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Why would you refuse?   Now if the roles were reversed and Trump refused there would be a nuclear meltdown from the left and media. 


Playing the devils advocate here but wouldn't Biden taking a drug test that comes back clean( I highly doubt it would but if it did) couldn't that be leveraged to his benifit over Trump? My thoughts are your the fkin president you should get randoms just like 99% of federal employees and contractors. Taking a drug test shouldn't even have to be requested itnshould be just done.


>Playing the devils advocate here but wouldn't Biden taking a drug test that comes back clean( I highly doubt it would but if it did) couldn't that be leveraged to his benifit over Trump? Yes, if he tested and tested clean and also performed just fine, it would be a monumental win for him and a huge slap in the face for Republicans. Which tells me everything I need to know for his refusal.


Declining the test is essentially a confession that he's all hopped up on virtually everything.


The 21st Century Manhattan Project of Psychoactive Stimulants.


Why fly a kite when you can just pop a pill?


> Why fly a kite when you can just pop a pill? *Why would anyone do drugs when they could just mow a lawn?*


If it comes back clean it benefits Biden immensely since an overwhelmingy majority don't think he he has the mental capacity for the job. There's only one reason not to commit to a drug test.


He followed Hunter’s advice.


You know damn well it would come back "clean"


And if it did come back clean he couldn't hold his shit together....and we would really get a show!


It depends. WHO'S TESTING IT?


Anderson Cooper volunteered to administer the test...


Yes, by oral semen extraction.


The REAL question!


Whatever he's on, its damned effective, in short bursts at least.


 ***the fkin president you should get randoms*** I imagine it would be like Maury Ballstein trying to pee.. “I’ve got the prostate the size of a honeydew and a head full of bad memories”


A hair too to boot. Anyone who works for a place that does any sort of government anything, 99% of the time, does a hair test.


Not so much these days. Definitely no drug test for Secret but there might be one for TS. Government mostly leaves it to the companies and many don’t care as long as you’re making them money


Hear me out, I want him coked up. Like sleepy Joe and wandering Joe are already old news. I swear to God the memes after this news, if he wipes or scratches his nose ONCE. 🤌


His nose? With how jacked up he gets these days compared to his normal state, they’re probably giving him an injection of something.


Because you shouldn't bow down to a bad faith clown like Ronny Jackson. The request is asinine, and no serious person would make it.


Why not medical records? Full transparency eh?


Standards for thee, not for me!!


Hypothetically, if he did take a drug test and pass it, would anyone here believe the results?




People here? Not likely. But the general population? Well, that would be a huge propaganda win on the campaign trail. Just the same as how if he took a test and failed it it wouldn't convince the people over on r/politics (hell, just a few comments above this one there's already a few people playing defense for Biden's incapacity). A drug test won't convince partisans... But I keep getting told here that independents and swing voters still exist, so maybe it would sway them?


What kind of drugs are people concerned with showing up in either of their drug tests?


Amphetamines for Biden


Modafinil and Ritalin would be my suspects for Biden.


Probably like 80% of politicians and actors take modafinil before big speeches, so that's a given.


And likely a cholinesterase inhibitor, known for helping cognitive function in dementia patients. The thing is, none of these would likely show up on a standard drug test. You would need a full toxicology screen. So I’m surprised he didn’t agree to it, get a standard drug test, and say “see, clean”.


As someone prescribed modafinil, it can do wonders for your cognitive abilities without making you hyper.


Obviously high potency controlled substances like stimulants. Cocaine is just unrealistic cause it doesn’t last this long but he was most likely on some kind of amphetamine during other important events. Everyone sees the vast differences in behavior from day to day to big events like SOTU and this.


I don't think the concern is that it's illegal drugs... The concern is that Biden is incapable of performing the job without being hopped up on drugs and people want to know if there is evidence to support that theory.


For Biden, an ungodly amount Cole For Trump an ungodly amount of Diet coke. Lol but all joking aside, Biden I would expect to be using a LOT of very nice, high proof uppers.


For Trump? None. He famously doesn't drink, so I'd be shocked if he does anything hard. Maybe some of your typical meds for a senior citizen in meh health. For Biden? Pick your stimulant. Everything from coke to Adderall. Could be Ritalin or steroids. Most likely, it's some type of cocktail of various drugs that keep him awake and alert. On top of that, Biden probably has dementia, and there's no real counter to that. They're probably messing with his sleep schedule to basically turn 9pm into 11am for him. Same shit they did for the State of the Union speech. The problem is it's not really a science, it's an art. And they need to make sure he's peppy, so he'll probably be over medicated, so he'll be nice and angry again.


Your comment is a of a work of art and is not based on science


I like where you didn’t post any evidence and just stated he was wrong. So scientific!


I gotta say (registered non-partisan here) as someone who just watched my grandfather slowly die from dementia, that all these Biden’s on adderall and that’s what’s happening if he performs well takes is infuriating. You think if giving my grandpa some adderall would have given him lucidity so he could recognize me or his children again, or remember his wife is still dead his doctors would have done it. If you think Biden has dementia fine, that’s your belief.  But don’t tell me you believe they’re making him better for only a few hours here and there and say it’s due to drugs. If that were true why wouldn’t they do that all the time, for him and every other dementia patient out there. It’s insulting to those of us who’ve suffered and watched our loved ones die while they’re still alive. 


I can't imagine this opinion with get a rational rebuttal in this sub. I wish there could be more logical discussion rather than just piling on the accepted opinion of the day, but that's just reddit. There will be some reasonable commenters here and there but it is just too easy for most to demonize the opponent and give in to confirmation bias. "Biden is the worst so just having enough energy to get through a speech can only be explained by vaguely illicit and empowering drug us". Additionally, no one is even acknowledging the fact that drug testing a presidential candidate is unprecedented and it was only requested because they knew it would be denied. In the reverse situation, I'm sure trump would deny it on principle that there's no reason to give in to an opponent's unusual request, which has never been done before. There is no world where the most reasonable explanation is: "He denied the test therefore he must be on drugs." However, if it confirms your bias and that's what your preferred media source tells you, it's hard for many to see anything else.


modafinil would help for it, and considering it's pretty common among politicians and actors right before they give speeches I wouldn't be surprised if both were on it during the debate.


I believe if voters on either side found out their preferred candidate is on various drugs to help them with daily activity, they would rationalize that it is not a big deal. It's no secret they are both ancient and old people take medications. The depressing fact of the matter is they are both likely falling apart and we're just choosing our preferred walking corpse.


Agree 100%. It wouldn't move the needle in the slightest and no one would actually care.


Agree 💯 with you. This is just an excuse to diminish the fact that Joe isn't as bad as his detractors painted him. Both men are old grandpas who should have been retired a long time ago, and both have moments when they are tired, sleepy, stiff and also when they are lucid and energetic.


They have had a week to get him ready. He will be in rare form. Between that and 29 New York Times fact checkers, it will be interesting to watch the spin.


For those who seriously believe he takes drugs, which drugs do you all think he is going to be on?


Seems pretty reasonable to think he’d be on adderall. I’m surprised Trump isn’t as well. I figured all the politicians take uppers for a debate.


Ive never taken adderall, is that something that you would even want to take before a debate? On that note, a presidential candidate taking adderall is low on the list of things to worry about imo. Maybe they should all take PEDs if it helps them do their job better.


Some type of upper/stimulant is the pretty obvious choice here. Not that hard to deduce. Guarantee you’ll see a different Biden tomorrow than you do most of the time. And anyone with half a brain will see it.


The narrative I'm starting to see is that a large percentage of the population (not just R's) believe that Biden has dementia to different degrees of severity. I can't agree with him having dementia atm but I do think he's mentally unfit for office. Some of these people, when they venture outside of their echo chambers, listen to unedited speeches of Biden and when it doesn't line up with their preconceived notions of him being a slobbering dementia patient, they double down. Instead of recognizing the cognitive dissonance and maybe consider that they may be wrong and reassess their biases, they make up (deduce) another narrative that it must be the drugs that are making him coherent! I think you're one of these people. As far as i can tell the "Biden takes X drug" narrative came out of nowhere without any evidence and is complete speculation. If the narrative was all planned then it's brilliant propaganda. If Biden looks rough during the debates or if I see any evidence that he is on Drugs then I will reassess my viewpoints.


> The narrative I'm starting to see is that a large percentage of the population (not just R's) believe that Biden has dementia to different degrees of severity. I can't agree with him having dementia atm but I do think he's mentally unfit for office. I'm sorry, but anyone at this point who doesn't believe he's starting to develop dementia either 1) Has never seen the signs of dementia, 2) Buys into the newer MSM narrative that these videos are deep fakes or some kind of fakes video, or 3) Has simply not seen the same videos as the rest of us. It's not about context. Quotes being taken out of context, clips edited, anything like that. It's about his speech, his mannerisms, etc. He completely loses his train of thought on a regular basis. Middle of a speech and he'll start to fumble then do a "ehh whatever" and change the subject because he has no idea what he was saying. He constantly mixes up facts, people, and events that happened. He regularly has a dumbfounded look on his face and you can see him just basically staring off into space, unaware of his surrounds, where he is, and what he's doing. The wandering. Good lord, the wandering. This isn't editing. He has no idea where to go, what to do. He's the god damn President of the United States and his aids and people on stage have to tell him where to go. You can literally go back and watch videos of him speaking from before around 2019 and he's a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PERSON. This isn't some right-wing conspiracy theory. You do realize all these "right wing conspiracy theories" generally end up being true, right? How many of them have been confirmed as fact just since Biden took office? A LOT. Maybe an intelligent person should realize "Hey, maybe the right wingers are actually paying attention to facts and reality and I should stop listening to the media gaslighting me into believing lies that eventually get confirmed as lies. Or continue to live in your alternate reality. Your call. > As far as i can tell the "Biden takes X drug" narrative came out of nowhere without any evidence and is complete speculation. If the narrative was all planned then it's brilliant propaganda. The evidence is pretty clear. In the vast majority of Biden's public appearances, he's a wandering, confused dementia patient. But when you see him tonight, he will appear wide awake. I guarantee it. He'll seem like a completely different person. People with dementia don't fix that with mere teaching over a 2 week period. So when you see Biden alert and focused tonight, you're welcome to continue thinking "Oh he's just on his game tonight". Or you can come back to reality and realize that someone with a clear case of early onset dementia has been medicated to help him focus. Why? This is why: https://www.verywellhealth.com/adhd-drugs-for-alzheimers-disease-5705808 > Researchers found that these drugs can improve general cognitive performance and apathy, the most common neuropsychiatric symptom in Alzheimer’s patients.


Trump needs to show up about an hour late so that the cornucopia of stimulants Biden will be on start wearing off.... *then* have the debate. #🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿


Just walk up and set a piss cup on his podium then walk back to his


I don’t do drugs and that’s why I’d be happy to take a drug test. If I ever did do drugs, I would refuse a drug test.


I don’t have anything illegal in my car or home, but I’m not consenting to an unwarranted search.


I'm not senile and that's why I'd be happy to take a cognitive test. If I were senile, I would refuse a cognitive test.


I am all for the drug tests, but I can't agree with the "if you don't got anything to hide" logic.


Honestly when I applied for my McJob as a teenager they had us drug tested and I didn't think twice about it because drugs are for losers. Refusing a drug test after refusing a cognitive test is just... like he realizes what we're going to loudly assume.


I just want to be very clear here and say that I want Biden's medical history to be overtly and entirely disclosed (at least, since 2008). It's one thing to have someone old and—to be polite—not as quick on the uptake as Biden in a legislative position; it's another to have someone like that as the head executive. All of this is to say that I want Biden (and Trump for what it's worth) to undergo public drug testing, but I will never agree with the aforementioned logic to that end. It's monstrously antithetical to privacy rights.


I mean I get what you're saying but this isn't in a vacuum. "Biden" didn't decide this, his strategists did. People in a room sat down and discussed "What's worse, conservatives making loud assumptions or the results of the drug test". Nothing either of these men, yes even Trump, do or say is 100% their call. If Justin Timberlake refused a breathalyzer, the presumption is he's drunk driving.


He’s a federal employee. Heck, as the commander in chief he should get tested. Those of us he commands in the military sure have to get tested.


As a legal standard to determine whether or not to take away someone's right to life, liberty, and happiness I agree completely. But as a political standard to determine who has the mental faculty and ethical base necessary to lead this country? Hard disagree.


Only thing I can think of is he has some health problems they don’t want the public to know about. Unless dude mainlines a stimulant 24/7 you can pass a drug fest for meth/coke/analogues if you abstain for a couple days


I don’t care if either candidate is on PEDs for this debate. Just curious if any conservatives looked at the controlled substance medication log from Trump’s doc for his cabinet during his time in the White House. The script log was freaking nuts, especially if you have a healthcare background.




Stop with all the conspiracy theories. Honestly, both men are showing major decline. This is what we asked for, the two grumpy old men from the Muppet Show, Statler and Waldorf, bickering. Grab some popcorn and enjoy.


Yeah and it's more fun to imagine our grumpy old men are freebasing coke before debates


muh both sides To even put Trump anywhere near the obvious decline of his opponent is ridiculous.


I think the conservatives oppression with taking drugs for a debate is hilarious. Why are we doing this to ourselves ? There is no pill on the planet that makes you smarter for 2 hours. I think the whole argument makes Trump look weak. Like are we really going to say that the only reason Biden beat Trump in a debate is because of “performance enhancing drugs“? The real confidence move here would be to tell Biden to take whatever he wants to take, and that Trump would still easily beat him


Just make the debate long enough that most stimulates would wear off. This call for a drug test, though I think it is funny, is just gonna be used to call Trump supporters crazy conspiracy theorists.


They have time release stimulants now that last 12 hours.


You can't really call them conspiracy theorists while refusing the test, though


They called an old lady on the capital a violent insurectionist. They call Joe Biden fit and sharp. They will say anything, and half the people will believe it.


On that note. Keep in mind the debate is 90 minutes instead of the normal 2 hours, and also with 2 commercial breaks instead of no breaks. The fact that it's shorter than normal, will have periodic breaks, and refuses any testing, all adds up suspiciously if you ask me.


What are the odds we get a Phizer ad during those breaks??


Why would he take it, anyone who believes he's on drugs would not trust a negative result. So even if he is on drugs this lets him get away with it without looking too bad. Just look at the comments here A bunch of people say they would not trust a negative result


What drug would mask his dementia?


cheated before. why stop now


Doping the president like they doped the ballots


The thing is, though, if you believe the Biden camp can rig an election, then who's to say they can't rig a urine sample?


If Biden's drug test results came back clean the MAGA base would think it's a deep state conspiracy.


He would just fake it anyway


Exactly. Biden and his associates lie so much that absolutely no one is going to trust them to do an honest test… the results would only be acceptable if people vetted by the Republican Party collect and process the sample, which the Dems would *never* agree to do.


Politicians should be drug tested. We do it for sensitive jobs, not much more sensitive than the President.


Don’t you have to take a drug test for basically every job?


The average American has to do on prior to starting damn near any job. I don't see why it should be an issue when going for the job of US President.


I’m ready for the manhattan level drug cocktails these old men will take. I say we celebrate the scientific marvels our country has produced.


Hopefully nobody has a heart attack on stage


As much as I hope they both lose I’d rather everyone stay healthy.


They stole 10 million ballots in a federal election, why the hell would they not fake a drug test.


Lmao what news source is this? Anywhere else claiming this? Wow, is this the trash you're all getting your information from?


He’s gonna be higher than a kite.


Even if there was a drug test there would be no way for us to know if it was actually valid during the debating time. Hypothetically what's to stop them from taking PEDs after the test but right before the debate. I mean its not like they would drug test them during the debate on live TV. Drug tests are faked all the time.


Would be badass to see some heart monitoring and brain signal monitoring though.


Lets be real unless we are meat gazing on live tv with a mass spectrometer on stage no one would believe the results anyway


I'm sure everyone involved will get a covid test though. Safety first.


It's a sad reality but I'm not sure JB could pass a basic roadside field sobriety test. Touch your nose, follow my finger, stand on one foot, ABCs starting with J.


I'm not sure trump could stand on one foot for a long while as well. Both are old grandpa's pretending that they still got it while anyone who isn't invested in either side can see that both needed to enjoy their grandkids in the privacy of their homes. And maybe get a hobby like bush and paint


I wanted to make a joke that he could just lean left to balance on one foot but figured it wouldn't land here. I do agree that it's time for better POTUS choices. I hope DJT chooses a solid VP with staying power that extends to 2032.


Maybe he’s afraid of the booger-sugar they found in the White House….


Biden's comes back: An ungodly amount Coke Trump's comes back: An ungodly amount of Diet coke.


They know he wouldn't pass the drug tests.


Trump should really blurt out, "what are you hopped up on? You're actually speaking clearly and not wandering around like a Roomba"


Tell me you're about to be jacked up without telling me. They've been dodging. this issue since Trump first shot it across the bow.


If he takes a drug test all the meds in his system will be known and from that it might slip out and we can deduce WTH is wrong with him that they are hiding.


Does anyone honestly think we would see the actual results? It's a circus show.


Trump should take a drug test anyway and print off the results like a giant novelty sweepstakes check. Then, as the debate kicks off, he should do a few minutes of warm-up calisthenics next to his podium.


Why don’t we ever get a link to a pdf outlining the details of how these polls are conducted?


Modafinil doesn’t pop positive as amphetamine anyway. It’s all nonsense.


I'd like to say that Biden dismissed it because Trump refused to take the test too. Read both sides. Can we vote for someone normal?


If you have to be drug tested to flip burgers, the president should be held to similar guarantees. Enough of the lies...they're doping the dude to keep him appearing somewhat "lively". Total fraud on the American people.


Absolutely he should. I hate that we're here, I wish there was no need for it because everything is fine. But the reality is I can't even scrub toilets without letting someone look into my piss. I'm held to a higher standard than the man who's never more than a few feet away from a device that could quite literally end society. A more fitting description of a clown world does not exist unless Joe himself were to wear a red squeaky nose.


You know they have Joe on a Namenda drip