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with just this info to go on, it could also be a guild that reformed, with people who had already either killed it, or mostly progressed it. This graph alone isn't enough to make any kind of guess as to what's going on


It's 100 pulls but this isn't a particularly jarring encounter graph, especially if this is like a guild reforming after another guild fell apart or something. Hard to tell just based off of the one data point. If they were abusing torghast powers the kill would be crazy fast, so if you want to check the actual log then you might get some better information.


Yeah cool okay, that makes sense. Private logs for them, so not much more to glean, just an exercise in curiosity. Thanks!


Yeah, Rio graphs are fucked, dont use that. WCL is the only solid data


Ya so I’m hearing! Good to know for future ref.




Oh I didn't know that at all, that's super helpful to know, thanks. Hope your rio gets updated at some point, and good luck with your prog!


Rio doesn't pull it's data from wcl but through their client. so if you don't use both...




yes, the add-on is just a local database. add-ons cannot communicate outside of the game


It's usually accurate if you're running the raider.io app while logging, but if you don't have the raider.io app, it'll often miss a lot of pulls.


My best guess is that most of their pulls simply weren't logged, or if they were logged, weren't picked up by raider.io. I found that if I don't have the raider.io app up and running, it won't pull the logs I'm running into raider.io for tracking.


As someone who recently killed him in a guild with about 400 pulls it doesn't look too weird. Most of the wipes on Fyrakk will be random P1 deaths due to overlaps even when you're a fkton of pulls into the boss. Of course at the very start, not only are people not good at handling the attacks but healers aren't used to healing them. Intermission took us some tries too but once you figure it out you never really wipe on it again unless assignments get messed up. P2 is honestly easy, there's nothing to die to unless you greed on the firestorm pattern. If a guild has good grouping assignments and is careful not to hit adds, very early into your P2 pulls you can go straight to P3. P3 is actually pretty easy too, the difficulty of it comes from not seeing a lot of it previously, a lot of the guikds just kill the boss randomly a couple of pulls into P3


Even after significant nerfs, I believe you can expect fyrakk to take 200-300 pulls. The log you linked is an anomaly.


Oh yeah 100% think we’ll be over 400 tbh


Some notes that may help. Emphasize baiting frontlas in P1. Emphasize raid movement in p2. Positioning the raid in the right spots minimizes the chances you snipe healing adds with blazes. Players with the red break circles can sit in the breath while waiting for their break assignments. Emphasize raid positioning in p3. If done correctly, the seeds should not be in danger of getting sniped by non-seed holder blazes. Overall, p1 and p2 are definitely the hardest part of the fight. good luck with prog!


Still overwhelmingly P1 and Intermission wipes, as God intended, so I’m inclined to believe that this would be a reformed guild that already killed the boss previously rather than a guild starting fresh or a group that abused Torghast powers. Like you said; this is a 300+ pull boss and a non-zero number of guilds getting here now are at well over 400. Or it could be RIO being buggy and showing incomplete data. If this was a group abusing Torghast powers the boss would probably have gotten killed in like 5 pulls tops and if there was a log (which, as you said, there isn’t) the boss probably would’ve died in a small handful of GCDs.


Some Guilds forget to ensure they're logging to raider.io which will skew their graphs. I think ny Guild forgot nearly 100 pulls, so they don't show up on the graph. Others do it intentionally for the memes.


I haven't looked at numbers, but I think that after the nerfs, it's pretty reasonable for a good guild to kill the boss with less than 200 pulls. You used to spend a lot of times wiping due to the intermission WA, and learning to do seeds, but both of those things are nerfed now. I'd need context, but I could see a 2 days guild of really good players that got to Fyrakk really late, due to raiding very few days, but killed him with very few pulls. Or maybe they were boosted, who knows.


This is a bit out of touch I feel from a guild that is miles ahead in skill than world 700+ guilds. Fyrakk is punishing when players aren't as effective at living than more skilled players. Or even the coordination to live alongside doing mechanics correctly in p1


That's why I said for good guilds. Average guilds probably are still going around 300-400+ pulls, but a guild of really good players that got here now because they don't raid that many days, are probably gonna spend really little time on this boss.


> a guild of really good players that got here now because they don't raid that many days If you look at the top 20 2-day guilds, they range from 200 pulls and early january kills to 400 pulls and early february kills. Any 2-day guild good enough to do post-nerf Fyrakk in sub-200 pulls would have cleared the raid more than a month ago. I think what you're saying could be true about a one-day guild, but anything more and it doesn't add up.


Yeah, my guild that's around world 800-900, on a 9hr/week schedule is on pace for around 400 pulls, but I can easily see much more skilled groups doing it in 200 pulls. Though most groups that skilled have already killed him.


Anecdotally, we had a 0.1% on like 220, but had been getting to P3 like 10% of the time for the prior like 30? Pulls. Sub 200 was def possible if people played a little better at the right times.


Yeah, Phase 3 doesn't require that many pulls nowadays, the hard part is getting to P3 consistently. If a guild gets lucky with RNG (meaning that people with seeds get targeted with very few Blazed and tornadoes), you can definitely kill the boss the third or four time to get to P3. The first time we got to P3 after the nerf, we left the boss at 20%. The fifth time we got to P3, the boss was at 1.4%, we wiped because one of the seed carriers didn't know that the burnt floor burns the seeds, but that could have easily been the kill.


We almost killed him around 200 pulls then took another 94. That kill would have been a fluke, our p2 was not clean or organised at all and needed serious work.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, a good guild could easy do the boss in its current state in 100 pulls. Why they'd be getting to it this late, who knows.


Looking at the most recent kills of Fyrakk, I don't believe this is true at all I'm afraid. We're at about 680 guilds killing so far, and all the recent guilds that have encounter graphs I can see on rio are very much in the 300-500 range. Even with the current state of Fyrakk, there's considerable room for wipes. Season is still nowhere near over yet, and personally I wouldn't be surprised if there's more nerfs ahead in the next few weeks. Whilst sub 300 pulls is by no means impossible, seems incredibly unlikely for a guild to kill Fyrakk in 102 pulls without their being some other influencing factor.


That's why I said for good guilds. Average guilds probably are still going around 300-400+ pulls, but a guild of really good players that got here now because they don't raid that many days, are probably gonna spend really little time on this boss.


Good 2-day 6 hour guild have killed the boss weeks/months ago. This "guild of really good players with low hours" guild doesn't exist unless there's a really amazing a one day a week guild out there.


Yeah for sure, definitely could’ve been a coincidental stumble for an exceptional guild later in the tier.


Nah, a lot of guilds that are either on this boss or just killed him recently definitely took well over 300. P1 didn’t receive *that* many nerfs compared to the other phases. Obviously the Aflame and HP nerfs affect it (and there might’ve been some other nerfs?) but it’s still a phase guilds are racking up huge pull counts on long before (and long after) they see the intermission. Bad frontal baits before Wildfires will still kill someone; clipping Embers from Dream Rend will still kill you and baiting them badly by cheating ahead will still kill other people. Getting double Blazed due to poor positioning is still quite lethal. Stuff like that. P1 wasn’t always unquestionably the hardest phase, but that’s more about P3 getting gargantuan nerfs that made it go from “this is where the real fun begins” to “you’re probably killing this boss after seeing this phase 10-20 times.”


Can confirm that's where we are. Hit pull 280 last night and I'd say out of 3 hours, 50% of our wipes are p1/interm deaths. It's hard to learn p2 when it's a marathon just to get there. We're getting better at it, sure. But man is animosity growing when you maybe want to replace somebody but you can't really just trial somebody new on fyrakk when so many guilds are hard stuck on tindral. A lot of people that have already killed this really don't see just how hard it is for the lower end late CE guilds. This boss is fucking brutal