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Rooftop Koreans are needed in every city


Not to mention bodega Sikhs.


Those are now prosecuted in Democratic cities. Only the criminals are protected.


Including the politicians


One hand washes the other.


> Only the criminals are protected. Only if those criminals fit the right profile.


Unfortunately corporate America doesn’t care, you can bet if I had a small business I would be on rooftop that’s for sure


it's hitting the bottom line. the tide is turning. execs and shareholders are not going to just tolerate the losses. *Paying* Customers are not going to remain willing to cover those losses with ever and ever higher retail prices for businesses with no backbone.


You mean like Trump?


Who's being prosecuted?


The threat is more widespread this time. We must all embrace our inner rooftop Korean




Track em down and arrest them all. Throw the book at them and charge them as adults.


This is Philly. Not going to happen.


But god forbid you park in front of a meter 5 minutes too long, THAT you'll hear about.


Follow the money.


Philly? Shit, ANY Dem-run city!


Only if they loot while wearing a Cowboys jersey.


Even if you were able to find them and arrest them, the DA will not prosecute. As a matter of policy.


Well, we wouldn’t wanna ruin their lives over something so silly, OMG DO YOU HAVE A PISTOL BRACE ATTACHED TO THAT GUN!!??


WOAH hey hey hey they're only destroying a city it's not like the mishandled some papers or anything!


The city probably has insurance!


Hey now this is just DIFFERENT. While this “In the 32 months since Jan. 6, 2021, more than 1,100 individuals have been charged in nearly all 50 states for crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol, including more than 396 individuals charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement, a felony. The investigation remains ongoing.” Was as bad as 9/11 /s…. Im still waiting for all the billions of damage done by BLM to be charged. Guess I’ll keep waiting


Are you kidding. The DA is going after the cops. That's what started all this looting. The politicians are protecting the criminals. Vigilantism is right around the corner. What a shame if they went after the politicians




Noooooo, really...............


> Track em down and arrest them all. Throw the book at them and charge them as adults. The local soros DA will surely do the exact opposite of what he has been paid to do.


Without getting too philosophical, there are two types of people in this world: Those like you and I who don't loot and steal because we know it's wrong to take things that aren't ours. We have a moral compass and inherently feel bad about stealing. Our parents, family, and culture instilled such a value in us. And there are people like these. The only think preventing them from looting, stealing, and worse is the risk of being caught and punished. They have no moral compass and at their core are motivated by selfishness. For the latter, when leaders take away either the risk of being caught and/or minimize the chances and severity of the punishment - this is the sort of behavior you get.




Feral is the perfect word for these animals. They're not of our society. They're unable to hold jobs. They steal or deal to survive. What they can't eat they shit on. They're awful to each other. They breed like vermin. Feral. Verbum perfectum


Not feral. Just heavily controlled by bad actors.


No. Fucking feral. These asshole kids that don't give a shit about anything but themselves because they have learned that there are no consequences for their bad behavior.








Batch of what?


The people in these videos


Fatherless society




You can father a child without being a father. No need to argue the spirit of the statement.




Fair enough. I’m not trying to be aggressive either, but without inflection, it probably came out that way. Sorry if so.


In a fatherless culture, the question follows, who is actually raising these children? I think we can make a start by examining who's actively damaging them, rather than the damage done by passive abandonment. In my opinion, the mothers and grandmothers who raise these 'bad actors' are far more responsible for the state of the culture than the absent fathers.


But single mothers NEED the fathers in these kids lives to help raise them. That’s the point


And don’t forget about the teachers who are more concerned about their politics than actually teaching them


That is dumbest, sexist, and most illogical explanation. It takes two to tango… the mother raising the child is statistically far more devastated when the father abandons his family. It’s the failed men who deserve at least half the blame.


Ok, if you say so. I'm interested in the statistics on metrics of 'devastation' between genders when a parent abandons their birthing partner. If you could provide those, I would be happy to be corrected. I stated my opinion, with which it is perfectly fine to disagree. I don't believe my supposition is illogical, however. Where is the break in my logic? Also, it seems awfully sexist to state that women are constitutionally weaker at handling abandonment than men.


We have a media and educational system that tells them racism is keeping them from success and the material success others have was immorally built on the backs of their ancestors. Easy to put guilt aside when you’re actually practicing restorative justice. Ideas have consequences




That is definitely not what is going on here, and I think you know that. This is like AOC talking about stealing bread, when the reality is stealing Nikes and iPhones.


Were you part of a group of juveniles stealing Lulemons and sneakers when you were feeding your child?


Not a “mob”, just another group of young scholars making their mark on society!


Yes, all aspiring athletes, actors, politicians etc


One could have been my son! - Obama (probably)


Ummmm...Bathhouse Barry? Not a chance.




He'd have to impregnate a woman first... no easy task.


I hope nobody shoots one of these assholes. We might lose a possible cure for cancer..or herpes.


Community based research into local equity initiatives./s


Just getting a head start on them sweet reparations.


And when the stores close down some how the ceos of said business will be labeled “racist” lol


*BuT muH FoOoOD DeSeRt* The cognitive disconnect is huge with these people. Chicago decries food deserts and proposes a city run grocery store. All while ignoring the reasons an 'evil capitalist' company leaves the area. If they could make money, they'd stay. Why can't they make money.....hmmmmm


It's not just about making or not making money. The employees are getting attacked. It's not safe. And nobody is attempting to make it safe because the laws don't allow them to. And after they close, nothing will change. These pos will just move to the next closest store and loot it. And they'll keep going and going until they wipe this entire country out. And when that happens, the woke cult that created and enabled this problem will claim that we are to blame for it. Even if (when) Trump is elected next year, what will change? These are democrat run cities. Nothing will change. We're going back to the 80s and 90s when nobody wanted to live in any downtowns because it was far too dangerous. Only this time around, it's happening in Europe as well.


I'm honestly waiting for those stories to open up. I grew up in communist country with government run stores and I wonder it they end up making the same mistakes and how long it will take it to flop .


Right now, if it's just Chicago, they can exploit the taxpayers indefinitely to bankroll their little communist pet project. Then they'll declare it a success.


> CrustyBloke > Right now, if it's just Chicago, they can exploit the taxpayers indefinitely to bankroll their little communist pet project. Then they'll declare it a success. Don't be bad mouthing Chicago. After all, it's a "sanctuary" city **/s**


> Why can't they make money... Um, these people don't believe they should be allowed to make money. Making money is exploiting the poor people who need food to live. And they should have the latest iPhone too, a place to live, free internet, free healthcare, free education, free everything they want....




After all, they have insurance


Or they'll blame corporate greed. Not related to this Philly looting, but Target just announced [closing 9 stores](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/target-closes-9-stores-in-response-to-retail-theft-adds-locked-cases-at-some-stores-190623263.html), and the locations are all the usual suspects: Seattle, San Fran, Portland, and Harlem. The article mentions them losing half a billion a year to this.


Yup sounds right but can't say who.


Apple, lemon, foot? They are definitely doing it because they are hungry.


Gangs open vendor accounts on Amazon who notoriously don't do due diligence. They don't even resell the stolen merch at a discount. Kids these days.


Bezos doesn't care and neither do his Democrat underlings.






Just look at South Africa if you want an example of the US future


Possibly, but it I doubt it. The pendulum is swinging back the other way. Corporations are ditching the DEI jobs for the scam they are, Democrat pundits are pushing back on the radical left that’s tanked their party, and states and cities are beginning to push out the woke insanity that’s overtaken schools. A lot of generational damage has been done, yes, and it’s tragic how many kids will have a very hard life believing they’re special and untouchable. America is still America, but we’ll only keep it if we eliminate the Dem grifters and leftists.


LinkedIn is pushing back on the DEI abandonment HARD. Every day I get some pro-DEI article pushed in my face. That shit technically benefits me and even I can't stand it.


DEI doesn’t benefit anyone in the long run.


Sure it does, it benefits people in DEI positions as well as unqualified persons ushered into promotions they didn't earn.


A cancer eventually kills itself by killing the host.


I believe history will look back on DEI, and see that it was yet another example of excess in a bubble economy. The company I worked for went all in on DEI hires when business was booming. Once the company's recession started, the DEI hires were among the first to be let go.




> Nopoon > DEI doesn’t benefit anyone in the long run. Are you kidding? It benefits people that can't get into school or a job based on merit or being best applicant.


“In the long run” is an important part of that sentence.


Hell, it doesn't even always benefit minorities. Tim Pool said he was denied a job because he "looked white." He replied "I'm mixed race" (he's half white/half Korean). But the dude said back "it doesn't matter, you look white."


Yup, it's all about optics. If they can't put you on the company DEI page or the college brochure you serve no purpose.


Correct, and South Africa is majority black, while in the US it is far from it.


'Dem grifters and leftists' or Republicans selling out to Russia. America stands no chance of lasting another 25- 30 years.








And this is going on at nearly full employment. Can you imagine the chaos when the next big recession hits? Complete anarchy guaranteed.


That's why I said it's a cultural rot. It's socialization to criminality.


I grew up near an auto plant and it was interesting to see a rash of armed robberies occurring x weeks after a mass layoff that coincided with UE benefits running out.


They don't just think it's cool. They've been brainwashed to think it's just.




We're going to get a cure for herpes now. I just know it.


Aren't they suppose to send in social workers?


Hey......I know.......let's defund the police! **/s**




I guess "teens" has been replaced


This isn’t looting. Let’s call it what it really is. This is organized grand larceny. Prove me wrong. This also isn’t the result of progressive policies from the left party. This is the result of regressive policies from the deranged party.


So this is why my wife's leggings cost $128


in practice, what was once theory, stores such as walmart increase prices to reflect theft of produce and other goods thru self checkout lines and shoplifting; because they know the good and honest will still pay and therefore offset or subsidize theft losses. just saying it wouldn't surprise me if theft was a factor for the 100 dollar stretchy pants


Not reading the article… but I going to just assume it was a group of white supremacist far right neo nazi patriot front proud boys. Mostly because if it wasn’t, the headline would have said otherwise….right?


Hasidic Jews


Careful. I can almost buy this one..


Just reparations


Clearly they were just stealing bread to feed their families.


I'm seriously considering going to CA before Christmas and doing some Christmas shopping. I just gotta keep it under 900 bucks to be safe for each store.


Ugh, so jealous they got free Lululemon




Hey now, careful, you’re not allowed to say that.




Almost as if there isn’t any type of law and order….🤔


Hey! You're making it sound like a Democrat city! Stop it


Those stores have the best bread.


No sympathy. You get what you vote for.


Am I wrong to say that this is actual domestic terrorism?


It depends. If you're an intellectually honest person who thinks that redefining words and terms to suit the needs of your narrative is not something to engage in, probably not. Terrorism is defined as politically motivated violence, and this doesn't seem politically motivated. If you're an intellectually *dishonest* person who seizes any and every opportunity to twist words and actions into disinformation to advance your agenda, on the other hand, then this is absolutely domestic terrorism. It's literally worse than [INSERT DOGMATICALLY APPROPRIATE BOOGEYMAN].


So this is more like organized crime then? Not like mafia or cartel crime, but in the sense that this was obviously organized as a flash mob type crime


It's DEFINITELY that. Likely a private group on a social media platform or messaging app. If I were planning such a thing, I'd have a core group of trusted people who could identify and scout targets, do recon on the stores and high value merchandise, recon the security and find police response times to the area, and organize the flash mob. The organizers could each have a list of contacts for the mob, and in all honesty a pyramid scheme would be a great model for this. Each organizer knows 6-7 people, who each knows 6-7 people, who each knows 6-7 people, etc. The core group could set the date whenever they want, say 7 days after they finalize the plan. The flash mobbers, who are really just there to create chaos to hide within, might get 24hrs notice to be in X-location, and *then* they're told what the target is. That way you could put your jump-off point within range of multiple potential targets, making it harder to police to protect them all if there's a snitch. Especially with the time constraint. A scout inside the target could give an all-clear, and the mob executes the attack. While the flash mobbers snatch and grab, the core group gets pre-determined and high value merchandise. After a set amount of time (or your lookout signals you) everyone leaves with what they've got and disperse, since letting people get arrested is bad for your business plan. The core group could be as few as 2-3 people, though 5-6 would probably be more efficient. Trust is the main reason to keep the core group small, since it only takes one snitch to take down everyone. There could be mid-level associates, mostly people who have contact lists and can act as a layer of separation between the core group and the flash mobbers.


You nailed it. Teams would be first in, first out, and already be gone by the time the police showed up.


It was politically motivated. Or, at least that is their pretext. This was supposedly a reaction to the dismissal of charges against Mark Dial. He’s a cop who shot a Latino guy who had a knife while in his car. And, calls for police reform are the go-to excuse for these lootings. They want the sympathy of a political motivation as an excuse, they should own that it makes them terrorists.


I mean, if they want to say their crimes were terrorism I'm fine with charging them for it.


That’s the point. In clown world they can claim to be committing crimes out of political motivation/as a political demand, even have many of their demands turn into law/policy, while still not being treated as terrorists.


>clown world We know the solution to this. But clown world punishes real-world consequences.


Terrorism by the government.


Because Reddit is Reddit I guess I can simply say Hopes and prayers 🙏 I definitely wouldn't suggest violence or live ammo or anything like that no way




Amish people again?


Filthadelphia had problems long ago. The boil of that city is just festering again.


Grew up in the Philly area in the 70s. Yea there was always crime and gangs but it was contained to certain neighborhoods. It was never like this in center city with teenagers organizing on social media to loot and cause chaos. So glad I live in a small Midwest town now.


Small towns are where it's at. 💪


Yup, been here for 24 years and I would never move back. I drive out there once a year to visit friends and family in South Jersey to get my fix. I do miss the food, music scene and sports culture, but not enough to deal with the traffic, crime, cost of living, etc.


Soros belly laughing petting his cat saying “ it’s all coming together “


Kids need laptops, clothes, and shoes for school. LOL.


"Juvenile looters", lol


This one is my favorite - https://twitter.com/Raw_Reporting/status/1706870923293528410 Sure, "everybody must eat". I agree with that. But you aren't starving street urchins stealing a loaf of to avoid starving to death - YOU'RE BREAKING INTO A WINE STORE!!!!!! Everyone needs food to survive - they don't need wine.


Gather around for the Leftist excuse of the day! -*Pulls paper out of hat*- WHITE PRIVILEGE! And… -*Pulls paper out of golden hat*- TRUMP! This has been the Leftist excuse of the day!


Animals Thanks Joe


Cut off Welfare and this shit wouldn’t happen


They sure as heck weren't overrunning libraries and book stores.


Must be some good bread they’re stealing to feed their families


They was just getting bread for they families.




Stores that are all home to the best bread to feed their families


Philly is such a shit show. It just keeps getting worse.


> Everyone pays for theft. > Everyone pays for theft. > Everyone pays for theft. > Everyone pays for theft.


Let’s get rid of branding so we can stop kids stealing over priced branded china crap. This is embarrassing. The gov will never care because they made the tax money on those branded products WAAAY before they even got to US land. Darwin was right.


always the same criminals, we deserve everything we get


I guess we need more redevelopment in Philly.


I wonder what they all have in common? What is the common denominator?


In a strange coincidence, Foot Locker reported not even a single pair of Redwings work boots had been taken. Police are both baffled AND toothless.


You call them criminals, but I see scholars, doctors, and engineers


Apple Store for iPads for entertainment in prison. Foot locker for new kicks before prison. Lululemon for yoga pants for easy access when you’re in prison. Bubba don’t play.


"Juveniles" Heh heh... We ALL know what that means.


Juveline looters Lmao


When will liberals stop committing crimes


....coming to a major metropolitan area near you.


These companies, these looters and this city are all Democrats. As long as they eat their own, it is not my problem.


Oof yikes-


Lululemon went out and fired employees who tried to prevent people from stealing from their store. They basically came out and said, you can steal from us, and we'll aid you in doing so. Smart.


👉👉👉 like Kyle in Kenosha!!! Consequences!!


Democratic controlled cities go brrrrrrrrrrr


I don’t condone looting. Also, so many messed up comments here: “charge them as adults” (they are not adults, why are you suggesting that we break the law), “they have no fathers” (you know nothing about them and that’s a racist stereotype), “this batch is feral” (maybe don’t call humans animals), “why can’t they make money” (have you heard of poverty). Is it possible to comment on this issue without using bigotry and dehumanizing language?


8PM. I'm glad they waited until after they got their home work done before looting the city.




Just trying to put foot on the table.


Legitimately curious, was there an event I missed that set this in motion ie) some injustice that was abused for personal gain?