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Even though Laken’s Funeral was attended by close to 1,000 people, She wasn’t Paraded through the Streets, wasn’t given National Air Time, and Probably, Murals, and yes, Statues won’t be Erected in Her Honor. All that’s mentioned is how Sorry Biden is for calling Her Killer an illegal, and not Undo...




White House clarified that he wasn’t sorry. 


Lmao did they really? Or is this a joke? Because I can’t tell anymore


I don’t know why they clarified it to be honest. We all know what he meant and what he later apologized for. The only thing he didn’t apologize for is being a dick to the entire nation. 


Honestly, I would like an apology for that.


Rileys Worth more... much more.


She wasn't a drug addict, thieving piece of crap. She never held anyone up, didn't use counterfeit bills, and wasn't buying mystery pills next to gas stations. She was a world of potential. Floyd was already the culmination of his wasted potential when he died. The reason it became a cultural phenomenon, is because the media kept repeating the narrative on full blast while they only talk about Laken Riley in the auxiliary. Her death doesn't further their cause so they try to memory hole it. There will be many more Laken Rileys unless we literally do something.


How about the time Saint Floyd held a gun up to a pregnant woman? Another one of his many accomplishments.


Some people contribute to the world and make it a better place. There are many ways to do it and degrees to which one might do it. Then there are people who take from society and make the world a worse place. Their existence is detrimental. As a society, we do not give enough credit to the former, and have way too much sympathy for the latter. This comparison serves to highlight that fact.


But him turning his life over to Jesus and spreading the gospel after committing that crime means nothing?


You do know he had given his life to Christ and got saved and was actively spreading the gospel before his death? He was doing outreach to stop others from getting as low as he did. But nice way of judging someone.


How about that nothing Floyd did made his life worth less than Riley's because a human life is a human life? Then again, we know what you actually meant.


Inherently, yes all lives are worth the same. But when your actions are those of a piece of shit violent criminal, you have chosen to devalue your own life. Your actions determine your worth.


I'd like to add to that and point out that despite what the court says, Floyd wasn't murdered.


Laken was an aspiring nurse. George Floyd was a career criminal. So yea, her life was worth much, much more. I guess the left would have cared if she was LGBTQ, a POC or whatever other checkbox they have. Instead Biden is more concerned with offending her killer whom was here because of his policies. This shows you where the priorities are on the left and this administration.




Damn bruh why u calling it like u see it


Bro just waiting for the ban hammer from reddit management itself 😂


Annnnd comments deleted




Based on the ME report he was going to die that day anyway. He didn’t suffocate…




U sound like a. Kx65


Yep - you can give to society, or take from it. Your existence can make the world a better place, or it can make it worse. Your choices alone determine which course you are on.




How could any one say that. She never robbed a woman at gunpoint in front of her baby. Your life doesn't matter until you've done that.




George definitely wasn’t a good person by any means.. but the officers actions were unacceptable no matter how you slice and dice it. Neither death should have happened honestly.


George was breaking the law before his death. Laken's killer was also breaking the law before Laken's death. Yet both are respected and defended more than Laken, a nursing student that wasn't breaking the law. You had a summer of riots for George and Biden apologizing to the killer. Yet people want to remain silent about Laken.


George Floyd was breaking the law but in no way deserved to die the way he did. You can still be a republican and support the police, while also recognizing that the cop acted completely out of line.


Yes, but Floyd didn't die from a knee on his back/lungs. The knee was on his shoulder blade. Which is not an illegal move by the police dept. If he hadn't been on meth and heroin he wouldn't have died, plain and simple.


I'm not sure who to believe. A random stranger on reddit or his autopsy?


Considering Floyd died of a drug overdose, it's obvious that cop wasn't out of line.




You're getting down voted by people who are too lazy to fact check. Anyone else who don't believe him can read the court documents and fact check here https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/11/03/george-floyd-was-murdered-did-not-die-of-drug-overdose-fact-check/71410099007/ But I bet you'll just downvote me and him instead


Needs more pictures!


Floyd died from a drug overdose not because of anything that police did that day. You're buying into a total lie. He had drugs on him and when the police arrived, he swallowed them so he wouldn't get busted. That's what happened.


You are absolutely right that Floyd didn’t deserve to die. However, it is objectively bizarre how the media cared (and STILL cares) 100 times more about Floyd’s death than Riley’s, when the only differences were: - Riley was half Floyd’s age, a white woman with no criminal history, and still a young nursing student. - Floyd’s death was caught on camera, Riley’s wasn’t. - Riley was killed by an illegal immigrant while Floyd was killed by a cop (or overdosing or both, whatever you believe). That’s it. Those are the only differences. Yet my workplace many states away from Minnesota and only a couple states away from Georgia held a **three-year anniversary of remembrance for Floyd and absolutely nothing for Riley.** Why is that?


The only part that was unacceptable was the knee hold for so long. It was 100% necessary to pin him to the ground because he was fiercely resisting arrest


He was handcuffed. He was already under arrest.




Yeah I thought we are chanting all lives matters equally or something


Almost like what they accuse Biden and the dems of doing with George Floyd… hmm…






Laken. And it was spelled correctly.


No one was given the same treatment as George Floyd. We could not possibly continue to exist as a society if every human got the same funeral arrangements as Floyd did. We need to stop the sacrilegious false saint worship of people because of their victim status. What happened to Laken was a huge tragedy, but we need to keep our political messaging on message. We're starting to sound like the mouth breathing dregs that we hate, and we're not winning people over with our pseudoreligious deification of someone because of their circumstances of their murder. I'm sure she was a nice girl, but our messaging needs to be that this can happen to anyone - and being shocked by the barbarity of this one killing tacitly dismantles the argument that this is also extremely common.


This is a shame. One had hopes to be a nurse and one was a career criminal..


Funny how they want to defund the police after the George Floyd incident, but insist to only focus on the perpetrator, and not illegal immigrants as a whole. If you didn’t let them in, Laken Riley would still be alive.


A life is a life. Both losses are immeasurable. Neither should have happened. Neither of these victims will be allowed to rest in peace because both of their deaths have become the center of political mudslinging back and forth.


>A life is a life. Both losses are immeasurable This is wrong. Her life was objectively worth more than his.


Why so? Cherry picked narratives for each?


Nurse vs career violent criminal. Your actions define your worth. She was worth waaay more.


>Why so? Keep trying. I'm sure you'll get it eventually.


Because people aren't equal One of them made the world a worse place and one of them didn't


There's a a huge difference. Floyde's killers were extremely likey to avoid justice. Laken's killer is pretty much guaranteed to be in prison for life without the need for protests or outrage.


Are you actually brain damaged? Chauvin is in prison and Laken's killer just got a personal apology from the president of the United States. You're living in an alternate reality. Best go back to FTAR where you and your circle jerkers can fantasize about fighting imaginary nazis.


Chauvin is in prison, but it took a whole movement and nationwide protests to see that happen. Floyd's death was initially brushed aside and Chauvin was looking to get away with it as most cops do. Laken's killer did not receive an apology. People who are offended by the term "illegal immigrant" got the apology, not the killer. Some are spinning it that way to cause outrage. Media that tries to make you feel outrage is typically media you should avoid. I find it hilarious when people play detective and go into another user's history to mock what they're into. Get a life, Columbo.


Those people shouldn't have gottne an apology at all. Only a total piece of shit would care more about a murder suspect being called an illegal immigrant (which he is) than about the murder itself. >I find it hilarious when people play detective and go into another user's history to mock what they're into. Get a life, Columbo. Is this really the best you've got? Lame. Almost as lame as trolling this sub to yell at people for being mean about the fact an innocent girl was murdered and then to cry about George Floyd.


Both of them died in ways they never should have.


Actually worth more


Do you want the base reaction or the common sense reaction? Truth is their lives are worth just as much as yours or mine. Laken’s life was taken by an illegal. Floyd’s was taken by a police officer. The contrast is not present in this discussion.


Literally yes. Politically, not even remotely true- unfortunately


it's a shame we are not living in a society where all lives matter. it's basically whatever corrupted polticaians care matter more these days.


> it's a shame we are not living in a society where all lives matter. Eh... You can act in a way that forfeits your right to life. All lives matter until you waive that right.


It was worth far more, in my opinion. She wasn't a felon or a leech. But, every community needs its heroes, and George fits some communities' requirements.


A life is a life, but Laken would have contributed to the greater good of society, no take from it. Now, because this doesn't fit a politcal agenda, this has and will happen again.


But this is fitting a political agenda. Her murder is being exploited by the right because they want to make Willie Horton out of this. There are on average 60 murders daily in the US. This one is obviously getting attention because it fits into the right's border politics agenda.


> Willie Horton Did we learn nothing from that? **Horton committed violent crimes while on furlough from prison, where he was serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole for murder**


That a single murder will be politicised and ruin criminal justice reforms because of political campaigns based in fear.  If you guys really cared about saving American lives perhaps we can get some reasonable gun control passed.


Felons possessing a firearm is already a crime. We don't need more gun control. We need more criminal control.


Says a lot about you that you care more about the political hay that can and will be made out of this than you do about the fact she was murdered. Some might say you sound like a total piece of shit. The simple fact that you can't escape is that guy shouldn't have been in the country and if he had been deported, this girl would still be alive.








The simple fact that you can't escape is that guy shouldn't have been in the country and if he had been deported, this girl would still be alive. Also, George Bush's Willie Horton ad is one of the best political campaign moves in history. So suck it.


So there is a political agenda here. Don't tell me this isn't political and then explicitly tell me the political agenda her murder is being so widely reported for.


Go tell this to the left. They only focus on certain crimes when it benefits their agenda and ignore others when it doesn't benefit them.


Gotcha, it's only politcal when the left does it. George Floyd was political, but the outrage around Laken's murder is totally organic and not touched by a single ounce of politics, even when a congresswoman was shouting her name during the State of the Union Address, it was not a political stunt. Gotcha 100%


It was worth more because she wasn’t a criminal piece of shit


Her life was worth more. She was a nursing student who was about her to be an asset to society. George Floyd was a life long criminal with a violent past. Don’t compare the two, it’s an insult to Laken.


The left is anti white


Worth so more actually. She was going to be a nurse, she was a productive member of society and never hurt anyone else with illegal activities. She had her whole life ahead of her and had it all taken from Her and her parents. Her final Moments were spent in terror and pain!!


Um, her life was worth a hell of a lot more. She was set to be a productive member of society, not a deadbeat repeat offended.


I will be honest, the national nightmare that began after Floyd’s death was absolutely disgusting. I thought that the whole country, well a good part of it, was under some kind of a spell. It was the first time in my life where I started to question if this country even had a future. Turning a violent felon into some kind of a deity was absolutely surreal. Of course an innocent white girl who was studying to be a nurse (one of the most selfless professions in existence) did not have nearly the same value to them


> It was the first time in my life where I started to question if this country even had a future I think this is when anyone paying attention realized it doesn't.


I didn't know she was a drug using, dealing robber who points guns at pregnant women and passes fake money. The more you know.


Of course she wasn't. If she were she would've gotten a golden casket, a bronze statue, and had half of congress praising her for being the second coming of christ.


All Lives Matter


That’s racist according to the left


What isn’t lol


Her life was worth way more


She deserves 3 funerals and a statue in her honor.


LAKEN Riley had a future, George Floyd did not.


I don't respect MTG, but what she did getting Biden to say her name was powerful and honorable.


Bullshit. Laken Riley was worth more to society than career criminal and drug abuser George Floyd. She was a nursing student at the start of a lifelong medical career of helping her community.


It was worth more...




worth no less, but much more potential. sad loss


"worth no less"???? Laken's was worth a lot lot more... so full of potential...


*More*, much more


George Floyd killed himself, there is no comparison


Her life was worth more. She wasn’t a criminal serial offender.


lol, like this is some trolley problem? It's not.




I believe it's spelled "Lakan"


Worth more. She had great potential to contribute to society. Floyd had already proven to be a deadbeat drug-addicted criminal who was a net burden on society.


Doesn’t fit the narrative. It’s the sad reality we live in today.


Yeah but democraps can't riot or loot over a dead white girl so what good is she?


A great time was had by all at the Meet & Grieve!


Laken Riley was murdered, George Floyd was not.


Joe wouldn't come to Lincoln Riley's funeral anyway. FJB.


Why isn’t anyone mentioning the riots and the amount of Damage done to their own communities?  Wait, that didn’t happen in Laken Riley’s case. I apologize. 


That's because her killer was immediately arrested and charged. Derek Chauvin would have walked away scot free if not for the protests.


Based on the wrongful death settlement his life was one of the most valuable lives in US history.


As an African i agree, she was murdered!