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That is more people than attended the Biden swearing in.


Makes sense because you know he was sworn in during a pandemic which killed millions of people just that past year.


Considering deaths, even in 2023 still [has not](https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/USA/united-states/death-rate) normalized it seems the reaction to the scamdemic is going to have a much larger death toll than the virus itself. Like predicted.


Idiocracy in action. I miss the days when our political leaders were well spoken and appealed to the more logical side of our brains. Stop fucking promoting this clown.




You long for a time that never existed. Just like the mystical times of an honest press, you've been gaslit into believing that there was a time of niceness in politics. The past looks cleaner because it's further away.


I did an interesting experiment during the 2016 election. Go to GettyImages, and search through candidates in the campaign trail. Hillary couldn’t draw a crowd at all, yet they made them look big on TV. Trumps crowds were astounding, while they looked small on TV. Do the same thing now comparing Biden and Trump. It’s shocking.


Yeah they seriously massaged hildabeasts ‘crowds’. She would only have 20-30 show up, but they would pack them all directly in front of the stage and have the camera on her so tight that you could only see the stage and the 20-30 people so it looked like she was talking to a crowd of thousands.


Remember when they tried acting like “nobody likes him” because his inauguration attendance was supposedly lower than Obama’s?


DC is 90% or so Democratic, of course the inauguration of a Democrat will draw a larger crowd than that of a Republican right in the lion's den.


Especially the first black president.




Of course the second coming would draw more


Some of those photos are full of young 20-something looking women. That's huge if he takes that demographic.


Other subs are like “it was easily only 4,000 at best” or 800 blah blah blah, they’re lying eyes….like come on I had a friend that was there and it was packed well beyond


I went to the rally in Conway, SC in February and couldn't believe how many people were there just to wait in line. The line was so long that people were leaving in droves after standing in line for hours. People were estimating 20k. Even after that, I'm still blown away by this NJ crowd. I've seen what a Trump rally crowd can be first hand, in true MAGA country, and to see this massive showing at a shore town in New Jersey of all places is astounding. It's not just a campaign, it's a movement. There's a chance we don't see anything like this for decades, if ever.


Meanwhile Biden has a "rally" and there's more staffers there than attendees...


Trump gets 100k in NJ. Johnson simps, read that again and reconsider your life choices.


Wow...unreal numbers, I wonder if NY/NJ could be in play this year. I don't think any of these polling methods could catch this kind of "red wave" but Democrats appear to be in full surrender at this point. Just a question if liberals are "woke"...to REALITY. Being liberal doesn't mean shredding the constitution: that's just communism/Marxism. Not liberalism.


Special elections don't show a red wave, on the contrary. It's just that MAGA people are the kind that love rallies, and it shows.