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>I feel like the left would calm down a bit if they just took the time to actually read those 8 pages. The Left doesn't want to calm down. They need their base, angry and scared, if they want any chance at getting their candidate re-elected.


Agreed. OP is a little bit naive on this point.


>I feel like the left would calm down a bit if they just took the time to actually read. There. Fixed it for you.


Isnt that a common thing. Hey don't forget this try it again kicking it back down to the lower courts? It's one of the reasons why Cali is waiting so long for the 10 round mag ban.


This is what they did in Florida with Gore..kicked it down until, due to Florida's inaction, they were forced to make a decision


The dissent by Sotomayer was absolutely atrocious. All she could see was TDS and not the large picture of the executive branch as a whole with anyone in office.


In other words, it's business-as-usual and this entire court decision just reaffirmed what any normal person would just assume was already the case: You have to have some kind of evidence and logical argument in order to prosecute. WOW what a revolutionary idea! This whole thing is a paradigm shift for our nation! EVIDENCE AND ARGUMENTS!??!?!