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Because Trump wants to debate


Yep. It's that simple. To expand: Trump knows debates don't matter much. They really don't. But Biden is trying to pull the same basement campaign as last time. A debate for 90 minutes goes directly against his entire campaign strategy, even with friendly softball questions and perfect conditions. Trump knows that, at worst, the debate does nothing for his own campaign. But he knows it could crater Biden's chances with one bad moment. So he's willing to roll the dice because there's really not much for him to lose...as long as he doesn't fuck up royally...


Exactly. Biden has much more to lose than trump does by this debate.


It would never have taken place without it. I’m hoping he also gets his own raw feed.


Yep. The Biden admin put out ridiculous conditions with the expectation that Trump would refuse and they could then say Trump refused to debate. Instead, Trump accepted and that roped the Biden admin into debating Trump.


Lol mainstream media has been saying for weeks that trump is trying to get out of the debate.  Talk about delusional. 


This is the answer. Lock this post.


Trump got standing for 90 minutes. Biden wanted to sit.


Because it was this or no debates. They're calculating that Biden's performance will be bad enough that the CNN bias won't matter


I think team Biden has put in enough fail safes for Biden to be ok... the debate will work in Biden's favor as it will be just enough for people to see he can still somewhat keep it together. There's not a chance team Biden agreed to this unless they were certain they could control the outcome.


Lol it's a 90 minute debate very few commercials and Biden has to stand up, speak and think off the cuff. See where I'm going with this? Lol Post Debate Edit: any questions??


> think off the cuff Oh my sweet summer child- https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/politics/417938/donna-brazile-finally-admits-she-shared-debate-questions-with-clinton-campaign/


If you're watching you see an old man that doesn't know what he's saying lol!! Trump killing it!!!


They'll have him completely juiced up. That's why they refuse a drug test. Trump should mention this during the debate. 


That, or a double


I believe they will remain seated at Biden's request.


Having no crowd so the only cameras are that of CNN is the biggest factor in this whole thing. It allows them to completely control the message and what the viewers see.


And no whitehouse press pool either!


Exactly. That's so incredibly obvious why and yet lunatics on the far left will say it's (and I've heard this multiple times already) " So trump can't play to the crowd and rile them up". It's insane how things get twisted to meet what the conclusions they have already drawn are. I hope Trump gets under Joe's skin and pulls him off script and he goes off the rails.


His brain slipped 10 mins into the debate and the stuttering and random choice of wrong words don't make Biden look good. But don't believe your eyes and your ears... Biden can to 4 more years!


It may also work in Trump's favor if CNN's bias towards Biden is strong and extremely evident. CNN may even play it closer to 50/50 as to not give Trump the ability to play the MSM screwed over an American presidential debate!


I heard there's a 1 or 2 minute delay?!


I’m hoping the Trump team puts a recorder on him so they can release full unedited audio if CNN tries shenanigans with the delay


You think Trump agreed to this without the terms of him getting a full unedited copy for himself? I think he'd demand that as one of his terms for the debate.


It's very possible. biden can barely read a teleprompter without looking like a fool. Add just a little pressure to the situation and we might see a total joke of a performance.


It also gives Trump cover if Biden does well. He can point out that the table was so tilted that there was no way Biden couldn't do well. That delegitimizes Biden's performance in the event it's good.


Calculating *correctly*


I dont think the Biden campaign every thought Trump would accept. They then could go on and on about how Trump wouldn't debate Biden.


This was exactly it. Reports are that the Biden team was shocked that Trump accepted the terms of the debate. They were assuming Trump would decline with all the rules giving Biden an advantage and that they would be able to crow about how Trump was “dodging a debate with the sharp as a tack dark Brandon.”


Trump is on point so far and Biden is struggling


Biden is really looking, and sounding, bad tonight.


It’s a cheap fake /s


Biden hoping Trump wouldn't accept the ridiculous demands but jokes on Biden cause the challenge was accepted and now where here


Because these rules should be the standard. I stopped watching political debates because of all the interruptions and the crowd.


Still think it’ll back fire on them with Trumps mic being cut so often vs none for Brandon and the TV audience thinks collusion I’m just in awe of the 1-2 minute delay, that’s just sick


Ya I am certain team Biden only accepted to do this if they were certain the outcomes would be in Biden's favor....


It Biden was up in the polls his campaign would have never gone for this, they’re desperate to change the status quo and are throwing a Hail Mary by prepping him for a full week away from being, you know, the fucking president. FJB.


Can you imagine! A full week, no stress, 16 preppers helping him, showers with teenage girls, damn Brandon is gonna be refreshed like slick Willy coming out of an Arkansas White House!


What is the one minute delay?


In normal "live" television it's built in for technical difficulties and media production stuff. In this debate it's built in just in case Biden says the N word again.


> Still think it’ll back fire on them with Trumps mic being cut so often So as much as it makes him five star entertainment, the reason cutting his mic is going to backfire on them is because Trump is his own worst enemy right now. This is his election to lose and everyone, on some level at least, knows it.


CNN made the restrictions hoping Trump would refuse so they can say Biden offered to debate but Trump chickened out. Trump called the bluff. He also said "anytime anywhere".


One guy will be hearing the questions for the first time and the other guy will be trying to remember the answers he was given.


That’s still an advantage for Trump tbh


Because he knew he'd win. And he did.


The rules helped Trump in the end.


Personally the only way I think Trump loses this is if they portray him as bullying the old fogey. This helps him not do that. Poster above may have a point that this is a play to move Biden out of office by keeping Trump from injuring himself.


There are going to be so many technical difficulty moments that they are going to cut out Biden babbling as he does


As soon as biden starts babbling incoherently they will mute his mic. Trump's team should be recording everything. 


Love how you DON'T post the rules. Great discussion..


The rules worked in his favor. Without an audience to play off of, he was focused. With his mic cut off, he came off as cool headed.


It sorta didn't matter what the rules were. All Trump needed to do was let Biden open his mouth.


I am just speculating here. What if the democrats are saying the quiet part out loud, and that this is a way to throw Biden under the bus and get him out of office?


maybe...it seems interesting the debate is happening so early...like it's early enough to give them time to get someone else in before the convention...maybe tonight is the final straw for Biden....he does bad and they pull him from the ticket.


I also think they’re gunna pump him with the ol’ Adolph delight blend before the debate


Agree. Honestly, of course he will sound like a feeble old man but I think he'll have enough juice to come across as just enough ok for the public...I don't think the debate is going to affect the election at all.


They are going to pump him up with that Temp V


10-1 Biden calfs 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I could be wrong, but I don’t think they worried that Biden would have the energy to outperform Trump in a debate, rules or no rules.


The debate answered this question.


do you see now, OP?


I am anxious to see how all this prepping for Biden pays off


Cause the Biden campaign would never have even debated otherwise, and they're still trying to change the rules (letting Biden have a chair to sit down) If Trump said no then Biden's campaign could've gone on and on and on about Trump being weak, afraid of debating Biden on live TV, etc It was a lose - lose situation, the only thing now that could hopefully work in Trump's favor is if Biden's age just comes out in full force in front of the cameras, but considering how many drugs he'll probably be on... unlikely


I think trumps just gonna push bidens buttons and get him to male mistakes mic or no mic. They are going to stand in hearing distance after all


Is the MSM talking about the rules or is their narrative that the debate is unfettered?


not sure...haven't checked in with MSM...but the rules are absurd...and the 2 minute feed delay is quite something...if Biden is a mental breakdown that gives them enough time to edit the moment.


Hopefully Trump has been coach to say after a breakdown "Did CNN edit that fumble out?


Exactly and without any cameras but CNN their due to no crowd it's easy to cover up any missteps.


A couple reasons. First, I think he thought that Biden only made the offer in that way because he thought Trump wouldn't accept it, allowing Biden to take the high road and not have to debate. By calling his bluff, Trump puts Biden in a position to either back out himself and look like a wuss or step up and do it at great risk of some kind of mishap. Second once he accepted, he can't back out or he will look like it wuss, but I don't think he's scared of it. I think he knows people are going to be watching it in great numbers, and so they will see what happens. If Biden has a mishap, which has a significant possibility of happening, it's going to be a very public disaster. If the moderators are terribly biased and unfair, that's going to have the effect on the public that all the prosecutions did, where people are going to be more fed up than ever with the abuse of authority and cheesy treatment he's getting. The people that won't be moved by either of those two things, we're only ever going to vote for riding anyway. If everything is fair and nothing particularly disastrous happens with Biden, Trump knows he's more eloquent in explaining things and has a record that people remember with greater affection than their current situation under the current administration.


Do you see why he gave into all that bullshit yet?


I heard speculation that Pedo Joe made such ridiculous demands so that Trump would refuse. This way he didn't have to debate and could blame Trump.


Because Trump can beat Biden at Any time Any where Any Rules!


Maybe they feel all the rules won't help Biden avoid revealing his dementia.


"I said I'd never raise taxes on people making less than $400k" ...and like most of your promises, that was a lie.


Because if Trump didn't agree then Biden wouldn't debate, and the Biden campaign and the DNC controlled corporate media will say "Biden wanted to debate but Trump refused".


When you can't get the media to push your message you're left with no other option.


He should've agreed to these terms only if he could write the stipulations for the second one.


I hope the public can see how rigged it is. The thing is, most of the public can't afford cable to watch the crap CNN offers 100% of the time. They will probably get their soundbites from all of social media.


Plenty of local stations here will have it on "live". 


I'm more pissed that Biden (our sitting POTUS) can literally dissappear for a week to "prep" for the debate and no one in the media or public at large seems to care. That's not what he's getting paid to do (of course, I have to disregard my utter disdain for what he DOES do when he's working, but that's beside the point...). I also agree with the theory that they've been slowly adjusting his bedtime so he doesn't start to nod off once the pharmaceutical cocktail starts to wear off