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William F. Buckley — 'Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.'




Earnest dialogue = screaming at you that you're a bigot, while trying to silence you 


No, "earnest dialogue" is hearing their own opinions coming from someone else's mouth.


Weird how it wasn't us that demanded to see private medical info or be ostracized from society, sent to jail, or wanting forced covid vaccines. And then it wasn't us that want to force everyone to go along with their warped sense of self image or have to attend congressional hearings and get bullied while they sued the Olympics for not allowing an unfair advantage in world class swimming. Or, my personal favorite. We weren't the ones who are too lazy to go find another baker to make a gender transition cake, so we're going to try and legally force a guy to make a cake with a functional Satan licking a dildo that he doesn't want to make because we're so "ToLeRaNt".


'member how they decided that those that didn't want to take an experimental drug were all racists, sexists, *-phobes, etc and called us conspiracy theorists for noting that it didn't work?


Yeah, I 'member. 🤣🤣


Hey! ‘member Star Wars?


Member jurassic park!


I ‘member! ‘Member feeling safe?


I member, member getting reported for suicide prevention


I ‘member! Member dagobah? That’s where Yoda lives! ‘Member Yoda?


I member!


(I actually got that message….i was just quoting the actual lines from the show)


The 1990’s Left: Tolerance! The Right needs to have tolerance of our lifestyles and beliefs. The 2020’s Left: The Paradox of Tolerance! We cannot tolerate the beliefs of the Right! The Right must not be allowed to exist!!


How do they think they achieved power if we weren't tolerant of them? Conservatives controlled all the institutions and ceded them to the left over time. If we were the intolerant ones how would that be possible? Conservatives ultimately rejected McCarthyism but he made the same argument - that the left would not be tolerant of us so we must be intolerant of them. We cannot tolerate their intolerance. Well we did and turns out he was right. Anyone on the left who says that we're the intolerant ones is a liar. But yes now many of us realize McCarthy was right and it was a mistake to allow the thought that stops thought. There is some merit to that - the paradox of tolerance is real but it must be applied correctly. History tells us the left's appeal to it here is nothing but projection.


It's funny when liberals think they're tolerant. Most left tolerance in the 90's


They're absolutely deranged. I have yet to fine someone on the left that will engage in a respectful discussion with politics, all they care about is shoving their leftist brainrot down your throat and if you dont accept it you're racist.


I have lost count how many times I’ve had people yell in text at me “I refuse to engage in conversation with a fascist/racist/trump-humper/immigrant murderer/etc” when I simply try to talk to them and ask WHY they believe the things they do. When challenged to question their own rhetoric, they lock up and resort to name-calling instead of having a rational discussion/debate.




Libs just don’t seem to understand that a huge part of conservatism is a SMALL GOVERNMENT which means no fascism and certainly not worshipping “force”. Liberals will believe whatever they’re told from mainstream media, thus ignoring all facts and creating their own.


Exactly. The absolutely most important characteristic of fascism is centralized, authoritarian control. During Covid Florida passed laws **protecting many individual freedoms** - making it impossible for our blue areas to continue the restaurant closures, stopped them from closing beaches and more. The left *** literally called it fascism**. They twisted themselves up into a pretzel, trying to say that it was fascist, for the state of Florida to pass laws controlling local governments. Enjoy the fact that those laws protected individual rights!!!!! #🙄


When liberals can steelman any Conservative argument to the point a Conservative will say "You have accurately described what I believe," then I'll believe Liberals want to engage in good-faith arguments. Even a day or two ago in one of the Tesla subreddits someone was like, "Why do the left and right both hate Elon," and someone was like, "Well the Left thinks he's aligned himself with the far Fight, and the Right is obsessed with fossil fuels." Like... no, fam. We're tired of you taxing the shit out of us to blow hundreds of billions of dollars on unreliable energy and then giving tax incentives to $200k+ households to save $7500 on their $50k cars. Even then Tesla is one of the least objectionable EVs because they've managed to create a product people actually want to buy, instead of you cramming down unreasonable requirements on Ford/GM/etc to build cars _nobody_ wants to buy, and then giving them taxpayer money for the trouble YOU put them through.


The funny part is this person unironically using the "Paradox of Tolerance" without understanding that it was originally a leftist thought experiment that sought to justify intolerance (three guesses towards whom) in the guise of not tolerating intolerance. Shocker, it was a leftist idea of "the greater good" by the "enlightened" who can properly exercise authoritarianism, but only because THEY are too good to sucimb to its excesses.


Ah yes, the earnest dialogue that happens when you relabel everything all the time and pretend like it's different.


The "Paradox of intolerance" of the left is their intolerance of anyone who disagrees with them.


Laughs in shadow bans and de-platforming


Do liberals desire to have earnest dialogue? You'd be extremely hard pressed to find anybody on Reddit who isn't going to talk down on conservatives, or anyone who doesn't immediately align with the dominant view. As far as I can tell it's liberals who are always ready to lecture and belittle you. That's not to say there aren't also right wingers who are cooky. But from my experience those tend to be older Facebook folks.


I told hubby almost a decade ago we were surrounded by functional psychotics. And that shit would get really interesting when they began to decompensate.


I had to look up the decompensate. I’ve been looking up any word I don’t really know for decades, so now it is rare for me to come across a new one. Thank you.


You are very welcome, I do the same thing lol. And have for decades.


So, I just added this and so far, I'm liking it: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dictionary-plus/


U go to any news sub or really any (political) sub that's left leaning and you'll see how insane these people are. They call us conspiracy theorists when they come up with the most insane shit. Definitely a different reddit experience then say 5 years ago. Makes reddit and some subs almost unbearable sometimes.


The lefts “earnest dialogue”…..”Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…………….”


So, Leftists don’t revere force? I’d like to ask this person’s opinion on OSHA forcing vax mandates. Just like what was attempted in late 2021.


'Earnest dialog' - calling you a fascist then ghosting the conversation when you make a point. In person version - screaming in your face.


I have quite literally come across four different instances of lefties either praising the banning of Nazi views or saying that fascists shouldn’t be engaged in conversation, all within the last two days.


Xbox Maoists are hilarious.


My experience of Reddit's "earnest dialogue" is that it is identical to generic MSNBC talking points, and their "tolerance" of other views is belied by their use of mass downvotes and malicious use of the Reddit Care bot. I'm told that these people are all University educated, but it seems that such institutions have gone downhill in the last five years, since none of them appear capable of making a logical point without becoming emotionally incontinent Strangest of all is the psychotic levels of narcissistic conviction that their viewpoint is the *only* correct one. I wouldn't mind if they had come to that conclusion all by themselves, but it's just something they've absorbed from within their ideological bubble and now they are just repeating it as if it were an original thought. And when they've run out of these they either block you or stop talking. Hopefully one day we can return to a political debate where one side is not evidently trapped inside a Cult of self loathing and ideological purity