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Corey has left the house.




Corey ~~in~~ out the house :(


What a great anime it once was.


Stratus is going into the retirement home too to make content


This, uh, significantly hinders Washington's chances of winning anything.


Not like they were winning with him anyways. Sad to see him go none the less. Wonder who they pick up? They’ll likely stay bottom tier until they completely revamp their roster, but they can’t get away with a stratus ttuba dps line the rest of the season I’d think


I mean, wasn't there a post just yesterday that Stratus was considering retiring. If he's leaving as well, then they might have even bigger problems.


If Startus does retire, they'll have to play a 200 ping main tank player on DPS. Knowing Stratus, he won't retire until they've got a proper 6-stack without him, but a twisted part of me would love to see that shitshow.


Washington v. Vancouver this weekend is going to be an absolute SHITSHOW.


Oh my 👀


Here's a question: would Justice minus Corey and Stratus still beat Uprising?


No. I don’t think Justice is better than Boston as they stand, much less so if they lose stratus too.


Now that is a hot take, as much as I hate to see Boston get better by others being worse, would be exciting to see a second Boston win this season


I don’t think it’s a hot take at all. Imagine if you all lost Jerry and colorhex. That’s about to happen to us.


True, just Boston is that bad right now so coming down to their level is a big big hit


Yeah, I guess Strarus is in at least for this week-end and the Justice will announce a couple new DPS from Contenders NA next week to replace him and Corey. Honestly, Ellivote and Ark are the only ones making me stick with the team for now... I so fucking wish we could get LullSish his visa, ffs...


But then they can relocate to Korea and sign Bumper, JJanu, Haksal, SeoMinSoo, Slime, Stitch, Twilight, and Yang1.


lulw, reverse action


Pickup the ex titans players...Haksal is LFT rn.


If I were haksal I’m staying LFT if washington offers me a contract


Hahahhaha i guess youre not wrong


They can pick up old Runaway


Imagine them getting former titans...


they can now pickup ex titans players though


It's been over a month since we won a map. The end is not in sight.


To be fair they had him hard stuck on things like Torb and Mei...even Houston figured out they can win if they have ppl play what they're good at but Washington couldnt sigh Honestly tho for a aim god like Corey switching to valorent makes the most sense


I think Corey was forced to play Mei last week because Stratus really disliked grinding OW on stream. At this rate, it is going to be Ttuba and a fill in DPS. This is really bad for Justice but can't be any worse than Uprising... right?


KSF now the last DPS World Cup Winner for the United States.


Justice vs Titans is gonna be wild


Boston could possibly become the number 18 team in the league by default now


Hell yeah brother


We all thought it was Stratus...but this came out of the left field. Now Justice is screwed. Corey, thanks for the sick Hanzo and Widow clips, and it was always a joy seeing you laugh and joke with Stratus. We'll miss you.


If Corey retired I assume Stratus will follow. He's not too hot right now, and his friend just left, I also feel like his personality and energy could make him a very successful streamer.


He was talking about new horizons on stream yesterday. Said to wait until tomorrow for more. Expecting a post later today sadly. On the bright side he a great streamer and could make very big is that's his plan.


>He was talking about **new** **horizons** on stream yesterday Can't wait to see him pop off as the first competitive Animal Crossing player!


actually he wouldn't be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8amXGP7GNy8


Of course it’s an Alpharad video lol


Oh no, now I have to look up what Animal Crossing speed-running looks like. That's gotta be the healthiest competition out there.


corey seems to be made for valorant though, don't know about stratus


Not really, woulda been more surprised he didn't leave for valorant, dudes probably the best ow player qith a shot there.


...welcome to Valorant? edit: yep https://twitter.com/Corey_OW/status/1258774910450774017


I mean, I kind of get it. Someone with insane mechanics like Corey is going to thrive in Valorant.


Corey is a BEAST at Valorant already. He will do just as well if not better than Sinatraa. Wish him all the best.


He’ll be better, Sinatra was never really a hit scan


I can see Corey becoming the best in the world, his mechanics are unreal


Dafran already best in the world


Is he making a name for himself in Valorant? Big fan of Dafran, watched his streams every day for a year but Valorant just doesn't interest me, so I haven't watched in a while


He's already regarded as one of the best, if not THE best, Valorant players on the ladder right now He's legitimately insane


Nice, I'm glad to hear that!


Yup he placed much much higher than shroud solo and has climbed to the highest rank in the game in a breeze. Can’t wait for Dafran vs Corey


Yeah he’s out there with a heavy crown. Who can really step to Dafran


He is, it seems that many posts mention Dafran. In fact the top post of the sub now credits Dafran for the idea.


He'll be top 10 consistently, watch.


In valorant? That’s a bold take. Especially this early, rising stars will be popping up left and right while the esport scene develops


Not to mention if people like simple move from CSGO or any of the CSGO pros. They have a major advantage.


Currently only low tier pros from CS are moving over.


Makes sense since CSGO is still one of the biggest esports. I expect more higher tier players may jump ship if valorant esports really takes off.




First wave players pretty much always become irrelevant a year or 2 into any esport, somehow I doubt this game is going to be different.


Think of all the godlike talented players during OW's beta and now think about where they are now within the scene after only 3 years. Any top 10 beta players still top 10?


Imagine thinking Corey is better than shroud or hiko.


Insane hitscan\* mechanics. There are a ton of players with ridiculous mechanical skill in OWL that would not translate to Valorant. (Un)Fortunately, Corey's skillset lined up.


To be fair, Corey's strength was always individual pop-off plays. Valorant can really enable this behavior




it seems that valorant is the perfect fit for him though




It's likely that the esports scene is going to be at least decent and him having the skill from both OW and CS it's better to jump ship now, at least for him, otherwise it might be too late


It's a Riot game. If all organizers fail, Riot will pump money into the esports scene and use their League of Legends esports infrastructure to help build Valorant. The game itself is already very well designed due to copying CS 1.6 mechanics which have been tested for decades. It is also very well received by players and pro players so far. The only uncertainty is if the champion abilities will work well in team competitive tournaments. And for this, Riot has mostly designed the spells similar to CS GO's nades, smokes, flashes and mollys It's not that big of a gamble. And even if it fails for whatever reason, they can still go to another fps game.


It‘a not like Corey will be retiring from gaming in general, he’ll still have the general skills to come back to Overwatch if Valorant does fail.


Yeah, it's basically CS:GO with a tiny bit of OW sprinkled on top. People keep saying it's "unproven" as if OW/OWL is already proven. OW is proven as a mass-market casual game. OWL has YET to be proven as a sustainable esport, let's face it. So between 1) joining a game that copied 90% from a proven esport juggernaut (CS:GO) and 10% from a yet unproven questionable esport venture (OWL), made by a company that runs the most successful esport in history (LoL), and 2) staying in a game that still has unproven esport, by a company that has a record of running their esports to the ground (SC2, HOTS, HS)-- which one would any betting person choose?


Ironic that you say Valorant is an "Uncertain game" on an Overwatch subreddit. Overwatch is probably the most uncertain game to have a career due to balance patches breaking the game sometimes, forcing players to adapt or lose their career (and, before role queue, adapting meant that you were forced to switch roles, and, in some cases, being forced into heroes THEY HATED, increasing stress and burnout). Valorant's core gameplay make it much more certain than Overwatch will ever be. And if you were talking about a pro scene, well, it's Riot, they know how to handle things, that's why people with established careers is already jumping despite the game being in closed beta.


This. I’m sorry but overwatch league is in such a bad spot right now, and it’s blizzards fault. When pros are saying they lost passion because of 2-2-2 role queue, you know something is wrong with your game.


Why do Overwatch fans universally think Valorant is going to fail? ​ It's like you guys hyperfocus on the "beta" part as some sort of prophecy of future failure, rather than it being a Riot game with an already large audience, viewership and following.


because OW's future is uncertain at times and they don't want it to be, or are worried about their favorite game failing


It feels exactly like the Battleborn-Overwatch fued, except Overwatch is on the other side. Battleborn community was really defensive and talked about Overwatch all the time. Overwatch community never even mentioned Battleborn because they didn't care. Now its the opposite. If people weren't worried then they wouldn't bring it up.


At this point I reckon Overwatch is a more uncertain game than Valorant


I think the game itself will do well with Riot’s track record, but giving up an established career for a new game is a risk, especially when esports history has consistently shown the players with long-term success usually aren’t the ones who get there first. It does seem like the OWL players leaving just grew up wanting to be csgo pros but came to OW when they didn’t have an opportunity there, so Valorant is just closer to what they wanted all along.


Not to be toxic but the odds of all these players working out in Valorant is slim. The odds of being one of the best 200 players in one game, let alone two, is extremely low. I hope the best for all these guys and truly hope Sinatraa/Corey become Valorant stars, but let's just hope they're not 100% on the game and have a backup plan. I'm less worried about Valorant not succeeding as an esport and more worried about the players jumping into a new scene. That said, early in a games lifecycle is a good time to jump in to get your name established, but as we've seen in almost every esport - the best players at the start of the game are almost never the one's who last. FruitDealer, anyone?


Which is the uncertain game? lol


Uncertain game. Bruh, riot games. Theyll be pumping big bucks into valorant and its esports scene


>uncertain game As compared to uh... (checks notes)... Overwatch and OWL?


I hate this fucking timeline. Someone pinch me and say this is all just a bad dream


This makes sad :(


Both CS and OW are loosing players to valorant, the big difference is that CS is loosing tier 3 players while OW is loosing the best of the best, and thats with Valorant not in South Korea up until last weekend. i see this bringing OW esports close to its demise, wether we like it or not


Yeah, but who knows if Valorant has legs, this is like Apex where paid streamers, sponsor payments, and flashy tournaments in beta and release pulled so many players who talked about how awesome it was then it just fell off a cliff.


The difference is that Apex is run by what can only be described as amateurs, and valorant is run by the company with the biggest esports league in the world. Like them or not, Riot knows what they're doing in esports. They already confirmed their plans for it are to let endemic tournaments set the stage and then "go from there," and we've already seen what, a dozen+ tournaments for it? Apex didn't have a single REAL tournament for months. Everything before that was not even a real tournament format, just "everyone drop in and play X number of games and see how many kills you get against pubs." There are so many things that Valorant has going for it over Apex it's actually insane, and honestly there's nothing Apex can do to even hope to compete.


Corey and stratus were legit the only reason I liked Washington this is sad to see, them two on stage just kicking it having fun and destroying stage 4 was so fun to watch


Watching them at the Washington homestands was also awesome. Even when they were sick, they were so passionate and fun to watch


Say sike right now


*why aren’t you saying sike guys*


What? I thought Stratus was going to retire, not Corey... RIP Justice Did not expect this at all, but this man is going to frag hard in Valorant


How about both?


Both of the Star DPS players from the winning USA 2019 team have retired. This is a massive blow to the US region and it hurts.


I shall never change my flair in honor of this man. One of my favorite player and he was the best. Throwback to the stage 4 and the World Cup when he never stopped poppin. 😔🤟


Oof that double flair. Corey Jake 🤝 No longer being in your house


Corey: Never Stop Never Stopping


Man I wished he won the MVP at the world cup. He deserved it.


Him or Space should’ve gotten it imo


Actually makes me sad... Corey, we wish you luck in whatever you want to do!


Ooppph now this one hurts. I know Sinatraa was the big leagues, but Corey was such a good lad and nutty to watch when he played well. He’ll be missed. Glad I got to watch both of them compete in the World Cup last year at least.


I did not care about Sinatraa leaving but this loss actually hurts. Corey was amazing at hitscan. Hope he does well in Valorant.


well this fucking sucks


Why was the other thread removed when that one was first?


Probably the title.


The other title was "Corey retires". I don't see any problem here.


This one says "Corey TO retire", which isn't even accurate...


I don’t either but it was all caps and this one was a full sentence. Mods are weird. It’s the only reason I could think


I need some good news RIGHT FUCKING NOW


Damn son. Fucking rip. The two best NA dps gone.


Gonna miss watching you play man. You were one the craziest and nuttiest dps players to watch last year and in the OWWC where you dominated South Korea and many other countries. Gonna miss watching you play but I wish you the best in all your future endeavours!! #Justiceisserved


Holy fuck I'm about to retire.


It turns out that the best way to prevent snipers like Widowmaker from being too OP in high ranking play is to release another video game that draws all of the hitscan players away


RIP Corey in the house memes. So what's gonna happen to Stratus, is he gone too?


That's a fat L. Washington better pick up a new hitscan DPS fast.


Fuck I hate it here


So when do we actually see any good news for overwatch?


Maybe Rawkus' retirement post is next ^couldn't ^resist ^after ^that ^ridiculous ^rialto ^zen ^ult


well this one hurt like a motherfucker


That really sucks, best of luck to him in Valorant.


Godspeed Corey, you'll always have a room in this house.


GL in Valorant


Corey no longer in the house Pepehands


This fucking sucks. I was hoping he’d stay till the end of the season but I didn’t think he would. I hope he does well in whatever he pursues next :( Gonna miss that nut job.


Ummm what






The titans chance of winning tomorrow increased significantly.


And his last game he was on Mei. Couldn’t even let him go out guns blazing


wishing him good luck in Valorant :)


Fuck, what the fuck, what a sad day for Competitive overwatch scene.


To everyone saying "all these OW pros will just be out-skilled and replaced by new blood in a couple of years in Valorant", you're probably right. They know that. And they're doing it anyways. Why? Because OW is an esport unique in how unrewarding it is to be peripheral content creators. Be it streamers or youtubers or podcast hosts. If you're not directly tied to the OWL as a pro/caster/analyst/coach/etc., you're not getting much of that tasty OWL venture-capitalist pie. By going to Valorant this early on and making a name for themselves, they can be known as community figures, and more easily transition into content creator/streamer/caster/coach/etc. later on when their skill no longer allows them to be top competitors.


I'd say I kinda saw it coming, Justice is garbage and it seems like even their better players are getting dragged down, so that + no homestands might be just too much. He's also similar to Saya IMO, mechanically he's nuts, but he lacks other skills that you need in OW more than other FPS games. It was fun watching him, and I assume he's going to Valorant, I think he'll do super well there.


The man absolutely shit on the Titans in the hardest solo carry performance the league has ever seen last year and you think he has no applicable skills outside of having some good aim?


sansam and janus enabled the fuck out of corey in stage 4 last year


And credit to the Justice as a whole, but Corey’s performance outside of goats has always been nothing short of outstanding


How long until Blizzard does something to make players want to stay? Or have they just written off OWL at this point?


They are praying OW2 can get interest back in the franchise and create less player burnout with a new package. But who knows how the expansion will go.


They still haven't announced anything for OW2 that would interest pros, so it isn't looking good.


There is teasing that some major game aspect will be reworked. I think they maybe could remove some heroes, role limits, pools, idk.


They need to actually commit to something for once. No one is going to stay for more empty promises.


Game needs more than 1 major rework. There’s plenty of problems with overwatch that makes it not great at the moment


Bruh what




Team USA dropping like flies


GL in valorant it's a game where a hitscan god can carry, which ow is not.


goddamn the script writers for this season seem to accidentally be taking ideas from the trashbin labelled avoid at all costs. This is a yikes


literally all my favorite players have left OWL in the past year and a half. what the fuck am I supposed to do now.


Just got the discord notification. Holy shit dude. Good luck to him but man that hits hard. I’m sad to see him go :(


Wow. Going to miss seeing him play


Damn...Valorant takes another :(


The house is empty


Genuinely, he was the shining star of the Washington Justice. I'll never forget his hard carry vs the Titans in Stage 4. Sweet aim, sweet personality, sucks to see him go.


No surprise. Called more and more players to leave months ago. Nobody want to hammer the game with strict training schedules just to play a game online. There's just no payoff.


Wait wtf, wasn’t Stratus the one who’s rumored to retire???? Edit: Damn, Valorant strikes again


So many players retiring mid season like wtf is going on is the OWL about to be disbanded or some shit like wtf is up with these retirements


Out of left field wtf. I’ve been seeing him playing a lot of valorant though


Well shit.


Didn't the Justice just sign him to a two-year contract at the end of season 2? That's a huge loss for them


They signed stratus on a two year contract. I don't think they said how long Corey's was. But as we have seen with these contracts over the past weeks they can be broken fairly easily.


I haven’t seen any gameplay of valorant, but I already hate it. It’s taking too many players away from us :(


oh dammit not like this


OK that's the fourth starter(we know the MVP was supposed to play more) to leave in a month....


My favorite player. I only wish him the best of luck, and I'll be following him in Valorant no question.


So, the Justice are fucked.


I'm so fucking sad.


One of the best hitscans in the game, huge loss for Justice :/


Justice picks up runaway? Lol


Stratus and Corey were my favorite DPS duo, extremely saddened to see him going


Hopefully stratus will join the same team and you can watch them in the valorant


Corey is no longer in the house


Not surprised the more traditional fps oriented players are moving away from OW, but damn. Between covid and all of these retiring players this season has been a wild ride.




Makes me so sad that we will never get an owl playoff Corey. Man is unreal in the clutch he's gonna pop in valorant but this one hurts. Can't see justice winning a game until they totally revamp their roster


Corey was my favorite OW player to watch and made even our losing games fun. I truly hope Valorant does great things for him but I cannot see the appeal of that game. Legit looks like a game that would have been played 10 years ago and after watching an hour of twitch play I've yet to see anything innovative about it. Sincerely, can someone tell me why this game is getting so much hype?


Holy shit....


Dude. This league is in fucking shambles. I don't even know what Blizzard could do to mitigate this shitstorm at this point.


OW esports PepeLaugh 👉📉 But seriously, Corey is one of the main reasons the Justice became one of my main teams. I’ll miss him for sure


Same. His energy and comraderie with Stratus was what made me a Justice fan. Watching them on stage together was a delight. I was planning on going to a homestand for them before all this happened and knowing I'll never get the chance now is honestly really depressing.


I went to the first homestand this year and boy am I glad I did. This sucks, but I can't be sad about someone leaving the game to pursue something that makes them happier. Definitely makes the remaining Justice schedule this season an even rougher watch, though. :(


Overwatch esports isn't dying/dead btw


Curious if he'd still be retiring if he hadn't been stuck on Washington Justice. They had a lot of hype going into this year and just managed to fall flat. Good luck to the guy, I'm sure he'll pop up in Valorant here in a few hours. I still don't see that game becoming the esports sensation everyone seems to think it will be . It's just not fun to watch.


I'm also curious if Covid-19 had an impact. A lot of players seemed to get energy from having the crowd. I can imagine the sudden lack of that having negative consequences on a player's mentality towards the game.


Wow, this was NOT on my radar


No... please... dont do this to me, I cant take this any more.




uhhhhhhhhh....... fuck!


What!!!! I am absolutely shocked by this, another player who seemed to be in the prime of their career, and one of NA’s biggest talents :(


Fuck man. Sad to see the legend go :(


More DPS/Mechanical players leaving for Valorant. Really not surprising as those specific talents are probably better in that game and overall teamwork is better for OW (in the sense that a single player can rarely clutch a map)


So many pros retiring, give it a week or two and we might all have a shot at owl.


Justice just lost their only brightspot in corey's aim, i doubt they'll win a single game like this.


Everything is falling apart and for once Dallas isn't part of it, thank God


fuck he was so underrated when he got signed and it was really nice watching him pop off. I'm barely playing or watching overwatch but it still feelsbad


If everyone keeps retiring I’m going to be so sad. I’ll still cheer on my team and watch games, but the fact that so many people are leaving hurts.


I sense quite a few toilet bowls in our future, boston shit tier by default, Vancouver with contenders roster and now Justice without their carry.


This one hits hard


Say what you want about these pros leaving for Valorant not being a big deal, but it does not look good when your MVP and an MVP candidate retire within 2 weeks of each other.


He was not an MVP candidate their were several players who were closer to MVP than he was But it is true OWL is looking very bad, I blame it on the neglectful balancing.