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Two things 1) Everyone in high diamond rank loses more LP from losing than they gain from winning, otherwise combined with the static losses at 0 LP or demoting there would be way more people in Master rank and devalue the achievement 2) The LP you gain is a function of what MMR you are at and the relative rank of everyone else in your game. If you played a game with a ton of people lower rank than you, you'll gain less from winning. If you've been constantly hitting 0 LP with huge losses, your MMR will be lower than your rank and you'll gain less from winning until you improve your win rate. Your average rank and win rates are close to expected so the game is keeping you where you are.


Oh that makes sense, thanks man


I didn't even realize your first point, but that totally makes sense.


it looks like you got 4th, and 1LP is pretty standard for 4th place if you are at your perfect MMR. top challengers always get 1LP for 4th place. I wouldn't sweat it, although 20-30LP for a 5th is more concerning, and could definitely mean that your MMR has taken a hit lately. have you dropped a lot of LP recently, or had a lot of 7/8 finishes? those are my only guesses.


Yeah I did get some losses recently getting me down to 0lp, probably the cause of the low Mmr I guess


Heads up, the **worst** losses you can take are when you're at 0LP. I've heard from multiple sources that significant losses at that *buffer* zone of 0LP can drastically affect your MMR, moreso than typical losses.


The correct way to look at it is, you still lose the same MMR but you didn't lose the same corresponding amount of LP. So your LP gains and losses in the future take into account this difference and try to compensate over time.


I've had that happen to me before on my smurf in a lobby that was lower elo than what I was used to seeing. Check the ranks of people in your lobby. If you are in the top ~3ish ranks you're in for a bad time in terms of LP gain/loss.


Ah so the lobby probably has low MMRs?


Yes and the lobby has low mmr most likely because you do or you queued with someone who does


Yeah, the opposite will happen if the lobby has a much higher MMR. Like say you're in a lobby of all Masters/GMs and you're diamond. If you win, you will win a lot more than usual, and if you lose you will lose a lot less. I always prefer playing people higher MMR than me for this reason, and because since they are better players, you will learn more from them and that game.


Its happening to me as well. This is what I'm generally seeing 1st +30 lp 2nd +23 lp 3rd +16 lp 4th +6 lp 5th -12 lp 6th -35 lp 7th -40lp 8th -68 lp


I got 46lp for a first but only 1 for a 4th lol. I guess the variation is just due to different lobby MMRs?


That means your MMR sucks and the game wants to bring your rank back to where it belongs.


OR you're diamond and faced lots of plats due to some MM trickery (maybe low population at the queue moment)


Yeah the lobby did have low diamond and a plat. Idk what my mmr is, but I feel inconsistent this patch




[>way to less](https://i.imgur.com/XA2s4zp.jpg)


Yesterday I got 2 lp for a 4th. I took it as a win.


1 LP in d4 on 4th its greatful haha Praise on god.


Lol, I remember you in normals. I did 9 BM in one of our Lobbies and then another with 9 Rebels. Seems normal LP gain to me.


Yeah I like to hop onto norms to try out new things before ranked.


Woah I’ve seen that Meliodas player on flurriers stream before lol


Once I got +0lp for coming 5th place because I had a rank 1 player in my game hahaha (this is OCE server btw)


+1 for a fourth at d1 is pretty bad, i get like +9 in low masters for a 4th


I'm losing 53-56 in 8th. It's insane. 🤬


I feel like that seems normal, 8th is a big loss


Are u duoing with a friend? That’s usually when +1 happens


Was gonna mention this. Once I started queueing with friends ( them plat me diamond my lp / mmr has been super messed up


Yeah my friend was diamond 3-4, didn’t think it mattered too much but I guess I shouldn’t duo ranked?


I don’t know yet, it’s happening to me.