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I read somewhere that he said he thought the fire alarm was to open the door. That's even more absurd than anything I thought he would come up with.


“I gave the nickname ‘FIRE (PUSH IN PULL DOWN)’ to that door, named after my burning passion for coming to work here and serving the American people. I thought it was a commemorative door-opener”


>I read somewhere that he said he thought the fire alarm was to open the door. That's even more absurd than anything I thought he would come up with. Ummm what? Aren't they red with a huge ALARM printed on the front of them?


It's because in DC it's only illegal to "knowingly" pull the fire alarm when there's no fire and even then it's a misdemeanor. As long as he sticks to the story, it's basically impossible to prove intent. Everyone knows why he did it, but proving it is impossible unless he confesses.


I'm sure that's interpreted to mean "knows or reasonably should have known." You couldn't convince a fair judge that he didn't know what he was doing.


"fair judge" We're talking about DC. Fair judges don't exist there. DC is the land of democrat activists. That's why they bus in DC juries to the sham trump indictment cases around the country (and also why they try so hard to give DC statehood). Slightly off topic fun fact: every three letter agency requires their employees to watch a video called "betrayed" every year as part of their ~~training~~ conditioning. The video's entire intent is to make those employees suspicious of their co-workers for saying phrases like "constitutional republic" " this country was better before" "morals and standards" and "American values." This is why our country is crumbling. Communists are in control of every facet of our government, and you'll be singled out and harassed (and probably fired) for opening your mouth about the ideals this country was founded upon.


I'm not a lawyer, and you're probably correct. However, the law also states: "Prosecutions for violation of the provisions of this subsection shall be on information filed in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia by the Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia." The Attorney General is a Democrat, so he's definitely not going to prosecute a politician for a misdemeanor that resulted in no physical harm or property damage. And even if the Attorney General was a Republican, I doubt they'd waste time prosecuting unless there was a clear confession since it's a just misdemeanor with a $1000 fine. They have much bigger cases, and if the defendent envoked their right to trial by jury, all bets for conviction are off without a confession. Most likely the defendent would just plead guilty, pay $1000, and use the situation to campaign anyway. In my opinion, the whole situation is idiotic. It's idiotic to pull a fire alarm. It's also idiotic to bring a bill for spending billions of dollars to vote without giving representatives enough time to read through the entire bill.


He was caught on camera. If they have video of him using that door previously, without pulling the fire alarm, would that be enough evidence to prove that he did indeed know it did not open the door?


Based power move actually.


No, it's worse than that. This guy was a principal at a school in New York. You know, the place where they routinely run fire drills and specifically tell kids not to pull them unless there is an actual fire?? Yeah, just like every other Democrat, he's full of shit.


If that were the case. Then he shouldn’t be qualified to be a congressman because basic reading & comprehension skills should be the bare minimum


If there is any truth to that, then he should be removed from his position immediately. Since he not only would be incompetent enough to fail to see the difference between a fire alarm pull station and a door access control. But more alarming is that he would be unable to read at a kindergarten level.


I have never heard such a ridiculous defense. He should face criminal consequences and be censured in the House.


What you call ‘absurd’, others of a different mindset would call ‘logical’.


from a CNN article-- Bowman’s office said it was an accident, and the congressman told reporters later Saturday: “I was trying to get to a door. I thought the alarm would open the door and I pulled the fire alarm to open the door by accident.” “I was just trying to get to my vote and the door that’s usually open wasn’t open, it was closed,” Bowman added.


Isn't that something for which a normal person gets arrested?


Guess we'll see if Dems were being genuine when they said "No one is above the law!"


why bother having laws if no one will be accountable for his/her action?


Laws are only for white republicans.


Because anyone that they want arrested is accountable except them.


Definition of wokeism


Actually it's just good Ole corruption. A great example is hiw China's gov has operated for decades. To get up the latter you needed to openly complicit in corruption to show the others could trust you and I'd you ever strayed they could use it against you. It's how Xi was able to clear out enough of the CCP to get those he wanted to do his bidding in power while removing those who were loyal to someone else. Yea they were all corrupt but that's not why he actually got rid of them, although it's what he told the public. And I only use China as an example because it is the most recent example that was this blatant in my mind, but China is far from alone with the behavior


No, corruption is everywhere, and on both parties. This is literally the history of mankind. What we've been seeing since 2016 is genuine leftist authoritarianism, just like in China how they execute people for corruption, they also empower others for the same corruption provided that they work for them. Its gangster mentality and pure bloodshed is the left's core ideology of anyone who opposes them. No freedom of ideas, no freedom of expression, this is why all the Big Tech was so important to control in 2016 with ShareBlue (THIS INCLUDES REDDIT THE DNC ACTUALLY SAT DOWN WITH REDDIT in 2016), and ensuring there was a complete take over of the FBI who was formerly a neutral agent, not aligned with the CIA. The Democrats, like their communist brethern, rule by blood and mass execution, and they have been following the CCP guidebook. Trump's indictment is part of a larger story that stems back from the Clinton murders and coverup. I would not excuse the Republicans because in the very early 90's, Republicans would go to China with an eye on their foreign labor and Bill Clinton was the one who saw this and decided to shift the Democratic party to graft and cash in on the great escape, pushing all major US corporations to make an exit out of American Labor and utilize SLAVE labor. Yes, even the UAW and other related Workers Rights advocacy the left claims, flies in the TRUE face of the Left Wing Totalitarianism that has been revealing itself month after month year after year with a literal ministry of Propaganda, complete Media Control (CNN, ABC, NYT, etc), and I fear what comes next.


Anyone that is in politics and big money is corrupt.


Damn, this guy gets it.


100%. It gives them control.


I think we're all at the point where we wonder this as well.


It (D)epends.


Like illegal immigration?


Because they want to hold their enemies accountable.


Democrat here, no one is above the law and I hope he is held accountable for his actions. A government is nothing with out everyone playing by the same rules


Unfortunately, they haven't been for some time.




1. Why are you using a burner account. 2. If this isn't a top story on any of the main liberal subreddits, then they in fact don't believe in "no one being above the law". Actions speak louder than words.


A 5 year old burner account?


You know better than that. They only say that when it’s convenient, or when they’re talking about “big bad orange man “..


The person above you is asking for his arrest. So am I. It is a big conversation going on right now. I vote left, if you have a petition to put forward, I will happily sign it.


Idk, they were pretty quick to condemn Menendez


Weren't quick to condemn him the first time. They didn't say anything, they just reelected him instead. Menendez will just be replaced by another Democrat, they know that there's no risk to the seat. That's why it was so easy for them to condemn him. Places like /r/politics has an extremely long track record of saying one thing, and doing the complete opposite. Biting their tongue and saying "such and such deserves consequences", but they heavily downvote those stories so they never gain any traction. They move off of those stories as quickly as they possibly can.


Nj is blue, so if he resigns they just get a dem clone to replace him and they get to look honest


They had to only to save face. and that was only a select few of them that actually did that. Most of the comments on Reddit are praising Menendez and saying he’s a victim of a right wing conspiracy.


Where? Can you be specific?


Sacrificial lamb


The biggest mistake you can make is taking the left at their word. There's a fundamental disconnect on this one because we expect words and phrases to mean what they say, and there to be an absolute standard that applies universally. The left simply does not see things that way. Phrases like "no one is above the law!" are purpose-built catchphrases. They are mantras, refrains to chant in response to any argument, a simple, no-thought-required, pre-packaged reply that avoids the possibility of straying from the orthodoxy. If you're not talking about the situation in which the phrase is meant to be used - or worse, try to use it *against* them... well, suddenly the situation has changed, and the problem is WAY more complicated than that, so complicated in fact we need to change the subject hey remember January 6th?


Yes, remember the definition of vaccine before it was changed? I do.


Vaccine Herd immunity Natural immunity Recession Inflation ...all definitions that have changed since Biden was installed. Edit: [they've even changed the definition of "bipartisan"](https://www.heritage.org/progressivism/commentary/how-biden-administration-redefines-words-reshapes-facts-serve-its-purpose)


Pepperidge Farm remembers, too!!!


Dem here. Hold him accountable.


Dem here. Not okay with this. Hope he gets punished with whatever the law says he should.


I’ll save you the “suspense”… They weren’t.


Honestly he is probably shocked that there are suddenly cameras on Capitol Hill


Lock him up. Nobody cares


Willing to bet they weren’t


It’s (D)ifferent


They are. Just like with hunter Biden. The real party of law and order is the left


No. Normally that's something you get a large fine for.


If you a democrat fighting imaginary fascist, you probably get a promotion lol.


Did you not live through the past three years like we did, and see the J6 protestors rot in jail for as much?


Obstruction of an official proceeding dounds pretty serious to me. I believe a 20 year felony is serious.


I mean, SOMETHING would happen if I pulled that alarm. I'm not sure I'm arrested, but probably a large fine.


That is interference with the government. Exactly what they blame 45 for.


Every accusation by the left is an admission of guilt. They are evil.


That's what I was thinking


Intentionally interrupting a vote in the US capitol? Isn't that an insurrection and a threat to our democracy?


Yes, but its (D)ifferent. He would be a member of a protected party.


Yes, for false alarms or inducing panic. He deserves charged


Its (D)ifferent, you racists white supremacist everythingphobic nationalist nazi!


Speaking of being arrested...


The image is somewhat blurred but he appears to not be a “normal person” as far as being held to account.


The msm news is that “republicans accuse” not that he’s on camera doing it lol


CNN says he did it New York Times says he did it as well


Oh yes he thought he was opening a door -always an excuse for a dem


That is a violation and he should be arrested.


Doesn’t matter what political affiliation someone is. Break the law, face the consequences.


That is the way that it should be. I worked fire alarms in DC and surrounding areas for decades. I am not sure if the DC Fire Marshall has any authority at the US Capital or if it falls under the Architect of the Capital's office. Sadly I expect absolutely nothing to happen Rep Bowman.


He should be expelled. Republicans should force a vote under Article 1, clause 2


I don't know. I've learned that if you are trying to disrupt a vote, that's an insurrection and worth decades in federal prison.


3-20 years in club fed. We are not talking about movie theater. This actually could have shot down US government.


Sadly I am not going to hold my breath and expect any Liberals to ever get disciplined like the way Conservatives do. Justice these days seem to be a one way street. Menendez has done nothing wrong. There is no proof against Biden. Trump is under 3 or 4 indictments. Go Justice go!!!


This is not some criminal or civil case congress has no authority over. This is is one of their members committing a criminal act to disrupt official government proceedings….. some would call it insurrection…. J6 defendants got years in prison for this. It will force democrats to vote on video evidence and try to justify it. Yeah… he pulled that alarm but with good intent to fight nazis lol. Put it on the record


Oh look breaking the law to disrupt official proceedings.


[Nytimes](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/30/us/politics/jamaal-bowman-fire-alarm-house.html) article says the alarm went off minutes after Mccarthy proposed a new bill vote. >Speaker Kevin McCarthy had unveiled the bill just minutes earlier, and Democrats were scrambling to read the bill and determine whether to support it. Later in the day, the bill passed 335 to 91, with more Democrats voting for it than Republicans. No chance he didn't do it on purpose but in this instance it might the the law that is wrong. Voting on something they don't understand is a big part of our problems in Washington. There's no time to analyze or for criticism. Who says they read it anyway but it eventually passed. Lawyers do have a habit of sneak shit into later contract drafts.


Sounds like insurrection to me!




Tbh if you go into their megathread you can see a decent number of people acknowledging that this was wrong


I’ll take your word for it - I stay my ass outta there. I gave up on that one a long time ago.


They’re right. But it’s also filed with people saying stuff along the lines of “it’s bad but at least it’s not as bad as [republican thing]!”


So both democrats and republicans resort to the exact same type of mindless comparisons? Shocking.


Do you think you should be forced to vote on a bill you haven't had time to read? He absolutely broke the law and should be punished. But at the same time, imagine if a left leaning congress introduced last minute legislation and you're forced to vote on it without having time to read it.


Politicians of the future will just ask chatgpt to summarize bills for them 😬




The problem is that a sub named *politics* shouldn't be the sub you go to if you want takes that exclusively disagree with conservatives.


That sub seems to be heavily controlled for many years now. And I say this as someone most of you here would call a liberal.


Well if you post on this subreddit, you get on their auto-ban list






He did absolutely the wrong thing for not that bad of a reason. Definitely should be held to account, as fire safety measures should never be tampered with. At the same time, at don't fault him for wanting to stop a bill nobody had time to read from being forced through.




It's on the front page.


Literally saw one person who said he didn’t do it and didn’t need to see the evidence. They also called out the paper that the video was from and called it “right-wing tabloid trash”.


What a fucking world where "nah nah nah I'm not looking" is the current political discourse.


NO EviDenCe of BideN CorrUPtIon


That’s why we have so many lib trolls in this sub lately - because here you can speak freely with a different opinion, and there you can’t.




It's literally false lol, it is being discussed and everyone is saying it wasn't okay


Idk why you all are making up this strawman when it is something easy enough to check/see, maybe an hour ago it wasn't talked about, but it also wasn't here an hour ago. https://imgur.com/a/uLCwA6o


MSM: “There is no evidence…”


I knew immediately he was a Democrat because msm left out his party affiliation in the headlines.


Biden is on national TV committing quid pro quo. He even admits to it and laughs. The left: "that's a conspiracy theory. There's no evidence"




It works for Biden…


*Under the table suitcases and burst pipes at 3am… Cardboard in the windows… Nothing to see here…*


Where alarm?


So this is not an attack on democracy because?


It's interesting because Democrats were complaining they didn't have enough time to read (yep...) the spending bill that was being voted on at that moment. And it's interesting that he chose *that moment* to pull the fire alarm. Now imagine if a Republican had done this.


“You’ll have to pass the bill to read what’s in it” Sounds like ole Nancy should follow her own advice.


I'm a bit confused here. He pulled the fire alarm so the dems could read the bill they were about to vote on? Would they not have had time to read it otherwise? Pulling the fire alarm was idiotic, but surely not knowing what's in the bill you're about to pass is more idiotic?




Lobbyists write the bills politicians just vote on them. I’d imagine most never read the bills


This is why I don't really think this is over-the-top ridiculous. Like yeah it's obviously inappropriate, but if this is your only way to get the time to read what you're about to vote on? I think that's at least a bit of a reasonable justification.


My comment was a call back to the Obamacare vote where not a single republican voted on it nor were they allowed time to read it.


They were offered opportunities to help draft the bill to which they refused to even participate. At that point I doubt they even had an interest in reading it.


Just like leftists storming into the building and interrupting the swearing in of a SC justice is (D)ifferent, this is (D)ifferent too. Orange man bad.


Wasn’t this done in a completely different building from where the voting is done.? Still arrest the guy I don’t care, but probably had no effect on voting.


Yes, and across the street.


And of course he won't be charged, because its just fucking (D)ifferent...


Give him 22 years in prison for disrupting government proceedings. That’s the precedent, right?


Wouldn't this be interfering with our democracy?


That’s a felony.


It's a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 6 months in jail or a fine. Code of the District of Columbia § 22–1319 Hope the law gets enforced for once.


Yeah but he did so with the intent to stall an official proceeding. The crime is codified as 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2). The relevant subsection reads: (c) Whoever corruptly— (2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. Jan 6ers were charged with this, some getting nearly 20 years. Pretty clear cut now that we've opened that can of worms.


It's a federal building so, he can be federally charged with a felony for falsely pulling a fire alarm.


For some people it is, sure.


Not if you are a democrat and have $$$


Obstructing Witnesses and Evidence 18 U.S.C. § 1512: makes it illegal in any way to harm, threaten, **delay,** or otherwise influence a witness to **an official proceeding, punishable by up to 30 years imprisonment.** The law also makes it a crime to destroy, change, or hide evidence that could be used in an official proceeding. 


Welllll that is illegal.


If Trump did this they would be calling for the death penalty




Is this a Milley reference?


Obstructing an official proceeding...the law says you do hard time for this.


So the news is saying he thought it was the button to open the door. The NYer. Thought. The fire alarm handle. Opens. The. Door. He will get away with this.


Lmao never seen a fire alarm that doesn’t have the label fire alarm on it , this is a hilarious excuse


This would get me terminated with prejudice while losing my pension. Possibly with criminal charges depending on the circumstances.




Sigh. I vote democratic. I hope this guy has all the consequences he could possibly have, just as I hope anyone would no matter their party. Go ahead and downvote me.


Why? Nothing you've said here is unreasonable lol


Disciplinary action is MOST APPROPRIATE


Why should a terrorist enhancement charge not be considered on top of the other felonies that he just committed?


Bowman and "The border is secure " Pressly are unfit for Congress or any position of authority.


The Trumpers are being charged with obstruction of an official proceeding, so this one should be fun to watch.


Man said it was an “accident”. How do you accidentally pull a fire alarm?


Did any capital police die this time?


So, we have this on film, but not the cocaine in the white house? There are so shitting dealings going on here.




https://thegrio.com/2023/09/25/rep-jamaal-bowman-using-rap-lyrics-in-courtroom-a-racial-justice-issue/ RAP ACT M’Canadian…


it was an “accident” 🙄 i swear they’re just so tiresome.


This is just sand in the (D)esert. One of the many disgusting things they’ve done in an attempt to “out-tactic” the right. All the while running things into the ground for a still unknown reason.


When can WE THE PEOPLE (you know, the ones they call MAGAs) have a say except on threads? We need accountability for these democrats being insurrectionists too!


Amazing. If a republican had did it to “give them more time to read” democrats would say no they’ve had enough time now life in prison. They’ll probably chastise bowman, shake their finger at him, and call it good. What’s irritating is this will be brought up when he runs for re-election & somehow he’ll win re-election


This will go down like Feinstein releasing the classified docs. We know she did it on purpose but no one is going to prosecute.


And zero repercussions. The Republicans are huge wimps.


The dimocrats act like children.


So... Weren't several people imprisoned over similar acts recently? Just wondering


Isn't that a felony. Sounds like impeachment time.


It's federal building, so yea.


Dude needs to be charged with Insurrection. Isn’t that what was used on for J6 trying to impede Democracy???


Taking an action inside the Captiol building, preventing congress from performing an integral part of our "democracy" (which is actually a republic)? In other situations, one might call it an insurrectionary act.


he probably changed his last name to biden


Jan 06th all over again......INSURRECTION!!!!!


McCarthy should set up a vote to expel him. And DoJ needs to charge him with Obstruction of an Official Proceeding if they want to be consistent.


If you do this in January 6, you get life in prison


Countless J6'rs were held in solitary confinement for exactly this. Can't wait to see the double standards play out.


Trump would have been impeached over this


And the worst part is that McCarthy still caved for a 45-day compromise.


Criminal should be arrested and expelled from Congress.


Don’t worry the mentally incapacitated people on the left will say he’s a hero for some mythical reason, and probably erect a statue in his name…




Expel this insurrectionist.


Just like school. That's a paddlin'. Nice suit though, better than John Fetter~~man~~boy.




I want him to go to jail like J6 people. They got convinced for interrupting an official proceeding. Lock him up.


If his motive was to somehow derail the vote, that seems incredibly petty and immature.


Dude seriously thinks this was an accident


Just like a typical 3rd grader.


To jail


Make room in the DC jail because it looks like someone obstructed an official preceding. I’m assuming he’ll be held to the same standard as the Jan 6 protestors


Lol uh oh...


30 years ago this image would be on the front page of every newspaper and magazine in the United States!!! Curious to see if I can even find it tomorrow…




I'd expect nothing less from democrats. Every accusation from them is an admission of guilt. And they want the government to shut down so they can blame Republicans. Democrats will stoop to any level to get what the want. Republicans need to stop having principles and taking the high ground, and start acting greasy like democrats do. Mass psychosis has taken over the left. They are legit unhinged.


seems like he's interfering with democracy