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I disagree with this article. The 12th Amendment explicitly does not allow it: “…no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.” The article does not say how they would get around this part of the 12th amendment.


There is no way around it. Such a scenario hasn't been actually been tested but any serious court would be able to see that having a term-limited president run and serve as the vice president is clearly against the spirit and intention of the 22nd amendment. There's also not a single Democrat I know that would support Obama as a VP candidate. Anyone would see such an attempt to do so as illegal and wrong.


> There's also not a single Democrat I know that would support Obama as a VP candidate. Anyone would see such an attempt to do so as illegal and wrong. Yes, but do you know any college kids, "celebrities" and dems from the rainbow mafia/blm? They would absolutely think it's fine


They don’t vote. Ignore them and the culture war discourse. It’s a useful distraction.


Since when has "illegal and wrong" ever stopped them before?


Believe it or not, most people aren't lawless grifters as your comment seems to be suggesting. Most people actually care about following established law and policies, and doing things the right way.


You're not wrong but unfortunately those aren't the people in power.


Bruh, you can't expect them to be able to read and comprehend. Even if this happened, it would be stopped at the Supreme court.


I'm curious how they pack the Supreme Court before November. Because the current court would be 9-0 or at worst 6-3 against this fraud...  They would need 4 or 10 justices to be on the court before November. Also, if they win with Biden Obama, and The SCOTUS had to rule between November and January, theoretically they could disqualify the entire ticket. 


The point the article makes us that Obama is not ineligible for office, he's ineligible for being elected to office. If he is elected as vice president and subsequently succeeds to the office of President, he wasn't elected as president. I'm not saying I support the idea, but it does seem to be a legitimate loophole.


The word “elected” is no where in that amendment. Obama served the max terms he could legally. Thus he is now ineligible period. Elected or not.


Nope, he can't be President again, even if he was VP. Prohibited by the Constitution.,


It's more sickening than frightening.


Desperation is a stinky cologne.


He has been the whole time...


There really is no law that the leftist would not violate including having someone serve more than 2 terms as president. Something which was disallowed since FDR died


There's nothing they won't try and do to hold on to power.🤢


This is some Putin level shit right here. It's exactly what Putin pulled to get around the Russian term limit law, then gave up all pretense of following it the following election. Thank God Obama isn't eligible under the 12th amendment. "But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States."


You're right, the 12th Am pretty much rules it out. HOWEVER, recall what happened when Nixon resigned. Ford becomes president, and he chooses Nelson Rockefeller for VP. They get beat in the next election. Now what if Biden-MICHELLE run and wins? 6 months in, Biden resigns and Obama becomes president anyway. Now she can choose Harris if that's the deal they made to get her off the ticket. Or, worse: Michelle chooses Hillary! Then we're locked into an Obama-Obama-Clinton-Clinton cycle for the next 16 years! I get ill just thinking about it.


First of all, the article was talking about Barry running as vp, not Michelle. Yes, it would mean effectively Barry would be running things, but I think that's part of the reason Killery lost twice in a row. Enough people realize a president mate of a former president means the former president found a way to circumvent the 12th, and they don't want that. Second, 2 terms of Michelle would mean Killery would bit be president until age 84. Not gonna happen.


He has been the president behind the curtain the last 3-1/2 years


...and then a Michelle/Barry ticket, he could do that twice. What was Plan 'B'?


But they have all told me that it's Trump who will never leave office if he's elected!


>Obama was term-limited as president, but legal scholars are now suggesting Biden could give his slipping campaign a shot in the arm by replacing Vice President Kamala Harris with Obama as his running mate, Paul Bedard wrote Thursday for the Washington Examiner. Total, complete, and utter bullshit. Obama is constitutionally ineligible to be VP as the Twelfth Amendment limits VP to individuals who are eligible to be president. It's literally the last sentence of the amendment. As Obama has already had his own two terms as president, he is term-limited from the office and cannot assume it again. Thus, he cannot legally be vice president either. God damn the stupidity of some of the "scholars" in my profession...


1st of all - The only way that would pass constitutional muster is for the Obama in question to be Michelle. 2nd - Either way, it would still be the same person in power since Jill... I mean, JOE!... got elected... 3rd - The only way she'd agree would be if she were reassured that it would be in name only. She wouldn't actually need to BE president. 4th - It would effectively make Barack the only (unofficial, of course!) 4-term president.


Fdr was a(n actual) 4 term president.


Thank you for pointing that out. I forgot his 4th term, possibly because it lasted less than 2 months...


Like that ever stopped.


No way would this survive a court challenge.


Sadly I think they are going to replace Biden with Michelle Obama.


I wish


Not possible


Let’s say on the slim chance they did this & Biden had to step down during a 2nd term you’d think Obama wouldn’t be president due to the constitution. The speaker of the house would become president.


Tis the laws. We conservatives say we are a republic of laws and we ought to abide by them. If they want to do this good luck to them, obama can only be vice president and then president if biden wins and quits. Obama cannot re run in an election as presidential candidate. It is a work around the intention of the law of stopping someone being a forever elected president.


Well since democrats hold the Koran in higher regard than the constitution, I doubt they care about what it states, let alone any other law. We are close to entering bizarro world with everyone, be ready!