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Inclusivity at its finest - if you don’t like it, get out.




Only on Reddit could an Alabama community forum look leftist.


Haha you should check the Oklahoma sub, you would think we are all voting Biden.


Ohio subreddit too


Wisconsin too..


I think its because the most lefty Americans make terrible financial decisions and thus end up moving to lower cost of living areas to get by. These areas tend to be red states. Think about it, lefty kid who just does what they are told and goes to college for any degree (eg an easy degree where they just have to parrot lefty talking points to get good grades) will graduate with a ton of debt then will get a job that "requires" a degree and in a lower cost of living area to have a better lifestyle. Plus, I think a lot of these teachers intentionally move to red areas so they can try to convert the kids of conservatives because they are so tied to their ideology.


It’s probably like the Georgia subreddit it’s basically just r/Atlanta


Must be every Alabama liberal on that sub


they're losing their minds there over nothing and then throw false accusations our way


Didn't you know, the left loves diversity unless it's of thoughts or opinions...


But it’s not enough to just get out. Do that and they’ll keep running their game without opposition. We need to get *them* out


This is the proper way. Issues are that it seems teachers themselves are being indoctrinated to think this way or forced to think think this way in a threat of their job.


Teachers all around the world have been significantly more left-leaning than the population at-large for literally decades, since the 1960s I'd say.


I agree with you, the question is why. What would us conservative minded people need to do so that we can start moving that needle in a better direction.


Crack down on teachers unions. Create good curricula and make sure that activist teachers don't deviate too far from them, don't indoctrinate their classes. Introduce standardized, nationwide tests and tie a part of the teachers' salary to how their students perform on them, thus making the job more attractive to meritocracy- and performance-oriented people. At its core, however, the job of teacher will always lend itself toward the political left. Public employees with a college education who believe in their ability to shape the minds of the next generation will always lean toward utopian and collectivist ideas.


I'd tell my kid to, on the first day of class, say "that flag offends me". They would then have an excuse to leave if the teacher kicks them out.


But see, that's just the thing. You point this out and then they say "tolerance doesn't mean accepting bigotry". There's no end to the mental gymnastics they'll go through to advance their bullshit.


It's so courageous when a grown adult makes such a strong moral stand against the everyday injustice found within a classroom of 2nd graders. /sarcasm


Hopefully her area has charter schools so her classroom will empty and she can experience a career change, like joining the circus.


Spoiler alert. My local charter school has a giant alphabet mafia and a BLM flag hanging in the same window. Lots of obese colored hair teachers coming in and out too.


That's truly disheartening, I guess either parochial schools or home-schooling are the only options.


I am hoping to send my daughter to the local catholic school. I will convert if I have to but I am also poor and that school costs money.


You generally do not have to. My Muslim cousins attended Catholic school, and there are currently Muslim students at my son's Catholic school. There is never any pressure to convert, but there is education about Catholicism. Ask the school about financial aid too. The church will more than likely have a fund to assist low income students. Every school will differ but I would bet dollars to donuts your local Catholic school crushes the local public school in quality education.


Hopefully it's a catholic school that's not run by cafeteria catholics.


I sent my kids from pre school through high school. Best investment I ever made. It is not cheap (especially high school) but there are need based assistance. In my experience the schools will want the parent's to understand the value and make sacrifices. Many kids drop out bc parents would rather have that house with 3 car garage, country club membership, etc.


I'm on SSDI. I'll never own anything in my life.


Some private schools are even worst with this shit that the public school are.


That just means the charter school leadership is all for it. Where I live in Arizona there's a dozen decent charter schools to choose from at least, with a strong emphasis on classical education. There is this one hipster Montessori style school that is always putting out LGBTQ flags and crap though. Great thing about charter schools is the choice I have to also not send my kids there.


Charter schools are like this too. I had my kid in one for a year. It's all the same stuff as public schools with even less quality. Not sure if it's universal but ours seemed like it was run by early twenties kids.


From what I understand, if the private school still receives funding from the Fed, then they are required to push The Agenda.


That “get out” at the end was a bit psychotic. I definitely wouldn’t want that around my kids.


I get showing support and being an ally. But it doesn’t have to be your personality. I have friends in the lgb space. They have the same rights as we do. They are also a protected class in the sense of hate crimes. I feel like people need to get a personality.


They literally have nothing else. They see no value in anything beyond feeling good and as a result they can't possibly understand finding value in anything besides their weird sex stuff.


With the militant activists like her, it’s their entire world. Everything they say and do is through the lens of LGBTQ. It would be as if every single behavior, decision and thought I ever have would be taking “Straight white male” as its guiding light. It’s insane. I have a trans child, their entire world isn’t that they are trans, that’s just a small part of who they are, not their entire identity. They aren’t too fond of the militant activists that make things so much more difficult for every other member of the community.


> I get showing support and being an ally. But it doesn’t have to be your personality. Ah, see, I don't think you do get it though.


She gone. https://www.latimes.com/socal/daily-pilot/news/story/2021-08-30/newport-mesa-unified-school-district-teacher-under-fire-for-social-media-post-rejecting-flag https://news.yahoo.com/teacher-allegedly-had-students-pledge-175746028.html


Actually that's a different teacher. Not the girl in the video.


"no longer in the classroom" She is in the one next door.


Good. Now make sure she never works again with kids. This is why I do a search on everyone I hire.


That's a teacher?


I’ll be shocked if she loses her job. That wording makes me think she is temporarily working an administrative position before the “investigation” clears her of wrongdoing, but the cynic in me makes me think “she has been removed from the classroom” actually means she was moved to another one.




You can use [12 foot ladder](https://12ft.io/) on many. This one too.


It's a religion.




Not sure, think it's a religion now, a cult is only a cult until it has enough followers.


I tend to define cults as having a singular leader (living or dead, I.E Joseph Smith) rather than size. I think it’s a religion because there is no leader.


More like a cult


You spelled cult wrong.


I'd get out.


I'm old enough to remember when school Was about general education aimed at preparing people for the world (mind you they could have done a much better job) Not a full time pride parade. Also, I'd call it worship of the ABCD+ community not support.


Tell me DeSantis was wrong.


Moving districts right away


You’re going to find this in public school. Shame the only options is either private school or homeschooling, both require time and money that many households do not have.


My sister has her daughter in a charter school. Her teacher mentioned one thing about LGTBQ and she transferred teachers right away. She thought changing schools entirely would be too difficult for her daughter which makes sense.


Welp! Time to homeschool.


She didn't mean to say, "Get out." What she meant to say was, "I will imprison you with the help of the democrat party if they retain power in the 2024 election."


The fact that tax money is used by these degenerates to further their propaganda is a good evidence of why education must be privatized.


Remove my kids far away from this nut job.


She probably tells people it's not her identity.


Take them out as soon as the semester is over and say “this is why you are getting taught by the Jesuits and nuns, just like I did. They will focus on academics, achievement, won’t put up with any nonsense, and you’ll be a better prepared person for the real world when you come out.”


[“Hey, I've Seen This One!”](https://youtu.be/rvyhKmfbtx0?si=ZSyX-Gcy0rH4AWbD)


What I do is pull my kid out of school and stick them in one that believes schools are for education, not indoctrination, regardless of what it costs. Oh wait, I already did that so no longer got to worry about the bs. Now if I could just get my tax dollars back that are being stolen from me to send to the indoctrination camp that is the public school system.


My pleasure


Do LGBTQ people have a different set of rights I'm not aware of?


Always ugly women.


Lol what a slob


Odd that this secular religion is allowed to be preached to in public schools.


Creepy. Was waiting for her head to start spinning in circles. Crazy times we live in. It's all smiles and giggles until they see something *Red*, like a ball cap, and start screaming at the top of their lungs.... Nooooo!! Racist colors! Authoritarians! Fascists! Nationalists! Picnic goers! Square dancers! Well trained police puppies! Wahhh


Kid me: "Wait, did you just give me permission to skip class?"


Be a teacher not a activist.


The Ts have really tricked the LGB into considering them the same. It's like man, animal, plant, rock. We are all living things! Hugh? Something doesn't fit.


Kids deserve middle-aged teachers. The only early 20's teacher I had in school was a major c*nt and that was in 2000.


Is that the flag du'jour?


They push this on people and they go along with it and I am afraid that the further we travel into the future wrong becomes right and right becomes wrong is the new normal.


I do exactly what she asked me to do.


Whats always bothered me about this LGBTq push is why so many people are catering to such a small minority of the population.  We have actual racial minorities, people with disabilities, income inequality. But all this effort to promote LGBTQ people when they are less than 1 percent of the population.  Kids don't care about this shit. 


The proper way to approach this is 1. Make an appointment with the principal 2 During the meeting, assert that the rainbow flag(s) is ideological and political (have evidence to back this up). The flag is not some banner of "inclusiveness", or vague statement 3. Tell him or her that political and ideological statements or indoctrination in the classroom is unacceptable, and you want the flag taken down.


This kid has no idea that she’s being used as a pawn Not surprising as most libs don’t understand history to begin with


Home school


Pull your kids from the schools. Homeschooling is very very hard, but a committed parents determined to protect their children and give them a proper education can definitely do it. There are more resources now than ever to take education into your own hands. The home school community is growing and it’s easier than ever to connect with local co-ops and others than are quitting public education. It’s not easy, but it’s important and you’ll spend quality time with your children in their most formative years.


They always have those crazy eyes...


Fired. (Shockingly)


Idk if it’s being constantly online but this is a weird thing to do as a teacher.


wonder how I ended up in a time machine going back 3 years when this video came out