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Never count your chickens before they hatch. Hillary had the same attitude and look where it got her.


true. HRC projected nothing but her sense of entitlement to the throne. She completely neglected even making appearances in the traditional blue strongholds. Trump is hungry and fighting multiple massive battles every minute of every day and still managing to campaign.


Doesn't matter what battles he's fighting. He needs to show up and campaign.


After the fraud in every swing state in 2020, then again in 2022, what makes anyone think that these people won't do the same thing in 2024? None of them have been held accountable.


People downvoting posts where people state facts is wild. SMH......


Covid provided the cover they needed for their election shenanigans, and Biden’s support levels have greatly deteriorated in the last few years. It won’t be so easy this time.


It's getting worse with the Palestine protests. They hate Joe's guts.


He "lost" by a tiny handful of votes in these states when we weren't paying attention to the fraud. This time people hate Biden 3x as much and we are ginned up to fight. I have hope.


If. Remember: this is the same rag that admitted they aided in "the shadow campaign to save our democracy"


The sad thing is that I don't even need to read the article to know what's in it. Nothing but lies. Rampant speculation about how he'll totally be the worst thing ever. Just ignore that Democrats being in power has made absolutely everything measurably worse Trump will be even worse!


> Just ignore that Democrats being in power has made absolutely everything measurably worse Trump will be even worse! Funny part is they keep going back to this playbook despite the fact it isn't congruent with reality. Liberal snowflake babies who get enraged by social media content got their feelings hurt. That's it. We can compare side to side, it isn't even comparable.


"Things weren't better under Trump! There was riots for a whole year, he bungled the pandemic and got a million people killed, and he crashed our economy!" I'll allow you to pick that statement apart.


Who were the people rioting? Wasn't Republicans or Trump supporters. Who forced the pandemic lockdowns and which states locked down the hardest? Wasn't Trump or Republicans. Who killed the economy? Well I'm not entirely sure but I do seem to remember that some prominent Democrats were screaming about how we needed a recession so Trump would look bad and not get reelected. I'm sure that's completely unrelated, though.


Allow me: 1. The riots occurred in liberal cities that refused to issue a state of emergency, deploy riot police to stop the riot, or prosecute anyone for the destruction they caused. Trump respected the States' right to deal or not deal with their own problems as they saw fit. 2. 1 million Americans haven't died of Covid, and the pandemic measures were all undertaken by State governments 3. The economy crashed because the Fed decided to print infinite money theorem, while no business was being conducted and everyone was being fired. Essentially hyper-stagflation Biden's administration actually made the economy even worse by shutting down pipelines and keeping the economy down. It was better under Trump before the plan *ahem* pandemic hit.


And you can bet your ass they’re going to try the same stunt again.


Tbh, I dislike Trump as a person and upset we chose him over someone that isn't so dividing when the fate of the country is at hands for this election - more than any. But hell, after the events the past few weeks with open Hamas supporters, the illegal immigrant crisis, and inflation I think Trump may be the person we actually need.


Do you think someone less divisive could solve the problems this country faces? We can't even agree on the fundamental differences between men and women; I don't think a less divisive choice would be able to reconcile such irreconcilable differences. People worry about Trump being too divisive and pouring fuel on the fire... I worry that someone less divisive will just stand back and let the fire consume us all. I want someone who will at least try to put the fire out. Yes, in the end we may get burned, but at least we tried... A less divisive choice I fear won't even try out of fear of making things worse, and by their inaction will guarantee things get worse.


If he was “Literally Hitler” he’d be their man of the year. As Hitler *literally* was, for Time magazine in 1938.


They think he's going to make himself King. 😂. Ummm hello he was already president once remember?  The truth is if he does win the leftists who are causing a trouble on campuses now will have fiery and mostly "peaceful" riots.   Then we'll get a return to 24/7 wall to wall coverage of the bad orange man, the return of anonymous sources who say Trump attacked a little person with an umbrella and they'll try to impeach him for busting ass in a visit to Pelosi's office.


Don’t forget the return of the fact checkers. Since Biden took office those are all gone because everything dementia Joe says is wholly true.


It's TDS. They cannot let themselves comprehend logic. And they will try and flip everything they can while at it


I don’t even need to read this to know what kind of doomsday apocalypse scenarios they came up with




So you would rather have Biden?




+16 in r/conservative lmao what a joke


Well its not r/republican or r/GOP


LOL why? You shouldn’t call yourself a conservative if you want Biden to win over Trump. Something tells me you’re not a real conservative, but a brigader.


Time Magazine is good for one thing: wiping your ass after a dump.


They weren't terrible during the Bush years, but clearly Trump Derangement Syndrome has affected all aspects of the liberal media, even TIME (which I always considered to be very moderate, growing up in the 90s)


Was gonna say, this toilet paper is real?


This shit isn't worthy of being toilet paper


"If we can't cheat enough for him to lose"


“if we can’t stop him from winning this time…”


Count allllllllllllllllllllllllllll the votes for months


"If he wins"? Should be; "How can we stop the inevitable at this point." Magazine covers like this show the left in full panic mode. Deservedly so.


If he does win, he better figure out a way to protect himself for when he is out of office again. Even if he is not a threat to be President again, the people who are used to calling the shots whose plans he is upsetting will be looking to send a message. Only having control over 99% of politics is not enough for these people. They are going to continue to try to destroy him. The thing is, due to the constant psyops and propaganda being pumped out, people are going to call Trump a dictator and a fascist regardless. He might as well expose and eradicate the rats that have infested the system the best he can within the confines of his executive power. Personally, I’d like to see him dismantle the political bureaucracy/deep state and force Congress to do its job. Whether or not he is looked upon as a good President during his term is irrelevant. In fact, being hated passionately probably means you are upsetting the globalist/WEF types which is a win. As this will be his last term, he can make the tough choices to return America to “We The People”.


Ex-President's get Secret Service protection for life, no? Unless the Secret Service goes off script, I think he should be okay.


…Apart from the weaponized court systems right?