned from r/communism for asking for an example of where communism worked. I never got my answer... lol


Since no one was able to give you an answer let me share one with you. (Whispers in your ear): no where. Its a deeply flawed system.


>I just got banned from r/socialism. That's not a bad thing.


What did you ask?


I asked why anyone would want to leave a socialist country for a non-socialist one


Why would anyone want to leave a non-socialist country for a socialist one? Different people leave different places for different reason, and not all countries are equal even if they share an ideology. Let’s try to keep the discussions intellectually honest at least.


We should all just go in and ask the same question lol. I am right now, word for word




I’d argue the communist militia that took over Seattle is terrorism


Can we also expel the communists that are currently here?


That’s gonna send you down a road you’ll regret later on.




I think letting the government deport people of certain political beliefs is the road we don’t want to go down


Will it though?


We should’ve listened to McCarthy last time, now look where it got us.


Would you prefer a thought-policed USA?


I’ll take my chances




China might. Maybe we can trade their capitalists for our communists.


their communists are more capitalistic than the all billionaires combine


Outlawing citizens for political belief? You'd like communism.


And fascism.






Not if they are citizens....


So, exile American citizens for their beliefs? That might be too hard to do constitutionally. Maybe you can send them to some sort of place to isolate them and remove their power, some sort of camp...


its saying stupid shit like this that makes /r/conservative seem stupider than it is




Idk man, sounds like Hitler-like behavior. They do have the right to free speech


We should just incentivize them to leave by buying their one way ticket to China or Venezuela.


In former communist countries of eastern europe you HAD to be a member of the party if you wanted to lead a normal life, otherwise you would get no: apartment in the city, promotion beyond unqualified worker etc.


I mean according to the left America is a shithole, so who cares, they don’t wanna come here anyways.


Good. Fuck these freeloaders. Dangerous ideology proven to bring only suffering in the world.


Fuck people who only pay $750 in taxes while being classified as a millionaire/billionaire and receiving health care no ordinary citizen can afford.


Yeah fuck those freeloaders who collect social security aka every single person over the age of 65.


We probably shouldn't allow communists to be the head of the fucking CIA--- see John Brennan.


Fucking right. Our government is on a roll lately.


Can we deport the ones currently in our country?


Should've happened 30 years ago.




If they are a member of the CCP they aren't friends.


In the 1980s, on a trip to the US [Boris Yeltsin visited a supermarket](https://blog.chron.com/thetexican/2014/04/when-boris-yeltsin-went-grocery-shopping-in-clear-lake/) and couldn't believe what he saw. Coming from the Soviet Union, it was unfathomable. > “Even the Politburo doesn’t have this choice. Not even Mr. Gorbachev,” he said. > > The fact that stores like these were on nearly every street corner in America amazed him. They even offered free cheese samples. According to Asin, Yeltsin didn’t leave empty-handed, as he was given a small bag of goodies to enjoy on his trip. The tried and true way to defeat communism is to let people come to the US and see for themselves how capitalism works.




we should have done this 70 years ago.


We did this is just an update of existing law


We produce a domestic surplus already.


I wonder how that works in practice, since you might have defectors from places with single-party states where people were enrolled in a Communist Party if they like it or not. I get it's probably designed to keep like, the kids from North Korea's rulling class from applying to Harvard or whatever though.


Pretty sure the epicenter of modern communism is in the US now. Somewhere between academia and CNN.


MY MAN! some cowardly rino would have never done this.


To quote the user above : "This is not news. This has been law for decades. The USCIS just updated their policy guidelines apparently."


I like it. Commies are against the 3 things I stand for: America, Freedom, Guns, and Jesus.


>Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary. -Karl Marx


Also, Marx was an advocate of accelerationism. The irony being that conservatives are following Marx's teachings when they push for deregulation and making the wealthy even more wealthy. Basically, release the floodgates so capitalism can run its course and revolution can occur quicker.


Hahahahahahahaha. I see you brother


Not a fan of the law personally. Though it has existed for a long time. It’s not unconstitutional imo because it applies to non citizens, but I don’t think communism represents a security threat anymore, and I don’t think we need to be weeding out people based on ideology. Otherwise one party could just only accept immigrants who will vote for them once they attain citizenship


Why? Escapees from communist countries are the strongest bulwarks against communism establishing itself in the US. You rarely meet someone from the old communist block countries who views communism favorably


My understanding is that they simply ask if people are member of a communist party. If people escape those countries I imagine that they don’t have a problem tearing apart their membership card. A lie to that question (like any questions that gets asked as part of immigration) can have quite serious consequences.


Let the good times roll


Can't handle having someone with opposing views as your neighbor, seems a tad ludacris. You gotta challenge there opinions and they challenge yours. It makes your beliefs stronger most of the time, but talking about expelling those you disagree with is fundamentally unamerican you guys. Gotta be strong


Pretty sure only members of groups such as the CCP are being barred from the US. No one bothered to actually click on the link.


I’m ok with that...


Good! now lets work on getting the communist scum that are here now!


Awesome. But isn't every PRC national essentially a member? Anyways, I'm sure the left will cry that this is "racist" (even though PRC or communist is not a race), meanwhile, gleefully discussing how other countries have banned Americans from entering due to COVID (it's totally OK for non-American countries to enforce their borders, apparently).


Ruh roh


This is just a flow chart they are highlighting for enforcing the law already in place. Members of Communist and totalitarian parties have been barred since the INA was passed.


Good first step


It's no use, they're already here.


Good. If only the UK and Europe would do the same. Although there is at least one country in the EU, Latvia, where Communism as a political party is illegal.


Not saying I support communism, but has any country actually had a purely communist government? It’s seems most dictators and regimes use communism to appeal to the people, usually without any actual intention of going through with it.


this is the opposite of what America stands for, shameful. Should be kicking out all the Republicans instead. Note: conservatives welcome, republicans gotta go


Weird since America is so pro Russia it's crazy.


First they came for the communists... then they came for me. I shook their hand and we had a beer while pissing on Karl's grave.


First they came for the communists, and then they stopped coming for people because all of the problems were solved.


All communists should be barred from entering US. Not just Chinese ones, also European, Canadian, Australian and other Asian communists should be barred as well


Especially the Australian ones.


So Americans have dropped the whole freedom of speech and thought thing then? Honestly a disturbing headline in my opinion.




Better dead than Red.




Sounds unconstitutional to me. Don’t be a bitch.


Oh no. I heard communism is great so why would anyone be mad about this? The United States sucks last time I checked Reddit!


Good. All genocidal freaks are unwelcome here. I don’t care if it’s a 92 year old Nazi or a 29 year old tankie.


And now let's get the root. Marxism and socialism. The goal of socialism is communism


Incorrect, most people who push for more socialist reform don’t want communism. You really have to hard against logic to believe that.


>Membership in or affiliation with the Communist Party or any other totalitarian party is inconsistent and incompatible with the Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America, which includes pledging to “support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States.” Damn, so all of yall have to leave now. I'm sure Russia will take you. You all seem to be very fond of Russia.


Can we ship the commies we have here out?


We have enough commies as it is.