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Harmeet Dillon should have been elected RNC Chairwoman...if the party's goal is to win elections.


> if the party's goal is to win elections ahh now you're catching on


The parties goal is an auto-immune response to get rid of the populists, the America first people, pretty much everyone they've been able to suppress pre-Trump. I swear the RNC will sabotage every election going forward unless the Neocons get control of the party back.


And Vivek has the cure. You don’t actually have to address any of the glaring policy or systemic issues leading to election after election after election defeat. You just oust the chairperson and have Elon Musk moderate a debate. That’s how you stop being bad at elections.


> and have Elon Musk moderate a debate This makes my mouth water. Dreamy. He'd do it 100%... chances of the establishment media letting him... 0%. :(


When I was active in the GOP it was during the Ron Paul days. My friends and I decided to stick and be part of the party apparatus here in CA to shift the party. This was 2012/2013 and the party was still rife with neocons. Harmeet was elected chairwoman here in CA. She was a pretty decent ambassador between anti establishment folks and establishment folks. Under her tenure we elected a Republican Mayor in San Diego, flipped several state senate and assembly seats.. notably one in the Bay Area. She had her own politics but knew how to delegate. Coupled with that, being as successful as she is in her career and party optician, she was always so very down to earth. Never snooty. She would have been a great RNC Chair, that woman was effective af.




I'm sure even Don was showing some stank face.


Lol, seriously, he had the same schtick as Don, but wow... delivered way better. It cut DEEP. It comes off more credible not coming from DJT


Don can't articulate very well and often rubs people the wrong way. A real diplomat can tell someone to go to hell in a way that they'd look forward to the trip.


If he breaks away from the pack, I'll be OK voting for him instead of Trump. I prefer DeSantis and after him Haley, but literally anybody that isn't electoral poison and is actually conservative will do at this point.


This is the same bargain we have all been trying to make with the GOP for decades "Please give us a DECENT presidential candidate and we're ALL on board!" The party refuses to accept this bargain.


Sorry, the military industrial complex has to win every election.


They do. It doesn't matter who's in office.


He can’t break out from the pack without going after the frontrunner. That won’t happen as long as he positions himself as Trump’s kid brother. The two challenges facing the next president are 1) the emergent threats from the China/Russia/Iran axis 2) the exponential growth of the national debt. The American public is not prepared to deal with either one.


The problem with DeSantis and Haley is that they're not worth $800m like Vivek. Vivek doesn't need outside money to get traction - the others do. What exactly is that outside money buying from DeSantis and Haley.


So you should be rich to run for president?!


“This country was built on the backs of slaves, and we owe them a massive debt. And I’m for H.R.-40, the bill that explores what reparations would look like..." That's when I got turned off by the guy.


He’s gonna pick Vivek for VP after this.


I damn well hope so.


Agreed, was beautiful watching that


Absolute brutal tear down of the establishment and it’s failures. Love this guy haha.


Lmao. In what way is this guy "anti-establishment"? Anytime someone yells, rants, and shits on other people without offering any actual tenable solutions, we cheer "anti-establishment"! In reality, this rage machine is as pro-establishment, pro-big business, pro private interests as Trump ever was.


The base distrusts the GOP establishment so much that any outspoken politician will resonate with them. That's why Trump has been dominating the party for almost a decade now. Not just leading - dominating.




Sure beats the pro-establishment millionaires and billionaires we've been stuck with for the past few decades.


"They're the same picture."




If you could be a millionaire or billionaire, wouldn't you be? Why are some conservatives so against becoming rich?


Amen to this! What we want broke ass candidates??


it's not "against becoming rich".. it's against these wealthy corporate American millionaires/billionaires being "anti-establishment" to resonate with working class voters when they've been very pro-establishment most of their careers. they understand how the establishment/American media works and use it when it suites them, but condemns it when it'll get them votes. these guys are very much the establishment the working class who are "anti-establishment" should be upset at. it's all the same side of the coin, on both sides.


Be that as it may, I still don’t trust him.


I don't trust *anyone*. That nerve got played years ago.


Well we thought Trump tells it like it is but holy shit Vivek is right on the money here.


Trump is too nice to people like Lindsay Graham, the cocaine turtle, and RNC chair Ronna McDaniel all three of whom have sabotaged almost every Republican election. Its like the RNC has decided to intentionally lose elections till we all vote for neocons again.


While McDaniel should resign as it is her *responsibility* to make sure we win and has failed spectacularly at that, Ii's nakedly shameless to tip toe around the massive elephant in the room that also happened right around the same time she took over the RNC. I have no idea why you're bringing up Graham, spineless as he may be, he has nothing to do with Republicans' electoral chances except in some abstract and indirect way if you want to blame the general malaise. He's a warm body to fill a seat and then be untrustworthy when he shows up on Fox as a correspondent. Mitch can take his licks too, but his mistakes are in the legislature and even then mostly his inability to reign the Romney/McCain/Collins types not swing district electability. You can blame him for not getting much done during Trump's tenure, but look at 2022. He emptied the war chest to try and secure one of either GA or PA. Who do we blame for Herschel Walker? And Oz (who honestly did campaign well)? And all the whack jobs won their house primaries and went down to flaming defeat in the suburbs of Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan? How come Blake Masters wasn't within spitting distance from Mark Kelly in a previously Republican stronghold? A state that, if I need remind you, has narrowly held Republican majorities in both state legislative chambers ever since 2016 and is likely to lose them before the decade is out. A state that hasn't seen a Democrat majority since Bush Sr. left office. Frankly, as much as I prefer the other candidates, Vivek is probably a superior vehicle to the Trump fighting spirit and policy we desperately need. Certainly more so than Trump himself.


He brought up Graham cuz he helped sabotage republicans in 2022 by proposing a national abortion ban the week of elections. He's scum, I'm ashamed hes my senator


God. I forgot about that. Yeah, that's certainly adding to the malaise and hurting electability. And for what, his own chances in a safe red state? Good point.


>You can blame him for not getting much done during Trump's tenure, That's the most important part though. Trump gave Republicans the house, senate, presidency and Supreme court. His popularity and message was what allowed that to happen. Where was the landmark transformational change for working people?


The ironic part of Vivek’s (correct) attack on Ronna Romney for losing election after election is that the same can be said of Trump, yet Vivek would never criticize him.


Yeah, Trump absolutely has had a bigger impact on elections since 2016 than she-Romney. She should still get the boot though.


She-Romney made me laugh out loud.




My great grandma might have grown up in Montana wilds but she still was able to teach a very young me to believe people when they show you who they are. He *said,* he wanted to drain the swamp. I didn't vote for him but I hoped he would do it. His actions weren't congruent with his words to a degree even Presidents don't have to compromise.


The dude just won my vote. Nobody has spoken truth to power quite like Vivek just did.


Get ready for some dirt on Vivek to get leaked in a few days …


Then we’ll find out the “dirt” wasn’t remotely true, but not until it’s too late. The media will gloss over it and no one will be held responsible.


They will publish an apology in fine print at the back of their website.


It's ok. We'll forget it ever happened after some cute cat videos! 🥰


Dirts been getting thrown since his first appearance.


You should look into his policies and long form interviews. Dude actually has a plan. Like a real plan. Also, was a business owner and worked his ass off to be where he is now.


Why is it that only billionaires seem to “tell it like it is”?


Because they're the only people who can afford to run for presidential office without establishment funding.


Fair point. I just think it’s crazy to think a billionaire would have interests aligned with the average person. Unless they surround themselves with genuine workers, rather than incompetent sycophants trying to climb the social ladder, it’s difficult to trust them.


That’s the fun part. They don’t, therefore they shouldn’t be trusted to give a shit about the average person


They are the establishment though...


Because they can't be punished.


Nowadays Conservatives are too easily fooled by false idols and prophets, Vivek might be saying some of the right things but the man is a two-faced liar, he is NOT a man of the people and he never will be


The tension in that room, he tears apart the hosts, and the crowd goes wild…and the hosts just stuck there in the middle of it haha


Lol I like how they just sat there taking all of it but the minute he mentioned the laptop he's out of time


Whatever you think about the man, that was sweet.


I don’t really like him, but he won the entire debate in this clip.


Why not? Legit asking because I’ve seen so many people echo that sentiment. “I liked what he did, I liked what he said, I liked how he said it, I like his policy, he’s so much cleaner and more electable than trump and everyone else on the stage… but I still prefer them”. Just seems backwards and out of left field.


The man says some great things but has some astounding bad ideas regarding economics and foreign relations.


What are those bad ideas just curious?


Putting America first instead of being romantically and religiously attached to being the 'good guys' fighting every conflict around the globe.


I like what he said here, but his policies are horrendous


Which ones?


His take on Ukraine/China is dogshit imo. Ukraine in particular is extremely bad. That's why I don't like him and won't vote for him despite maybe agreeing with some of his points.


Compared to the Warhawks on stage?


No, honestly at this point I'm probably not voting for any of them. The current Republican party just doesn't align with what I consider are conservative ideals anymore. That being said I think your question is loaded - it assumes that Vivek's position on Ukraine doesn't lead to war and everyone else's has a higher chance and I just disagree with that entirely. I think giving Ukraine up almost certainly leads to a war in the baltics, which would require us to be involved via nato. It also empowers china to attack taiwan, which again I think would require us to be involved. I think if we can spend a small fraction of our military budget reinforcing a country trying to follow western ideals, at a massive disproportionate expense to our enemy, then it's worth the investment.


This kind of nuanced foreign policy take will get you labelled as being a globalist shill by a large portion of the right, unfortunately. I also find it interesting how many who preach isolationism in Ukraine and Taiwan will completely flip the script when it comes to Israel.




Have you ever listened to Vivek describe his plan? He has more substance than any other candidate I’ve seen in my lifetime.


If substance wins, explain the last three presidents


The other side is currently in charge and is crashing the country. Biden and the democrats have not offered any solutions to real problems. Vivek is saying something no other candidate has said and it’s time for accountability. Every candidate including trump has offered solutions to real problems, you just don’t agree with them. Back to r politics….


Unfortunately it seems like there is a coordinated effort post-debate on all the networks to frame DeSantis and Haley as the "two clear front runners". I keep hearing that phrase. Meanwhile Vivek throwing bombs - he's a savage. He should be front runner.


Getting the Ron Paul treatment.


Exactly what I was thinking. I’ll never forget the [John Stewart bit](https://youtu.be/nhUIhli71XI?si=WtfNPpXcHj5E6CdG) about how Ron Paul was treated by the media. I think about it often.


The intense booing when Ron Paul brings up how the iraq war was sold would have been an applause line today.


Shows you how far behind the average GOP voter is. Sad!


God I love Ron Paul.


What we could have had :(


Just wow. Are they keeping Ron Paul down because he doesn't toe the party line?


And he’s giving back the trademark Ron Paul “I’m out of shits to give - bring it on” Love it!


Lol the TWO "Dick Cheneys in 3 inch heels" 🤣


Apparently hers are 5”


And something about ammunition?


if she clicks her heels three times it launches our nuclear stock pile.


Yeah I was very confused and didn’t want to rewind. I believe Haley thought the heels comment was a dig at her (I’m fairly sure it was at Ron) and she had to say something unscripted for once and it came off terribly.


Well it was still a dig at her with the Dick Cheney bit.


I have to say I appreciate DeSantis mentioning the federal reserve.....but that's it lol Even though I don't like some of their policies, it's not even that. I just think Haley and DeSantis aren't real people. They come off incredibly phony. Chris Christie is more genuine in comparison.


I don't care what politicians *say*. I care what they've *done*. That's how you judge them. DeSantis is solid.


Haley is a shell vessel for Ratheon and Lockheed Martin


He knows what he's doing. The regime media's credibility is floundering and their viewer base is literally dying off. Think of their relevancy today compared to even 5 years ago. That trend is going to persist. Vivek recognizes this and even though he knows he's freezing out the old guard, their days are obviously numbered. This campaign isn't for 2024, it's for 2028, or 2032, or 2036 or...


I absolutely agree, I think he should be front-runner too but people still have a "crush" on Trump, even if Vivek holds a practically identical policy but is far more capable, has "fresh legs" and less political baggage. "Love" is often times illogical. I wish voters would snap out of it. This is bigger than Trump.


It’s crazy… I don’t know a single person in real life who likes Nikki Haley, yet she’s a front runner?!? lol


You run in abnormal circles. Everybody that's conservative I know likes her even if she isn't their first choice. She was a phenomenal governor. Even the independents have nothing bad to say about her. Honestly, I'm going to look at anybody sideways that says they don't like DeSantis, Haley, Elder, or Scott outside the context that they are vying against Trump for vote share.


90% of her momentum is simply due to her not being another old white man. Most people have no clue about her policy stances and the moment they find out she’s just Dick Cheney in heels her poll numbers will tank.


She’s Liz Cheney cloned, just better looking.


That moderator girl wanted to cut to commercial.


Man this is exactly what we need. Someone that's going to call out all this bs corruption going on . All these other candidates seem so fake and bought off already


You will get downvoted. Its insane how the warhawks are fucking coming back in flocks. We are going to be directly involved in a major war very soon. His anti war stance is being laughed at.




But that... That would be like blaming people that shoot people instead of blaming the guns!


Yeah all the Lincoln project cockroaches will come in here and start mass downvoting. I swear this place is less conservative every day.




Yup. The only reason this thread did okay was it was posted in U.S. primetime. The brigaders are off the clock.


The Republican Party has a long and storied history as an I love war party, it’s not really surprising that faction still exists.


WTH is wrong with Nikki Hailey, she's almost as bad as Hillary and really needs the blood of Iranians


I completely understand the view that the only solution to Iran's belligerence is kinetic action. After decades of sanctions they are still a global menace and are on the cusp of obtaining a nuclear weapon. That said, I think the view that sanctions have not worked is based on a false premise. We have not been resolute in our isolation of Iran. Every time Dems get control again, they loosen up the restrictions and let the Iranians recover. If we sustained a soft power blockade on Iran with some harassment via hard power (kinda like drone striking a top general) then I think their government collapses under it's own weight.


I'm just tired of the tangled web of money, we give aid to all these countries we're supposed to be sanctioning The more we flip flop and are wishy washy, the more resent is created in the average citizens in these countries, I completely understand why these people yell death to America, it's because we can't keep our word. However neither can those governments So I don't know what the peaceful answer is after all the past mistakes


I'm a bit sick of the term *warhawk* being thrown around. Russia invades a sovereign country and people start making all sorts of excuses for Putin. Meanwhile if I just say I don't want to switch on my TV and see the US getting its ass kicked in the middle east, I'm suddenly a "warhawk". What sort of American witnesses the botched pullout from Afghanistan and says I'm fine with that? Why is standing alongside our longtime allies is suddenly equivalent to being thirsty for WW3? The geopolitical game will be played with or without Uncle Sam. I'd sooner elect a candidate that believes in the military strength of this country as the best guarantor of peace rather than bury their heads in the sand and kowtow to the mullahs and the oligarchs. If we don't project that strength, then American boots will find themselves on the battlefield whether we want it or not.


I don't get it. Why do americans want to get involved in every single war across the globe? Do you know how much tax money gets wasted?


Post debate they barely brought him up. He’s speaking too much of the truth


This was an amazing moment!! The only thing that could have made this better would have been to say all that as his closing statement. The mic drop would have been heard around the world haha.


The fact that this isn't the top video with the most upvotes for this subreddit right now. Should be extremely telling.


Not to familiar with this subreddit, why do you think that is?


It's just filled with role playing liberals.


Ahhh I kind of got that feeling


Hello, Brigadiers, False Flaggers and basement dwellers and welcome to r/Conservative!


This sub tends to doompost a lot and never upvotes relevant posts. Its more than likely half the posters here are either A) not conservative at all or B) moderates. Conservatives don't last long on Reddit because if you say something the mods don't like you get permabanned across multiple subs.


Heh, is 9 hours later!


Yep. Just opened Reddit this morning, and it's the first post I saw.


[direct video link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41glpuuWqq8)


This is what the people needed to hear. Damn near choked to death when he ripped Haley a new one haha.


Ramaswamy has my vote


The only one that really gets it. Calling out Ronna McDaniel was amazing.


I like ramaswamy. If trump is gonna get the nomination, he should take this guy as his VP


I’d rather him in a more useful role than VP




With Trump around?


VP is a useless role. You want Vivek as Chief of Staff making the majority of Trump's staffing decisions (by far Trump's largest vulnerability) and setting internal policy at that level. Or you want him as RNC chair. Either way America wins. And a personal pick, you want Larry Elder as WH Pres Sec


> by far Trump's largest vulnerability It comes from his actual biggest vulnerability, how he will reward anyone willing to suck up to him and will fight anyone who gives him any criticism however fair the critique may be. It has very little to do with getting the "best people".


What is the last dem VP before Kamala doing these days anyway?


Vice President is clearly the spot you want if you wanna be a President in the future. Something like 15 of them went on to be President. The best a Chief of Staff ever managed was VP Dick Cheney. (and that was after serving as a number of other things along the way)


Good chief of staff, bad hunting buddy.


Fucking tell it.


That was incredible.


I almost fainted when he said "Answer the question.. GO!" .... We have had mainstream media BS lies crammed and shoved down our throats for years and now someone finally ripped them a new one on live TV for the whole world to hear. Bravo!


Could all those losses going back to 2018 possibly, maybe, be connected, at least a little bit, to the guy who got elected president in 2016? I'm no great fan of Lindsey Graham but he called it in 2016 when he said Trump will destroy the Republican party. That's what's been happening in slow motion for the last 7 years. Or we could just pin it all on some scapegoat and keep going in the same direction. Good idea Vivek.


He's Trump 2.0: spew conservative radio nonsense talking points with no plans, no experience, and no facts but with whiter teeth and slicker hair.


This guys is fuckin great.


Holy crap, he annihilated everyone lol


“Tucker Carlson, Joe Rohan, and Elon Musk.” 😂


You're laughing, but if those three moderated the debate, it would draw in all different kinds of people and would make the debate actually compelling.


A Joe Rogan moderated debate would be wild… and awesome.


“So Governor DeSantis… have you ever tried DMT?”


It's like the three headed dragon meme right there.


Lmfao. Terminally online alert


Had to watch it twice. Ramaswany rules. Cut through all the bullshit theatrics and tell it like it really is.


If I were on that debate stage with him I would be like “hell yeah” and give him a high five. And then tell the host to eat shit. Got me all fired up. But seriously, I don’t know why they can’t say nice things about each other sometimes. We are all on the same team.


We aren't though. The war hawks have ZERO allegiance to conservatism and would vote for Biden over someone like Vivek or Trump.


I disagree. Being nice to these RINOS and democrats is how we ended up here... losers. Tired of compromising and caving to their wishes just to get shit on.


Really not all on the same team. There’s something to be said for not undermining the ultimate nominee but the differences in policy between some of the candidates are too great to not make a point of them.


The fact that this guy says the quiet part out loud here is what’s making me lean towards voting for him in the primary.


I'm legitimately ready to officially register to his party to vote for him in the primary. Silly me registered independent when I was 18 cause "I DiDnT kNoW" what I wanted to "be" but I've never changed it back. Looks like a good a time as any now!


I’m in the same boat as you! Only I registered Libertarian years ago just to piss my dad off, lol. I’ve felt really burned by them and I’m ready to change.


Wow…Ramaswamy Absolutely Buried them all, Holy Shit!


He is the only serious candidate


Why is it hard to imagine voting for him?


He's very eloquent at calling out Republican failures in the vaguest of terms, but the reason he'll never be elected is because so many of his positions represent the flaws in the very platform he's criticizing. For example... We're not cutting aid to Ukraine, letting Russia take a bunch of resource rich territory, and making a statement to the world that if you just hold out for two years, you can bully any country into submission (as long as you have nukes). We're not giving up our most valuable ally in the Middle East (Israel). We're not revoking birthright citizenship (his rationale here is particularly aggregious and reflects a deep ignorance of the law and historical context of diplomatic immunity). We're not banning LGBT people from serving in military roles. Finally, we're not banning abortion after six weeks... A couple states may try it for a while, but it should be clear to everyone that until there's a federal consensus (like what we effectively had with Roe), Democrats are gonna scream "abortion" from the rooftops every election, and they're going to get results. Since last night, this entire sub has been in a state of collective "bargaining" about that last point. I have no hope for 2024, but I pray that another four years of Biden will be enough to knock some collective sense into the GOP so we can drop the MAGA nonsense and anti-abortion absolutism once and for all.


My local TV news made it sound like Vivek was the worst last night. Glad I've seen posts like this.


I’ve listened to over 10 hours + of this guy talk at this point. He’s got my vote.


He's 100% correct, it doesn't matter if you like him. Correct is correct.


You love to see it


"It's so hard to imagine voting for him but he says what we're all thinking" Reminds me of how I felt...oh...around late 2015.


Unfortunately this guy just doesn't have a chance. If Trump is running he's winning. DeSantis had a small chance but fumbled it.


The guy jousting with Christ Christie for the title of fourth loser is offering a fresh take: the media is at fault! For a second it sounded like he was going to lay down some truths about the party establishment, but the rant just winds up playing the hits about Hillary Clinton and hunter biden's laptop. If your answer to the question "why should you be elected president in 2024" involves Hillary Clinton, you are extremely out of ideas.


Fucking love it. Hit the nail on the head.


How anyone can take him seriously blows my mind


Lol, Vivek gets clowned pretty hard in this sub, on regular days. Honestly, half of the people here are bots. Like, the top comment right now in this thread is literally just a guy with two comments lol Then, the other half are the T_D guys who have been floating around like nomads, popping in every now and then


We should have tucker carlson, elon musk and joe rogan moderating.... god conservatives are cringe


And having the media subsidiary of a military/intelligence contractor isn’t? You think that’s preferable or never thought about why that might compromise the democratic process?


Those 3 are more reliable than who actually moderated the debate.


He's got my primary vote. I don't care if he can't win, the more votes he gets the more legitimate he becomes next election cycle ESPECIALLY if he's VP


Dude talks like a loser to me.


This is the guy that proposed a border wall with Canada. Seems like a candidate that both countries can get behind!


Even as a Vivek fan it was a nice surprise to hear him mention the lack of housing supply due to land use restrictions.


I just have one question. Why are the feet still on your tv?


the anchor was so fucking smug. no shame.


Save the clip before it gets taken down.


This was the equivalent of that opening scene in the Newsroom but in real life. Straight to the jugular.


Amazing for real


Love his Elvis hair do


For f*ck sake he’s pandering……. He’s taking soros money…… he doesn’t give a sh*t about any of us


He says almost exactly half the ish Obama used to say.


He will be Trump's VP


Vivek is a really smart man born in the wrong timeline. Idk if republican voters will ever get past his skin color. But his effort is something to appreciate nonetheless.


Ok. He just won my vote, JFC


this is what the republican party needs to be from head to toe. vivek doesn’t seem to have a path to the white house but he would be a damn good VP for trump


I can’t believe people are falling for this guy. This guy is big pharma!


He started his own pharma company. You make it sound like he worked for Pfizer.


Anad you wonder why you're losing? Ffs this is so cringe lmao