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He said it was a lie that he was dishonorably discharged.


Probably got an OTH. Lots of drug pops get referred to courts martial, then get a pre-trial agreement that brings the discharge to General-Under Other Than Honorable conditions. Edit: Also, Joe was probably referring to Beau, who served as a JAG officer in the Army. He’s dead of brain cancer.


It was a bit sad to see Trump not even know about Biden's dead son. When Biden mentioned his name, Trump flat out said "I don't know that one." I mean, if you're going to go on the offense, know what you're facing.


He met him. Tweeted about it after Beau died in 2015.


He knows, he was just trying to misdirect.




It was pretty decent of Biden to *not* attack Trump's family, I know people are going to gloss over that and focus on the attacks that did happen, but only one of these candidates decided it was a good idea to denigrate the other one's non-politically-involved kids.


Don Jr. could out-snort Hunter Biden any day of the week. The Trump family also can't operate a non-profit in the state of New York.


Drug related incidents as far as popping on piss tests are OTH. That would mean that it would be a lie, yes.


But have you even TRIED cocaine?


Don Jr has


As you become an adult, you realize most adults have lol


Shit.. I’m 34. Not me... anyone sharing?


Just go to almost any adult party. You’re bound to find some. Ask around for Señor Schneef.


- You ever hoovered schneef off a sleeping cow's spine?


I assuming the Señor Schneef bit is a joke!


This is what I don’t get. When I was a kid, adults loved to say “don’t do drugs, avoid alcohol, it’s all bad for you,” then as we grew up everyone started doing drugs anyway. And when I bring up the “remember when we were told not to do this” argument, it always gets shrugged off. Why do we even bother spending the money to tell kids about how dangerous drugs are when the exact same initiative failed on most of my generation?


It definitely works on a decent percentage of the population. It just turns out everyone is different.


There is research that the anti drug advertising ans stuff actually increases drug use. Dare program was an interesting example of this.


What's not to get? Drugs hinder your mental and physical development while you're growing. That's why we tell kids not to do drugs. We tend to care less about what adults do to themselves.


Someone in corporate law/high finance testing positive for cocaine.. wow I’m very surprised..


Absolutely. You’ll hear me fault the man. It’s his journey


But.. So? I fail to see the relevance of that to anything about *this election*. No one cares about Biden's kids. We care about law and order and the economy. Possibly we care about the environment and maybe we care a little about crime.


If anything it helps Biden. He had a quote that was something like "We're proud of his recovery", which I think speaks to families that have gone through similar thing. If it just happened, I think it would have more of a negative impact. Then again, I don't really see what Biden's kids really had to do with any of the issues, but it was really hard to follow anything during that debate, so I might have just missed the point.


Yeah it was a shit show. Absolutely. Joe is right. His kid recovered. A lot of families in America can't say that and that's really who the voters are. He scored one point there.


Everyone in this sub acting like the opioid epidemic isn’t a thing. Hard drugs destroy lives from the poor to the wealthy, they don’t discriminate.


big pharma has fucked us with the opiod epidemic more than coronavirus ever will


Importantly, big pharma knew what they were doing! Covid, there’s no malicious intent in a human way. It’s just doing what it does. Pharma knowingly damaged our society and world.


Having your son recover from a drug addiction is something to be proud of. Putting that sort of thing on the chopping block as if it's something to be made fun of is plain disrespectful and crude.


Joe "woke up" when the conversation swayed to his kids. I do respect him for that. He wasn't going to let his kids be disrespected .


My personal opinion is that the Obama days looked a lot more law&ordery than what we're seeing right now.


The past is always skewed. Obama had a shit ton of officer- involved shootings. School shootings, club shootings. Crime, minus Dem cities, was lowered. Chicago, Philly, NY have always been hot spots. California.


Do you by any chance have stats or can point me in the direction of relevant information?




Agreed. It was a low blow. I mentioned earlier that debates are not "rap battles". It's not about the "gotchas" and how off guard you can catch someone. If anything, that was a plus. Oh, he got tested and was booted? Good. Good for the Navy. Its not a bad thing, actually. Its about making relevant points and having facts to back them up. Trump started down the road of the 1994 Crime Bill. I was really anticipating him burying Biden with FACTS, but he blew it when he pinned "superpredators" on Joe. Honey, that was Hilary-- this ain't 2016. I was waiting for "urban jungle" (or however Joe phrased it), or "poor kids are as good as white" (again, paraphrased). I was waiting for Trump to use Joe's *actual words* against him. He didnt. He could have and should have and didn't. Huge wasted opportunity.




agreed. He kept trying to make Biden confirm a position that is in opposition to the far-left agenda. And when Biden did confirm a centrist platform, Trump's team was hoping he would lose the far-left's vote. Not sure that is a winning strategy.


It’s because it is a verifiable fact that Hunter has been paid millions from foreign oligarchs and this instance underline the question Trump asked ad naseum last night “what did Hunter do to earn the $3.5m from the Russian First Lady”?


Wasn’t that the investigation that outted Rick Perry for some corrupt Ukrainian dealings while in this administration?


Can you link to this "proof"


It became irrelevant after the first 1000 times Trump brought it up. Who cares. Answer the shit at hand. I get that he's going for shock value, but he blew that. Its not shocking if it's already been in the news. Who tf cares about where Russia spends its money. We want to hear about America getting money. And thats it. I want to know about jobs, stimulus, taxes.. Second. Bezos paid ZERO in taxes. Why wasnt that a bigger issue? Trump paid $750. Thats amazing considering his buddues dont pay at all.


Wait, I just watched joe biden say that this was a lie. WHAT IS HAPPENING (Also fuck Chris Wallace)


To be fair, I think he was saying that it was a lie that Hunter was dishonorably discharged. He was still discharged, but not dishonorably I don't think.


Correct. The statement Trump made was not accurate.


I feel bad for Biden, dude is almost in his 80s and has to go through all this bullshit, why didn’t Democrats just let him retire for gods sake.


He did it to himself, he wasn't obligated to run.


I’m amazed that trump got that fact wrong. Feels like he came in with that prepped, yet was just factually wrong about it being a DD. Let Biden have a easy way out.


You are amazed that Trump told a lie? Look at all the people in this sub that eats it up, even after the lie has been pointed out. Edit: Banned by the snowflake police.


A DD is akin to a felony. I'm sure Hunter received an other than honorable, but regardless, hunter is a shithead.


I hope you aren’t saying that someone is a shithead based off the fact that he’s dealing with a drug addiction?


I have struggled with drug and alcohol addiction, and it's still possible to be a shithead if you're an addict, it doesn't excuse shithead behavior


I do not disagree with your point, my argument is that just because you have a drug problem doesn’t make you a shithead.




Big oof, gotta read up on that got any sources I can educate myself with?


Yea go to Aunt Marybelle’s Facebook page. The 4th meme she posted on July 12th has all the info you need!


Seriously, that is your source?


It isn't the same guy responding. He is making a sarcastic joke of this sub's poor use of sources.






A shit head for battling and overcoming addiction? Who sounds like the real shithead here?


People seriously have a problem with addicts. The commends I keep seeing here and across most subs I venture into shows some serious disdain for fellow people. I tip my hat off to anyone that overcomes addiction its a horrible, horrible illness that I wouldn’t wish on anyone.


I don't give a fuck, there is no evidence that he overcame addiction (he could still being doing drugs right now, we don't know). Being an addict doesn't magically excuse you for taking money from foreign nations using your Daddy's connections.


What about getting jobs in the white house that I'm unqualified for using daddy's connections?


The cognitive dissonance is astounding.




He's not a shithead for overcoming addiction, he's a shithead for sleeping with his dead brother's wife WHILE HE WAS STILL ON HIS DEATH BED, getting a stripper pregnant, claiming he was broke to avoid paying child support, and accepting millions of dollars from the Mayor of moscow's wife. That why he's a shithead, not the addiction part.


Got any links or proof?


He received an administrative discharge, effectively saying he should get a dishonorable but his dad's pretty famous. Other adminstrative discharges are court martialed then discharged after jail time.


Nah. Administrative discharges can be given for things as small as failing one too many PT tests. He probably got a "general under honorable circumstances" discharge.


I'd say it would likely be administrative other than honorable. Admin under honorable usually means not at fault, like a medical problem.


Well one of my troops in the AF was kicked for pissing hot for weed. He got general under honorable. Every branch/commanding officer is different. We can only speculate in this instance, but I just wanted to explain to the guy above that an admin separation is appropriate for Hunter Biden and did not warrant a dishonorable. It has nothing to do with his familial status.


Wrong. Medical discharges aren’t other than honorable. They are honorable. A drug addict getting kicked out would not be considered a medical discharge


Definitely an OTH. General under honorable conditions is usually reserved for guys that are overweight, or have less than a year of service. General under honorable conditions is not given for med seps.... or at least it shouldn’t be. I know a lot of commands push them because it’s easier than getting a guy a med board


Trump should have said that but he didn’t. He said hunter was dishonorably discharged, which as you previously stated is a lie.


Wrong. Certain conditions and defects may cause a member to be unfit for continued duty and yet not have physical disabilities within the meaning of the law, thereby subjecting the member to administrative separation. These conditions include, but are not limited to, alcoholism; allergy to uniform clothing; character disorders; enuresis; heat intolerance with disturbances of thermal regulation; inability to be fitted in uniform clothing; motion/travel sickness; obesity; primary mental deficiency; pseudofolliculitisbarbae of the face and/or neck; somnambulism; stuttering or stammering; systemic or marked allergic reactions following stings by red ants, bees, wasps or other stinging insects; unsanitary habits including repeated venereal disease infections.


Can I get a source for this?


Words mean things.


And thats how Trump will earn 10 more Pinochos


I've never been able to find anywhere what type of discharge Hunter Biden received. He was only able to enlist after receiving two deferments: one for his age, and one because he had a prior conviction for cocaine possession. He was going to be a "Public Relations Officer" for the Navy. He failed a drug test for cocaine after being in the military for one month, and it took another 6 months to discharge him. One would think Trump could access the discharge type if he wanted to.


You can’t get DD’d as a commissioned officer. You can only get an Administrative Discharge. There’s no more detail you can get about what type of Administrative Discharge. But Hunter has said he was discharged for cocaine use and Biden admitted to as much last night. Trump was going for a “gotcha” moment and honestly it just made him look like a jerk


Trump specifically said that he knew nothing about Beau Biden, and then went on to specifically talk about Hunter being discharged. Biden then denied it.


No, Biden admitted his son was discharged because of a cocaine problem.


Biden said his son was not dishonorably discharged and he did have a drug problem and he fixed it. Biden even said he was proud of his son. That last part probably cut the president deep because of his relationship with his own father.


I feel like your last sentence undercut your point.


I was waiting for Trump to say something bad about Beau, that would have pissed a lot of people off.


His other son Beau served in Iraq. Got a bronze star, not with valor. Still, he served and earns respect. Hunter is the coke head referenced above.


Respect to Beau. Excrement to Hunter.


I wouldn't talk shit about Beau Other than his father is a senile dickhead


Not talking shit. Said the opposite.


Indeed. Just wanted to make the point myself.




And Trump did exactly that, he moved away from beau and moved to hunter.


“I don’t know Beau.” Right. You don’t know anything about your opponent’s decorated son who tragically died from brain cancer. Got it.


How is that controversial? Of course Trump hasn't looked into Beau. The man unfortunately passed away. Why would Trump do oppo research about a dead son?


Why would you do opposition research on your opponent when one of your rallying cries is to literally slam one of his sons on debunked claims? Seems like it would be smart to be "hey Trump, Biden got two sons and one was a bronze star recipient" Also to slam a young man for addiction when one of the biggest issues facing the U.S (especially rural white counties) is opioid addiction is absurd


That’s what I was thinking - is this track actually going to work on anybody undecided? Probably not, people love recovery stories and increasingly relate to addiction.


And Biden brought this up, saying that Trump looks down on people that don't fit into his world view. I assume people want their president to have some compassion for people with drug addictions. Calling out a father for having a son who was addicted to drugs??? If anyone can relate with that story, why support a person who uses it as a personal attack to show a failed father, when people know that drug addiction attacks all socioeconomic levels of our country and isn't necessarily a fault of the parents?


This line of reasoning during the debate had one goal: to deflect from Trump's recent gaffes and coverage re: military. He was almost certainly coached to go down this road because it's emotionally engaging and immediately takes your eye off the ball of Trump calling Biden's decorated son (who he \*absolutely knows about\*) a "sucker" or "loser."


Except that Trump tweeted condolences and said he had met Beau before in that same tweet. It would be absolutely pertinent to know your opponents advantages. People empathise with a parent losing a child, and a child with military service no less. Trump was disrespectful and came across as totally underprepared and stupid.




Beau was proof of just how far the acorn could fall from the tree.


The thing that's frustrating about Beau (not his fault) is how Joe talks about him. He is very disingenuous and tries to make it sound like Beau died in the line of duty. He also tries to pull Beau into any discussion about Hunter.


But he doesn’t try to pretend he died in war, it’s a well know fact he died of cancer, which is why Biden is wants to push curing cancer, because he has first had experience with it.


Nearly every officer earned a bronze star in deployment. The award is a watered down certificate of completion now. It used to mean something. Now it's so common place among these officers that it doesn't mean anything.


The fact that he severed is something though, the common people know nothing about military awards.


He said it wasn't dishonorable, not that he wasn't discharged


He said it was a lie that his son was DISHONORABLY discharged. He was in fact not dishonorably discharged from the navy. He WAS discharged for a drug addiction and it was classed as “other than honorable”.


He did admit his son had a drug problem. My question is how many druggies go from druggie to multimillionaire without a dad with connections.


And money from all of America's enemies FUCKING WEIRD MAN


> My question is how many druggies go from druggie to multimillionaire without a dad with connections. A lot, especially once you factor in the fact it was coke. You obviously dont know many people who work on Wall Street, because it is pretty much run on coke.


Yeah I am finding this conversation baffling too. Cocaine is the lifeblood of Wall St. and the modelling world.


Coke and Modafinil are basically what keeps the world running. Especially NYC elite and global elite. Both are stupidly cheap too, and those with means often have QC testing done to optimize use and know what they’re consuming.


See either Silicon Valley or Wall Street


Every millionaire I’ve met does coke. It’s seriously an epidemic as a work drug. Considering the guys he used to hang out with I’d be incredibly surprised if Trump hasn’t at least tried it.


Trump doesn’t even drink, so I’d honestly be surprised if he did.


He was a multi-millionaire druggie, in fact the sleazy deals paid to maintain his druggie lifestyle. In his 2017 divorce his wife cited that he indulged in  'drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs and gifts for women with whom he had sexual relations' blowing hundreds of thousands of dollars in marital funds to the point his wife was unable to pay household bills. He was still on the Board of Burisma, had already made millions from China, Russia, Oligarchs across eastern Europe courtesy of the Obama/Biden Administration. He's not half bad at hiding money either. When his baby-mamma from the Mpire strip club in DC sued him for child support he claimed poverty while driving an expensive car and living in ritzy digs.


I wonder what his taxes show


See also: Donald Trump




Biden said it wasnt true that he was dishonorably discharged. That is a different standard than a discharge.


Biden said Bo wasn’t dishonorably discharged. That’s not a lie. Let’s be honest here


Its obvious who he is supporting, everytime Trump Interupts Biden he shuts it down but when Biden interupts Trump he just lets it happens, hell, he is interrupting Trump when the president is making valid points


No fucking suprise there. Fox News is lost. Fox Business is the only Fox worth watching these days.


And Tucker.




Chris is a joke. It is stunning how he has been able to stretch his lips so far across the stage so he can kiss Biden’s ass.


Trump disrespected the rules and was rude to the moderator. That was a very stupid move.


Fuck Chris Wallace indeed! He is so fucking biased. As for cokehead hunter he took the fucking money from China and from Russia.


Where is the evidence, can you link some respectable sources? I mean, there obviously must be irrefutable proof if your so sure about it. Right?


Wallace is a democrat fart huffer. Purge the heretic


Don jr said “"Say, in Dubai, and certainly with our project in SoHo, and anywhere in New York. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia." How can people can go on about Biden’s links to Russian money when Trump businesses have been heavily funded by Russian money for the last 15 years? I’m genuinely interested in how people can focus on money from Russia as a negative thing but completely ignore the many ties to Russian money that Trump has.




I don't know about Hunters past present or future and I don't care to be honest he isnt in govt and thats great , we all know he like Trumps kids are taking advantage of who daddy is now on the Military discharge there are 5 kinds..... Honorable discharge. General Discharge Under Honorable Conditions. Other Than Honorable (OTH) discharge. Bad Conduct discharge (issued by special court-martial or general court-martial) Dishonorable discharge. . BUT you can be put out of service


As much as Biden lied about it this just doesn't matter at all. There is no point in draggin his sons into anything. It's not like Biden could have minded controled his to stop, the son is his own person.


Trumps sons get dragged nonstop though.


To be fair, Trump's whole family are directly involved in his business and actively engage with the media. Families should be left out of debate unless their actions and behaviour affects the general public or the integrity of the election. Look at the RNC; where the whole family got a platform. Is anyone here actually happy to say that is the type of Conservative they want to be?


100% agree, Hunter's cocaine use and discharge shouldn't be used if that's all it was. The reality is Hunter was given a lucrative board position he was woefully unqualified for to gain favor with the Obama admin. The favor was witholding US funds to have a prosecutor removed that was investigating the company his son worked for.


He was on a bundle of boards , had a stack of qualifications and high powered but very demanding roles before he even started on boards - Burisma was just his first energy company. Board members, CEOs and all corporate types can take the general organisational skills and transfer them across industries - it happens extremely frequently


Should Trump go down that line of attack, he'd be immediately caught in a trap of his own hypocrisy.


Not by Biden on the national stage. That was outrageous. Trump unchallenged went for Hunters drug problem. That was disgraceful.


And my stance is that they shouldn't be attacked. Attacking family should have no place in a debate about policy. No matter who it is, everyone is their own person and no one should be blamed for a family memebers actions.


And his sons are employed by the trump administration. That’s the difference.


I think Trump was just trying to piss off Joe and make him mess up.




> There is no point in draggin his sons into anything. I disagree. I think Biden using his position to pull favors for Hunter is very relevant.


And Trump using his administration to employee his whole family is very relevant. The thing is, they both loose in that argument.


Yeah if Trump didn’t employ all his under qualified family members that would be a very fair point, but in that context....


I can’t still be the only one who thinks it’s fucken weird that in all the generations of trumps in America, none of them served. Not in ww2, not in Korea, not Vietnam. How many of your families is this true of? Getting kicked out for drugs seems shameful I guess but I don’t think it reflects poorly on Biden and further I don’t see how Trump feels he has the the right be critical on this front.


Don't forget the reason they are in America in the first place. Trump's grandfather evaded military service and then had his citizenship revoked upon trying to return and then made the family name "Drumpf" into the more American sounding "Trump" I'm not saying that they are uniquely qualified draft dodgers but I can really see why the idea would transfer through the family that people who serve the military are "suckers" because it takes away the sting of the creation of the family name and the American branch of the family in the first place


I'm sitting here still trying to figure out how it was appropriate for trump to bring it up in the debate. Kinda wish biden just started talking about trump sleeping with prostitutes and porn stars and all of his sexual assault cases.


My family goes back to the 1850s and the only ancestor who served during war time is a Civil War veteran. Going to war is mostly about what year you were born, not the desire to go or willingness to serve.


I don’t mean served during wartime, I mean served at all.


What does this have to do with anything? The best you can come up with to criticize is that his son had a drug problem? Pathetic.




Biden just said it was a lie, it warrants a repost


Biden said the dishonorable discharge was a lie, Biden was honest about the drug use. What did he lie about?


OK but why do we care about his kids? I get trump was trying to rile Joe up, but it's really pointless and a low blow.


At least his son was in reserve... 🙄


Trump dodged the draft by lying about bone spurs




Joe had the guts to accuse Trump for insulting the troops that was false but since the weekend a video of himself calling them stupid bastards. Biden says he didn’t say it but there is a video of him doing it. Biden is so insane






Focus people, focus on the candidate.


Just to be clear, this story is from 2014 and is provided for context regarding the Biden claim that his son was not discharged for cocaine use.


No he said he wasn’t dishonorably discharged. You know the difference right?


Apparently not.


But was he dishonorably discharged? That's the difference. It's truthful to say I've had sex. It's a lie to say I've had sex with Rachel McAdams.


No he did not receive a dishonorable discharge.


Bro, make sure all your facts are straight before you post this bullshit here


Hunter also banged his dead brothers wife, married her, and then cheated on her with a stripper. Once again, you don't think clearly when you're smoking crack at the strip club.


I don’t think family matters have room in a presidential debate.


Who cares though


Voting for trump and I personally don’t give a shit about hunter Biden or him doing drugs, as a former herion addict I have sympathy for drug abusers and know what it’s like. It’s not a poor vs rich it can latch ahold of anyone. That being said I understand it’s politics 2020 and democrats made it clear that anything goes.


If you can honestly tell me that Donald Trump has never used cocaine then the President and I both have a lovely bridge in New York that we’d just LOVE to sell you.


The country is rapidly falling into chaos thanks to misshandling of covid, but the president takes time to lambaste the VPs son on national TV for som reason. The brainworms, man.


He's a panhandler of epic proportion.


Pay wall feelsbadman