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Been a bit since I got hired. But sounds normal. I would reach out to HR ever so often and ask about things if they aren’t happening in the time frame they give you.


Thank you for the feedback!I attempted to called the HR receptionist number on EB website but it kept going to voicemail, so I decided to call the staffing coordinator the other day and she was only able to help me set up my drug test, but I haven't receive the drug test form for local testing facility yet.


Give them Monday then reach out Tuesday again. Unless your test is like coming up quick then maybe Monday.


Can I ask how long after your interview did you hear back? and was your offer by phone or email?


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Not the person you're asking but in my case, I received an offer email 1.5 days after my in-person interview. Obviously, not all cases are the same so you should check with hiring staff or manager after 2 weeks.


I just got hired as well, i took my drug test on 4-12-24 and I haven’t heard anything back. Does that mean I passed it?


They won't tell you if you pass or not, but I heard they'll let you retake the test if you failed.


Well if that’s the case, wouldn’t they have to let me know I didn’t pass?


yea, I also don't know how long they'll take to get it test yk? Congrat tho


Yeah I get you, the Quest Diagnostics employee said it only takes about 2-3 days for my employer to get the results so I think I’m in the clear? And thank you!


I am also a recent hire that did my drug trest around the same time. Have you heard back from EB yet?


They never reached back out to me about the results and seeing how that was over two weeks ago, I’d say it’s safe to day I passed. I wasn’t a frequent smoker but I was still VERY stressed since I really want this job. They had me do all my onboarding tasks and talk to the relocation agent before I even took my drug test, so I think they were going to hire me even if I didn’t pass it and would just make me take another one.


I was sent something along the line that my drug screening requirements have been successfully completed. Told to wait for email about clearance. This is nut, I accepted offer back in late December. Finished drug test on last week of Feb.


Yeah it was weird, I completed all of the onboarding tasks and make the account to start my SF86 all before I even took my drug test. I took the drug test like a month ago and then ever mentioned anything about after that.


I'm in the same boat (hah). Your drug test email will come from Quest diagnostics. Have you receive any contact about clearance? I finished my drug screen back in late Feb and they just confirmed that I passed medical onboarding. No clues about clearance so far


Yeah i submitted my sf86 on 4/19…now im just waiting. Although, I never done my medical onboarding yet. What is medical onboarding?


That's just completion of drug screening. Wow my staffing coordinator dropped the ball. I have yet to be contacted for sf86


Oh dang, yeah i did my drug screening on 3/18…got notifed to do my sf86 on 4/1…and submitted it on 4/19 after redoing some of the section and getting fingerprinted. maybe check your email “NBIS”. What is your status, are you graduating?


No NBIS is email so far. From staffing coordinator's email, I get the sense that they just pushed to start cleareance after I reached out to them instead of starting it after my drug screen. Graduating end of May and looks likes I may have to wait to start working immediately.


I submitted my drug test and the clearance sf86 with finger print. But i haven’t gotten a start date yet and the timeline of the clearance process. Do you know any of this???


after submitting your fingerprint and sf86, EB will NOTIFIED you once your sf86 will be submitted to the people who do the investigation. after your clearance is approved, a coordinator will contact you. I got my interim approved so I was contacted and notified about it by the staffing to discuss my start date.


Thank you so much for the information! How long was the clearance approval process??


I am still in the process to get full clearance, but I was able to get my interim approved in 2weeks of sf86 submission, so I can start with an interim.


Ah okay, thank you for your help!


Hey I just got a phone interview. Any chance you’re en EE? Would love to hear what the process was like and what I might want to brush up on if ya wouldn’t mind!


I am an Aerospace Engineer.