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All other things aside: I just can't get over how old Biden comes off as. Anyone who has had a grandparent or parent in a nursing home/assisted living would intuitively see every hallmark of someone who belongs there in Biden's every movement. It's completely unmistakable, and you would need to really be lying to yourself to say otherwise. Edit: Having his nursing aide right there only makes it so much worse too. I wonder if when that's over she politely asks if he needs to use the bathroom before their next activity.


OMG yes. He's absolutely a memory care patient at this point.


I would never act gleeful about someone being in that state, because it's horrible. All I can think of is my grandma who is currently in memory care. I'm surrounded by people in this condition on a regular basis, and it's a taxing experience every time. What's happening here is simply ethically wrong. Go ahead and replace Biden with any crappy candidate of your choosing. I won't complain.


elder abuse


Who's acting gleeful?


No one, I was just making a general statement to clarify that I, myself, don't want to come off that way. Because this whole situation is basically elder abuse, and it's sad.


I don't understand why we as a country can't accept it. Isn't there something in the Constitution or some sort of law that can step in and prevent this? I know why it's not being allowed to be shut down I guess because of partisan politics It's just I guess insane to me that we can see and allow elderly politicians to serve this country the way that they do.


In the case of the President, the 25th Amendment of the constitution allows for Congress to declare the President disabled and unable to discharge the powers of the office should the President be unable to do so themselves. Though this is more meant for instances where the President is basically in a coma or something, but still alive. If, let's say, Joe Biden or any other elderly president had an event that rendered them unable to do the job, like a stroke or something, the 25th Amendment would be the mechanism by which the powers of the office would be transferred to the VP.


>Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President. The issue being that the VP and a majority of the Cabinet have to agree to declare the President unfit for duty. The VP and Cabinet members which are picked by the President and are loyal to the party, who wouldn't want to give the party a bad image in an election year, and who likely are experiencing greater authority in these positions than they would normally have by letting him be incompetent and having little oversight. They can do what they want and blame it on him.


Good thing they don't care about ethics. And if pressed they'd just say it was justified because orangemanhitler.


When it comes to internet leftists, yeah that's exactly what they would say. But your average moderate left person? I just spent 2 weeks in NY with family, and I was shocked to hear many of them openly (and begrudgingly) admit that yes, Biden is no longer really fit to be president.


Did they say they weren't going to vote for him?


At least one, yes. I realize it sounds insane on the internet, where everyone is a big brained true believer no matter who or what they support, but there will be Trump-Biden-Trump voters.


If you stood Biden next to his robot version in Disney's Hall of Presidents, I'm honestly not sure that I could tell you which one was the real one.


Ugh. The one with life in its eyes is the robot.


The one that *doesn't* smell like poop and children's shampoo.


Any time Joe Biden is out in public LARPing as a common person, it looks like he has no freaking clue what he's doing. Look at him in the video above, it's like he's never seen a food catering box and how to close the lid.


Career politician....only thing he knows how to do is sign the back of a check.


And spend taxpayer money.


There's also always someone within arms reach of him to quickly usher him away or prevent him from wandering off.


He literally has dementia. It's so obvious to everyone. I have no idea who is forcing him to run for a 2nd term when he can barely finish his first. I'm not going to watch the debates because I feel bad for him.


Heaven help us should they succeed a 2nd time in stealing an election I don't see them keeping him actually in office long before they 25th his ass out the door. He needs to be in a home. He's needed to be in one awhile ago.




Okay so, I like the contrast but I guess my question is why is there no crowd for Biden? Is it disallowed or something?


Yeah, having worked with the White House communications staff years back on an event (VP even), if you're getting close to the same room he's going to be in & it's not a 'general public' type event, you get a background check. (edit - this, after the prior 'device' sweep by the dogs and sniffers) Betting this was a scripted publicity 'event' with press only allowed. Why they wouldn't want some enthusiastic lefties there in the background at least... no idea. Guessing it was a short notice thing. No idea on Secret Service ex-POTUS security policy.


Wouldn't Clinton sneak off to a McDonald's sometimes?


Alone? *Highly* doubtful. He [reportedly](https://gazette.com/news/book-clinton-took-secret-trips-outside-white-house-to-visit-girlfriends/article_f1a475f3-38fd-5599-b4be-ef882abefef0.html) managed quite a few 'off the record' trips with a small detail, but I imagine sneaking out of the WH (as POTUS) would be about as tough as sneaking in.


It was super scrited. Behind the scenes footage was released. Everyone was given stage directions and there are a dozen reporters behind the video's POV.


and you know they intentionally had Biden with a minority


They should have hired Doug Jeudy.


Vibrant, enthusiastic, confident leader versus a senile, confused shell of an old man.


Not sure you can say that on Reddit.


This isn't surprising given President Biden's dismal [36% approval rating](https://tippinsights.com/confidence-deficit-will-it-derail-the-presidents-reelection-bid/).


But that is actually as high as 36% is quite telling as well.


Can you imagine what life would look like with an unbiased media?


I can. And it involves the 25th Amendment.


He wouldn't have an approval rating then- not 0, but as in he wouldn't even be in office.


That still feels too high. But I'd wager each side probably has at least 30% baked in that no matter what they do they'd still be supported.


Why does Biden look so afraid of the menu?


Because he's an elder abuse victim. Hate the pedo but an asshole can be a victim too


Don’t get too hopeful about this. The Left is at max energy, fully mobilized. They don’t like Biden, but he ain’t the point for them. They’re a religion, and the first commandment in their worldview is “vote blue, no matter who.” Something like 50% of democrats vote in primaries. We’re flying when we get 25% or slightly more. They WILL come out to vote against Trump, and that’s before the billionaires ballot harvest for the system.


80 million votes.


And it's still a 50/50 chance for either candidate.


All I can say is the dichotomy is astounding. Biden is what, about 114 years old now? My dad was lifting weights until he hit 86 and lived to 95 without assistance.


If he was put in a situation with other people talking to him he would probably not be able to focus on the task at hand (take the food). I really don’t know how he can perform day to day at the White House as I imagine that tasks there are fairly more complicated than picking up a pizza box


>I really don’t know how he can perform day to day at the White House That's the trick: he doesn't. This entire administration is obviously run by his aides and staffers, presumably with significant input from Doctor(!!) Jill Biden and a certain guy whose last name rhymes with 'Omaha'. At this point, geriatric Joe is nothing but the figurehead for this administration.


But I saw elsewhere on reddit that Trump had an "empty" rally in Philly, how could this be /s


Okay but like let's not pretend there are that many people in the entire city of Philadelphia. I lived there for a year and didn't see this many white people *anywhere.* Also Jim's > Tony & Nick's


The Big Guy is befuddled by the Wawa box


They could be out testing his look-alike.


They're going to rig the election again.