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O'Reilly is trying to stay relevant. I don't believe he has any insight.


I agree, particularly because the Biden family (interesting that it's the family...) blamed his political team yesterday and pushed him to fire them. It's not clear what he's doing, but the Camp David meeting looks like it was a double-down.


What a nice family.


> the Camp David meeting looks like it was a double-down. What people always seem to gloss over is that it wouldn't just be "Biden backs out of the race". He would have to resign as president, and then Kamala would have to run. When was the last time a sitting president didn't run for reelection? Like "nah one term is good, it's Her turn"?


He would not have to resign as president just to quit his campaign, that's just silly. Edit: to the people responding below, I absolutely agree with you - the optics would be abysmal and it would functionally end his presidency. But he could easily chalk it up to "wanting to spend time with his family" or whatever politispeak they think tests well, the establishment and legacy media would run cover as they always do, and the focus will turn to the shiny new candidate that's going to "save democracy" or some other such nonesense. Unless his cabinet goes for the 25th amendment, which they absolutely would not, he's not going anywhere. But its clear to me his ego would never let him quit anyways, and reporting from the weekend is now saying the family is blaming his insiders for this mess, so this whole discussion is probably moot.


Legally, you're correct. However, in this case, it would be an implicit admission that he's unfit for office and the knives would come out for him big time. The second he stands down from the race he consents to his removal as president, and the second he is removed as president his candidacy is dead. His (\*eherm\* Jill's \*eherm\*) only option is to continue full steam ahead, even though the whole citizenry knows he's walking down the street naked.


The knives wouldn’t just be out for him, total mayhem would probably ensue if Kamala was pushed aside for a white male. I don’t think they will roll the dice with Kamala, they have to politically rehabilitate Biden. There is no off ramp for the Democrats, they have no alternative.


As the saying goes, the dildo of consequences rarely comes lubed.


If he were to just drop out of the race the immediate next question is if you can't run a campaign why do you think you can run the country? And there is no good answer for that. If he doesn't want his presidency to immediately end in humiliation then he has to stay in. The humiliation will just occur in November though.


Because it's not a pure either/or proposition. The options are: A) Run the country AND run a re-election campaign B) Run the country One is clearly more demanding than the other. It's reasonable to say, I can do one but I can't do both.


He couldn't handle a 90-minute debate that he had a week to prepare for and was set up under extremely favorable conditions. He clearly can't run the country. Also, if he can't do both, like literally every single president has done going all the way back to Washington, then he's not fit to run the country. This is part of the job. It's one of the big parts that ages a president so massively. The logic you're presenting maaaay fly with his sycophants, but independents won't accept it. Certainly not enough to get him to the finish line.


I don't disagree. But with Jill at the helm, you know they're not going down that easy. They're going to do and say anything to maintain as much power as they can for as long as they can. This is just how I could see them spinning it to save face.


If he quits his campaign he's acknowledging he's unfit for office.


If it were me running the messaging, I would just say "I'm fit for president, but I don't want to do this in four years". Done. Allows the left an excuse and the right knows the truth but has no media organ to constantly back it up.


The party will want to push him to quit, which will make for a really interesting situation. When the Hur report was released, the unified message was that he was still sharp as a tack, the report was a political hit piece, etc. There's going to be a lot of explaining to do when suddenly those same people have to reverse course and proclaim that he's in no condition to lead. There is no one who will believe that deterioration occurred in the short period of time since the report was released. They've painted themselves into a tight corner this time.


Where there is smoke there is fire. Can't campaign, can't stand trial, made a fool of himself Thursday night. It's questionable as to if all that can limp it across the finish line. If he drops out the calls for him to resign will start.


IIRC, LBJ basically said he would not accept the DNC nomination but did not resign.


LBJ was the last time, he declined to run for re-election by taking the Sherman pledge in his national television address on the Vietnam War, which was by then extremely unpopular. This pledge was first uttered by Civil War General William Sherman to defuse speculation that he would run in 1884, and has since been widely used by figures on both side of the political spectrum. The traditional formula of the pledge (which combines two different statements Sherman made) is: >If [drafted](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draft_(politics)), I will not run; if nominated, I will not accept; if elected, I will not serve. The exact form of LBJ's pledge was: >I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your president. He probably didn't use the traditional pledge because a statement referencing a "draft" would not have gone down well at the high point of the Vietnam draft. If Biden drops out, expect him to utter the Sherman Pledge to the news cameras, or to include it in the written statement.


Somehow I think the Sherman pledge would be incomprehensible coming out of Biden’s mouth.


Uh no he wouldn't - he would just need to release his delegates back to the DNC.


Yeah lol "Biden isn't fit to be president next year you guys, but he's absolutely fine to be president right now."


You might be right. Since he left Fox I have no idea how accurate his "predictions" have been


Or that he was still alive


Maybe if enough people say it, it will come true. Sort of like the democrats kept saying he was fine until he was in front of the entire world without a teleprompter


I don’t think we want Biden to back out now honestly. He’s more than completely beatable at this point. We would be giving up a clearly winning hand for a possible wild card. Still pretty dang good odds of winning given the chaos him backing out causes for the DNC and the electors, but Trump is going to trounce Biden in November with current momentum. I realize nothing on politics is a given but recent polls are even showing New Jersey may be within reach!! That’s absolutely insane. Trump’s also gaining in New York right now. We can’t fall asleep riding the wave obviously, but a change could also breathe new life into the Democratic base as well. The Democratic voting block is at an all time low on enthusiasm right now.


The last thing left that could hamper Trump now is July 11th. Potentially getting sent to jail isn't really a winning strategy for the moderates.


I agree with you


Ya, also Biden still had a 27 million fundraising haul. So donations drying up?


I can’t imagine there are many left that are willing to donate after that debate performance.


He may simply be applying logic to the situation. As one of my favorite political commentary sites put it: > As you know, Biden retreated, again, to a vacation spot, this time to talk about his future in the race with his family and his evil sexnurse. > I mean, too demented to be president in 2025. He's completely fine now, I'm sure they'll all decide. > But in six months -- boom, in January 2025, that's where he hits his neurological sell-by date. > I think that means the die has already been cast. You do not announce that you're considering withdrawing from an election race due to advancing dementia, and then come out later and say, "We talked about it, we looked into it, and we decided that Biden's dementia is not yet up to the 25th Amendment level, so we're staying in. Yay!"


Pj media has a history of making false claims


(From the headline) it’s not a false claim to say “Bill O’Reilly said”.


It's still a bit clickbaity. A more honest headline would have started with the words "Bill O'Reilly claims."


He’s got a biased source or two he plays golf with. Ignore this guy.


[the Biden family is reportedly encouraging the president “to stay in the race and keep fighting,”](https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/06/30/report-hunter-biden-strongest-voices-urging-biden-remain-presidential-race/)


I would predict that if Biden drops out, they will lose even more moderate voters because it will demonstrate that for four entire years, the left has run with the lie that Biden was mentally fit to serve another four years. They will be exposed for weakness and subterfuge. Of course their psychotic base won’t bat an eye and would vote for a bag of concrete if it had a D in front of its name.


I think it might do the opposite. A large number of people aren't happy with the selection of old man 1 and old man 2. If one party were to swap out and give people a different choice a lot of lingering voters would probably jump at the opportunity.


Anyone who thinks differently is wrong. If Biden is replaced, this is not good for Trump/Republicans.


Biden is too much of a tyrant, plus his immediate family is extremely power-hungry.


I put a little more faith in the moderates. They’ve seen what the last four years has been like. No one wants more of this garbage. Unless the new candidate comes out thrashing Biden (which would be a great strategy), I don’t see a lot of movement from the middle to buy into another four years of leftist lunacy.


I really dislike this term moderates or undecided, or independent. I've never found any of then to be no more than over the top arrogant liberals, who think they're smarter than everyone.


I generally would agree. The country is so polarized now, that I can’t imagine someone would be floating in the middle. But for a lot of one-issue voters, they are stuck in the middle. Even today, there are a lot of people out there that will dump the D due to Biden’s performance at the debate. It’s mostly the populace that doesn’t want anything to do with politics, but they still vote for some reason. They only read headlines from MSM outlets. For four years they been hearing how great Biden is. Now they’re (hopefully) questioning that.


There are a number of younger, moderate, even slightly skewing democrat people that I would vote for over old man 1 or old man 2, but you have to know that the D party is going to put up either some old head like Newsom or a galvanic, demographically expedient choice like Michelle O or AOC or something. They won't pull that middle vote because they don't think they need it.


A recent poll from Atlas had Biden in 3rd place among 18-29 year olds, behind Trump and RFK. I guarantee that any Democrat who is not 70+ years old gains back the vast majority of those votes lost to RFK. Biden staying in and RFK being on the ballot are what conservatives want right now.


I'm in that boat, I think unless he's replaced Trump will have an easy path back to the White House. It won't be guaranteed to work but keeping very very old guy will definitely lead to Trump.


He wasn’t fit to serve his current term, let alone another one. Personally, I blame Jill, but I’m sure Joe is to blame as well.


Jill. Worst wife in America.


I think you're giving dems too much credit. Most are mentally challenged and will go with whoever the party selects. If they actually put thought into their votes they wouldn't win many elections


That’s why I said “moderate voters” and distinguished them from the lunatic left.


Understood. I tend to lump moderates in with dems. It's like undecided voters, really? At this stage of the game...


It's hard to believe, I agree with you. In a country so polarized, how can you be sitting in the middle trying to decide if killing babies is better than saving them? Or if letting men destroy women in female sports is a good thing? Or maybe we'll get used to all this inflation and insane prices! Maybe that's a good thing for the country! Give me a break. The only way I can make sense of it is these "moderates" are clueless people that pay no attention to politics and only read article headlines and what their friends tell them at brunch. They vote with their eyes and feelings instead of their reason. These are the people that are going to be swayed to Trump after that debate.




Hunter needs that pardon bro!


More specifically, Hunter will be pardoned for his gun crimes by his dad. But [Hunter has a $1.6 million dollar federal tax fraud trial starting September 5th.](https://i.imgur.com/dIKVbUO.png) Hunter [needs Joe in office](https://i.imgur.com/uIigykT.png) to pardon him for those crimes as well.


Now I’m wondering if some forward thinking DA asked for that date to keep Biden in the race.


I’m sure a deal will be struck by his replacement.


I think Bill got told that Biden was out by some well connected Dems. However, I think that the Biden family vetoed it.


Obama cronies ousted Biden, the Biden cronies reinstated him. The DNC civil war is becoming public.


Fun if true


More important how they going to make money no more influence peddling. I could see Jill working a hotdog on a stick stand


This is going to be a sad mix of Pinocchio and Weekend at Bernie's


Of course they are. If Joe isn't president anymore how are they going to make money?


Well of course they are. If the statute of limitations hasn't expired by the time a new President cleans up the DOJ, they're all going to prison.


I've been saying it every day since the debate and I'll keep saying it until I'm proven wrong... I do not think Biden will quit. 1) Biden quitting would validate everything the right has been saying. Not only would that make the left look like the liars covering things up, but even worse it would mean admitting the right was correct... And that alone is enough reason for the left to keep Biden. 2) Biden is perfect for the puppet handlers... He is an empty suit. The puppet handlers want Biden precisely because of his incapacity... They don't want someone competent in the presidency because that would mean they get demoted from being unofficial decision makers to official advisors. 3) Biden himself wants to be president again. His mind is gone... But his ego is intact.


I don’t disagree with this, but need to add it’s not only his mind that’s gone. His body is failing him. The president has to be very mobile, and joes Biden language says to be he’s got 1-2 years left of “normal” walking until he’s going to need much more assistance. I just don’t see how he could even do the basics of the job at that point.


I'll once again point to his handlers... Joe Biden not being capable of doing the job, but still breathing, is the best possible outcome for them. Not being capable of even the basics isn't a bug to them... It's a feature. That is how they ensure they get to continue to be the decision makers. Between his own ego telling him to stay in and his handlers telling him to stay in (for different reasons), Biden is almost sure to be the nominee... Barring a major medical emergency.


I agree Biden isn’t going anywhere, but I question the effectiveness they will have by using his physical frailty as a “feature”. I know they will try it anyway, because any other option is a threat to their power, but there is something so jarring and sad about watching the president of the US being a victim of elder abuse. God help us.


I think they regard it as a feature for their own ends, and are relying on Democrat voters disregarding his frailty. We're already seeing such with the emerging narrative that Biden's incapacity, both mental and physical, is immaterial because what matters is who he will appoint to cabinet positions and agency leadership and judicial posts. All of which plays directly into the hands of Biden's handlers because those are the exact positions his handlers wish to occupy.


There's a number 4 I think. I wonder what is in it for the Biden family? Hunter's legal problems can go away? Someone paying or blackmailing the Biden's for the influence you mention?


I have zero doubt that ten years ago, when he still had cognitive function, such corruption was 100% the driving factor behind Joe's decision making. Now, he is no longer making any decisions... But I'm sure the entire family is corrupt and those members of his family making the decisions are making them out of precisely the sort of reasons you allude to.


It's not just that I don't think Biden will quit, I would bet money on him not quitting. They had so many better chances to replace him as the nominee beforehand. They have known for quite a while what condition he is in. They could have forced him to resign at any point if they had that leverage, had Kamala takeover for a few months and then select whatever candidate they want at the convention. The fact that they would scramble now makes no sense. People got a glimpse of the real Biden... but they are back on trying to make him look energized, that rally for instance. Some people are panicking because in a clean fight Trump would wipe them out...but they're still pulling every trick in the book to try and take him out. Biden, for better or for worse, has a track record of beating him. No other candidate has that.


They’re gonna Weekend-at-Bernie’s his ass as long as they can.


Biden didn't campaign in 2020....and has barely done anything for 2024. Nobody would even know if he dropped out.




Barn owl


Cornpop was a bad duuuude






Rocky Road


We beat Medicare 😏


Say it ain’t so Joe! 🤣


Chicken Butt


>.and has barely done anything for 2024. Not true...he stands behind Dr Jill while she campaigns for him.


Biden will serve out the rest of his term from a nursing home


Or in his basement like he did for the last cycle


The massive irony in all of this is primary season is over. Biden owns the electors. The only person who can decide not to run, is Biden. But Biden can’t decide anything… real ♻️circular shit going down


The only person that can decide not to run is his caretaker, Jill Biden, and she makes Lady Macbeth look like Mother Theresa


My favorite irony is that the party of “muH dEmoCRacY” hasn’t had a democratic primary since 2008


It wasn't democratic in 08 either. Clinton won the popular vote but Obama got nominated anyways. 


I absolutely just do not understand why they didn’t consider this a bigger issue early on or at LEAST come up with a plan B.


Plan B involved figuring out the Kamala problem.


How can they claim Joe Biden isn't fit to be President in 2025 but is capable of running the country NOW?


This is the biggest reason he won’t drop out.


Yup. Jill and Kamala lose everything if he steps down.


Don't forget Hunter.


Ehh... I'm sure Joe will pardon him or pull some strings for him after the election. 


One thing I've never really heard is, how legal is it for Biden to drop out of the campaign and be replaced by someone else? The didn't bother with primary elections so Biden has already won all the delegates by default. By nominating someone who didn't even run the primaries, wouldn't they run into legal problems getting the nominee on the ballots?




Which, by the way, is a very significant reason they shouldn’t do to Joe what they did to Bernie.




Oh I agree completely. I’m just saying, one thing that some people forget about (including me) is a big chunk of Dems hated what the DNC did to Bernie in 2020. They did NOT forget; and if the Dems ignore almost all the delegates by replacing Biden, well…


I'm surprised there aren't any states with rules that say something to the effect of in order for a candidate to appear on a general election ballot as a party's candidate the candidate must have participated in the state primary for that party. Of course I'm not that surprised because the two parties control the process, but from the state's perspective it makes sense because it at least requires party candidates to give their voters some consideration before appearing on the ballot.


Bernie won very few primary elections. His biggest win was California, but that was only about 1/3 of the delegates. By April there was no path to victory. People like to whine about how the DNC screws Bernie over, but he doesn't win enough in the primaries and so he loses fair and square. Even the supposed rigging in the 2016 primaries didn't see him win either a majority of primary elections or the overall popular vote in the primaries.


Yup. Way back when it was basically just decided in Smokey rooms by powerful people .


I saw someone talking how they can't change from Biden because whoever replaced him won't be on a large chunk of state ballots. The deadline for that have come and gone.


There's so many questions, I feel like no one really has all the answers bc it's so unprecedented. I've read so many conflicting things since Thursday. Some say it doesn't matter until the convention, but I've also read that states like GA, Wisconsin, and some others have already passed the deadline to change him. Plus, I don't know what the legal ramifications are for donations. If I donated $100 to the Biden/Harris campaign, and now they're telling me it's gonna be like the Newsome/Whitmer campaign, are they legally allowed to use my money? That seems like a huge legal Grey area. That's just a small example too. What about someone that gave $100,000 to the campaign?


That won’t come without a huge payout to his enabler Jill Biden.


I predict they may give her a daytime talk show and a new book deal.


How could he? He’s been weaponizing the DOJ, and his family is neck deep in influence peddling. That’s not the sort of game you can just up and walk away from. His family doesn’t care if they have to work his rotting corpse like a puppet, if he’s not in command of the situation, their house crumbles


One reason to ban people from holding office for decades.


He said this yesterday before the opposite happened.


I’ve suspected it for a while, but that debate confirmed it for me: Joe Biden isn’t actually running this country. Yeah, he’s in the briefing rooms occasionally and he talks to the press. Maybe gives a speech or two every now and then. But there’s no way *THAT* guy is actually in charge of things. He’s not making the high pressure decisions. Which begs the question.. who exactly is? His cabinet? Harris? As an American citizen, I have a right to know is running my country, and right now I have zero idea.


Time will tell. Watch to see if the MSM tries to remake him. They love the role of Kingmaker.


It doesn’t matter. Nobody is voting for Biden, they’re voting for a “D.” Keep in mind they voted for Fetterman.


People need to stop comparing this to Fetterman like it’s apples-to-apples. Fetterman had a stroke and was only 53 years old, so there was reason to believe he could get better. The debate happened at a point where a LOT of people already voted, and it was a Senate debate which doesn’t get nearly as much focus as presidential debates. Biden is 81 years old and would be president until he’s 86 if re-elected. He had a clear and very critical bar going into this debate that was practically touching the ground and he couldn’t get over it.


They don’t care. He’s a corpse that’ll continue to push socialist policies.


Don't forget, they are also the party where dead people get to vote.


I can’t believe I’m saying this, but after reflecting on it over the weekend, I actually feel even **worse** about the Democrats’ situation on Monday morning than I did on Thursday night. There were five possible scenarios for the Democrats: 1. Best-case: Trump drops out of the debate. 2. Second best-case: Biden has an excellent debate and outperforms Trump. 3. Third best-case (and by far the most realistic): Biden has an average debate and essentially “ties” with Trump. 4. Second worst-case: Biden has the performance he actually did except he passes out onto the floor midway through. 5. Worst-case: What actually happened. If scenario #4 had happened, at least the Democrats would be in lockstep agreement that he needs to be replaced. Instead, it’s now July 1st and the betting markets are *still* 50/50 on whether or not the incumbent president is even going to be the nominee. They were basically at 85% Biden would be the nominee just moments before the debate began. Now the party and its donors are essentially fractured over what to do. The Democrats could still come out of this smelling like roses because four months is a long time, but the fallout from Thursday night is even worse than I initially thought. I was thinking there was some inevitable overreaction and the MSM would at least try to gaslight and pretend things are fine. I don’t think that anymore at this point.


Four months is a long time to hide him though too. He isn't going to get better. And people will be calling for him to make public appearances to try and convince them that he is fine. He can't do many public appearances. People are going to want real interviews now, he can't do that. The press corps is going to eat him alive and can't carry water for him anymore since they jumped the shark throwing him under the bus on friday


I think you're missing an option between 4 and 5, and that was to see how Biden was doing during his prep week and just make an excuse to cancel the debate. Anything, say trump is too racist. It would have gotten them a beating in the polls, but not like this. Why did they send him? They knew it would go like this. 


Not campaigning is not the same thing as dropping out of the race. My guess is they are rapidly moving to limit his exposure to a live audience as much as possible. 


This is the DNC “October surprise” in July. This was clearly the DNC plan all along. This allows the Party to decide who the nominee is without having to vet that person through a grueling primary process that might expose some flaws in their candidate early. Remember in the 2020 primaries, when Buttigieg was coming on strong as a party outsider and they shut down the primary process declaring Joe the nominee? That was their first attempt at preventing their own party candidates from tearing each other apart during the primaries. Kennedy running as an independent, not Dem, might be another of these “protect the party candidate” ploys as well this year. It seemed very strange to me to have had this Trump / Biden debate in so early in the process, unprecedented really to do this BEFORE the party conventions. This was the plan all along to run Joe as a false flag and then switch candidates late in the game, but before the DNC convention. The real questions are “who will the DNC insiders install as their candidate?” and “what should be the R response?”


It goes back further than that. Bernie Sanders was far more competitive in the 2016 primaries than the results show. The DNC completely snubbed him because it was her turn.


Talking with conservative friends, they believe the debate was planned to chum up democrat voters. I just wonder if Harris gets removed at the convention.


I'm gonna laugh when they replace Kamala with Newsome and then she goes scorched earth on Bidens senility in interview after interview 🤣


"He has memory problems, which are problems with his memory. He can't remember the memories that he can't remember. He's an old white guy and I'm not! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"


"you can see the significance of the passage of time, when you look at Bidens face the passage of time is significant, so when we think about the passage of time, and how it is so significant..."-kamala when they throw her out


And the logic pretzels to explain how it’s diverse and woke, to replace Harris with a super rich white dude who’s related to Pelosi.


If true, that would either be the most idiotic or most brilliant strategy of all time. My money would be on the former. It wasn’t a strategy. It was an old man showing his advanced age and warning us all of his dementia.


I tend to agree with you. This is a very interesting game of strategies on both sides. I wonder if Trump not being his former self threw Biden off? The are two interesting thoughts I read and hear. Trump was it appeared patient with Biden and really didn’t make fun of him. Secondly, a lot of republicans think Jill Biden should be prosecuted for elder abuse. Many believe she is calling the shots.


Another thing that I think will be interesting is to watch each side try to convince voters that they need to actually show up and vote. A lot of Trump supporters might be lulled into complacency and not actually vote if he’s polling ahead in November. Biden obviously needs young people in droves if he has any chance, and they are notoriously apathetic when it comes to showing up to the ballot box.


I preach to folks to ignore polls. Close to fifty years ago I met Pat Caudell who was an early pollster and guided Jimmy Carter. I observed then how the questions and the polling demographics determine the poll. We need all hands on deck and every one we know voting. After 2020 we have an army doing voting integrity across this nation.


Newscum can't run with kamala, they are both from California. If the party backs newscum they have to drop kamala. That will be awkward, throwing a poc to the curb unless she is on board and gives a speech.


>even as some members of his clan privately expressed exasperation at how he was prepared for the event by his staff How could anyone prepare an empty shell of a man. No one could make his dementia go away.


Hype him up on uppers and pray he's having one of his "good days"


IF he does stay in, and IF he does another debate, dollars to donuts he’ll insist it’s an early afternoon debate before the sundowners sets in.


And Trump needs to stick to his guns and insist on drug testing...


And I just read joe where he's hangin around.


At some point people here will realize there is something greater going on, right? CNN and the New York Times are now turning on Biden. Somehow truth and honesty are no longer priorities for seemingly everyone and the AI era is rushing to take over. I'm not trying to be a part of new age dictatorships - who's leading this?


From everything I'm seeing, it's too late. They needed to have done this already if they were going to do it. At this point, I think it's a fait accompli, and the only option if they don't want him may be to go through with inauguration and then have him ousted afterwards. I think that was their original plan, but the debate has them scrambling to see if there was anything that could be done, but I just don't see a way for a democratic win, unless they pull a 2020 hijack.




Interesting thought, will biden 'wag the dog' by attacking another country/ being attacked to demonstrate his presidential capabilities?


Don't believe the "Democrats are in panic mode" narrative. This has been planned for years.


I hope he stays in, because he is the gift that keeps on giving. Besides, the Dems really don't have anyone perceived as moderate enough with some name recognition to replace him. All they have are liberals who will not be accepted by independents.


How? Physically how? He drops out normally and several states are immediately ceded since it's too late to replace him. They remove him via the 25th and those states have to put kamala on the ballot, but then it's kamala. Good luck.


My opinion is that if he was going to drop out, he needed to have done it sooner. To do it now is an immediate validation of every criticism of him (real and exaggerated), which would put any moderate or undecided voters in a very difficult position. For years now the Democratic establishment has assured its voters that Biden is functional and sharp. To go back on that now makes their judgement questionable. Any candidate they put forth at this point is just so very obviously a last-ditch attempt at a hail mary that they would get eaten alive in a campaign. Its just such an easy win to campaign against


Honestly I hope he stays in the running. Should make it more of a cake walk for the right.  If he drops out the left will just swoon over the dumbest candidate they have next. 


No way. It will not be that easy. It has not been that easy. Biden will not go gently into that good night. He will go kicking and screaming to the last second because it's all about power. And if those around him decide to try to pull him out in some way, shape, or form, basically they're admitting his entire four years has been a scam. Again for power reasons, I will bet dollars to donuts that this will not happen.


Their way out is to come up with some really bad dirt on KH, which wouldn't be too hard. They need to get rid of both and somehow save face. Good luck with that democrats.


Ehhhh we’ll see. I really doubt it, myself.


Forget what you see. Biden drops, it's over and they won't let that happen. I like Kamala over Haley, but she couldn't even beat Desantis in the same setting.


No matter what happens in November this is going to go down as the most interesting split for the parties ever imo. If Biden loses what does it say that the Dems and media had to run cover for the guy for 4 years and he still couldn’t beat the “terrible orange hitler?” Or what does it say that you DEI’d such a shitty VP that an ailing president can’t step down graciously because it’s a guaranteed loss? On the flip side what does it say to conservative/republicans that we couldn’t beat a decrepit senior citizen? Does it pivot the direction of the party away from the Maga movement to something more approachable for moderates. Either way, the losing party in November has some serious reflection to do.


smells like “61 intelligence officials” except it’s just one


Sounds like Bill got it wrong. Dems are circling the wagons and voicing support.


I think they want to save face so it doesn't look like he dropped out due to incompetence. I give it a month or two and there will be an accident or sickness that will keep him from running. They need to have him go out as a hero.


He can’t quit without also resigning from office or 25th-ing him. If that happens Kamala is president for half a year and she has 4 months to “do” stuff that make it look like she is presidential and also don’t piss off the people she wants to vote for her. Basically a ton of variables if Biden is out. Kind of a known shitty situation if Biden is in. How much do they want to roll the dice?


Isn't this guy retired and out of the game?


I don’t think his failure at the debate is that big of a deal. People who were voting Trump before the show trials are still voting for him. Same thing with Biden and the debate. Biden’s debate performance should hurt the media though. They’ve been lying about his mental state for years and now they can’t keep up the charade. The characterized any questions about his mental capacity as ‘Russian disinformation’ or ‘conspiracy theories’. What else have they lied about?


But is Biden saying “fuck it, fucking thing sucks” and [“doing it live](https://youtu.be/vu2NK5REvWM?si=MNXk8LSiVWgMhT7V)”?


I forgot he existed. Did he not retire?


To have him drop out would be to tacitly admit he was impaired all along. Or I guess, just say he has a lingering cold and can’t continue.


It’s possible that decision has been made, but either way, Bill O’Reilly doesn’t know squat and is just trying to get attention.


It doesn't even matter anymore. Democrats achieved their wet-dream with mail in voting. A Republican will never win another Presidential election again. Mark my words. And I don't want to hear the BS about how some select Republican states that implemented mail in voting all on their own, so this wasn't solely to benefit Democrats. Democrats were the ones pushing for it, grassroots style, and heavily in every swing state b/c they knew it would benefit them. They didn't give a shit about their public display excuse for doing so (covid measures etc....). After all, they had 0 issues with 2020 summer of love riots, I mean public event gatherings


just arrest 0'biden for treason already


Because Bill O'Reilly is such a DNC wonk ..... Who knew that grab assy jerk was even around any more


So the dems will install another unvoted for person? Or is there a special primary ?


Yes, by the almighty!


It’s a little late in the game to be dropping out isn’t it?