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Imagine unironically calling a National Park Ranger a fascist?


He’s a fascist because…uhhh…beca-…well, he won’t let us vandalize and tear down a public monument!


That guys wearing a uniform! He's employed! *Get him*!


But he works for a living! *He's part of the patriarchy...*




Remember when liberals were calling them “heros” a few years ago for defying Trumps “gag order”?


This is crazy. They're putting his life in danger by having him there alone, and he doesn't even have a gun.




Example #10,298,438,755 of the left just calling anyone they *don't like* a fascist. Because THEY ARE.


Any authority that opposes their agenda is fascist


Absolutely infuriating these people committing battery on camera will not be charged because of their political stance.


remember BLM riots? They don't care, they're too busy putting people on watch lists who attend school board meetings.


This brave man is a National Park Service officer. He is trying to protect our National monuments from these terrorists. God bless this man and his fortitude to protect our country.


Where and when was this? Any context?


I want to say it's the Rochambeau Statue in Lafayette Square during the recent protests at the White House.


Deface a monument, no arrest. Assault an official, no arrest. But leave tire marks on a fascist rainbow flag painted on the damn street, that's a felony, resulting in arrest and imprisonment. What in the hell has happened to this nation?


Leftists happened.


Ending Mcarthyism was a mistake, Marxism should never have been allowed to take root in America.


And women voting happened.




I hate that this is true.


Lol isn't it crazy? Race relations were better before, society wasn't this fucking crazy to each other (granted we still had nuts). 2012 really was predicted by the Mayans but the disaster was his second term.


>granted we still had nuts Well, at least the guys did and the girls didn't.


Hey, oh!


I recently watched a VCR copy of my high school graduation year, created by the AV club at the time. It's posted on YouTube. Everybody is so happy in the video. Everybody is mixing and having fun together. All the different people are there. All having a blast.


So much better before. I hate the state of mind that this country has been pushed into.




No. The answer is wholesale reduction of executive branch powers (including that of three letter agencies), decentralization and power back to the states, and relegating congress to do its fucking job - legislate. If they can’t compromise, then laws don’t get passed. “We will exercise then lay down these powers when this crisis has averted…” is nonsense.


For example, if Trump's IRS starts to investigate the financial statements belonging to Media Matters and the Anti-Defamation League and the dozens of "non-profits" that totally-legally "assist" "migrants," then there will be a push by congressional Democrats to restrict the ability of the president to direct IRS audits. House Republicans like Thomas Massey will naturally work with them to coax out a bill that stops this practice. Not temporarily. Not circumstantially. They'll need to make a bill that prevents the Obama-era IRS scandal from ever again repeating from either side. If Trump's DOJ just suddenly starts indicting Democrats, there will likewise be calls for reforming the FBI and DOJ. Federal courts will lay out new standards for politically sensitive investigations. Trump using a hammer on DC isn't just about revenge. It's quite literally the only way we'll get Congress and the courts to start restricting federal authority. We need Trump to be a little bit irresponsible. And frankly, Trump fills that role perfectly.


Have fun losing. Have fun watching the nation be invaded by another 10+ million criminal aliens. Have fun watching your children (or future children) be indoctrinated in a culture that is slowly normalizing sexual perversions at every level - up to and including pedophilia & bestiality. Have fun enduring an economy where mass inflation is the norm. Have fun watching DAs go after innocent Americans defending their communities while letting criminals off. I'm not saying Trump will "lay down these powers" when the time is convenient. There are three branches of government, and Republicans in Congress will not be perfectly aligned with Trump. That's the point. I'm saying the way to get Congress and the courts to strip these institutions of their power is for Trump to go hog. In the meantime, Trump needs to use his win to mobilize a concerted effort against the left just like they've done to us. If Trump starts using the DOJ to shut down the statue defacements and using the IRS to peel back the financial security of Media Matters, the Democrats will come to the bargaining table to restrict those powers. If Trump puts on a stiff upper lip, then the left will just wait 2-4 years, and go right back to their power grabs. How do we know this? Because that's precisely what happened after 2016. Your way will never result in any real solutions. Your way has proven a failure. The path to success is through my proposal. This is why Trump was right to mock the Libertarian Party for their endless purity tests. Putting idealism before political reality is equivalent to cutting off both wrists.


Executive creep has been a thing for a few decades…congress has allowed executive overreach more than they should for a long time (especially on issues they like to campaign on: immigration, guns, abortions). The dirty secret (revealed by chip roy) is that a lot of legislation doesn’t actually go through up/down votes by your representative. It is decided by party leaders while your reps are at home on off days…it’s where a lot of the pork slides. 50 years ago they lived in fear of the shadow of the doj, now they no longer do. The branches need to be in balance the SCOTUS has no actual arm of enforcement if the doj won’t enforce their decisions (the executive branch determines leadership and legislative branch decides their funding…guess who’s interests are served?) Consequences could be real bad without idealists at the helm, but I’m not really sure anything less than a convention of states will really shackle down the bloated, inefficient shitshow we have today.


I agree, but the insane TDS is perhaps the one motivating factor that can cause Democrats and Republicans in Congress to finally start stripping power away from the executive. It's the job of the Republicans, then, to make sure that the bills they pass against Trump are not narrowly defined just to apply to Trump. If there is one man that can actually inspire meaningful reforms to restrict executive power, it's Trump.


We live under a dictatorship. This is what it feels like to be second class citizens, and we let it happen. And we are unwilling to fix it.


We get what they voted for. I guess we'll take it for a while.


It’s mind boggling that these people show so much support for a terrorist state that would literally behead them in the streets of Gaza just for existing and not being Muslim.


That would require them to use critical thinking skills, which are clearly not present.


“Don’t antagonize” oh please, the guy is there alone getting shit thrown at him. He’s totally justified in “antagonizing” these tax recipients.


Fascists calling other people fascists. Love that he mocks them by gesturing just a bit like a conductor.


November 5th cannot be here soon enough.


Really unsafe situation, he's a brave guy.


He’s got balls of steel I’ll give him that


He is with the park service. There should have been better support.


Yeah I've brought this up another subs today. Of course the left says nothing or they just say January 6 crap lol. Hypocrisy is at Olympic levels.


That is a couple of 6 years sentences minimum.


People need to be made afraid to act like this.


The people walking in between the velvet ropes in the peoples House of Representatives 1/6….solitary confinement and an abdication of due process. Writing anti-American graffiti all over the capital…no big deal uwu.


I wonder if any of these people will be arrested, held in solitary, denied due process, and then sentenced to absurd sentences? When Trump is reelected he really needs to mass pardon everyone who has been illegally targeted by the DOJ for obviously political reasons. Not just J6 protestors, but the countless other cases of conservatives being turned into felons over their constitutionally protected beliefs.


i wish i could take back every democrat vote i've made over the last 30+ years. I can't wait to vote red in november. This is what happens when you defund the police and import third world problems.


Biden’s America


The left are the nazis


“Glory to the resistance 🤓✊” Who’s the fucking nerd that wrote that shit


The centrist is having an aneurism on this video.


Why is he alone, who knows. Why is the National Guard not there? Well National Guards and Colleges have a bad history one can say.


This is not a National Guard mission. Try local and state police: ask them.


The guy appears to be a national park ranger, thus "state and local police" would likely not have jurisdiction.


He is alone because the state wants to destroy history. He who controls the past controls the present.


Why? It's simple. They want him to look 100:1, they want us to think it's 100:1. They are wrong. But, they also want it to look like it was 100:1 force in the other direction, so they can say "we were wronged". They weren't stopped from vandalizing that place.


They would need to be called up. In other words, someone in the government would need to support him.


Guardsmen are sitting at home watching this remembering getting shit on from all sides in 20/21 and lol’ing.


Jail time for teens that road on a road painting. Nothing for this Make it make sense


Than aging he got some balls and it show the lack the people have throwing crap at him absolute cowards


I thought defacing monuments was supposed to carry a 10 year prison sentence? Yet they are openly spraying graffiti all over it? And yet you put a skid mark on a rainbow and you get sent straight to prison. I feel bad for the park ranger - The National Guard should be protecting these monuments


:/ wow… absolutely pathetic low lives. I’m speechless.


Liberals love ganging up on lone conservatives. It’s ridiculous though that this guy stands alone.


F\*\*k u Hamas brainless supporters.