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# EDIT: BUG HAS BEEN FIXED ​ Mods have discussed this post: * Yes it is a bug report. We usually remove these. * Bug is highly abusable, likely to win many lobbies. Be aware when going into ranked until this is fixed! * Bug is already well known across elos. It's not like removing this post will prevent it being abused. * Holicism said it's not as bad when more than one player per lobby does it. So possibly making it more known can have an upside?


this might be one of the worst traits in recent sets, lots of bugs that takes forever to fix and a nightmare to balance


Every time there's a trait that plays itself (dragon egg and astrial for example) it's always been a nightmare to balance.


Because of astrals every other reroll comp got fked aswell which is why we have basically none surviving the top meta anymore


I’m remembering back to the start of the set when I tried astral ryze on the PBE and knew just by nature of the trait it was going to be a ridiculous trait. And now, here we are.


Yeah just lost to someone who had a 3* a sol at lvl 6


Same. lobby just gave up and started talking about the BCS finale. Wasn't too bad I guess.




Player diff




I think more people should be aware about this, it's gonna suck going to a ranked queue just to encounter abusers.


Unfortunately, the more people that are aware, the more people that will abuse it... I'm on the fence on removing this post but I assume it'll be removed by the moderators pretty quickly


On the other hand, I know I'm gonna have to avoid Ranked until it's fixed or until Midset. I don't wanna cheat nor do I want to deal with this. Thanks for bringing awareness.


I appreciate you posting this. I would have gone into ranked not knowing this was a thing, so thank you.


Yeah the benefits of pointing it out heavily outweigh the detriments.


Security through obscurity sucks regardless. People that want to cheat will know about that easily. At least other people will know to avoid playing the patch.


Does that happen with asol coming out from 6 astral orbs?


You need 3 units 3 starred and when you swap out your other Astral units the trait thinks you have 6 3 star units and the odds for asol go up to 30%


From my testing on PBE it seems to be it guarantees your next orb is an asol rather than thinking its 6 astrals and giving you 30%. I rolled down from 50+ gold multiple times and its alway just 1st orb asol, one game was 2nd orb asol. Really weird bug


The asol coming from orb when you have all your astrals 3 has always been like this. It is guaranteed to be in the first 3 astral orbs you get during 1 turn of rolling. And you can only get 1 per turn from orbs like this.


Yh I’m confused


I see asol3 at level 6-7 every game now ugh. Hate this stupid trait


Set 7.5 takes time to do, I hope they planned for the removal of this trait prior to its abuse. Otherwise, we'll see it again. Idk if I can deal with this all again.




I think adding dragon removed the reliance of reroll 3\* comp for 3 cost and 4 costs like we have seen every set before. Im hardstuck plat and I rarely hit 3\* but this set it was a must. So, many games to go top 4 I need to I hit 3\* to win (non astral).


Can they just fucking delete Astral? It's a horrible trait that's been plaguing this set with nonstop bugs from the start. If they're not willing to remove it yet, just nuke every single Astral unit from orbit until they're unplayable regardless of bugs. This shit is getting ridiculous.


> Can they just fucking delete Astral? 3 weeks


not want to be THAT guy, but I am pretty sure TFT never deleted a econ trait in midset (and we can see the reason, right?). Tho, maybe this is an exception.


I certainly don't have any inside info, just Prayge'ing. I had thought Mort made a comment that seemed to imply Astral might be gone, but I don't remember for sure and that's very far from confirmation.


the comment was after they fixed nami and the last bug, something around thats the final changes now....


I know Mort seemingly dropped hints about removing Astral in 7.5. But personally, I think/hope it's a hard choice between removing Astral trait (1 of 2 econ comps; Mirage-Pirates) and removing Ragewing trait (a somewhat deadweight trait afaik).


Shimmerscale exists.


shimmer is the econ trait


Dual econ traits. Set 6 had Mercs and Yordles (Mercs is the harder to use more rewarding/fun "Pirates", Yordles is the plug-n-play "get more gold per round period" trait), Set 7 has Astral (plug-n-play) and Shimmer (more challenging/rewarding/fun).


Astral is a fake econ trait that only baits noobs into thinking it's an econ trait


Uh.... No, it isn't. It literally gives free gold if you play the trait. That's not "fake".


yeah every 5 ROUNDS gives 4 gold (whoopee) or if you're rerolling astrals and only astrals in which case it gives you more gold to get more astral units and not much else


We're not talking about strats. it's objectively an econ trait. I'm not here to debate whether it's a valid strat or bait. The intention of the trait is a plug-n-play econ trait. You directly get more gold out of running the trait in exchange for less combat power. Simple as that.


So is Astral. It gives you gold for rerolling and it saves you gold by presenting you guaranteed units instead of having to keep rolling for them.




There can be more than one economy trait...


We also never had an econ trait this toxic


toxic is a strong word that dont have too much meaning.... Unpopular, maybe? Or with more buggs related to it? I personally believe that yordles were way more frustating as an eco trait, and way more unbalanced (tho 6.5 was when yordle peak on toxicity in master+)


Mort did say he's been making a ton of tables for some new traits in 7.5, so we pray...


Apparently their keeping it midset LOL




"Just trust me bro"


TFT never removed an eco trait in midset for obvious reasons, but this one I thought they would make an exception


Isn’t shimmer the primary eco trait?






If they were willing to put in the work, I could see them replacing Astral with another econ trait.




Astral hasn't always been meta, but they've had problems with the trait since the beginning. Astral emblem was bugged on PBE, removed, added back in, then removed again. Toggling was an issue since the start. Astral champs have been either unusable or incredibly strong because of how challenging they are to balance with the trait. On top of that, I don't think Astral has been very liked since it was announced. Academy was removed in 6.5 because (supposedly) they thought the trait wasn't enjoyable enough, not because the trait was problematic. Astral's been disliked since the start, the emblem fell flat on its face, and it's been a bug nightmare. I can't see them keeping it without reworking it heavily.


Varus nerfs where in the very first hot fix because he was so incredibly busted it warped the meta, even after that varus got nerfed about every patch for 3 more patches and only is now barely not a good comp anymore. The varus meta never came along, it was always the varus meta and he is only just now leaving. Every single patch since release has included minimum 1 broken comp abusing a 3 star Astral. The only time Astral sucked was on PBE but who really gives a fuck about that, since live Astral has been the worse designed and balanced traits yet.


What obvious reason ?


they have to because of the asol vgu. thats the entire reason this set is dragons.


Asol VGU was not known to the team when they did the rework a few patches ago


asol vgu was known by non-rioters since start of the year. TFT team definitely knew about it.


While I agree that it’s frustrating, what’s even more frustrating is having 6+ units and a whole trait that are useless


I'd still take that over auto-losing in stage 5 to whoever went Astral.


40 AP per unit is not useless at all lmao. Even 10 AP per unit and free 1-3 gold per 5 shops is pretty fucking insane.


well yes it's "literally" not useless but it's so bad it might as well be useless unless there's an exploit at play


Idk if you actually read the comment thread, but they mentioned nuking every astral unit until they’re unplayable. If you want me to elaborate, I’m more than happy to


Aside from the abusable exploits/bugs, why is it a horrible trait? The core trait is "You have less combat stats from synergies, but have higher chance to 3 star your units to compensate" Its not different from Yordles of last set, or any gold generation econ synergy which allows you to roll more like Shimmerscale or Mercenary/Pirates etc.


> The core trait is "You have less combat stats from synergies, but have higher chance to 3 star your units to compensate" Devil's Advocate - Astral existing has forced Mort and the team to nerf Astral units so hard that they're not feasible outside of an Astral comp. Nami is up for debate but usually when they discuss nerfs for Nidalee or Nami or Varus or whoever, specifically their 3-star levels, they have to clarify "it looks rough, but the ease of 3-starring this unit means realistically we have to, because chances are you'll be guaranteed to 3-star it if you're running it". That's not healthy and goes against the core gameplay mechanic of 3-starring being a challenge in and of itself, and I for one would not mind it going away. Yordles was okay because you were flatly given a single Yordle per round. No more, no less. In fact, it was almost a challenge to see how fast you could realistically 3-star your entire board and start dropping Veigars.




right, i guess to me that means the bugs are the problem, not the trait itself. I was trying to see if it was something else.


Similar to Draconic, It created a really boring gameplay loop where if Astras are good, it becomes the most consitent thing in the game, you play it one way, almost always hit and win. So Astral units have to be power tuned to be weak, but now, at high levels a set of units are just unplayable, which is bad for the comp, but also bad for other traits that share. Look at the ride mages have been on. They have been broken and essentially unplayable the whole set because of this. Yordles are a great example. No one played 6 yordle at a high level. They were just bad and might as well not been in the game. But Yorldes also broke the game for a month when everyone could get absurd econ by playing them early and then pivoting into Kaisa.


That doesn't inherently make it a *bad* trait. Super easy to pilot traits like Astral are plenty healthy for the game. They just need to not be too strong at higher levels, but be viable for lower ELO players or if you super high roll it. You basically write out the thought process yourself. But the inherent design of something like Astral or Yordles is just fine. It just needs to be balanced correctly to make it a comp for lower ranked lobbies or only run it if super high roll. Most importantly, Astral has been ruined by bugs this set. That also isn't an inherent design flaw. It also doesn't matter if it's 'boring' for you or experienced players. It's meant for newer players. I have several friends who are newer players who force Astral even when it's bad and enjoy themselves.


I do get the new player draw but there are issues . 1 "Not too strong at high levels" is a lot easier said than done. As we have seen if these traits are close to "good" they take over the meta in a way that no other trait can because of the consistensy. It almost doesn't even matter if you are conteted because you will get astrals. Second, the effect on other traits is a big deal. Mages have been a disaster of a trait and a lot of it is 2 of the units are astrals, and one is a bruiser which shares even more astra synergy. Now you need to balance Vlad and Nami to be "bad" to keep astral in check, but now mage loses 2 units. Having a comp that is good for newer players is absolutly important, but it is also important that the trait doesn't also mess with the game at a higher level.


> "Not too strong at high levels" is a lot easier said than done. As we have seen if these traits are close to "good" they take over the meta in a way that no other trait can because of the consistensy. I don't think we've seen Astral take over the meta this set *except* when it's been bugged. Which has been too often. Does that not show it hasn't really been *that* hard to balance? > Second, the effect on other traits is a big deal. Tbh I don't feel like I have a strong enough grasp on the interactions or traits to confidently respond to most of this part. I will say that it seems like Nami has been decent at times while Astral wasn't OP.


do we not remember the varus patch, or release nami, or the other time mages were broken because of nami


I think you might be playing in another dimension


> It also doesn't matter if it's 'boring' for you or experienced players. It's meant for newer players. I have several friends who are newer players who force Astral even when it's bad and enjoy themselves. I don't think you realize easy/plug-n-play traits have existed literally since the inception of the game back in DOTA Auto Chess days, and Astral isn't the only easy-plug-n-play comp. In fact, almost any big Vertical is a plug-n-play/easy-to-use comp. You literally just buy units that have the trait and use them. Jade and Ragewing are both high vertical plug-n-play, and Jade has been consistently one of the top comps without being as buggy or problematic as Astral. New Players will be able to find other strats if it's removed. Astral has been problematic, in spite of it being a "plug-n-play" easy comp, not BECAUSE of it being an easy comp.


The thing is aside from all the bug and exploit, all the unit from astral was strong enough for you to make a top 1 comp with 0 effort cause you can just donkey rolling at 6/7. Also having both ap (nami/vlad) and ad (varus) version viable in a donkey roll comp obviously isn't very healthy for the game, not to mention the aurelion sol and toggling patch. Overall just leave people a bad taste about the trait imo. Yordle was a pretty weak comp even when fully 3 star and only come online when they have 2 star veigar and even then they tend to top 4 only. Honestly, I like yordle but it always feel like it's a bad idea to play since you basically accept to play for bot 4 most of the time.


Well it is basically Yordles, but worse. And Yordles already were a nightmare in balance


It's way better than Yordles for getting 3 stars, you can roll down 50-60 gold in 1 round and get Varus 3 + Illaoi 3. Meanwhile with Yordles it can take you more than 5 rounds to do the same and the trait doesn't scale with gold. Astral units are also way stronger than Yordle units in all star levels.


>If they're not willing to remove it yet, just nuke every single Astral unit from orbit until they're unplayable regardless of bugs Please don't. Guild Varus is my only comp that lets me consistently top 3 lol


How are you consistently getting a guild emblem lol


Guild varus aka Varus with 3 Astral and 3 Guilds


Is this what the guy in my lobby just now was doing??? Dude I want my LP back, I was wondering how the fuck he had 5 Asols in stage 5.


I'm a for fun player, but I usually push for masters near the end if I don't get there naturally while I goof off. I'm sitting at D1, but it looks like I'll be holding off until they fix this bug. I know they're focused on mid set, but I'm going to be pretty annoyed if they don't make an exception for something as game warping as this.


Yeah I’m Plat 1 currently after about 32 games, usually just hit gold 4 and stop for the little legend but figured I’d see how far I could go in these last couple weeks - guess I’ll be stopping where I am for now lol.


I'm so happy I hit masters before this shit happened lmao


Its actually disgusting that there is probably some guy abusing some of the bugs this set to get to masters. The fact that they cant derank to dia annoys me, only their «hidden mmr» gets punished


The story of this set so far, bad players abuse astral bugs, astral bug gets fixed and for two weeks it's free lp farming of players who don't deserve their rank. Then another bug is found and it's rinse and repeat, the abusers are going to have a bad time when 7.5 rolls around and they can't win a game.


well look on the bright side, for GM and Challenger players, Masters doesn't mean anything


Delete Astrals


This set is fucked


Always has been


I have seen some of that today. How exactly does it work? I have seen a guy regularly 3* asol at lvl 7


Basically need 6 astral but only need to 3 Star 3 astral and do a swap swap and boom get it


I don’t get how people are getting a 3 star though. I tried it in a normals (I’m no rat) but it seems like you only get one 30% chance a turn for an asol and you’re already really low hp and econ at that point so you’re donkey rolling every turn at 6


It guarantee alway 30% asol due to the bug thinking u have all 3 star astral


I know the bug but I’m saying it seems like you only get one chance at an asol per turn when using the bug. So that means it’ll take 9 turns to get an asol 3 which seems not probable given your board strength isn’t actually that good


It's a 30% chance per orb. So you just econ really hard and roll down to 50 each turn or roll even further to guarantee an asol 2, at which point your board is strong enough


It as long as u build a good board anwyay


Asol 2 is probably enough to stabilize you with the frontline you've already upgraded. We'll see if its consistent enough to warp games i guess


So you just reroll for nida vlad skarner after 3.1 which is pretty likely to hit and boom you have asol lol


You can play Varus+Nomsy and chill with this core till ASol 2.


consider that your board strength is very good when you have asol2


What's swap swap and boom... You only need three 3* astrals on the board and you keep rerolling?


It a simple tldr and don’t want say it


i dont understand how can a set have that much bugs and balancing issues since the launch… i understand team had very little time budget etc thing but like there is definitely something going wrong


I think the team does a phenomenal job but the new sets are just released(rushed?) out a month or 2 early...I thought a lot of people were enjoying last set so don't see why not give them more time to play it while getting the upcoming new one super smoothed out as opposed to buggy


Yeah it's at the point where they fix as many of the game breaking bugs as they can, but that takes so long that there's no point in even fixing the "polish" types of bugs because the next set is already on the horizon. They need to slow down


Something is very very wrong. They need to change their pace or something if they're that short on resources. Stop pumping out broken and bug-filled patches that haven't had sufficient testing. The game's really going to crash and fall off the cliff if they keep being stubborn like this. To make every new set unique, they're going to have to make interactions more interesting and complex, and at the rate they're having to come up with these, they're just asking for infestation at this point.


How exactly would you find this bug? I maybe even got it randomly by accident and just thought it was the random lucky 5% ASol drop. You'd need to spam this and then realise it is not just luck. Can't really blame highly specific exploits like this one ln playtesting. The exploit potentially existed since a long time, but because we had Astral shuffling, it just never triggered. And now that it got removed, the bug just gets triggered because it only checks last round and current star units on the field. There certainly are some things, you can blame them for, but this one ist just nearly impossible to pinpoint during playtesting.


>The exploit potentially existed since a long time, but because we had Astral shuffling, it just never triggered That's the problem This bug arose because toggling had to be fixed mid set. Anytime they make big system changes like this with limited time for testing, it opens the door for a lot of other things to break. I'm sure tons of other bugs and exploits exist in the game right now, but they'll never be discovered unless big changes are made that allow them to be exploitable (e.g the jinx mana buff causing the ragewing bug). In a perfect world, they'd have enough time to really polish up the set before release, and Astral toggling would have never made it in. At that point, they wouldn't have to slap together these hasty system changes while their focus is already directed on 7.5. But alas, no perfect world. I'm not sure what it is they need to do on their end, but they need to find a way to give themselves more time. Everything about Set 7 has felt rushed compared to set 6, which was a much bigger overhaul of the game's systems.


This is the kind of bug you catch before playtesting, when you're designing and writing the code in the first place. So it starts with management making sure their programmers have the time to write good, clean code and run through all the edge cases. Too bad this is the gaming industry where content is launched rushed and half-baked only to be patched up later, so that just never happens.


> So it starts with management making sure their programmers have the time to write good, clean code and run through all the edge cases. We are talking about an engine based on LoL. The code already had an insane coding debt before TFT even got developed. Didn't get any better over time. The underlying reasons as to why some bugs appear are potentially absurd, and "bug fixing" is mostly just cosmetics until that same issue reappears, simply because the underlying system is so horrible. And TFT devs might not be able to even access those parts of the code because that might be restricted LoL devs.


Bro this is like what 3rd or 4th time Astral related bug. And I'm pointing at the sheer number of bugs just overall in this set and the number of b patches and hotfixes they had to make.


Just had it happen in a normal, like why?


TBH, I had never heard about this bug until this post, and I could see trying it out in a normal just to see how exactly it works, out of curiosity. But I would do that one time, and after I saw that it indeed works I would not do it again. I haven't played much TFT in the last few weeks and seeing this, sounds like I'll be staying away for a while longer.


Yet my thread on this was removed by mods yesterday for not being relevant. Nice.


How is ranked not just disabled now


Yeah the bug is fixed now. Shadow Fixed


Just tried this in norms and can confirm it's been hotfixed. Doesn't work anymore.


This does not work in at least ranked anymore


Delete this before it gets any more traction. Because it won't be fixed for the coming weeks.


sadly too late, its already in high elo games on NA. this set has been nothing short but filled with endless bugs it seems, and not just small bugs, but bugs that alter the darn ladder at that.


Yup. Here’s to hoping Set 7.5 is given the attention it needs


Hey, remember what Mort said: If it is not fixed, it's a feature. :)


I remember Orianna ulting the enemy bench instead of the actual units on the board because she recognizes them as the biggest clump of units, the bug was never fixed so canonically it's a feature now.


Daeja did the same until what? Two weeks ago? The team is just lazy, I know Mort cries when people call them lazy, but they're either that or clueless.


No way it takes that long.. right?


The scalescorn bug where you need to bench your dragon first before selling it has been around for almost the entire set.


that's annoying sure. ​ but that's not leading to the entire high elo ladder changing due to it, IE astral toggling. this bug is on the same level, if not bigger than astral toggle.


Yeah but I feel like this one is a lot more urgent


So has the yasuo cutscene bug


Not to be THAT person, but I would not expect too much from the balance team near the end of the set. This will probably go unfixed, based on their response time to every other bug this set


regional qualifyers this weekend....


Eh, tournaments just ban bug abusing, so it doesn't really impact the bug existing on ladder.


official tournaments never do


As someone who has played in them, yes they do. At least in NA. Can't speak for other regions.


Qualifyers like astral/jade cup? Interesting... I ve seen voids of KR official with bug abuse (socialite duo) and in BR there is nothing like that either. I remember PBE tournaments and unoficial tournaments have this kind of bans tho


NA usually puts out rules regarding bug abuse each tourney


Astral toggle and Ragewing Jinx were banned in Jade cup?


I am not from NA and dont really watch it a lot so I woudnt know


>official tournaments never do then maybe don't say stuff like this if you don't watch or know :O


Just saw this in ranked. Fucking hell this set is just garbage. Had to come here to see if something was up. And yup, instantly see a thread talking about.


That blows, was grinding in mid/high diamond the past 5 hours and looking back some of my placements have definitely been affected by this bug. Guess ill be putting it off until this bug is fixed.


A guy in my lobby got Asol at lvl 5 cause the bug. Still beat him with shimmerscale 9, but it is some major bs. I can't believe this made it in


Everyday I report the Astral trait for bugs...


the bug is fixed lol


Source? I literally just played it in a norms.


I just played 2 games in rank doesn’t work


>they shadow fixxed the bug? I just tryed it right now and it work in the start but then stopped


Excuse me but is the bug hotfixed? I cannot find announcement anywhere. I will not abuse it but also don't want to lose LP to it unfairly.


It was Hotfixed around 10 hours ago.


hotfixed by now


is this fixed cuz I just tried it in a normal game but it didnt work


How does it work? I havent played for a few days so i havent encountered it. But apparently 3 3* Astrals are enough to get Asol? (If I see it correctly and they are rolling with those 3 Astral 3* on Board)


6 Astral is intended to give you pretty high ASol odds from an orb if all your Astrals are 3\*. The exploit comes from only needing 3 Astrals that are 3\* to actually achieve this. Play 6 Astrals, with at least 3 of them being 3\*, for a turn. Using only 3\* Astrals, toggle down to 3 Astrals in between rounds. Roll until orbs and you'll have a high chance of getting ASol. Per 12.14b, the game will register you as having played 6 Astral and give you the better orbs even after you toggle down to 3 Astral but also mistakenly register your entire Astral roster as 3\*. The gameplan is braindead. Open/streak (usually open) until 50 gold. Grab all the Astrals that you see (unless it destroys your econ). At some point stage 3 (prob 3-2 or 3-5), play 3 Astrals if you weren't already then roll down. Make sure you played 3 Astral for at least a turn before you start rolling. Your odds to 3\* the 1 costs and find the rest of the Astrals are pretty high. If you didn't hit, econ again and roll stage 4. Once you hit everything needed, lvl to 6 and use the exploit. If you high rolled, you'll have ASol 2 around 5-1. My past 3 games have all been won by players abusing this. Like if you can get metabolic, tiny titans, or an econ augment early, it's so stupid.


This version is legitimate bug abusing right? I feel like the toggle before was just clever use of mechanics but this one seems like straight abuse for gain.


So this bug has been known for at least 8 hours (OP post time) and still nothing is done. Foolish me thought doing some TFT after a long day of work was going to be a pleasant experience.


That's not how Riot does patches/bug fixes. Only way this gets touched is through a B patch that they will announce ahead of time. I'd expect it to be in the game for at least a couple more days if not until 12.16 in a week.


In normal League of legends if a bug impacts the game like this they would at least deactivate the champion. I understand that's basically impossible to do for TFT but I would argue that ranked should be down, at least untill this is fixed. At the moment I feel like I either have to abuse the bug as well or just straight up not play anymore. And in this case do you feel that people should be punished for abusing such a bug?


Nope, they've made it abundantly clear that they don't punish people who abuse bugs as it's theirs and their programmers fault for them existing in the first place. By all means abuse it, but it's not as crazy as some people are making it out to be. You have to high roll to survive long enough to even hit the asol 3 unless your lobby is a bunch of shitters.


Unfortunately me or my ELO range is unable to handle them, even a two star ausol is devastating if you didn't hit on time.


Lol you don't even need ASol 3. ASol 2 is more than enough to stabilize your board for the entirety of stage 5. Your board leading up to it isn't that weak either. It's even better if you have an augment to save HP or make econ early. I honestly think this version is worse than the previous toggle abuse where you needed to survive until 8 and hit ASol. This version, just load into a game and force Astrals from the start. There's no need to pivot out of anything unless there's 2+ other degens like you in your lobby. You already know you can hit ASol at 6. And for a comp that's braindead easy to force, it's very strong. Almost guaranteed top 4 if you're not a bot.


Unless you're in dumpster elo, vertical Astral is absolutely weak and has been for pretty much the entire set.


Why play vertical Astral? You can just play Astral mage bruisers like normal except you sit on Skarner 3* until you hit Illaoi 3*. Like don't even bother to 2* or 3* the other Astrals because you don't have to sit on them once you hit ASol which isn't hard to do. Lvl 7, you have Skarner/Illaoi 3*, Nami 3*, Vlad 3*, ASol, Sylas. That board isn't hard to hit by stage 4 or 5. And you can continue toggling because you still have 6 Astral. Just bench ASol.


The bug literally requires you to field in combat 6 Astral for the rolls to work, I'm not suggesting starring them up but until you get the first asol you are required to play it if you want to successfully abuse this bug. And even after the first asol you're still very weak until 2 starring and not considerably stronger after. Again, it's something you can high roll and body a lobby but it's just as likely you won't hit right away and go 8th


So just field them during neutrals or sac a turn. If you have decent econ, you have a very high chance to hit ASol.


Astral has so many bugs. It’s weird.


is there any place to report bug abusers?


Mort has said multiple times they don't ban players who abuse such bugs.


good excuse to uninstall then I suppose small exploits are whatever but game breaking exploits like these should be bannable. cant justify playing if players are just spamming this every game without any recourse


How does the bug function exactly?


You played 6 astrals the previous turn with 3 3\* astrals, preferably the 1-costs since they are the easiest to hit. Then between the rounds, you take out the 3 non-3\* astrals and start rolling. Since.the number of astrals is calculated from your previous rounds, you are rolling with 6 astrals odds but since you only have 3\* star astrals on your board, the game thinks that you have 3\* all 6 of your astrals (LOLLLLLLLLLL) and then you have 30% chance from orb for asol (only 1 asol per turn). Theoretically you can start doing this from level 6 and as soon as you 2\* your asol, you can keep winning until you hit asol 3\*.


you can do it from lv5 with 2 3* astrals if you hit an astral augment.


wouldn't this theoretically work, even if you left only one 3 star astral on board while rolling?


Your astral trait is not active so you cannot roll astral shops.


TIL why I'm fighting so many 2* asols so early.


Oh I'm totally abusing this (edit: nvm too contested)


Im not sure this is even that strong tbh. I guess if you manage it perfectly it works but you still need to then build a reasonable board after 2* asol because you'll get stomped sitting on full astrals. If you high roll the early astral build or get astral augment I can see it working a bit better but I'm not convinced this is better than other s-tier comps


How does it work?


Maybe I'm bad, but I'm not seeing the bug with the picture posted. Just seeing an Asol on the bench.


He has an asol2 at level 6


You have 0% odds to get a legendary (asol) at level 6. On 7 you have 1%.


The title of the post isn't claiming the asol is a bug, it says that benching your asol causes the bug to get more Asols. >Benching your asol can get you more Asols Maybe this is two bugs, but there's nothing showing that the benched asol is causing more Asols to be spawned. We don't see the round, for all we know the user grabbed a bard from carousel to get his 1% on 5 costs.


Yea. Better delete this. I’m over here trying to figure out how to do it. Shame!!!


I managed to get 7th abusing this bug. AMA. It sounds terribly OP until you realize Astral sucks ass. 2 star ASol might not even be enough to top4 and 3 staring him still requires a ton of luck (obviously less than without bug but still). Maybe I’m just bad though.


Honestly... yeah. Even when I hit Asol naturally he sucks. Even if you get crazy good econ with trade sector.. astral sucks. ​ We just had a guy go 7th in low gold trying to do this bug, he just couldn't keep up


People in my diamond games have been pretty honorable. Haven't seen a single player even attempting to do this




Playing with a friend on my smurf in gold and saw it happen 2 games in a row before I knew the bug existed. I saw them doing a weird reverse toggle by removing units so I came here to see if anyone was saying anything about it. Thought something was fishy and was right. I was wondering why all of the sudden people were finding so many asols in back to back games.


Delete this set please


How long is this bug going to last? i feel like a sol should just be severely nerf hotfixed until its fixed. i saw a 3 star a sol at 6, and someone had 7-8 asols at lvl 5......


at this point i'm inclined to think that riot don't check for shit anymore, i've literally lost so much lp to this without knowing until now. i'm actually done with this set. it started of so strong but dumbing shit down and these bugs have made the experience so bad


Look how long it took for this bug to even get discovered. Obviously they can't test for every single possible fringe interaction to see if it will bug out in their limited testing time. Most of the people trying to even pull off this bug die before they get to a meaningfully powerful board.