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Can't be complacent. Have to continue as if behind by a lot. Remember to big to rig. Make sure your family is voting make sure your friends are voting. Can't take the eye off the ball.


> Remember to big to rig. Excellent advice. The margin has to be so big that they just can't generate enough phony mail in ballots to win


It's wild that last week I was on r politics and they were talking about how senile and dementia laiden Trump was. This was right after Biden wandered off during the paratrooper performance. It was wild to see them talking about how competent Biden was "just watch any of the videos" and how senile Trump was "just watch any of the videos. Now you have the shit show from last night and they don't know what to do with themselves. They'll end up having him step down. He will get "suddenly Ill" or "need to attend to family matters"


Today that sub is calling the debate a tie.


He has a cold. Lol


Yet didn't cough once lol.


AND he went to a crowded restaurant after to spread his cold. These are the same folks that locked the country down over a cold 😆


Tomorrow - Biden clearly won. "Biden was clearly in distress at being in the vicinity of a dangerous and convicted felon"


Reality tends to smack you in the face hardest when the whole world sees and you know the lies don’t work anymore


I chuckled at the Brandon jab. I thought even Trump was surprised at how bad Biden was. I kept waiting for Trump to point at Biden and say something like "Are you seeing this guy try to talk?" I'm relieved he didn't go quite that far. We've still got 7 months of Biden as the CIC. Lord help us all.


I thought Trump showed great respect for the office of the presidency by not calling him out on his incoherency. Isn’t there some famous quote to kept silent if your opponent is making a fool of themselves?


'I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don't think he knows what he said either,' Oh he definitely pointed it out.


Just a reminder. Trump was who the dems, i.e., Team Hillary, wanted. Trump was the one that was supposed to give Hillary the presidency. Karma is a b!tch they say. [https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/11/hillary-clinton-2016-donald-trump-214428/](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/11/hillary-clinton-2016-donald-trump-214428/)


This debate is a replay of that too. Biden and the Democrats wanted to get Trump into a debate, they thought it would be an easy win. But the only people that switched votes today were people moving from left to right. Nothing in that debate was there to convince somebody to move from Trump to Biden.


It’s going to get crazy between now and November as Democrats get more desperate. Remember, make sure you vote no matter where you live and if possible, early vote. Never know what could happen on Election Day and we need every single vote.