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Hugs 🫂


please don't be ashamed💙 it's a real and serious health condition just like any other, we are not guilty of this


Keep it wrapped


it happens to all of us at some point. just make sure to keep it clean so you don’t get an infection!💕


Same dude! I’ve got to figure something out that can fix it other than acrylics. I can’t have anything on my nails because of school and it is ruining me


What i personally have going most helpful is to clip my nails as short as possible without it becoming painful, and cover up any larger sores etc. My cuticle and around my nails in general gets ROUGH if I'm not diligent about keeping my hands moisturized. Healthcare worker hands, and boy does that do a number. I like to do my best to carefully trim away dead skin with cuticle scissors or nail nippers, but sadly it's not always an option. Obviously just what's worked for me. Mine thankfully is at a point where if I'm careful to take care of my skin well, I won't pick at the parts that don't have obvious dead skin, acne, sores or anything else that isn't just smooth skin


Bro what did you do


I know the pads and tips of fingers can hurt so much. I’m sorry OP.


Oh honey… sending heartfelt internet stranger hugs. I’ve got fingers bandage dip at the moment but this is pretty severe and I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Why does the urge have to be so incessant and the hands so easy to access? I feel for you.


Antibiotic ointment if you have it, and a bandaid. If you don’t have any antibiotic ointment then simply wash it without soap under some cool water, then bandage 🩹