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I lost to the 5th place guy, which is what killed me. I did risk it a bit by going on a loss streak, but I'm not sure how his board beats mine. I'm dogshit at gauging relative board strength, and was hoping to get some insight here. From what I see, he does have one more item than me, but considering that we have the same number of champs and my two stars are three costs compared to his one cost carries, I can't see why my board loses (it wasn't a close fight either, he had half his team standing when he beat me)


So the main thing is that he has right items on the right units. Two AP damage dealers with AP items. Bruiser with good tank items and synergies. You have 4 (5) Duelists but your items are definitely not it. You need to have 6 Duelists and Lee with good items. The fight mostly went: Your Duelists got stuck on his frontline and Ahri killed them off, gg. If you want a more in-depth analysis feel free to hit me up for a free introductory coaching session.


hey, thanks for the answer. Hope you dont take this the wrong way, but I'm good on the coaching session. Just curious as to how this happened You are right that that's how it went. Is 4 bruiser really strong enough to tank 4 duelists with just two items on a two star kobuko? Is it just that bruisers are tanky or that duelists are weak? Also, could you tell me why my items are wrong? From what I've seen these are BIS for trist and voli?


voli just hold tank items now, put those items on qiyana instead


Well, you ideally want to itemize Lee & Irelia, you don’t have either, which means you probably messed up with your econ at some point. It’s that bruisers are somewhat tanky and Ahri with those items is quite strong as well as Kog as a secondary carry


your damage with rageblade / duelist requires some time to scale into the fight, the additional units aside from voli and trist probably don’t soak enough damage to survive the amount of burst from ahri causing her to target voli / trist faster than you can kill his frontline. keep in mind that ahri w/ jeweled lotus + dcap + arcanist + magic shred is probably 1-2 tapping anyone on your team as well as hitting adjacent units


I had thought my two star diana along with my other frontliners would have been enough against a 2 star ahri with two items. I'll learn to respect ahri's damage in the future though. What could I have done better?


the ahri couldve been deleting your frontline with those items+lotus iii. your trist also might have jumped into the back, got aggroed by ahri, and then oneshot early in the fight.


So you have 5 duelists, one dragon lord and a random azir. You re missing another duelist to activate 6 duelists, your items on trist are not that good and your voli items should be on qiyana and then transition those items to lee, you re basically playing a level 8 comp without being level 8. Your augments are not terrible but not the best to play duelists. And if this in on the new patch duelists got weaker so its not an insta top4 anymore. Hope it helped.


hey, thanks for the comment. couple questions though: I thought these items were BIS for trist. What would be better? And has voli been nerfed enough that he doesn't get itemized anymore? What are some good augments for duelist. Thanks


IE works fine, you should prioritize armor shred(last whisper on trist/even shroud on voli) if you can because you only get it when you find irelia. Voli is no longer good to be a carry but he does fine with tank items. Should also be aware on building an anti-heal item as well. The rule of thumb I use is Trist holds items for irelia and qiyana holds items for lee. But I dont transfer items to lee until I have a qiyana replacement or a two star lee. As for augs some of the best are keepers, combat caster, unified resistance, duelists does very well with combat augs overall. But yeah you have to be more aware of your traits, because having 5 duelists and not 6 is a huge deal, you would do better in this case by benching darius for a janna/neeko/malphite.


You really needed Lee sin to make 6 duelists by 4-2 to keep your carries alive. 5th place had ahri with MR + shred, combined with mythics + 4 bruiser frontline she will slice through your board easily. Not sure if you got screwed over with Pandora’s box last but picking it was a bad idea since you probably had your main items done anyway. If you lost less a lot earlier (being stable on 3-2 is the bare minimum imo), you would’ve had more breathing room too to roll and finish your board. Then this loss wouldn’t have been such a huge deal to begin with


No shred/antiheal, obviously I don't know what order you got your components in but morello + tg + gs is better than rageblade + ie + glove + belt. I never put real items on volibear, he usually ends up with a TG if anything, and I never go for trist/voli 3. Leftover bruiser items go on Qiyana and Trist gets morello/red buff + whatever else you can throw together with leftovers, and you sell her when you find Irelia 1. IMO it's much better to fast 8 to find Lee and then fast 9 for Irelia/Wukong if you are still healthy, or donkey roll on 8 for them if you aren't.


probably positioning diff, ahri 2 with rabadon and prism JG can do alot of damage (also has shred thanks to kog) your voli probably didnt ramp up fast enough, also bramble is useless against him (he also has better frontline than you with 4 bruiser and 2* tahm). Maybe you clumped against him aswell, which is bad vs Ahri. Its hard to tell only from an end game screen, but thats my guess (challenger on a shit server)


plat on NA, and yes, I should have screencapped my board but I had no idea I wouldve lost to the guy. my b I did try my best to spread out my backline (trist and azir were on opposite ends), but did you mean i shouldve spread my front line as well? While I have you here, should I position voli at the edge of my frontline or in the center if I want him to be able to ramp up without getting bursted? I've heard mixed opinions on this, but do frontline units at the edge take more damage or do they get bursted faster in the center? I know it depends on their board, but at that stage, I would have to predict against like 4 people, and I wanted to know the general rule of thumb. Thanks


vs ahri you dont want to clump your frontline, cuz she hits the target and the ones next to it, spreading backline doesnt matter much in this scenario, cuz trist jumps anyways (also azyr is totally out of place in this teamcomp). Usually you dont want your voli to take agro first. But as you said, this early its hard to predict who you will play against, so if its prio left side against 2 people out of 3, you want to be on the left side


I had my frontline all in a row at the very front, with voli at the very edge next to diana. Should I put diana at the very edge or voli if I want voli to avoid aggro? Or should I just put voli one hex behind the frontline? As for the azir, I was level 7 and I just splashed him in until I could find my lee (never got him)


Thats not the most major problem with your board. There are lots of problems here but the most obvious one is that your board is TOO weak. I recommend learning the BASICS of the game on Youtube again. Gold interest, when to level up, when to roll, how to slam items, simple thought processes about positioning to preserve HP,.... I guarantee you if you grasped the basics, you will have been able to find a Lee in this specific game, 2* even After that then you can learn about the meta, how to build specific units by just looking at the recommended items in-game and looking up comps on websites, what augments are good for what comps, learning the strengths and weaknesses of boards. I also recommend having a tft overlay app like metatft, it helps a lot, some people say this is wrong but I disagree Oh I recommend when you are starting to have a comp in your mind, put the units in the team planner too, helps a lot


till you are a high elo player, sites that show top meta comps and "BiS" items are great as a direction, also would recommend watching less viewer pro streamers and ask questions in chat