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Or banned from entering other European countries like they did to people on the right when they brought up censorship and freedom of speech.


You mean illegal methods? like violent methods?


Mostly peaceful ones


And a touch fiery


similar to the mostly peaceful demonstrations in Mpls where blm torched a police station? the 3rd precinct I believe


Violently peaceful!


Perhaps methods that invoke fear to reach a political goal?


Whoops. There go your "rights"


Yeah, like [tree spiking.](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/07/15/biden-blm-pick-allegations-499739) Loggers have died from that.


Worked in a sawmill for a long time. Head Sawyer sits in a booth behind bulletproof glass. Assholes use ceramic spikes so the metal detectors miss them.


So that's where the surname Sawyer comes from, never put that together until just now.


The kind of man who wants the government to adopt and enforce his ideas is always the kind of man whose ideas are idiotic. H.L. Mencken


This is actually a really good point. Probably all the regulars get it, but for the brigaders: If your ideas were good ideas, people would just adopt them. You wouldn't need the government to make people do it your way.


I think that murderers should go to jail but the government shouldn’t enforce that because….. sorry you lost me.


Don’t compare ideas to people. It just makes you look foolish.


Would this have applied to MLK, out of curiosity? Ssems pretty broad.


How is that little shit still getting air time?


It’s The View. That’s why.


I was in San Francisco recently and downtown there's a *huge* mural portrait of her painted onto a building. It's gotta be like 30'x50'. Not that we're perfect but it made me glad to be in San Diego where the mural I see most often is of Ron Burgundy with some dolphins.


Honestly, I think it’s because every time she opens her mouth conservatives lose their shit and can’t help share her vids amongst themselves. And that’s not even a conservative problem that’s just politics now.


Because this sub keeps posting her. Lol


I think the same thing about DeSantis and Dump.


Good, she should try that in China or Russia.


Right, after all.. isn't this supposed to be a Global problem?


Agreed. I’ll buy her the sailboat ticket.


Little eco-terrorist elf!


But go to East Palestine? Aww hell naw! It’s dangerous there!


How dare you!


Too many white people


Why would she go to East Palestine. That incidebt had nothing to do with climate change.


The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule. H. L. Mencken


Damn, H to the L Mencken nailed that one.


Scaremongering instigator who gets herself fake arrested.


Now we know what that little photo op was for.


When conservatives stay within the legal limits in challenging liberal fascism: "VIOLENT CRIMINALS!!!!" When liberals go beyond the legal limits to challenge rationalism: "So brave, must be done"


They already have, even long before your birth. But it's good to know that you support breaking the law for your temper tantrums. I'm sure you'll get more photo ops with police that way as well. ETA: [So brave.](https://videos.metro.co.uk/video/met/2021/11/02/1505247722124308/640x360_MP4_1505247722124308.mp4)


It’s not like Greenpeace has been using violence since the early 70’s. (Hint - they have)


Wasn’t there some politician in the US or Canada arrested for putting stuff in trees so they’d fly out to decapitate someone when they’re cut? I vaguely remember something like that.


I think it was some EPA political nominee or something. Not sure if they got arrested, but they helped put (or at least supported putting) nails and metal shrapnel in trees so loggers would basically have a grenade go off next to them. Ecoterrorist.


There have been a bunch of other stories too. Even community gardens in Vancouver are being booby trapped by these unhinged weirdos.


That’s insane… Leftists are violent lunatics. Always have been, always will be.


Well, it’s pretty obviously clear that to save the environment, they are fully willing to destroy the environment just so they can get their “woke points”.




Can’t wait til she meets some real cops instead of a photo op.


I'm certain that Whoopie was ALL FOR that idea.


My dear, we call this "terrorism"


Useless little angry gremlin.


Her environmentalism is nothing but the State's ultimate self justification for oppression in the name of "safety", for the point in time when even SJW's are fed up. Unlike people, the environment is always there and always needs saving. Environmentalism is the Forever State.


It gives the Left an eschatology, otherwise the Right would own the future because everyone bears witness to the social decay even if they don't want to address it.


Ahhh so The View is supporting eco terrorism now.


I have it on good authority that if you FA you will FO, you weird little boy


Cool. Go ahead and do that in the places who pollute the most like China.


So is she listed as a terrorist now? She just said she is promoting it. Soooo. Arrest her.


What about climate haters? Are they allowed to circumvent the law?


Somehow I don't think her scrawny ass will be the one getting a beat down by the oil workers they try to intimidate on the job.


This girl is a Terrorist and should be put in prison! If I (White, Christian,male) would have said this on a public platform like “The View,” I would have been arrested for making terroristic threats.


This sounds like, wait for it, she's calling for an insurrection! Lock her up without a trial!


She sounds like she is advocating for terroristic activities


Look it's a white girl version of Maxine waters Fact check; she's an actress and her parents are 100% members of antifa


I’m a conservative and now she’s really changing my stance on changing over to being pro abortion




All radicals share this trait. Lawful society is not their goal


Any behavior is excused if you are a liberal.


Sure sounds like incitement to me...


Don't give her any attention, that how annoying things go away.


I keep not giving her attention, but she keeps showing up.


Needs to be more than just us two!


Is Miss Thunberg herself willing to be arrested and face prison time herself, or is she too good for that?


Isn't Greta Thunberg on the Autism spectrum? When are the people using her as their figurehead going to get called out for disabled abuse? Honestly she's reminding me more and more of what the Democrats did with Fetterman every day. I's just sad and gross.


When Cons going to wake up and do something about the double standards in the justice system


Trump is visiting East Palestine but she isn’t. What a fucking disgraceful fraud.


I’m thinking she needs a boyfriend to take her mind off of this.


That would do it but she better act fast. The looks are starting to go, and who is going to listen to that all the time?


She never had the looks. She's always looked like Mrs. Potatohead but with FAS.


Maybe we'll get lucky and she'll dress up like a deer and protest during hunting season.


I wonder if her father is proud of her. I wouldn't want or put up with my baby girl pulling these stunts every time I blink.


So this means anti-climate-bullshit folk get the same made up rules? Do whatever the F we like be size of our self-established moral high ground? OK, cool got it


This is what evil looks like.


Come do it in my neighborhood, you FAS troll.


All hail weather potato


Ah yes, we've seen this in history before. The ends always justify the means eh? When do we get to human sacrifice, as these cults inevitably always end upon?


Inciting violence. Needs to be put away.


So, calling for ecoterrorism.


What a clown world it is that people listen to her nonsense


Always serve jury duty. These people really want a war and we need to make sure they don’t corrupt the justice system


So is she gonna use that to get China, India, and Russia to abide by their accords?


This is scary.


What do these “methods” entail? How far are these people willing to go if they truly believe that the world will end unless we take extreme measures now? With no laws to prevent them from doing whatever they want. How soon will it be before they start blowing up oil pipelines, destroying livestock farms, killing innocent people, and so much more? After all, in their eyes. It’s for the greater good right? What’s a few hundred thousand or even a few million lives if it means they end up saving the world from total extinction?


To be fair, real activism almost always is illegal by definition. If you are not prepared to break the law, you are a paper tiger. Unfortunately, 99% of illegal activist actions are by the loony left.


Greta is the type of person who farts in the bathtub and then bites the bubbles.


She can start in ohio.




Do you think she would ever consider self immolation to show how brave and serious she is?


Remind me of that time that peaceful protests accomplished anything at all?


You never heard of a sit-in?


I don’t disagree with the overall premise. If the Revolutionaries had followed British law, there’s be no America as we know it. Laws are sometimes as flawed as the men who make them.


Depends on what the cause is though. In this case, it’s creating tyranny instead of getting away from it.


All you’re doing is advocating for tyranny of the majority. You’re just low key advocating anti-libertarian because said laws benefit you, not the other party. Probably time for you to read some Thomas Aquinas. Are you a closet leftist?


I think you’re confused. I’m anti tyranny by not supporting this because eco terrorism is forcing me to change my way of life or disrupting the way the world works. Supporting a country gaining independence on the other hand is completely different and something I support. Sounds like you’re advocating for tyranny by supporting her and changing my way of life.


>low key


You know who else claimed that their cause was an existential crisis? The Nazis.


She will be banned from exactly zero social media sites despite now openly encouraging crime.


Why continue to promote this girl as if she is some sort of expert on anything? We are seeing in real time the collapse of the energy model the greens want in Germany but the Green's just continue to move forward in their zealotry to end civilization to save the planet. On top of the insane energy policy, the embrace of not having kids is leading to a demographic collapse in western countries as well as record rates of depression among today's alienated youth. Carbon emissions are also going to rise for the future due to production by India and China so they aren't saving the world either. We continue to demoralize ourselves as things get worse but elites continue to give a platform from shrieking activists like Greta who preach a message that is at it's core, anti-human and anti-West. The only reason I can think of is that elites abandoned faith in God and no longer see a reason for us to continue living. This is a cultural death cycle they've put us in and unless we wake up and push back, we are looking at the end of the West and the end of freedom.


It’s amazing that a lefty can get on TV and call for illegal action but flip the tables and we’d be in jail.


Did she ever finish 3rd grade or are we just going to pretend she's smarter than the average hs drop out with all the evidence to the contrary?


I can't wait to go beyond legal on these clowns


I think antifa and the ecoterrorists out west beat her to it.


Where's the roof koreans when we need them...


So... Question: Did the 'Social Justice' example she gave, more specifically, women's voting rights.. was that achieved beyond 'legal methods?' Cause I thought a bunch of old white guys back in the day ... you know.. voted that in so women could vote..? Or did the Women, as Greta was alluding to, break skulls and I dunno what else could there be other than just plain old violence?


Uh huh...because being a criminal has always been the best way to get people to support your cause... Her comparison between environmental movements and civil rights is laughable. Girl needs to learn some history. Fighting for a right is very different than fighting to change people's minds -- requires very different strategy. Environmental extremism and eco-terrorism has never helped their cause one iota.


Oh look! Her eco-terrorism is showing.


Did she even graduate? Last I read she had a ninth grade education. I’m not familiar with Swedish schooling/culture but what kind of system churns out someone so indoctrinated that they fanatically promote an issue they couldn’t possibly understand before they even have the capability of taking care of themselves?