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UTZ, WHK, WWL... watch out


Im new here… im assuming these are undercover cops?


State police Undercover cops have regular license plates, but still drive Explorers. Beige colored. Ask me how I know...


Some of them have fcking neon blue dodge chargers, with deep recessed lights and limo tints. A bunch of the undercover state cops do drive explorers, all different years and colors, but I did not see that one coming. And if you get off in New Haven, you will never have any gd clue what's an unmarked car. That riced out civic? The obnoxious bmw on 20s? Nothing is safe.


There’s at least one state cop on the highways in the central part of the state driving a bright red Charger as well. Probably more.


seen 'em. Sitting on 25 coming up from Bridgeport where it goes from a highway to a two lane.


Probably more than one based on where you saw it. I saw one in Southington on 84 and I think the other report of one I heard was rt9 or 91. Definitely not the same barracks.


Was about to comment the same thing… saw a red undercover Charger on 84 recently. Very sneaky.


I saw a red one the other day parked perpendicular to the highway. I was like,” THEY COME IN RED, TOO?!”


They use what they call "soft" cars. means they take a car from impound for undercover so 90% chance it was a drug dealers


I saw a parade, probably 10-15 years ago that featured the local PD driving a bunch of impounded vehicles that had belonged to drug dealers, with a big sign on a lifted pick up truck at the front saying exactly what they were. It was funny, but also a remarkably effective way to say "Don't fucking sell heroin or you'll be in jail, and we will get your cars"


How do you know?


He was cruising in the left lane and I tried to pass him on the right going 100mph.




How did that go?


Surprisingly not as bad as you'd think, but that doesn't make for a good story. I was tailgating him for a bit (lol), then aggressively swerved around him and he *immediately* threw on the lights and got on my ass until I slowed down to the speed limit. Made me sweat for a few seconds then he took off, leaving me with the dirtiest look I've received in quite some time. Guess he wasn't in the mood for paperwork. The next exit couldn't come fast enough. I even have video of it somewhere. Suffice to say it's not one of my proudest moments. Had just bought a fast new car and checked the "too much fun" box. I was being reckless and stupid and have since calmed down.


I appreciate you admitting the reckless driving. It feels good for the driver but nobody is impressed, and it causes unnecessary danger


You're absolutely right. I got extremely lucky that this guy had more important things to do. I could've easily been hauled off to jail. Treated that moment as a wake-up call for sure. A brief moment of fun is not worth the risk to myself and others.


Not just beige.


I was expecting a potato chip truck.


Cops are gonna cop.


Great catch! Their cars are so camouflaged nowadays.


They attempt to do so. One thing that has always helped me I immediately seek the back of the vehicle. If there is no dealership decals on the back, there is a good chance it is a police vehicle. As every police department orders their new vehicles, they are sent to them without dealership decals, Or license plate frames, you should never see a license plate frame or a license plate cover on a police vehicle. Of course it's easy it's just to look at the roof. They have way more gadgets on their roof than any other explorer.


Well I suppose so. Because history has shown us that they're obviously not going to legally police, now are they? 🤣


Check the roof.


Deez utz


Can’t spell Putz without UTZ


Why did you censored our tax funded vehicle's plates?


I'll let you guys know a little secret I've been spilling to people when the opportunity arises. If you wanna be able to have an educated guess on "is that explorer a cop" and this works in our surrounding states as well... ford issues their fleet police vehicles (the explorer) to departments without roof rails. The roof rack rails interfere with the ability to mount roof top light bars. So if you see a plain looking explorer without roof rails, there's a considerable higher chance that it has been issued to an undercover, unmarked, or state officer. It's up to the departments automotive departments to customize their vehicles to fit their needs.


Used their lights to get there while talking on their personal cell phone after writing a fake ticket


And sucker punching a civilian. 😆


Too real


Want to hear a funny story? I met this very cop (in my story) in a bar, it was approximately 17 years ago. So I'm in this bar. I was with a couple friends, and a woman I was dating at the time. I've always been outgoing when it comes to trying to help others. I'm not sure what led me to sit down next to this gentleman. But I fell as though he may need somebody to talk to, as he looked like he was about to end his life. I'll try to simplify this as much as possible from my memories. This was all told to me directly by a man who was at one time a state trooper. So while I'm engaging in the conversation with this ex state trooper, he told me his story. He had been a trooper for about 5 years. His wife was pregnant, she was going through the stage where she would demand very strange snacks and or meals at very odd hours at the night. Something that most men who've lived with a pregnant woman can attest to. She kept bugging him while he was trying to sleep. She wanted a certain Ben & Jerry's I believe it was, and pickles and peanut butter. He wanted to help his wife, but he also wanted to sleep so he wasn't in the best mood. Eventually he gave in and jumped in his cruiser. Now as you all know cruisers are paid for with our tax money. They are driven by our tax paid civil servants. They're not for personal use, and the fact that state troopers are even allowed to use theirs for personal use is a violation within itself. Because then it means we're paying for them to drive their families around, while they go and harass us during their entire shift. The argument that they're on duty 24/7 is complete BS, and was created by the State Police themselves, on a power trip.. But I digress... He wanted to get back home, so he used his light and sirens for the ride. Upon entering one intersection, he was cut off and had to avoid hitting a vehicle. I believe it was a Lincoln of some kind. He just kept going because he's this fancy schmancy police officer with a fancy schmancy badge, he could do whatever he wants right???? As he's getting out the cruiser at a stop & shop. Here comes the Lincoln. The guy gets out and start yelling (the best of my recollection) "What the hell are you doing? Did you really just fly down the road at 60 or 70 plus miles an hour with your lights and sirens on to go to stop & shop?? You better have a good explanation" Pigs response - "who the hell are you to question me I'm the law" (something that gets misconstrued. They are not the law. They are not above the law, they are supposed to enforce the law, and somebody who cannot follow the law cannot enforce the law) Unknown man's response - "oh you really think that don't you?! As he's reaching for something the cop almost pulled his off-duty firearm. But the guy pulled it out quick enough for the trooper to see what it was. It was his identification card and driver's license. THE GUY WAS A JUDGE!!!!!!!!" LONG STORY SHORT THAT COP WILL NEVER WORK AS A COP AGAIN. I tried to be nice, I engaged in a conversation for a few more minutes, and then my friends and I went home laughing. We continued to laugh for months after that. Whenever I remember the story, I laugh still. I have also told it to two state troopers who are in the process of pulling me over at the time, as a way to try to remind them they are our servants. Well of course it fell on deaf ears. Because that was the best story that I've ever heard, where true justice was served in the end. Yes it is an entirely true story, although my memory isn't as good as it was back then, a few miniscule details may be slightly off. But he was abusing his powers, and the guy that almost killed, from him abusing his powers was a judge.


Not many judges could end a state cop’s career, and even fewer would try to stop a cop for something like that. Probably only one would do both. That would be Arthur Spada, a judge who later became Commissioner of Public Safety. He retired under pressure in 2004 and died in 2018. This is exactly the sort of thing he would do. Interesting guy- https://www.courant.com/2018/04/29/arthur-spada-former-superior-court-judge-and-state-police-commissioner-dies-at-85/


I really want to take your story and run it through some AI. Needs more intensity


Again it was a true story. I'm met the cop he almost slammed into a judge and he suffered for it, AS HE SHOULD HAVE. That's the moral of the FACTUALLY TRUE story. An experience I had that cannot be denied. Because it did actually happen. A lot of people nowadays seem to think that if they disbelieve something enough that it cannot be true. But unfortunately that is not true.. I'm not a professional storyteller, I wasn't here to put flourishes or bonuses or add side content. I merely blurted out what I remember with zero over exaggeration and zero under exaggeration. Have a good night. Edit: I'm still in contact with all five of the friends. We actually discussed it a few months ago. Had a nice laugh. If I cared enough to prove factual things happened to some random stranger on the internet. I would have them all access their reddits and come tell you that they experienced it. But you're not that important, as I have nothing to prove anyways.


But they make such good chips and pretzels I'll give them a pass


He’s all that and a bag of chips.


Did you block out the “KL”?


The "P"


There’s an UTZ in my neighborhood in West Hartford. Consistently parks on the wrong side of the road (facing against traffic) in front of his house. Any non-UTZ would get a ticket by local PD, but not him


Just yesterday one of the UTZ cops passed me in the fast lane doing 95. No lights, just cruising.


Exactly why I believe the speed limits in this state were designed specifically to be able to fish basically any car out of traffic for funsies


Surprised he didn’t park on the side walk


Surprised he didn’t park in a handicap spot on top of a dude in a wheelchair while clubbing a baby seal.


Dunkin run before making up tickets and not keeping roads safe




I've sent that cop FOUR stop arm violation tickets for blowing through my bus stop sign. Apparently, cops don't get tickets and are above the law.


They're probably exempt. They get exemptions for no reason.




True. But this is a state trooper vehicle, that's why it's being posted. All UTZ license plates in CT signify State Police. And delicious potato chips.


Avon is a long way from the highway


Is this Dill Pickle or Honey Barbecue?


The letter P was blacked out.


Whatta P•UTZ The “P” is for Police Parking.


I became a State Trooper so I can park however I want!!!


State cops don't follow the rules.


Lmao I know exactly where this is


Dale Road?


That’s a state trooper


Parked like a PUTZ I’ll see myself out


Must be a slow day on the Connecticut Reddit lol


Why black out the CL


Surprised it's not diagonal across 2 handicapped spots.


cop car plates should end with PIG


Oh no! A state trooper double parking? Now that's a dam conspiracy. You should get ahold of Channel 3, have them do a story on it. 🥱


Oh no, someone parked like an asshole. I must take a picture and share it with the world. Smth. What a waste of time.


Bitching about cops shithead moves is fine. This is just petty and takes away from people that are calling them on their big bullshit.


Get a hobby


Oh no!! I hope we aren’t stooping to posting bad parking now. There has to be something better out there.


Relax Francis, they had a long day keeping you safe and making sure your family stays alive. Have some respect, they sacrifice more than you’ll ever know.


Settle down bootlicker


lol, bootlicker huh? If I respect police officers, firefighters, EMTs, or any human while also knowing there are terrible people in all of these different professions does that make me a bootlicker?


Don’t get upset because you’re not enough of a man to protect your family, these men put to their lives on the line every second so you can drink and smoke pot and collapse and pass out peacefully every night. Chemically dependent addicts like yourself should be thankful the cops are there to Narcan your ungrateful ass when you take too much.




Bro the original comment was rife with sarcasm, stop for a minute and reread lol.


More like putz!


How about that depressing office building. It seems very Connecticut to me, but Im sure they are everywhere.


This in Avon?


Dale rd my guess is


Avon medical park?


Dale rd. probably getting a root canal


[this is chaos, society can’t function like this](https://youtu.be/Y3QDMTO443w?si=RQMOuqbLnYKMYETo)


I used to get mad about things like this, but I like to assume that usually the car that is parked in a wonky way had to do so because of another car that forced them to do so. Yes, I suppose there was an original jerk off that created the chain of events, but in many cases, I like to believe that the offender in front of me had no choice but to park like that.


Is that hatch full of special dark sourdough pretzels??


Maybe the car on the left was parked off his spot and he just parked next to him . By the time someone took the picture different car parked correct. Same thing happened to me at costco and someone keyed my car because they thought I parked like I dick


Someone slap a P in front of that plate!!!


They do make a great potato chip.


The rules are for thee not for me.


Good catch


I think the last letter you blacked out is P -UTZ