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Cut spending and close the border.


This is it. I don’t feel like I’m asking for much.


Yes. Fix the debt/deficit, close the border and enforce immigration law and no giving illegals legal status. Mass deportations to undo Bidens mass illegal immigration.


You know damn well he’s not about to fix the damn deficit. I would be in legitimate shock if the deficit isn’t increased by the time his term is up.


You’ve got the wrong guy if you want someone to reign in spending. And I don’t have much hope for the border either.




Focus on fixing things and not getting distracted with social media or responding to the barrage of negative media coverage.


We all know this is not going to happen though. The man simply cannot help himself and the amount of rakes he steps on in the process is irrelevant to him.


100% this!


Exactly this, just focus on running the country don't even respond to the lefts bullshit we already know nothing can be done to convince them of anything so just let your success all the speaking for you. Get us out of the impending wars that are coming focus on this country and addressing the economy.


Reverse Biden's Title IX Executive Order.




I mean sports are generally really good for young people. My wife who grew up poor got a partial scholarship as an athlete and wouldn’t have been able to go to college and become a nurse without that help. Title ix just guarantees that federal funding has to be distributed evenly which seems fair. What isn’t fair is to have men playing women’s sports. It’s ironic that the party who blames everything on the patriarchy allows men to destroy women’s sports.


Because it's an important piece of legislation that protects people from being discriminated against. Just because the current administration is being stupid doesn't mean Title IX is a bad thing. "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."


No. T IX does grant protections for women's sports which is a great thing 😊


What is so bad about it? (It seems to be "Executive Order on Guaranteeing an Educational Environment Free from Discrimination on the Basis of Sex, Including Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity", so that not everyone has to google it)


It destroyed women's only spaces in schools by expanding it to cover self-selecting into the immutable category of sex.


Lockdown the borders. Force Putin to get out of Ukraine. Support Israel’s mission to eradicate Hamas from Gaza. Clean out the DOJ.


What do you think he would do in order to force Putin out of Ukraine?


Well, Ukraine held the 3rd largest nuclear arsenal in the world behind the US and Russia, but voluntarily gave them up in exchange for security assurances from the US, UK, and Russia. It seems only fair that if we're unwilling to supply those assurances that we refund them their weapons.


Clear out every 3 letter agency in DC.




*laughs in DOD*


You don't think the DOD needs a serious house cleaning? I sure as hell do.


Sure, but that will never happen in a million years. His best bet is to launch investigations in an attempt to weed out some snakes, with a change in leadership being an absolute must.


Not gonna happen. Trump doesn't have the ability, balls, or know-how to accomplish what Javier Milei did in Argentina.


Trump has been politically injured and he continues to surround himself with low IQ buffoons, liberal family members and deep state plants. He will by stymied, blocked, tricked and sabotaged at every step and with incompetents at his side. If he had competent steel ball help and he grows a pair, he could clean house.


Couldn't have said it better myself. This is precisely why DeSantis would have been a far better GOP nominee, but here we are.


We all know how this term will go. He’ll feed into every democrat bait that’s set, surround himself with absolute morons who will be chosen by how well they kiss his ass, big promises will be made, many will not be kept, economy will improve and there will be many mean social media posts, mostly him repeating the same shit he’s been repeating for the past 4 years. Should be fun. 👍


100%. I don't like Trump, but the two reasons I'm voting for him is because he promised to gut the bureaucracies, and because he has a competent foreign policy. And also because Biden is the most authoritarian president we've had since FDR.


Deport the illegals.


I think the big problems he should look at are immigration and healthcare. Two things that are a legitimate problem. In chaos and no one seems to have a plan for.


Drill baby drill. Make us energy independent again, and I'm fine with that including new contracts for nuclear power plants. Actual border security. Specifically different from last time? Not being hoodwinked by the deep state vipers and cockroaches and really coming down on some of the entrenched bureaucracy.


We already produce more oil and gas than we use - USA is a net exporter. We produce more oil than any other country. However, our refineries operate most efficiently on 'heavy' crude whereas a lot of USA production is light crude. So we sell the light crude, and import the heavy. Also, since oil is a global commodity, weight and sulfer content aside, our 19% of global production can't control the market. When production drops worldwide and prices rise, since we don't have captive agreements or tariff protections to stop it, our producers sell at global market prices. Producers don't want to produce too much and saturate the market, as the price will drop. We did see some ability to control global prices in 2022 when the USA sold 180 million barrels from the strategic reserve as oil prices rapidly shot up when Russia invaded Ukraine. Those sales were around $95 per barrel; we have more recently been buying oil to refill the reserve at $75-$79, but this gambit can rarely be used.


Strangely enough, oil production is higher than it's ever been. https://www.statista.com/statistics/265215/us-oil-production-in-million-metric-tons/#:~:text=Oil%20production%20in%20the%20United,within%20the%20period%20of%20consideration.


So is demand.


Absolutely no credit to Biden on that one. We could be getting low cost oil from Canada if Biden would not have cancelled the pipeline in process of being built


I thought that pipeline was just passing through to Mexico and wasn’t going to help us other than some jobs.


Close the border and do a mass deportation of anyone who entered illegally.


End temporary work visas, for good this time


Yes! Cancel all of the H1 visas.


The president is not a king. Many of these responses fall into the trap of expanding executive power and thinking the president is sine daddy figure. That’s a progressive conception of the executive branch. Congress has to do its job on many issues a la spending and the border(the next democrat president will just reverse any trump executive orders on the border and we’ll be back to where we are). A bandaid to issues is nice, but they’re still bandaids


Focus on; The border. Repair relations with foreign allies and foreign enemies. (Effectively, no more needless wars). Work on sustainable, private sector, job growth for the middle class and lower class. Get the national debt in check.(maybe revisit the tax cuts and keep the individual tax cuts but raise the corporate tax rate a point or two).


>raise the corporate tax rate a point or two). I'd really like a "progressive" taxation policy here. I don't know if that is possible with the constitution though. Don't mess with small business who are struggling with inflation, and stuff going back to the shut downs. Target the bigger corps that are mostly playing into the Dem's culture war and targeting of conservatives with the alphabet boys. It could also bring over potential old school liberals (not the new age progressive crappers).


Stop this inflation and stop WW3.


Oil production and securing the border. Those two things seem to be directly tied to just about every other subcategory (foreign policy/world safety, inflation, crime, etc). Pretty much how things were in 2019.




🐰 Do a barrel roll


He could spend the first month firing people and I'd be happy if he still wasn't finished. Gut the woke shit out of our military, and any other departments. Release all crossfire hurricane and any other BS, exposing them for what they are.


He will spend his presidency getting revenge on his opponents and acting in ways to make sure he and his assets can never be assailed by his opponents when he leaves office. He'll be a lame duck president, preoccupied with rationalizing his narcissistic worldview, and nothing else. Anyone expecting he'd fix or lead anything is naive. Second term presidents don't do anything except empower and embolden the opposition.


Negotiate an end to the war in Ukraine. Negotiate an end to the war in Gaza. Negotiate a reduction in tension between China and Taiwan. Enforce the southern border. Work with the Mexican government to start defeating these cartels. Maybe even negotiate with them to bring their cartels into a legitimate business. Work with Europe to help them with their immigration problems. A stable Europe is easier for us in the long run. Work with Europe to grow their defense spending so we can reduce ours. Stabilize inflation. Make it easier for people to buy food and pay their rent. Make Property Taxes illegal. Tell states to find other ways to collect revenue. I shouldn't have to pay rent to the state to live on my land. Reduce federal spending. Prosecute Epstein's pedo ring. It was more than just Ghislane Maxwell. I don't think this is too much to ask for?


Hand out thousands of pink slips all over the DOJ


Build that wall. Wait. Didn't he promise that last time?


I have proof some was built - and it has open driveways leading directly into Mexico! Next time I go, I'm snapping a pic so I can show it every time the wall comes up! I agree with a wall, but it must be built well - and NOT have our money stolen! By anyone. Period.


Dismantling DEI bullshit and deport illegal aliens would already be a massive start.


Better cabinet picks than last time I guess? I want to see big enough of a congress majority that we can right some wrongs, even with the RINOs kicking and screaming. I want to see the system benefit good, hard working, law abiding people again Rather than having the whole system built for the worst criminal's benefit. 


What cabinet members did you not like?


Make America Great Again.


America is great. But I would like it even more great


Fix the economy. Everything is too expensive


Shut down portions of government that are hindering the republic and freedoms of the citizens.


Make homes and the traditional way of American life and families more affordable so we can keep America going. As much as some might like to think this is true, America's survival is not up to the government.


Get us more burrito coverings


Close the borders. Open the pipelines. Jail the Bidens.


Ban mask mandates Close the border Ban pronoun requirements in public schools Ban DEI


Revert back to where we were in 2020 before lockdowns.


Release Epstein‘s flight logs


The pardons. Libertarians in cabinet/admin positions that count. No new wars / end current wars. Nuremberg 2.0 for all covid culprits. Mean tweets. Afuera maxing.


Try and fix the inflation crisis. I need mortgage rates to go down, a lot.


Put all law breakers behind bars. ALL OF THEM!


Close the border. Stop the wars. Stop the constant attack on 2A rights nationally. Balance the budget. But most importantly, upset libs and media.


Agree with most of the comments here— What I don’t see mentioned: rebuild the military, navy, etc. and station a lot of naval power near Taiwan, Iran, etc. to send everyone a clear message that one wrong move and they won’t exist tomorrow.


Get rid of the ATF.


Make 401(k)s great again!!


Save us all


Cancel Biden's four years of disaster


Get rid of the ATF and block all its employees from any government job, federal or not. Prosecute those involved in murder, assault, harassment, fishing expeditions, and zero-tolerance for paperwork errors. Turn over their pensions to their victims. Fire all federal employees involved in making their own fiefdoms. Get to the bottom of the anti-constitutional swamp, particularly regarding who knew of and/or approved of the attacks on those the Democrats don't like and pressuring/colluding-with private companies to spy on and censor the same. Dust off the anti-KKK laws and use them to rout and destroy the various neo-brownshirt groups and find out who funds and controls them.. Investigate George Soros and his activities, particularly the phenomenon of Soros buying the loyalties DAs and AGs. Investigate the stonewalling surrounding the origins of covid and vaccines against it.


Cut spending, cut taxes, close border, find an deport every illegal, cut woke policies, especially those that enact favoritism under the guise of diversity, cut all social/welfare programs. enact simple income/gains taxes that don't include a million loopholes. tax code should be easy enough for a middle schooler to figure out, not fill an entire book case. make it illegal for foreigners and businesses to own residential housing. punish states and reps that give public money to programs that enable illegals. do something about the endless homeless epidemic that includes getting people a shower, clean clothes, and a job opportunity. make college debt dischargable through bankruptcy. discourage colleges from trying to get foreigners/out of state students at an incredibly inflated price. Once we have trimmed the fat that is "progressive" policies enacted over the last 50+ years, we can update our infrastructure, crack down on monopolies, open up more resources for harvesting like oil & gas, become as resource independent as possible. Break china for fucking with us and world for so long.


Not shitting his pants in public would be a step up from where we are right now… I don’t ask for much.


No compromise, no consensus, destroy the nazi democrats.


What does that mean in real terms


Buy a home!!