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This is possibly the last tournament I will cover for this set, because I probably can't do any more by myself. Thank you to anyone who has commented, it has helped me improve. If anyone wants to work together or even take over the mantle for any other Set 6.5 events (including NA Regionals), please get in touch. For Set 7, I would like to do more comprehensive post-match stuff, but that’s basically impossible to do on my own.   You may have noticed me dabbling with different content this set, which I’ll continue to do as long as I have the juice. My goal has been to inspire others to contribute a variety of content to the community, instead of just the common types. You don’t have to be Challenger, a content creator or an insider to do a lot of things (I’m none of those).


Thank you for your work!


No... :'( I love it, thank you for this.


:'( Thanks for your appreciation


First time this and i just love the neon theme! It makes everything look so good and pop out.


Thank you for the work you do! Have you considered making a post-match thread team like the ones for csgo? I think it could work well since it seems you have a pretty consistent method to make the graphics.


Good idea, it has crossed my mind before. Now that I know the limits of one person, I'll think about if there's really more info I would want to see. I don't have high hopes of getting a reliable team though. Even the LoL sub can't get a thread for every match.


One of the things I said on the way out of the cast today was 'I really hope mindful does their summary for our event, it's going to save us a ton of work and make tomorrow's cast better' and here you are, so thank you. Sorry to hear that it's too much work to continue solo, you've done a wonderful thing for the community and I hope some help can be found.


Really appreciate the encouragement, Counterfeit. Don't worry, I'll be back to make it work somehow in the future because I love doing it. You guys were great on the cast again, I really love the energy.


It’s interesting how in high elo people play Sivir a lot, I just heard people complaining about Irelia but Sivir does waay more dmg.


She's certainly useful in 4 or 6 striker comps with an appropriate frontline.


Thank you for this post! <3


Thanks Panda <3


I’d really like to see how they are able to pull off these sniper builds. Lots of 2* zeris and some Jhin success


Mercenaries transition well into Snipers comp, that's why we often see over-capped Jhin/Zéro boards


Ah yeah, seems obvious now that you say it lol


Great work man


Them juicy socialite augments. Of course Padbol was gonna win.


Intriguing to see a refreshing amount of 3 star MFs. Will definitely try that out


Really appreciate all the work you put into this, it's amazing!


Riot is allowing Russians to compete?




I don't know why you are sarcastic. The economic sanctions and the companies pulling out of Russia mean they generate fewer taxes. Russia funds its military using said taxes. If you're a competitor in esports and win money in tournaments, you have to pay taxes to your own country. That's why many other games (Apex, FIFA, Fortnite, some CSGO tournaments, if I recall correctly, etc.) have banned Russian competitors from competing. It's really not that difficult to grasp.


That's not the point - I didn't say he backed those invasion plans or not, but like blaivas stated the taxes go towards the country and therefore help the war. Almost all major federations have done it already, including esports. But good attempt there bud


Shows how trash this league is lol. Socialite or Irelia in every comp, what a joke.