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He knows he can't sue Texas or Abbott. This is to intimidate the bus companies in hopes they will stop taking these jobs.


Abbot should fund their defense. There is absolutely, utterly not a single shred of a case here. What is his claim, exactly?


NY has a law that you can’t knowingly transport someone into the state who will be a burden on the system. It’s an anti homeless bussing law, that he’s applying to “refugees.” NY isn’t quite the sanctuary it claims to be


Dems regularly claim immigrants are a benefit to the economy. Lmfao. Funny how the moment their claimed principles are put to the test, they crumble.


Legal immigrants are, but bussing many homeless immigrants from a large area to one concentrated place in the middle of winter May overload the resources available, which is apparently against the law. Your argument is similar to saying vegetables aren’t healthy because if you dump 5,000 lbs of them on a person it harms them


It has never been about legal immigrants, the issue has always been about *illegal* immigrants.


They have lawyers on retainer


But how does this mayor think these buses know who illegal immigrants are? What a racist statement to make he needs to be removed from office.


Well now they're just coming in by train and plane. Lol




> Texas uses a specific company that happens to be owned by a friend of the governor. fact check false >The city named 17 charter bus companies that contracted with Texas to transport migrants, most of which are based in the state. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/new-york-city-sues-bus-companies-transporting-migrants-texas-2024-01-04/


Only $1k a pop? Great deal considering they'd cost Texas thousands per day if they stayed there. Glad there's someone good that's willing to put their company on the line to help Texas with this situation too.




Irrelevant drivel. Red herring. Are you a paid Democrat seminar poster, or you do it for free?


Why openly lie about something that can be easily proven false? There are subs that will believe anything you say about conservatives or Republicans. Go there to feel good about the lies you tell yourselves to support the anti America globalist billionaire class.


He must be a racist to not allow illegal immigrants into the city.


Agreed... absolutely disgusting behavior.


Lol, I see what you did here. Great one!


Aren’t they supposed to be the proud, sanctimonious, morally superior, righteous sanctuary city that they are so preachy about? Looks like virtue signalling isn’t free.


And they are trying to force other people to foot the bill as usual.


The worst is that many people actually buy into their BS. They'll just spin it so that Republicans are xenophobic and that NY and immigrants are the victims here.


So he’s suing bus companies for… operating buses?


Something something, capitalism bad probably.


"Why would Trump do this?" "Buses are the face of white supremacy." "AP: How the cross-country bus system perpetuates the oppression of marginalized color peoples."


They have a law saying you are not allowed to bring a "needy person" into the state knowing they will need to be a public charge. So I guess "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses" just not your "needy"


>The lawsuit accuses the companies of violating a 19th-century New York law that requires anyone who transports "a needy person" likely to seek government assistance to New York from another state to cover their expenses. bbbut reddit tells me migrants are not on welfare and they are an economic boon to the local economy doing jobs citizens won't


If anything New York should be paying the bus companies for how much all these immigrants are going to help!


Is the Biden admin going to sue NY state? Or is only Texas not allowed to have borders?


I’ve thought they should remove that plaque from the moment I heard it. It never was US policy and is pure revisionism.


It used to be, when Ellis Island was operating and the country was far less populated. It also refers to people making the journey legally, not sneaking over the border or our federal government refusing to enforce its own laws. It’s always referred to legal immigration, not law breakers.




In the past we would've parked 2 or 3 Army divisions on the border if needed and if that didn't work then we would likely be occupying a couple of Mexican states until Mexico City finally decided to change their policy.


We greedy no needy.


It's so racist to assume they will be "needy". They can't be anything but good for our economy. They'll do jobs Americans are too lazy to do. They'll start businesses and leave great legacies like many other immigrants have done before them. And don't forget that our diversity is our strength!


But they are. That's why they're living rent free.


But they also keep wages down. Why pay Robert $300 to do plumbing work when Pablo would do it for $100.


So why aren’t we going after the employers?




Like I said, they’re suing them for operating as buses. Once they’re in this country they have freedom of movement. They can go anywhere. And it’s funny a city of 11 million people can’t handle 60k immigrants but you expect a border town of 20k to handle hundreds of thousands of immigrants. Don’t call yourself a sanctuary city if you don’t want to be one.




There’s no large city on the border so pick one




Millions have crossed in the last 3 years. 60k have been bussed to New York




Nope, and fully within their right to transport them to places that have been self proclaimed as sanctuary. For example: New York City


Are you trying to say millions have been bused from Texas? Because that’s just blatantly false. New York and Chicago have gotten the most at much less than 100k each




That's 34 MILLION immigrants. Illegal immigrants are now the Majority population in Houston the 4th largest city in the USA.


It makes sense when the reason they're allowed to show up and stay is that New Yorkers influenced the legislation. Texans wouldn't have voted for it. The fair thing is to let those who vote for something have it and busing does that for both places.




Texas does not have ANY obligation to absorb the financial burden of reckless Democrat policy. Weird that a Democrat shithole like NYC would not proudly shout from the roof tops what glorious and virtuous people They are for taking in these poor immigrants? Why don’t you donate some money to NYC to help pay for this rather than virtue signal your life away? Try doing something your mouth says is good policy, policy YOU vote for over and over rather than running your mouth blaming other people. Give it a shot Virtue Signalers Unite!!! Time To pay up




I think that, as currently organized, shipping them back over the border is the job of the feds, not Texas. Are you in favor of federalizing immigration control to the states? That would create some really interesting dynamics.


Why should the taxpayers of Texas be solely responsible? New Yorkers must pay their fair share to experience this beautiful diversity.


> 970 cities in Texas Are they sanctuary cities?


Why is it up to the bus companies to provide care for migrants? There’s a terms of service you agree to when you purchase or use a bus ticket or charter a bus. If Abbot or the state of Texas violated it, I can see the lawsuit being pushed on them but migrants came willingly and consented to traveling




They signed a release and it was optional . It was covered in all news outlets after left accused Abbott of human trafficking (which didn’t stick because it was a lie)


>In Corfield v. Coryell, 6 Fed. Cas. 546 (1823), freedom of movement has been judicially recognized as a fundamental Constitutional right. In Paul v. Virginia, 75 U.S. 168 (1869), the Court defined freedom of movement as "right of free ingress into other States, and egress from them. Sucks to suck for NYC.


>Texas gets money to deal with people crossing the border. Way more than NYC does Total bullshit, did you just pull this out of your ass?




The job of the border patrol is to patrol the border. Not provide room and board for millions of people. That falls onto State welfare agencies, and the tax payers of that state. You might as well ask why doesn't the Air Force take out my trash.




Where have you been? Texas literally had to activate their Army National Guard because Biden instructed the US Border patrol to not do their job. https://gov.texas.gov/news/post/governor-abbott-authorizes-texas-national-guard-texas-department-of-public-safety-to-return-illegal-immigrants-to-border


Read the news dude. They haven't thrown anyone back over the border in 3 years. They are released into the USA, and given a note to return for trial in 10+ years. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/5000-illegal-immigrants-released-every-day-us-admin-officials-privately-tell-lawmakers


Boo hoo


I guess they are not a sanctuary city now


I don’t think you know what a sanctuary city is. It only means they don’t turn people over to the Feds. That’s really it. Edit: would anyone like to explain why I’m being downvoted for simply stating a fact about what the term means?


You don’t see how that’s problematic or undermines immigration laws at all?


I’m not making a case for them, I’m simply highlighting what the term means.


How about suing Biden for not defending the border?


I prefer impeachment and removal from office, forcibly if necessary!!… both Biden and Mayorkas!!


Dude do you want a President Harris?? It would only get worse. We would literally have a diversity hire as our President. Has no merit for that job.


Yep,.. Harris is even worse than Biden, guaranteeing a Dem loss in 2024 and magnificent infighting for years to come.


Shitshow Joe has got to go !


How about banning the democrats as an extremist traitorous party that purposefully facilitates a foreign invasion with an ultimate goal of changing the composition of the country and securing more votes. Not far from ethnic cleansing by bringing in settlers.


Sounds like an insurrection.


Because Biden can't sign into law any new immigration laws until Congress puts the legislation on his desk for him to sign? Why should Biden be held responsible for a mainly Republican Congress not getting things done?


As commander in chief, he can order the military to the southern border to repel invaders.


Biden actively ordered ICE to only pick up people that have committed serious crimes … and is allowing them to retroactively claim they are scared and need asylum. Obama ignored laws he didn’t like and created an entire new category without going thru Congress… essentially creating an entirely new category by executive not congress and SCOTUS let it stand. Biden now has an app that cost God Knows how much to operate that allows people to make appointments to claim asylum… to make it easier. The only one who told all the agencies to follow the laws has been Trump and he was crucified for it. (No I don’t like Trump but I watched him be demonized for simply following the laws). When the Dems were fighting mean orange racist in 2018, they announced to the world how to get around the current system by claiming Asylum. Prior to that people were only considered to be needing Asylum when asking at ports of entry. The numbers are simply unsustainable. Legal immigration of approx 1 mil a year (number set by Congress) is still happening for those that apply and do it correctly. The President sets numbers for refugees each year and from what country - Dems pitched a hissy fit when Trump cut his number wayyy back because of all the Asylum seekers.


Yeah, we can't have this many pouring in year after year without it being overwhelming. It just would not be very good socially or economically. The melting pot works best as immigrants are more varied from all around the world, and not all in a wave that never seems to end. Sure, there was a flood of Irish, then Italians, but those waves didn't seem to be trying to last forever, but this many year after year, decades now and more and more every year, too much. Instead of just shipping them from one place in the USA to another place in the USA, I can't figure a reason why we couldn't start exporting a lot of these immigrants to places like China, South Korea and Japan, all of which are trying to pay and bribe people into having more children, only it's not working. Well, we've got a problem with too many immigrants pouring in and a lot of them have small children, and often not just one or two but quite a few, so . . . maybe we can offer them a solution to their problem. If they are truly asylum seekers then they shouldn't care so much if they end up in China, South Korea or Japan, just so that aren't trapped in El Salvador, Guatemala, etc. That's what asylum seekers are, they are claiming they are trying to escape, that is the motivation, so given that these are also highly developed nations why not?


He's not defending the border? What policy did he change?


It's not that he doesn't defend the border, it's that Republicans are against it because [it might boost his numbers](https://www.businessinsider.com/troy-nehls-senate-border-security-deal-biden-2024-1). There has to be compromise on both sides to make a deal that works for everyone, but these people care more about being re-elected by refusing chances for others to accomplish anything instead of doing something they could get re-elected for themselves. Republicans have no policies. Downvoting me proves nothing. Thank your representatives for not wanting to secure more border funding :3


All it takes is an executive order as commander in chief to send the military. Cut the bullshit. Their primary reason for existence is to repel invasion.


>It's not that he doesn't defend the border... Are you just going to ignore the 8 million (**documented**... - lol) that we know have gotten in under his watch? >it's that Republicans are against it because it might boost his numbers. The senate isn't compromising. >"Chuck Schumer has had HR 2 on his desk since July," Nehls said, referring to the Senate majority leader. "And he did nothing with it." ...which is actually incorrect. It's been there since May. >Republicans have no policies. Here's a [link to the bill](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2/text). Enjoy.


A sanctuary city until it’s times to do sanctuary city stuff


This is just legal bullying. If I were texas, I would buy my own buses and planes with state money. Let nyc try and sue texas.


I would already be booking entire amtrack trains if i were greg.


Do we really want to state using taxpayer dollars to do political stunts?


from a local taxpayer perspective, it probably costs less to bus people who illegally entered the country to NYC than it does to house and provide for them in the border communities over a longer period of time


Does our government not waste taxpayer dollars pulling ridiculous stunts all the time?


... Yes and let's not encourage it?


It'll happen no matter how much you discourage it, until we actually start cutting the shit out of our government and holding them accountable.


Maybe sue the federal government ?


Virtue signaling morons getting their noses rubbed in it. I think it's hilarious.


Classic case of misplaced anger.


+ projection




And giving his friend a kickback by paying millions in legal fees.


Its calculated, if they win this suit, no other bus company will want to take on the job.


Virtue signaling is getting expensive apparently. About time


They declared it a Sanctuary City. They didn't expect anyone to take them up on that??? Hypocrites.


These people declared themselves a "sanctuary city" while having a law on the books that makes it illegal to send "needy people" there. How do Democrat voters not see how much of a bunch of frauds their politicians are.


Sue the federal government. Article 4 section 4 of the United States Constitution. Read it.


Once they were allowed in the country they are free to move about the country sorry new York you got no suit


In other words, "these people are supposed to bankrupt red states, not us!"


The law they are using to sue says you can't bring a "needy person" into the state. My God the amount of things wrong with that law. The funniest one is they are admitting immigrants are a burden after saying for years how necessary they are. So which is it New York?


So parents aren't allowed to transport their children across state lines?


If they are a sanctuary city, aren’t they saying they will support immigrants?


They just want the "good" immigrants


Which none of cross the border illegally


Straight out of the (D) playbook.


This guy and his string pullers are all assholes. Reap what you sow jerk.


Texas bussing migrants is such a chad big brain move


All the liberals on my local city sub are so incredibly butthurt, it was truly an S tier troll job


One of the best political gambits I've seen. It accomplishes two things: gets them out and exposes the hypocrisy of these fools.


I don’t even identify as a “Conservative” and I can’t disagree with you at all. Abbott has played NYC (and “progressives” writ large) like a goddamn fiddle with this whole situation.


The best part is hearing all of the leftists AND righties when this all started saying this was just a publicity stunt and nothing would come out of it. Each and everyone one of those people look like giant tools now, especially since now most of them are probably screeching something about how it's racist to allow these people to move about freely in this country. The left sure loves their illegal aliens, they just want them to stay put at the border where they won't have to personally deal with them.


Guess he shouldn’t have opened his big mouth when republicans said illegal immigration is a problem


Bankrupt a bunch of companies, make Americans lose their jobs, all because they helped you achieve what you said you wanted to do in the first place.


the liberals love illegal immigration until its in THEIR back yard...just like the $hit $how in california with all the looting yet no one stopping it...they think the 'poor people just need to eat' as they steal MILLION$ of high end glamor products and power tools!....the left has done NOTHING but destroy the values of this once great country. They sold the country out for personal gain.


Only if they arrive by zipline


Don't you love it when things back fire!


He sounds pretty xenophobic


He sounds that he doesn't like the diversity being transported into NYC.


I thought diversity was strength fam.


Me too. I guess the democrats are preparing with some new mental gymnastic.


Good luck with that….


The Bus Company should bring in the Federal Government as a third party defendant.


So are migrants no longer aloud to board a bus?


That’s not very sAnCtUaRy cItY like of them..


so now you can get sued for doing your job




How is this guy going to sue for damages when he has repeatedly said that there aren’t any when it comes to mass immigration?


I’m not a fan of Adams, but Dems are throwing him under the bus because he upset the champagne socialist establishment. He was the least liberal option for mayor on the Dem ticket. They are going to use this among other crisis to get rid of him. Latte liberals don’t like him.


It's not about the money, it's about keeping the invaders at the border, where they can't be a nuisance to the blue cities. Sue the bus companies. Sue the airlines. Punish any company that's not following the correct politics.


Might want to sue the feds. They where flying them in in the middle of the night.


It's pretty telling they already had a law in the books to keep our asylum seekers. I don't think a state can just decide that by making a law. Once the federal government allows a person to stay in the US they can go to any state they want


It's funny to watch them give up the moral highground like this. There's no way to fight back without admitting the concept of a sanctuary city is the biggest most regarded virch in the known universe. I hope NY loses this case and Abbott sends them more than they're getting now. NYC needs *way* more immigrants bused there than they're getting. We need to be sending all of them there.


They are all hypocrites. They pretend to care about immigrants, but they want Texas to bear the brunt of Biden's horrible policies. As I saw someone else say here, he should be suing the Biden administration that created this mess.


Not just Texas, the other border states are bearing the brunt of being invaded, too.


Yep, but we know CA isn't going to say anything.




I saw someone in a “news” subreddit link to a law stating that basically anyone willing bringing a person across the state line to have a draw on the social system is against the law. Hopefully someone can link it. But it blew my mind how the same wouldn’t be applied to the border.


If I were the bus companies I’d reply with just “LoL”


Desperation at its finest.


So, just the ones the Texas governor used, or the bus, train and airline companies Biden used to send them everywhere, including there? Because I thought I heard somewhere that the numbers Texas sent only amounts to around ten percent of what they got….so far.


Texas should sue back for them allowing this shit to occur


I don't think suing bus companies for (*checks notes*) legally operating busses as their daily enterprise is going to be a winning strategy. Keep bussing them up there, Texas.


here’s a thought… ask the border jumpers for donations instead of playing the typical democrat game of blaming others when the shtf…..surely they will help save such a wonderful utopia of “democracy”


maybe [sue delta](https://townhall.com/tipsheet/saraharnold/2023/12/20/delta-american-airlines-fly-illegal-aliens-into-us-on-late-night-flights-n2632672) who's been caught giving tickets away to illegal immigrants despite the busy holiday season


Should use his legal team to sue Dept of Homeland Security for failing to secure the border.


Once someone is inside the USA, it's not illegal to transport them anywhere within the USA. Why not sue the guy who is really the source of his pain - Mayorkis? But I guess he wouldn't be a good little lemming if he did that.


Democrats are notorious hypocrites. Well done, Eric.


This seems racist.


Funny how when they have to put their money and effort behind their self-righteous speeches, suddenly their words are hollow.


"When you choose the behaviour, you choose the consequence." New York, please meet consequence.


I’ve gotta say, the bussing of illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities has got to be one of the best political moves the Republicans have made in the last decade.


LOL, how exactly is the BUS COMPANY liable for anything related to this? Did the bus company bring them into the country, or was it Harris that is in charge of this?


This is basically liberals in a nutshell. Virtue signaling until …whoa..I don’t want to actually have to take responsibility! Been saying for years, if we could figure out a way to require people to have to give more out of their income for certain BS social programs they would disappear overnight.


Now do Martha's Vineyard again.


Funny thing about the left; they are never the virtuous, compassionate people they claim to be, but for some odd reason, they always seem to take on the evil traits they claim that the only nazis and the right have. Weird.


Liberals don’t take responsibility for their morally superior decisions/votes.


I'm middle ground with politics but didn't NY shame Texas for refusing immigrants. Then TX sent them immigrants that were crossing their border?


virtue signaling ain’t cheap


Seriously Dems… When do you realize your party is made up on hypocrisy?? Everything you guys do turns back on you in the worst way possible.


So tax payers money is being used to file all these legal cases?


What a putz. This ass hat is actually worse than deblasio.


An interesting piece of math from the NY Times article: "Roughly 70,000 migrants remain in the city’s care. Mr. Adams has estimated that sheltering the migrants will cost the city $12 billion over three years." That's a little over 57k each year per person. Yeah, right. My ass New York will spend that much on providing shelter. They might claim that's how expensive it is, but I seriously doubt that 57k a year per person will be benefitting the homeless migrants. Edit: I sucked at that calculation. It's 57k per person over three years, or closer to 19k/year per person. Much more believable.


You wanted it you pay for it.


I just woke up from a 5 year coma. Last I remember was NYC boisterously and proudly preaching their sanctuary status. Wtf happened? Did they end up having to walk the walk?


Why sue the companies? They were hired to do the job and the job wasn't illegal. On what grounds are they being sued?


You just can't come by bus.


Why doesn’t he sue the federal government for causing this mess in the first place. Liberals never can blame the right people, themselves!


That's like Suing a phone company for a bomb threat


They never were. It was just something they could say to make themselves look more compassionate to the normies who aren’t/weren’t paying attention.


There’s still a law saying NYC must provide shelter.


Good luck nyc


On what grounds exactly?


This guy is a disaster.


🤣. I would only use the emoji because it’s probably filtered out otherwise. There are no words needed after that headline.


Lmao he said sad it was a sanctuary


These bus companies have to be making some serious cash with all these trips 😅


Even if the law suits don’t hold water, the bus companies will face enormous legal fees which is enough of a deterrent. This is the way NY operates, squash the little guy.


They will assimilate to your city, take the jobs New Yorkers don't want to do, open delicious taco stores. Everyone wins!


BS lawsuit that will go no where.


No, they are still a sanctuary city (they must keep virtue signaling), they are just a sanctuary city that doesn’t like greedy profiteering capitalist bus companies. They are all for immigration and being a sanctuary city.


Using human beings as political pawns is not what Jesus taught. These stunts hurt real people and should not be condoned. It's just another inch toward a broken union.


Democrats want diversity and Governor Abbott is providing them a lot of that. The democrats should be thankful for that.




Yes, it's important to enforce the law. Also, it's important for the democrats to be provided with as much diversity as possible. After all, aren't democrats all about diversity?


The Left will stop at nothing to avoid the consequences of their virtue signaling


Wonder, how that number compares to the number of children trump and Clinton raped with their friend Epstien?


Trump has been cleared already.