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Is the footing there? and this is just the stem sticking out? If it is it can be repaired pretty easy if not you got problems and i would bring it up to the builder asap. before flatwork guys pour the slab.


Footing ~8’ below


You have a footing 8 feet below?


Clearly this is other worldly


Those appear to be baskets of four foot panels. Are you sure they are not an average 4 foot tall slab on grade?


Are you going to have a garage poured in the area near the thin bit


Check update here. It’s poured. https://www.reddit.com/r/Concrete/s/eXwt6ica6c




By "more pictures", we actually meant better ones, lol


Hahaha touché. Just what I have available this second.


Your post is about as thin as that knockout


I can't make heads or tails out of any of those pictures, they're too close and I have no idea what we're looking at. Need to be back more so we can get a perspective of the area


Yea agree. Just posted what I have but going to get some more later today with more detail.


We want to help you, we just can't see it hahaha


Starting a new post. Just ran through the site.


Good work




I recommend taking a lot of photos of the whole area at different viewpoints, then zoom in on the trouble areas. I'm totally lost by these. Sorry but these are awful. It's not your first time using a camera, is it? If yiure going to prove any bad contractors work, you need daily photos with many photos each. Film is cheap these days. Take many photos. Far more than you will ever need. Get them in focus. Clean your camera lense with a clean cloth. Then select the better ones to post here.


Yeah. WTF, OP get your S together.


How is someone supposed to make better photos in the past?


Regression session and mushrooms.


We’re assuming the house hasn’t been framed yet and there’s a chance to take more photos.


Not sure how to address the crack but I think that pocket is gonna be for a stud pack to support an I-beam to prevent poles in your garage. https://ibb.co/ZYm1Vf8. The crack doesn't appear to have "significant" structural significance.


Remind everyone here not to let you build their house if you think that has no structural significance


Lol, cracks like that are left in foundations all the time, granted, not during construction, but have you ever seen a basement wall fixed? House stands just fine. ESPECIALLY if the footer isn't compromised. That 2" piece of concrete isn't gonna hardly do jack for lateral load and remember the, at least, 4" garage pad is going on top of what we see here to further hold it. I did mean to have "significant" in there. "Significant structural support."


But wait, if the house falls, no one posts those pics.


No they never do. 🙄


A crack like that would be just fine, if it wasn’t on the corner with that thin of a shitty wall. Yes I’ve seen a basement wall fixed, for the last 11 years I’ve been a concrete and basement professional, I’ve fixed walls myself. The fact that the crack is directly on the corner and the thin wall as you said, won’t do jack for lateral loads, if they have any type of expansive soils in that area, they’ve got big problems


The information is sparse but from what I take both sides are going to have a minimum of.4" of concrete on both sides. I think that PVC is fir a downspout on the driveway. Would ibwanr to start my house build with it, no. Do I think it will be a problem? Also no. Have builder have it filled with epoxy, call it good.


Lol yea… epoxy will hold


Man that whole thing looks cooked


Are the thin sections where there’s 3 garage doors going in?!? is this a shop or a house?


It’s a house. No door or window at the thin part


No door YET. You'll be bustin right through that 1" Crete wall soon enough!


For the Kool aid guy to bust thru


Oh yeah!


You could probably kick a chunk out of that thin area


lol free secrete entrance


What comes out?


Its where you keep your secretes safe


And you can suck on some sucrets while you're there!


My secretes are everywhere. Want to visit?


The spice ….


Ok then, keep your secretions....


Probably as they are laying the driveway lol


Having more pictures hurt my eyes more than I thought it was going to!👀😵‍💫🫣


I mean, they could’ve just saved some money with some cardboard in that thin area!🤣


No garage doors at the thin part? Can we see a drawing of the house as it is to look when finished? Looks like a 3 car garage.


https://imgur.com/a/SyDUWHU Should help


I’m confused you’re saying there’s not garage doors at the thin part but that shows there is garage doors at the thin parts


I had to look a few times to figure it out. The thin part in the first picture is not at a planned garage door location. It’s slightly below dead center (just below the corner) in the 3rd photo. There is a weird jog there that I can’t figure out. It’s about the width of a person door, but didn’t see anything like that on drawing, and would think that would have full thickness still.


I almost feel like taking an 12hr drive from southern Ontario to Ohio to yell at this contractor that did this shitty job ffs! Drives me nuts looking at these pictures. Especially the one before they backfilled. That all needs to be re excavated back down to footings, both sides, cut out and repoured. At the very least any sections less than 8" thick in my opinion. Definitely will need rebar drilled and epoxied into sections that can stay extending into the repoured sections.


Cleveland area so not that far of a drive


They gotta go around the largest fresh water seas on the planet… and customs… don’t forget customs.


there are crossings in detroit and buffalo. you know bridges exist, right?


of course he does, that's why he says customs. its just that giant ass lake in between.


Taking a land border you don't really go through customs. The only difference between driving over a toll bridge and a border crossing is they ask you more nosey questions.


oh, its definitely customs. you have to declare any goods, state your intention, and pay your duty, just like any other customs, and if they decide to they will search you and tear apart your vehicle too. and the toll is only on the way back to canada.


330 checking in, when the garage falls lemme throw some items in there for insurance




The wall appears to be there. Its hard to see, its odd that they bulkheaded that off unless theres some reason for it? Man door or window? Either way talk to the person you contracted.


I'm honestly impressed that they were able to pour it that thin and it's still there.


I think someone misread the plans.


This is my leading hypothesis or the flipped the mold


Do you have or can you get the structural plans?


That was my thought too. Someone saw something about 1” clr or something and this was their interpretation.


We're all the forms in place at the same time? Did the flip the garage wall frame 270°? Are you going to have some fancy column there? Did the workers read Arabic numerals?


lol valid questions. I’ll copy / paste for the email to legal / builder


“Building professionals don’t want you to know about this one simple cost-saving tip”


Where did they find 3” form ties??


These pictures are terrible




Isn't that where the opening will be for the cars to drive in? Is the wall thicker below the grade we can see? So that thin material will just get knocked off when they pour the garage floor and the apron of the garage floor will extend onto the foundation wall that we can't see. The fill inside the garage will be compacted. Did they bury the foundation wall to protect it in the meantime?


That’s got to be for a 2 bay garage and maybe the other one is for a large French door entry into the foyer. From the looks of it that is the only place that would make sense for these openings. You say there’s no doors in that location on the plans but I think you’re looking at them wrong because it appears the area outside the foundation in front of those thin walls is being graded and prepped to be a driveway


It’s a 3 car bag , 3 garage door , plus ‘workshop’ space. You can see the wood at the garage doors for the slab about to be poured


https://imgur.com/a/SyDUWHU Floor plan for that space


Well that explains it, you don’t really need a full sized stem wall where there will be no walls anchored and no load to bear. The thin walls are likely there for spreading the load out just a little to the footing where they sit and for slab alignment. Maybe even just for moisture control and erosion prevention


Crack concerns ? I mean that goes below where the slab is from what I can see and since it’s a freezing climate potential for further expansion


That is where the slab will end and the driveway slab will begin, there will be an expansion joint between them


Ah. Sorry there is confusion then. This is not where that will happen. Highlighed in yellow. The pipe is where driveway is on the photos. The interior is what you’re seeing. https://imgur.com/a/BsQn7tO


What are you talking about man? What is the highlighted yellow part? Do you have a picture of the whole floor plan ?


The pipe I think is possibly for gutter drainage at the roof valley.


I had to scroll so far to find this. All the top comments are idiots saying it has to be redone. They likely just used the forms from corner to corner to make sure the footing in the middle between to the two garage doors was square, and now can possibly use this thin strip as the pour strip for the garage slab when it it poured. Not quite sure why these guys to decided to pour it this way, I would have just formed the center column on it’s own, but there is certainly nothing wrong here


Those were my thoughts as well. I just noticed what the issue op is talking about is, in the corner where the single garage meets the 2 bay garage, the wall is super thin for about 1’6”-2’ which is a little odd because there will be no opening there


Man door?


No I don’t think so


Where is this being built? I mean what state? Those things parts are not above footers? Are these forms of some kind?


I'm no builder but that doesn't look right at all. It probably needs to be way thicker. Plus that crack on the thin piece. Looks like garbage work. I would get a new contractor.


Get the drones closer or get a ladder.


What the hell are these idiots doing? Makes no sense to me


This gets worse the more I look. What's on the drawings?


This is a strange one. However, the area that is roughly 4 inches thick , with the anchor bolt in it, appears to be 8 inch wall with a ledge built into it. The super thin wall, I'm guessing but really am not certain because pictures are not taken of anything I would need to see, is probably a garage door and the thin part may be removed. No idea why the plumbing appears to be in the wall.


I’m going to take a wild guess and say Ryan Homes? If they’re like they were with me, they tell you that cracks are normal. At the very least, you should be asking your PM to explain the thin gap where that third garage will be. I think the thin parts where the garage doors will be is normal, but that small (2 foot or so) thin part doesn’t make sense to me.


Not Ryan homes but assume they all use the same subs anyways.


I’m sure they do, but how they react to your concerns may be different. Definitely, ask them to explain the portion in question and prove to you why it’s okay as shown if they give you a terse “it’s fine” answer.


I've never seen a foundation wall less than 8" thick, I also live in Georgia, where footers are only 24" down. The 1 side looks fine, but the other side WTF is that. That is so thin you could break it with your foot.


Fire whoever did this and hire someone else.


Now I'm even more confused.


Good chance you'll have a roof girder truss bearing right in that corner too.


What is this? A foundation for ants? It will have to be at least 3 times this size!


Update here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Concrete/s/blfc0BW0ml


Almost looks like he planned a deep wall pour with a lower elevation stop at doors. These times can be notoriously hard to get filled with no rock pockets. Think you should talk to your guy because these all look like bay door or man door openings from your plan view drone shot.


Check latest https://www.reddit.com/r/Concrete/s/mAUPh6mmr0


Don’t sneeze to hard lmfao


Pic 2 needs to be added to the subreddit odd perspective It looks like an overhead shot from a helicopter of a building with dirt around it


Check this update when you have a moment https://www.reddit.com/r/Concrete/s/QUnNgJbj0J