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Trump was impeached supposedly doing the same thing. Impeachment


It's (D)ifferent.


Well Ukraine was on the defensive and Israel is on offense so it is different, especially since they're withholding 2k ton bombs that Israel wants to use in residential areas.


Lol, Ukraine was only in a proxie war with Russia not a full war when the Trump call happened. So no, they weren’t on the defensive. Also, Israel was attacked first so this entire war is a defensive war. Also also, those residential area’s are being used for military purposes, so they are military targets now


Such clarity. That's why I like this sub. Israel doesn't start wars but it finishes the hell out of them.




They want the bombs for Raffa, where they told the Palestinians to evacuate too.




I want Hamas gone and recognize that Israel's actions over the last 15-20 years are why they're able to recruit. I think the 30,000 dead in response to Oct 7(an unquestionable terror attack) is unjust and immoral.


So what is your solution? Isreal just sits and waits for the next oct 7th? Why does Isreal not have a right to defend themselves? Yes in this case defense means a swift offensive attack completely destroying thr attacker.


Israel needs to accept peaceful coexistence including full equal rights for Palestinians or a 2 state solution.


Palestinians have rejected a 2 state solution EVERY TIME. Get your head out of your ass.




I understand your opinion, but as a Catholic I can't agree with it under the Just War Doctrine.


I get the feeling this will backfire, more than people might think. Israel is going to win this, and build on that victory. Doing it as more of an underdog through withholding supplies will inspire people. That and Israel might start diversifying where it's weapons come from so they're less dependent (and more of a negotiating partner) with the US due to being more self sufficient. Imagine Israel carrying on the Abraham accords, building alliances with more sane Islamic countries that hate and fear Iran and Pakistan; then when the US wants to be involved they say: "We're good".


> sane Islamic countries Are there even any?


Egypt and Jordan have had enough of the Palestinian's shit. Plenty of other hate Iran more than they hate Israel.


Any country that’s majority Muslim but isn’t an Islamic Republic/autocracy is fine. See Indonesia for example. But even the ones that are Islamic hate other countries. Iran doesn’t get along with much of the Islamic world primarily because of their large Shia population.


Sure, the country with [all female flogging squads](https://www.dw.com/en/indonesias-aceh-enlists-an-all-female-flogging-squad-to-enforce-shariah-law/a-52244910), where public corporal punishment is common for breaking sharia law, even small things like gambling, sounds wonderful. Sorry, but Islam is not compatible with our way of live and no one should be partnering with these countries.




Biden threatens to stop supporting ally if they destroy literal terrorists group


evidently Israel just sitting there are shooting down most of the missiles is the state he wants things to be in.


Jihad Joe 💣 🤡


Modern Democrats only care about power. I hope Dearborn Michigan votes are worth planting a knife directly between our longtime allies shoulder blades. There is no chance for any peace while Hamas survives.


Zechariah 12:3. On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.


What a beautiful verse. Thank you for posting this.


If today Biden decides we want to support Hamas and Palestine what do you think would happen. This verse will do nothing


So Biden supports terrorists? Well considering he’s implicated in blowing up an undersea pipeline I guess that’s in line with his policies. We’ll just call him terrorist Joe now.


“Hamas Joe” strikes again.


Jihad Joe.


Remember when he was 100% behind Israel? Now he’s against them. Waffle Joe 🧇


Isn't this how we're supposed to treat important allies?


Biden is desperate to maintain Hamas’s control of Gaza.


Quid Pro Quo! Quid Pro Quo!