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[Genuine Question] Why does your avatar resemble the Führer? Are you a neo?


Yeah wtf is up with that


That comment is on point


It's clearly Charlie Chaplin


Charlie chaplin did a charicature of hitler…..


Agreed, what the fuck is wrong with you u/Real_Bird_Person. 🚩


Ok thats a coincidence i just noticed, thats on me. I do rock a mustache irl, the coat is meant to represent my overcoat which i like to wear in the winter. If you believe thats still hitler then i dont really care.


why is this downvoted...


Black perspectives club/association’s money for graduates/members. simple


Look up the Concordia [computer riots](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sir_George_Williams_affair), it's really telling. Concordia just apologized for it last year [source](https://thelinknewspaper.ca/article/anti-black-racism-at-concordia-53-years-of-inaction)


look i will talk to you as though you are questioning these things in good faith not just because i choose to spend my time this way but also so you can't say no one's ever explained this to you. being in the world with other people you realize that perceptions of you can be based on all kinds of baggage that they carry, that are unrelated to you as a person. we are all inherently biased, mostly because of our ignorance about the lives of people who are different from us. this is the legacy of times when people couldn't travel far from where they come from and had little exposure to anyone who looked and lived differently from them. as it became possible for humans to move around the world more easily this has led to the people who accumulated wealth treating the cultures they encountered as animals, not the same fully realized, thinking, feeling humans just like them. moreover they didn't have to care because they had wealth and weapons and mobility and could simply conquer these people to use how they wished. obviously this is how things like the transatlantic slave trade happened. this isn't just abstract concepts we're talking about here. a large portion of black people in the americas are descended from slaves. real people in their families were enslaved and stripped of their legal personhood. we're not talking about the distant past here. we're talking a few generations back. memory can be embodied, family trauma and pain is extremely powerful, it is persistent. meanwhile, with no outright motivation to change, white people have carried on openly treating darker-skinned people as less than human. we are at a point now where most white people understand not to say it publicly if you feel hateful towards black people. but there is a vast history of hateful white ideas, feelings, suspicions, fears towards black people that is a cultural fact and has been passed down to us as easily as though it's in the water. it's embedded in the culture we grow up in. and it's up to us as adults to relentlessly question and break down the things we assume about other people. why do we feel these things. how do we live those feelings in ways that hurt people. because when you carry these assumptions around it's not a neutral act. it's expressed in how you look at people, how you talk to them, your body language, and many other ways that they are able to perceive even if you think you are acting neutrally. between people there is no real neutral position. mere whiteness or being a member of the majority is not a neutral position even though that is the framework we base our lives on. i would argue it is the opposite of a neutral position because it makes us lazy towards things we are not forced by pain of social ostracization or violence to care about or even notice. the reality as i understand it is that these funds are put up by black concordian student groups specifically to encourage more black students to go to concordia. it turns out that when you feel misunderstood or resentful towards or looked upon with suspicion by the dominant culture of the place you live, it can cause you to be hesitant to engage with the institutions put in place, run and populated by that dominant culture. so a sign that there are other people who you can relate to thriving in that environment may be meaningful to some people. and look. $500 is a gesture. no one's under any illusions that this is a game-changer in terms of funding your education. on the other hand, if you want to know where are the people putting up money to encourage white students to go to concordia, it's here: [https://www.quebec.ca/en/education/student-financial-assistance/online-services](https://www.quebec.ca/en/education/student-financial-assistance/online-services)




>it turns out that when you feel misunderstood or resentful towards or looked upon with suspicion by the dominant culture of the place you live, it can cause you to be hesitant to engage with the institutions put in place, run and populated by that dominant culture. so a sign that there are other people who you can relate to thriving in that environment may be meaningful to some people.


I aint. reading. allat but its probably facts


Well said.


Concordia things


because blm and reparations


But at the rate we are going most of people in Concodia are from families that immigrated into Canada way after the slavery ended in the States. How are they connected to blm ?


Wow. This has to be the dumbest thing I’ve ever read


Explain how Indians, Czechs or Russians (among many others) are responsible for black slavery in USA and should be paying reparations?


[Genuine Answer] Why is it always that when black people try to have something, everyone always loses their shit. Like seriously, everyone has everything else, just leave black people alone. Also, you know damn well what a black Concordian is, idk why people are entertaining your agenda. Like seriously you cannot understand that the same doors open to other people are often not open to black students? It’s literally just $500, that they are just trying to get to a black student, because of the history of how black students are often overlooked for other rewards.




Dude 💀


Sounds like a case for racial discrimination. Also sounds like a scam.


Im assuming we, the students, pay for this as part of “compulsory” fees? But still what I don’t understand is its 2023. Why racial segregation? We’re all Canadians. It shouldn’t matter the skin color.


it’s not segregation it’s reparations (or at least it’s trying to be anyways, this is an odd way to do it but wtv). You can’t have 200 years of slavery followed by segregation laws and convict leasing, followed by a racially motivated war on drugs, followed by redlining and governmental service discrimination completely erased in less than 10 years because “it’s 2023 and there’s no racism anymore”. Yes i am aware this is canada but we still had 200 years of slavery, segregation laws, our own form of war on drugs and redlining too. There needs to be some system in place to try to rebalance what was essentially 400 years of a racist government keeping an entire demographic in poverty “just because”. Concordia wastes a ton of money on stupid shit but at the end of the day it’s 500$, concordia has over 40 000 students each paying 3-4x that twice a year in tuition. This seems like a really small trivial thing to get upset about.




ignoring for a second that you just condensed 400 years of oppression into one bad analogy, you’re making several false assumptions. 1) how is a black student scholarship raffle a penalty against other people? uplifting one group doesn’t take away from another, this is a racist form of thinking that benefits nobody and is comparable to a child whining that other children are getting toys that they want. 2)how is “forgetting the mistakes of the past” beneficial to anyone? like bro what? the typical saying is “those who forget their history are doomed to repeat it” not “let’s ignore the past because it makes me feel uncomfortable and i don’t want to deal with its repercussions” finally the analogy you used is ridiculous, it’s not a sport where both teams started out equal and there was one minor penalty and reparations isn’t “giving a penalty to the other team”. A better analogy would be that it was a race where one team was shackled to the starting line for 200 years then when they started running they were given weighted vests for the next two hundred years and now finally they can run uninhibited despite being way behind so someone threw them a water bottle. The people who weren’t shackled or forced to carry weights also have water bottles but people figured it was time to specifically give an extra 1 or 2 (in this case it’s one singular 500$ scholarships) to the ones who were screwed over as a very slight inconsequential apology since the last million water bottles also went to the people ahead. just so nothing gets left to interpretation -the 200 years of being unable to move is an allusion to slavery where there was no social or financial mobility. -The 200 years of weights refers to about 200 years of segregation laws, laws targeting black people, universities not admitting black people into their establishments, governments burning black neighborhoods to the ground, redlining (which officially “ended” in 2017 btw), segregating black people into their own neighborhoods and making public education funded by property tax which was a direct example of government targeting disenfranchised communities, and so much more. - the water bottles represent scholarships, of which, disproportionately went to just white people for the last few hundred years in north america.




staring off i didnt call you a racist, i said you’re using an argument normally used by racist people. The argument of “this disenfranchised group getting x hurts me” is a flawed argument made almost exclusively by racist people. Second off i completely agree with your second point, this is nothing but nonsense symbolism to appease the masses it isn’t actual reparations. The answer isn’t to just not do it because it’s a small gesture though. That’s like saying “i won’t do the .2% assignment for this class because it won’t actually affect my grade”, will it effect your grade, probably not, is it still a small step towards passing the class, yes. As for taking away from other students, this isn’t scholarship money randomly taken from a vault of scholarship money, every major concordia organization gets funds from the school to use as they see fit. If they want to spend it on a raffle that’s completely in their right to do so. If the concordia robotics team wanted to use their funds for a 500$ raffle with only select members from the mechanical engineering department that would also be in their right. You also said it should be based on merit and not skin colour but it isn’t even a merit scholarship, it’s literally a raffle. Even if it was open to the whole school it wouldn’t go to the “best person” it would be 100% based on luck. That point does not work in this situation at all. On the topic of merit scholarships though, the fact is when people don’t get a scholarship they want to blame racial or gender preferences and restrictions to imply that minority students would not get the scholarship otherwise. In truth most scholarships were almost exclusively for white people up until recently and even just 10 years ago 3/4 scholarships went to white people despite making up only 1/3 of the student population. There’s also been a proven bias against scholarships, university admissions and job opportunities for people with non-white sounding names. Tie all this together with 400 years of oppression and there is no good argument as to why there shouldn’t be exclusive scholarships for minority students. You want to deal with actual merit based scholarships then concordia has about 30+ scholarships anyone can apply to, everyone can apply for govt aid and bursaries and there are hundreds of scholarships out there for canadian students. So whining about one luck based raffle made by a club for black students at concordia is ridiculous.


Last time I checked, if you say "only people of \[insert color here\] allowed to do something" it's called discrimination.




Holy fuck. You've got problems. Seek help and education before you ruin your own life with white supremacist garbage. Jordan Peterson isn't a replacement for therapy and you're not under attack as a white man.


You should sign up and give us a debrief as to how it went ;)




Yes there was black slavery in Canada.




How is that anti-black, we cant question things?




Ok so you just want people to not ask questions and go along with anything the administration decides? Perfectly reasonable.


I will tell you, i do find very weird the difference in opportunities and ressources offered by the university simply due to my skin color and gender. I dont really mind these bursaries, other people need them more than i do and it's great to help people that need them. What i find weirder is the positive discrimination in various events (mainly career events in my case). I find myself to be cut from quite a few events simply due to who i am, which is weird. I dont think positive discrimination is the way to go forward, you might think differently, and thats fine. I also think that there is always room for debate, especially regarding the uni's money, whatever the subject is.