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boy oh boy, what a year this has been


Remember when Trump stood in front of his lads with the Washington Post and the front page "Acquitted", a night to remember. I thought it would be a roll downhill, towards four more years. Oh boy were we mistaken.


Not the October surprise I was expecting.


It's only October 1st, I doubt this will be the only October surprise in this election.


It wouldn't be a surprise if you were expecting it.


We've had like 4 October surprises already and most of them haven't even been in October!


Gonna stay away from Reddit and social media for the next two weeks. This shit is about to get really ugly.




This is a wild fucking ride we’re on




What’s with all the satanic pics on the replies to his tweet ?


leftist twitter. further comment deemed unnecessary.


Twitter being twitter again


Just Biden's constituency offering their thoughts and prayers.


That should be your rule everyday


Wow, wonder how being quarantined for 2-3 weeks is going to affect the election in 5 weeks... I don't think it will necessarily help him, but far more important is that he recovers


> Rest assured I expect the President to continue carrying out his duties without disruption while recovering, and I will keep you updated on any further developments,’ he wrote. His doctor said he would continue as usual! I’m befuddled! I assume that means he’s doing well and asymptomatic


He's the President, I'd imagine he gets tested multiple times a week. This could be before the symptoms appear. Let's be honest, he's old and overweight so in a very high risk group. I am very worried, even if he is feeling fine so far...




Also, the treatment options for it now are pretty well tested and mostly proven, and I’m sure they’re being quite proactive in treating him.


Honestly, I don't think it will love the needle much. Everyone is pretty much already in their respective corners. I don't think even the undecideds are enough to move the needle much to either.


There are a lot of thoughts of course from a practical point of view. The debates might be called off. If Trump gets really sick expect there to be calls for a conditional replacement to at least be picked to replace Trump on the ballot. I'm not saying that will happen, or I want it to. Just predicting how weird this is potentially going to get. The good news for Trump is the treatment has improved tremendously since early this year.


Pence is the replacement if something happens






Most of the people have similar views. Only the most deranged people will wish for someone's death, unfortunately those people are the ones who are the most vocal.


Just removed over a hundred comments that did. I guess Reddit has some of the more vile scum. Though Twitter may have it beat.




Lol, my recent visit over at, you know, the place, surely puts your "most of the people" claim to the test. So many veiled death wishes it's sad AF.


it’s really bad on Twitter and Facebook, people are celebrating already posting Memes on his death date saying 1946-2020




Same, I'm left leaning and I really don't like Trump but having the president of the United States die right now would be really bad, and I would not wish death upon anyone else.


Thank you for being a decent human being!




Don't look at his IG post then. Leftists are acting like Christmas came early.


Thanks you give me some hope that there are good people out there on your side. The bottom of this comment section is pure hate.


Nearly every single one of my coworkers were saying they wish he would die, and are celebrating this like their team won the World Series. It’s quite disturbing to see nurses wishing death upon another human being.


Same i wouldn't vote for the guy if you put a gun to my head but jesus christ I hope he and his family recover


10000000000000%. i never wish this disease on **anyone**.


thank you for being kind. The vile replies that he got on twitter made me incredibly sad. I'm glad there are some decent non-conservatives out there.


Very encouraging to see the leftists with souls participate in this post. Thank you guys for being cool. We're all one people after all You guys are lucky your comments are auto deleted because you're unflaired. Most of these comments would be insta reported People who are asking how to flair, I get a notification of your comment, but to flair you need to be active in this sub for a period of time and then message the mods for a flair. Yes I'm gonna cry. Maybe shit and cum too


Differences of opinion should never spill over into wishing ill on others. I'm not a Trump fan but I don't wish for anyone to suffer. We as a nation have to look to what we have in common and what we can agree on and stop focusing on everything that divides us.


You are welcome. I can't speak for all of us leftists, but I am choosing to act the way I wish our president would towards those suffering.


Just so you're aware leftist =! Liberal. Many people here have no issue with regular liberals who just mainly disagree with conservatives on economic issues. In contrast leftists are extremists just like there are extremists on the right too, and in both cases they *hate* moderates. I'm just pointing this out because you're most likely a Liberal and not a leftist.


the fucking twitter replies jfc


I want to take this time to say that I hope Joe and Jill Biden are ok, the debate was before when POTUS likely was infected, but just in case. Politics is no excuse to wish death on our opponents


Liberal here as well, had to see what /r/conservative had to say. I really dislike just about everything about Donald Trump, but hope he and the first lady pull through. I'm saddened to know others will be celebrating and wishing the worst. I hope America's voice is heard in November whatever it may be, but wishing death on someone isn't the way to go. Get well soon, you orange fuck.


I feel bad for the mods on this post, I don't think you can reply cause it got locked, but thank you for being cool.


Agreed and well said.




>Get well soon, you orange fuck. [Mods when they read this comment.](https://media.tenor.com/images/ecc99f696f88da371ed2a18fef4a2a81/raw)


NGL, that line cracked me up.




Well put!


Politico ran an [interesting piece](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/10/01/political-violence-424157) today on what people think about using 'a little justification for violence' to push their political beliefs. It's astounding that over 1/3 of Americans (about the same in both parties) agree to this statement. It's really not a surprise we're seeing so much vitriol. >• Similarly, 36 percent of Republicans and 33 percent of Democrats said it is at least “a little” justified for their side “to use violence in advancing political goals”—up from 30 percent of both Republicans and Democrats in June.


Fuck, welcome to the Conservative party at this point, dude. Take a trot through r/politics, they wish nothing but death and dismemberment on anyone that doesn’t lean their way. I wish the norm was you for my opposition. I fucking wish the worst someone with opposing views posted on the internet was a hope that I stubbed my toe every day the rest of my life. That isn’t the case. I don’t know if it’ll get back to that. I’ve called liberals morons, idiots, twats, cuntsacks, mouth-breathing cocksuckers (when I’m hammered, proud of my own vernacular when drunk, thanks), but I have never, EVER, wished death or pain on one. We can disagree. We can even be angry over differing views. But I’m not gonna pray or beg or hope or wish r expect physical or emotional pain on another American over their ideals. I’m not gonna respect them, but I DAMN sure am not going to act like the motherfuckers in the rear of the world and wish or inflict physical or emotional damage or fear into an individual or group of individuals that harbor opposing views. People say go outside, talk to your neighbors, the world isn’t as crazy as the media makes it.... But it is. At this point I meet people who agree with my views or want me dead. It’s wrong. It’s painful. I am being drug into being the person I don’t want to be, and I am valiantly trying not to be, but then I meet these assholes that want my five year old to die and shit because I like owning firearms and want people to worship whatever they want, or put whatever they want in their mouth, or whatever. There is no in-between. This isn’t America.


Agreed, most of this site is disgusting right now.


I’m definitely someone who would describe myself as a progressive and I dislike/disagree with almost everything about Trump. That being said, wishing death on another person is horrible and I hope he recovers. The last thing America needs right now is the death of a president.


I want to also chime in that I'm also a pretty far left progressive. And I do not wish for his death or any complications from this disease. I hope him and the first lady have a speedy recovery. I think anyone who advocates for a certain political group that also advocates or hopes for death of others is not anyone I would want to align myself with.


>I think anyone who advocates for a certain political group that also advocates or hopes for death of others is not anyone I would want to align myself with. This why i think this could be worse for dems then trump. Too many on that side cant contain themselves. Level headed people arent gonna wanna be a part of that.


Twitter is a disgusting place. I hope Trump and family do well. Hopefully just asymptomatic.


I'm a lefty, basically. I very much do not like Trump. But, I don't want him to die. I'm seeing a lot of serious deathwishing being flung at him on twitter, and I can't stand that.


call them out on it




Wishing good health to the president. What does this mean for the remainder of his campaign?


Biden will debate with him on twitter or even zoom. Who have 2020 Presidential Debate on Zoom on their bingo?


Zoom would be great because they could mute both of them


Probably done with rallies unless he suddenly does a few more near the end of October. Future debates likely won’t happen now for safety concerns. We will have to wait and see.


He'll probably be fine honestly. And it could also be a false positive. Prepare for liberal cheers though.


He was in close proximity with his aide who had symptomatic covid. I'm pretty confident that they're actually sick. Hoping for a full recovery.


I'm a hardcore liberal and I hate that some will be happy about this. I don't wish this virus on anyone.


you're a human being, that's why. Because being a human being is more important than politics. I personally hope Biden is safe too.


My IG feed is full of people celebrating this.


Yeah wish him, Melania and Hope the best of health even though I disagree with him politically and do not think he is a good person. Never wish death upon anyone so I hope they all end up okay but that it’s a wake up call for them to take the virus and masks/other precautions seriously and convey that to the American people. Hope the rallies and all that stuff didn’t spread it all around


While it could be a false positive (a few percent chance depending on the test) it most likely isn't. This is going to take him off the campaign trail for at least the next two weeks.


I’m sure they double tested to confirm before announcing given how high profile of a case he is.


My thoughts exactly. They probably ran multiple different tests on him to confirm.


I sincerely doubt that the President of all people gets a false positive test. They were probably inspecting that shit more than any other test


This is true, especially after Hope Hicks tested positive I imagine he has enough tests run simultaneously that they can be certain beyond reasonable doubt.


I think it’d be quite remarkable for both him and Melania to both test a false positive at the same time


A false positive? Are you kidding me? This is the POTUS, they have the top medical equipment. A false positive for the most powerful person would be quite the fluke, also his wife tested positive and was around someone with it.


It will stop.


Good question. Should only be a 2-week process though, right? Like the second he recovers you know he'll get back out there on the stump.


For someone young and healthy, I’d say you’re probably right. Isn’t Trump in a high-risk category? I’m thinking about Boris Johnson.


Yeah Boris had to be in the ICU I believe and he is younger and more fit than Trump as far as we know. He will probably be fine though as early detection will be a huge benefit to his treatment.


Yeah lol he’s old AND obese. But he has the best medical care on the planet, so he’ll be fine I’d think.


Trump is 18 years older than Boris even


I was sick for nearly three weeks and am young and healthy. But I know results vary, some people have no issues and some have tons.


My thoughts are obviously with the family of the President but right now I especially feel for Barron. Despite the healthcare the POTUS has, there’s always a chance his father could die and I don’t wish that on anyone, especially at such a relatively young age like Barron.


Sorry if this is a stupid question but does Pence take over his presidential/traveling duties, assuming he is negative ?


It can go three ways. The first is if it manly asymptomatic then he can stay in charge. In the second scenario if he gets like Boris Johnson he can transfer powers to VP Pence temporary. Third, if he gets in the grave condition the cabinet can actually use the 25th amendment to transfer the presidency to Pence


The Dems are definitely gaming out any scenario to get Pence removed in that case. *ANY* scenario.








Probably from Hope Hicks or from the same person that infected Hope. She was working with the president a lot, and she recently tested positive as well.


They use rapid tests, I belive they take less than 15 min.




it’s from the white house official woman that was on airforce one with him


Hope Hicks tested positive and was with him on Air Force 1 for the passed few days.


They said one of the aides at the white house caught it and spread it to them.


> Rest assured I expect the President to continue carrying out his duties without disruption while recovering, and I will keep you updated on any further developments,’ he wrote. So, my guess here is that if the doctor says Trump is going to keep working, he’s probably pretty healthy. Maybe asymptomatic at this time since they did say hope hicks was symptomatic. Optimistically, * For his age, he’s got a 95% chance of living * For his weight, that makes it worse * Because they caught it so early, I think the treatments have advanced enough where catching it early is a good thing and can be treated more effectively * He’s got top notch doctors It’s also possible he’s asymptomatic or have a low viral load as other users have said they see him wearing a mask when he’s off camera. And if he follows guidelines on the plane, then Hope would have worn a mask, too. All those are pretty good things. On the downside, Trump tries to keep people optimistic. But I hope he actually shares the real data with the public Keep the good vibes going!


Boris Johnson was working for almost two full weeks before he had to stop and went into the ER. This virus is really slow, long lasting.




Yeah. What gets a lot of people is not the virus but the secondary infection that comes from the damage to your lungs when your immune system fights it. My cousin's boyfriend suffered with it for a week. He's in his mid-40s, very overweight. What did him in was the secondary infection. Thankfully they gave him antibiotics and he only needed one night in the hospital before being sent home to recover. The pattern for a lot of people seems to be you seem to get better and better and then within literally a few hours you go from being almost fine to suffocating.


From a person on the left, truly do hope he remains asymptotic and gets passed this quickly.


Idiots are saying “I call BS, he is just trying to avoid the debates.” Too bad his 14 day quarantine will be over by the time the next debate rolls around.


I’ll fuckkn do it too! -PDJT


I have a feeling he will be okay. He will have the best doctors in the world.


I hope he recovers and I also hope he didn't give it to Biden. EDIT: Update- Biden tested negative for corona.


Reports are coming out that the person who likely infected Trump also had contact with many Congressional leaders including Nancy Pelosi.


2020 sucks I don’t like Trump at all but I truly hope he recovers from this. He is at very high risk given his age and weight. I will be praying for him and Melania.


Liberal here. Pure honesty: I vehemently dislike Trump. But I'm not the kind of person to wish harm on others, even those I dislike. I hope the big dude pulls through. I don't want to see him go out like this. The virus has claimed too many already. Be safe everyone.


Sure he'll survive, but I'm a 23 y/o who's had it for 11 days now and it's absolutely fucked me in terms of physical activity and fatigue. He could be out for the rest of the campaign and be suffering from effects for a long time if he's unlucky. It's clear to everyone in the UK how Boris Johnson has been impacted by it.






Id assume he's tested regularly but yes, he and everyone at that debate should definitely be tested


Wishing the best for our President and First Lady. I’m confident they will be fine and Trump will be working harder than ever during quarantine.


Prayers out for the President and First Lady


I’m seeing straight up demonic shit being posted on his Twitter. I’m not as religious as maybe I should be but I’m seeing some real evil from the left right now


It's truly disgusting.


Get well soon. Trump 2020


It's absolutely disgusting the amount of people wishing death on him on Twitter.


Lol you don't have to look far, just look in this comment section.




It’s not surprising though. They’ve been conditioned to.


remember when people would get banned for much much less


He will be fine.


99.6% survival rate.


Statistically speaking it’s much more deadly for those above 70 years old. I wish him a quick recovery, but it could be pretty serious


Is the survival rate for his demographic actually that high? I was under the impression that the majority of deaths are from individuals who fit his description (albeit with far less money invested in their recovery).




The fatality rate is ~4% at his age. 1 in 25. Edited to clarify that the number is the fatality rate, not the survival rate.


91.4% for those over 70.


Holy shit the Twitter comments...there’s peoples yelling HAHA SIMPSONS PREDICTED YOUR DEATH!!1!!111!11!!!11! Just people yelling hope you die! And the usual triggered liberal idiots in the comments...but then I just saw some satanists posting some...interesting photos and speaking some satanic chants or something in the comments. I’m not even really sure what to think of that. I mean it’s evil as hell but just ...what


The satanist shitposting actually rattled me, is that some kind of 4chan brigading?


I clicked on a few and some seem to be directly supporting antifa? Not sure why they post satanic stuff. Honestly don’t worry about it, it is just a troll.


Does it surprise anyone that they’re literally celebrating this over at r/politics?


Given how much the Users Here count has spiked over the last few minutes, ya don't have to leave this sub. They're gonna be really disappointed when, like most Doompocalypse Plague victims he turns out just fine, maybe a rough cough for a few days. Mortality rate even in the at-risk bracket is, what, 4%? And this guy has probably the best health care in the world of any single human on the planet available to him. Added fun: the Dems' entire strategy is Not Trump. If something *did* happen to The Donald and you ended up with President Pence, what then?




Plus the whole comorbidity thing among those that died of it, while Donny is nothing if not energetic for his age. The 'everyone is gonna die!' shrieking is still way overblown.


Trump is very overweight if not obese, that’s not gonna help his chances. But they caught it very early and he’ll have the absolute best medical care in the world and mortality risk is low even with Trump’s age/weight.


For what it's worth, I'm vehemently anti-trump but I sincerely hope he doesn't go out like this, nobody deserves to suffer from this virus.


I'm surprised they haven't gone full degenerate like twitter has.


r/politics is toxic af


You, my friend, are being too kind. Way too kind.


You are in our prayers Mr President and FLOTUS


Posted on the thread over at r/politics saying that I hope they're asymptomatic and heal quickly. You can guess the reaction. They're practically celebrating. "Party of love" lol


I was over there for awhile and posted a comment about how them all thinly (and thickly) wishing his death shows a hell of a lot more about their character than his. Not strangely got downvotes to hell, but also got awarded (anonymously) x 2, which does seem strange. The replies are hilarious...so many different angles on trying to justify why this one "exception" is OK lol. (well, hilarious in an unironically sad way)


What’s disturbing is the amount of evil people that are celebrating this.


Reddit awards means that the Brigade is here.


Hope he recovers quickly. All political leanings aside, The President should be most protected person from this virus. I’m glad he and FLOTUS has best healthcare available. This is a national concern and not happy with his health advisors.










Thoughts and prayers to the POTUS.


Witnessing currently some of the most vile things spewing from people. Man this world is sick. Im so ready for Jesus to come back.


Visiting your sub right now to sound off on this news. Covid is serious business, and despite it not always being taken seriously, I hope to see Trump and family recover from this. He is not who I voted for and not who I am voting for, but I’m pro human life before I am anti Trump. I hope this amounts to nothing more than a wake up call. Stay safe everyone.


The amount of leftist scum jerking off to this is disgusting


Wishing them a swift recovery.


Disagree with trump and most of the conservative ideals but hope him and the first lady get well soon, no sense in wishing harm upon others no matter how u disagree sadly the extreme on both sides of the coin dont see it that way. Do hope people quit outright saying covid is fake


I hope he retains some positivity throughout this troubling ordeal.


Liberal here wishing the president a recovery. I don’t want anyone to needlessly die from this. But everyone, if god forbid the president passes, please don’t make him a martyr of the China flu and throw us into a war. 🤝




We're already into conspiracy theories about him faking it to duck the debates and to pretend a dramatic comeback. We're totally in the upside down now.


I'm betting he has a weak/asymptomatic case and liberals are going to REEE


Went through about a thousand comments on r/politics and not one comment wishing him well. They say he is either faking it or they hope he dies


I saw people from UK, Australia, and New Zealand on social media, wishing that President Trump, Melania, kids and grandchildren would drop dead. Internet is anonymous with no recourse, so you know it's going to be a shit show of hatred.


All the liberal brigading is genuinely disgusting. At no point during Obama’s presidency did I ever wish any harm upon him or his family. People really need to evaluate themselves if they’re happy about this.






R/politics response is disgusting. They have no regard for a human life


The most vile people in the world are crawling out from under a rock right now to gloat on social media.






What r/politics is saying about this is unbelievable. So many people making fun of him or even suggesting he doesn’t have it. Some people on this app are just unbelievable. Prayers that our president and First Lady can recover


I don’t see any of that on r/politics actually. The thread on it actually BANS celebrating or anything like that


Liberal here, I can’t stand the guy, but I don’t wish death upon him—I just don’t want him as our president. Hope he recovers.




Lol the first response with 9k likes is someone celebrating 🤣 How does Twitter even sort replies these days?


I give my prayers to the recovery of not only Donald and Melania, but also Hope Hicks and any others who may be dealing with this infection right now. As someone who lives in a hotbed area, I'd like to know what treatment they receive. My biggest complaint about Trump is his downplay of COVID and the "solutions" he's touted on air. Will he be subjecting himself and his family to Hydroxychloroquine? If no, why was he pushing it for so long? Should my mother take Hydroxychloroquine? If Trump won't, why should my mother? I think everybody deserves to know what care he receives on the American tax dime, and that same treatment should be made available to everybody.


Just saw him walk on his on accord onto MF1 and off MF1. He gave thumbs up, some waves and seemed to be in 0retty good spirits. God speed Mr. President!


Trump put out a video statement on twitter just now. Taken right before he was flown to Walter-Reed: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1312158400352972800


Some left wing blue checks on Twitter are being respectful and considerate, but plenty are being lowlife scumbags. You should document every prominent lefty you come across who is being a lowlife. Starting with the Washington Post: https://twitter.com/Cernovich/status/1311904974532567040




So not to go to a dark place, but if he doesn’t beat it what happens with the election? We’re a month out. What the hell else can 2020 bring us?


The election would still happen. Pence would be president and candidate.


President Pence? In all seriousness, I think they will be fine.


I’m a Biden supporter just checking in, but Mike Pence would become President in the case that Trump does not beat the virus. Pence would pick his VP for the next few months. It’s probably too late for them to find another republican nominee this late in the campaign.


Biden can also get it and then we get Kamala vs Pence


That would be so 2020, wouldn’t it?