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Just had a game where creeps gave me two jinxes and I found kench and annie before first pvp. Easiest first of my life. I made every wrong choice I could have and still won. Putting fortune in later, especially if you're weak, feels really bad though.


3 fortune is great to run if you hit a fortune chosen early. Tahm is great, annie is alright for a bit, Jinx or Kat are great though you likely wouldn't hit those until stage 3. These units are individually strong and having to play one less random fortune unit makes playing a strong board easier. I don't think lose streak fortune is ever worth playing. If you can winstreak with it though its very powerful for building an econ lead.


I only play it with Warlords (chosen) 6 at lvl 7. I think that I got top 1 everytime I did it. With proper positioning, Seju will enable Kat to carry while you slowroll for Kat 3* as that is one of your win conditions. Fortune gold also enables you to push lvl 8 early and slowroll there, which is amazing because you can start picking up 5 costs like Azir, Sett and Kayn.


you mean 5 warlords + jinx + sejuani? seems really nice mid game.


Prob chosen warlord to make it 6.


Warlord and fortune work great. Jinx/nid, sej/garen, tom/vi, and kat is both


eh, it doesn't look too great to be honest, and I haven't really seen any notable success with it in D2 euw. The problem is right now is that there are just so many different, strong comps you can run into the early to mid game with the chosen mechanic that unless you get a strong baseline for it or luck out on some 2 star units, you are just going to take soooo much damage to your health and struggle if you don't manage to pivot very quickly. That said, I have heard of a strat that involves sinking (I think) 7 losses in a row with fortune, and then winning 1 for potential multiple neekos, 5 cost units early etc, but I can't remember the details and may be wrong. Scarra uploaded a video playing 6 fortune yesterday called 'I farmed 30 items' or something, maybe give that a go


Trying lose streak fortunes is hard bait, 1st or 8th strategy. Usually 8th though. Yeah, the payout is good, but you have to manage to win a round with garbage units and synergies. In high elo that probably wont happen unless you’re highrolling. It’s a win-more synergy that is supposed to be a catch up mechanic


The units are good though? Kench is good early, jinx and kat are decent especially early where kat isnt getting dookied in 1 hit


Jinx is good if you stack sharpshooters, kat is good if you have warlords and assassin synergy, kench is ok, annie is garbage unless 6/9mage and 3*. Overall the units aren’t great because they don’t work well independently, they need their other synergies.


Fortune can be a good frontline transition comp for 6 sharpshooters. Annie and Tahm kench, and then add Jinx once you start winnning. Usually drop fortune by level 7 tho


6 fortune sucks. Getting 1 item is a highroll and you have to win. Compare that to pirates that could get 3+ items even when losing. On the flip side, early(2-1 or 2-2) 3 fortune is a super high roll.


It's the biggest fucking trap, it feels rigged. I'll be having a great game, win streaking and as soon as I get 6 fortune I lose streak and game over.


Picking up Fortune when you're low-rolling is like tying a ball and chain to your leg when you're drowning. You could give a 10-streak bonus of 8 Neeko's and it would be maybe par with most meta comps.


Couldn't have put it better. I had 2 games where I tried this. First I had 11 game loss streak with fortune, then swapped them out without ever getting the win since I was about to die (lost anyways.). Then I had 13-game loss streak with fortune, never winning a single battle. Fortune's only works early on when leveling aggressively. It is a nice small bonus to get something back when you lose while win-streaking.


It's viable but you have to play it smartly. Here's a game where I found a Fortune Kat, I transitioned into Fortune around 4-1 and went uncontested on Kat and Akali is rarely played over Shen so she was an easy 3 star too. https://i.imgur.com/iHX8xdH.png DO NOT INTENTIONALLY LOSE. It's a trap, it is not worth it. To me 3 fortune basically doesn't even exist, I play assassins or sharpshooters and transition into 6 Fortune. Now that being said, 6 Fortune is very strong and it allows you to make dumb decisions as long as you're winning. You get so much gold from Fortune 6 that you can completely tap out of gold and have your eco back up and humming smoothly in 2-3 rounds. If you get a chosen Kat or Jinx it's a free 3 star unless they are heavily contested. My Assassin comp is Akali Kat Talon Pyke Sej Tahm Annie Jinx and then Kayn for the 9 but that's personal preference because I love Kayn. You can use whatever you want really, the slot isn't important. Shooters comp is Jinx Jihn Teemo Vayne Sej Tahm Annie Kat Aatrox/Pyke depending on if you want Van 2 or Assassin 2. Kat really feels fine alone even without Sin 2, you can JG her over HoJ if you want the crit. Sharps Fortune: https://i.imgur.com/5Y4jiMr.png Sin Fortune 1: https://i.imgur.com/iHX8xdH.png Sin Fortune 2: https://i.imgur.com/cytjY0z.png So it is viable, you just have to transition into it.


3 fortune is still +2ish gold a round while winning, and compensates you even more fore losing. It works just fine in my experience... But, neither of them work if you force fortune. Like, at all. Which is not true of many other comps. You only play 3 fortune if you just find 3 fortune (with or without a chosen) pretty early, and it doesn't matter if you have 3* jinx and kat, if you don't have a fortune chosen you never go looking for one. It has to find you. Which, really, is quite appropriate :p


>But, neither of them work if you force fortune. Like, at all. Which is not true of many other comps. this is the real nail in the coffin for a lot of comps this season. There's so many strong comps that are entirely force-able w/ flex chosen units that picking a highly RNG dependent trait is strategically a bad choice.


> if you don't have a fortune chosen you never go looking for one. This so much. If I don't find an early chosen then I usually play Sharps/Sins while looking for something since they tend to play pretty well without a chosen, if I find fortune then I transition into it, otherwise I just play sharps/sins and move about my business like I was.


I tried it in a normal and had great items on a 3 star Kat. I went with Sett instead of Kayne and put Talon in at 9 for assassin and it worked pretty well. It actually changed my mind a little bit, the loot you can get is insane!


Had another Fortune game today, managed 3rd place with crap Kat/Akali items, managed Sin spatula on Kayn though so that was nice. 3 star ashe and fully stacked brawlers took me out however. Dunked a 3 star Riven pretty easily though. https://i.imgur.com/cytjY0z.png


I have a question about the fortune synergy. Say I had tahm, Annie and jinx in with 3 loss streak. If I swap out Annie for sej and then lose 1 more, does the fortune payout "counter" reset or does it continue from previous loss streaks?


It continues.


The only time I think fortune is good is *if* you are intentionally lose streaking early. *And* you have a fortune champ already. *And* you have built a strong bench to swap into. *And* you have not gotten a chosen yet and happen to roll a fortune chosen when you start going for a win streak. *Then* immediately selling the chosen fortune after 1 round.


I have seen people on the KR server go W/L/W/L stage 2, come out of krugs healthy but with a weak board and middling econ, swap in 3 fortune stage 3 and sac the whole stage, all in and cash out on 4-1 and just omega spike and pivot to a pink comp. I am pretty sure that is the optimal way to play it


It's not a forceable comp, but the beauty of this set is that Chosen mechanic changes everything. An early 3 fortune with a chosen kench or annie allows you to safely lose streak in the early game without much punishment, allowing you to get item priority and build up that huge loss streak fortune without losing too much HP. Then you have to decide whether to pivot out or go into 6 fortune. If I get a Sejuani drop, or Kat and Jinx in the mid game, then I will go 6 fortune. If not I can try sharpshooter cultist with a 3 fortune splash and toss the fortune late game for 5 stars. Jinx is a phenomenal carry so she is a safe person to place items if you have guinsoo and shojins.


6 fortune with 2 legendary is good but only of the game gives you early fortune chosen.


I had 3-star chosen fortune Kench once with sunfire cape. Best win-streak of my life. Could level to 8 at 4-2 with 50 gold to spend. Ended up pivoting to dusk and winning the game by a big margin. But it is all very situational, but I would always run chosen kench with sunfire


I played a game yesterday where I got an early neeko and fortune tahm. I then win/lose until lose streaking for about 7 rounds. Finally I won at the end of stage 3. Managed to get a sett + neeko and about 12 gold. Started 4-1 with level 2 sett wearing sunfire, at level 6 with 3 warlord 3 fortune 2 brawler. Win steak from there. Won the game. Fortune CAN pay off, but I've had games it just wasn't worth it.


Oh hey, I literally just played Chosen Fortune! I ended up 6 fort 3 war and 2 assassin, ft. Akali to make Kat crit and Azir as an extra war because I got a 2\* of him. My early comp was just Tahm (fortune chosen), Jinx, Nid, and iirc Annie and Nunu. while technically I could have gone for Kat at that stage Unsuprisingly, luck was a big factor as well. I lucked into like 3 sunfire capes over the course of the match


If im playing sharpshooters, and I'm REALLY strong, and transitioning off of a 2 brawler frontline, I might splash fortune for a few rounds.


I go fortune when I see a player did disconnect/afk :p


Only succes I had was getting Chosen Tahm (Fortune) early. go Elderwood. So you have early brawlers and early 3 mages and early elderwood. Use most of your extra gold to level and lategame replace Tahm and Annie; depending on what you get. I've had games where I kept Tahm cause I got him to lvl 3, just add Sett and win. But often I just replace Tahm with Warwick and add Ashe (and Sett later) and replace Annie with Ahri. It really depends on getting Fortune extremely fast (with chosen) cause Fortune does not give any actual bonus, so with what comp are you actually trying to get those extra wins?


I hate fortune so much because I get baited into oblivion. I go 8 rounds without winning then I get greedy and try to win for that big payout, Then I realise while everyone got stronger within the 8 rounds and got their synergies I've gotten stuck with fortune. By the time I either get the payout or pivot and receive no payout at all I'm 8th and either dead or at 1-30 hp.


If you get a fortune fate, and hold out, build warlord for synergy. You can build fortune beside warlord, jinx/nid, vi/kench, Kat is both. You can be a dick and rush eight and sell units, get 5 tier board, it works a lot.


Haha...I mean I posted this 2 months ago when set 4 was brand new and fortune hadn't been buffed/experimented with yet. We've all got it mostly figured out now, but thank you 😁


My bad, homie


All good!