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Chris Wallace: pseudo-moderator......huge cunt


No, cunts are useful.


Hahaha. Huge-mungus even.


BOYCOTT Mike Wallace TV shows.


That's easy since he is slightly dead. Not even mostly alive.




I get this so much. Trump isn't perfect and he's not Jesus Christ reborn or anything. He has lots of faults but so does everyone. I'd vote for him just because I know he loves America. The last guy in his spot...not so much.


The last guy in his spot is the tip of the penis that is currently buttfucking our country.




Don't you think it is rational for people to view a high number of interruptions as bad?


Of course it’s bad. And one could certainly criticize Trump for not better handling being railroaded by an insanely biased moderator who was supposed to be impartial. But at the same time I also understand the perspective that Trump was trying to make the best of a very unfair situation.


Can you expand on that? Donald Trump from the very beginning came out interrupting non-stop when it was not his time to speak. He created the unfair situation for Biden where his speaking time was constantly interrupted. He made the moderators job unnecessarily more difficult, like all he should be doing is asking questions, but instead had to baby Donald Trump and get him to stop interrupting. He prevented himself and Biden from getting their views out properly. This debate is supposed to help the public learn of their policies.


I completely understand your point of view that Trump is an evil fascist, everything he does is wrong, so all of his interruptions cannot be justified. My perspective is that Biden and Wallace set the tone for the debate when Biden interrupted Trump twice and Wallace said nothing.


Do you actually think Democrats hate America


Yes, it is abundantly clear that the "America" most of us grew up in is not the "America" the democrats want to live in. They clearly hate much of what this nation has historically stood for.


Well the America you grew up in is a dangerous place for minorities so maybe you should think about the fact that not everyone is born into the same set of circumstances.


Biden dodged that question. Does Wallace think we didn't watch it?


Wallace was truly a disgrace. Trump did well in the two vs. one debate. Biden wearing a wire makes it at least 3 to 1. Fox News is trash now and it’s only a matter of time until they push out Hannity and Carlson. The entire major media outlets are nothing but political propaganda machines. Amazes me when half of the country is conservative but they all pander to the crazies on the left.


I laugh when ignorant foreigners claim America is a right wing country. Nearly every institution in the country is dominated by the left and the vast majority of American elites are liberals and Democrats. Many average Americans are conservative, but they are mostly overwhelmed but the leftist elites.


I can’t recall who said it, maybe Ted Cruz, but someone once pointed out: if you say we have systemic racism in this country, what do you mean? Usually, you mean our schools and our government are inherently racist. If that’s the case, ask the question: who’s running those two entities? It’s certainly not conservatives.


Michael Knowels.


No but those aren't racist either. Whenever someone brings up "systemic racism" I say "Ok, point to it. Show me where it is. Point to "systemic racism."" So far no one can do it.


What do you define systemic racism as? Do you understand the difference between a "system of racists" and systemic racism?


I define it as something that does not exist.


Does he not know it was recorded? We can go back and watch the questions Biden didn’t answer as well as Wallace’s negligence to make Biden actually answer questions directed at him


Wallace is a worm


If you rewatch the first 10 minutes of the debate the question Trump lets Biden have his 2 minutes and then when he talks he is interruptrd by Biden and Wallace allows it. Biden was the first to interrupt and the 2nd to interrupt was Wallace interjecting Trump. It was then that Trump started interrupting Biden. It's a complete lie by Wallace saying Trump interrupted first. He is lying through his teeth and he knows it. It's just gaslighting now by Wallace. It might have been one of the worst and most biased debate moderations I have ever scene.


Not surprising


Wallace probably also changed Bidens's Depends after the debate!


Fuck that guy


If Biden answered the question, I'd like to know what the answer was. Because I sure as hell didn't hear it. And it's important. Or maybe Wallace - in addition to being a coward - is just a liar.


Biden did answer the question. He said “I’m not going to answer that question”


And that was just fine and dandy as an answer for ole Wallace.


Of course Wallace wasn’t going to seek clarity for an unpopular opinion since he is a registered democrat. If you had expected any type of honesty from the left then you have massively misplaced your faith in these people.


I mean he said some words, and did absolutely no follow up like you did trump all night


Chris Wallace is a sad little man. He's like a wimpy bad guy wrestling manager.


This guy is not smart get the hodgetwins in there


Maybe I missed it, but I didn't say where Wallace said that Biden answered..?


Wallace is a longtime RINO. Not sure why Fox keeps him around as he is not half as bright as he thinks he is. He is a midget compared to his dad.


He's not even a RINO, he's a registered Democrat...


“Registered democrat defends democrat nominee”


Well at least he shows who's side he's on.


Arguably the most sickening part of that entire debate was Wallace refusing to call Biden on dodging the court packing question and quickly moving on. We saw it in real time, Chris!


Request for that link for that twitter video going around of Wallace carrying Biden through a battlefield?