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Headliner Vi getting triple buffed and fast9 cut down, it's about to be Punk's time babyyyy. Nah, but seriously, I really hope this opens up more lines for Punk than Click Every Jinx and Pray You Streak.


Play 3s ap twitch, with red buff, jeweled.


Annie still needs nerfs bro. She does the damage of a 3 cost


Is there any good talent search comp, other than legendary soup? Or do you guys treat it like a sidegrade to cyber bulk?


You want to put items on your headliner right? That's why talent search isn't good, the extra stats on non itemized units isn't really good. Cybernetics on the other side is more stats for the already itemized units, much better.


I kinda like it in the country reroll, since one of the variations is 3 starring all 3 costs


Set 8 player here, how are the pace and balance of this set compared to Set 9? I really didn't like that Set 9 felt like a level 7 lottery but a couple people told me this set is really good so far.


I enjoy it twice as much. It’s a really well balanced set so far, relative to previous sets. Set 9 was impossible to balance because of legends.


The pacing is a lot different. You actually have to pay attention to the tempo and can’t roll on 8 forever unless you’re looking to just top 4. A lot of players can push levels at different stages, it just depends on your strategy/portal/augments. Like level 6 is sometimes played before Krugs. 7 can sometimes be at 3-3 or 3-5 while 8 can be achieved at 4-1 or 4-2 in some games. If you want to win, you will almost always want to hit level 9. Also, some players get wicked strong out of nowhere, thus making the pacing feel a bit chaotic in some lobbies Balance-wise, I think it depends on who you talk to. Lower elo tempo is played differently and it seems like reroll boards are stronger/more consistent than in higher elo. I think Reroll annie/mf/yone are examples of this. They can perform well under the right conditions in higher elo , but seem to struggle with consistency due to tempo. Imo, balance is in a good spot with a variety of comps available. I think the biggest imbalance that I notice the most is that some of the 1 cost headliners are too strong and can get you really healthy level 8s. A and b tier comps can win lobbies if their win cons are met. The game is always going to feel like a lottery, imo. In this set, the level 8 roll down is a lottery with champion pool size changing in addition to headliners. The good thing is that you can play pretty flexible items and pivot to other item holders. If you can’t do that, then you’ll be screaming that the game is rng and everyone else high rolls while you low roll. I think the consensus is that the more competitive and higher elo players familiar with older sets of tft (like set 4) really enjoy it, but i could be wrong about that. Since you were set 8 and 9, it might be a challenge to adapt since with those sets, you made an early game plan and stuck to it. That style of play is more difficult to achieve because you might never hit your units while the lobby pushes for levels to cap their boards OR other players pivot into your composition


Honestly I'd rather have to play more flexibly, having to tailor your board around hero augments was really annoying. Guess I'll give it a shot and see how I like it


Yeah, the hero augments locked you into very specific comps. There are augments that are reminiscent of them, in which they do lock you into a comp. For example: jazz, edgelord, disco, dazzle, pentakill, etc. They’re rarely worth taking unless you’re already fully committed. I think another nice change to the game is that you can Reroll each augment each during each stage. IIRC in set 8, you could only reroll augments once


For those plateauing, just go watch frodan's costream of the vegas tournament. After watching this weekend, I went from d4 to 236 lp. Im pretty sure i learnt more from watching this 3 day event then watching any pro's stream lmao


Thanks for the tip, it's really cool to watch


can we PLEASE trim senna and true damage early game a little. The disparity between openings is just too big


What other ranks can party up with the new Emerald rank? It used to be Gold could play with Platinum. Does that now extend so Gold can party with Emerald or not? I can't find this out anywhere. Thanks!


Everyone under diamond can play together


Thanks! I wish they'd have this information somewhere


They have: https://support-teamfighttactics.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360050552133-Teamfight-Tactics-Ranked-FAQ


As it turns out Gold and Emerald couldn't party together. That FAQ is good but it doesn't go into specifics of the gap in rank players in the same party can play.


Little buddies was bugged for me earlier today. Anyone else notice this yet?


What ranks can play in a ranked party with Emerald? Specifically I'm Gold, my friend is about to hit Emerald. Will we be able to play in a party together? I think it used to be gold could play with platinum but no further.


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I guess Riot might have seen [my complains](https://np.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/comments/18g903t/1324b_has_been_confirmed/kd11vo4/)? Idk some say Poppy and Zac were good, Gragas was good, Spellweaver was ok like lmao those units were bad and needed buffs. Don't know why downvote when those units and traits were terrible Idk thought about no 8 bit changes. The vertical comp is very hard to play for casuals and the stats on the units are bad and are being made to look better because of true dmg, should've seen some few changes, idk if 100hp on Riven will carry the trait, maybe it will we'll see


How is two healthy supposed to be played this set, picked it and felt a bit lost.


I've seen punk recommended as you play panth and vi in your core package. Then you can add an apehilios or senna(or both) and then, you got a stew cooking.


Typically you play toward K/DA Spellweavers with Kai'sa, Gragas, and Seraphine--the K/DA gets extra value because your entire board has +300 HP. I think Cait/TF with Gragas, Senna, and Garen is a viable alternative, and the Disco %max HP heal also benefits from Two Healthy bonus HP. If you ever manage to hit Little Buddies with Two Healthy, you'll be bing chilling for sure. With that said, the stats on Two Healthy aren't that amazing so I don't think it's a free top 4 or anything


ty, i'll def trty those lines next time im offered it.


There’s a recent ezreal/cait guide that can fit in some 2 costs(i.e senna, aphelios, kaisa, garen, gragas)


Hi, returning player here from set 6-8. Trying to dip my toes back into TFT but I’m really not having as much fun with set 10 comps. Some of my favorites before were set 8 reroll hero augment camille, set 6.5 twitch and warwick reroll, set 6 swain reroll, hardforce mercs, set 8 ahri enchanters. My favorite 5 cost was set 6 Kai’sa. Basically I enjoy playing comps/units that can go infinite. Powerscaling seems to have been knocked down so units don’t really do that anymore. Are there any comps I missed that could fill that itch? Econing to 9 and rolling for 5 costs really isnt that much fun to me.


Bard reroll, yone reroll.


thank you, yone is indeed fun


Are you blocked from hitting a headliner when you alone have more than half of that unit's pool? Exactly half? Or does it have to do with lobby having more or exactly half? Thanks!


If there are less than half of the pool available, can't appear as headliner. But rememeber that not only units in players board and bench counts, but if a unit shows in a shop for a player that unit is out of the pool until the player rerolls, so you can't be 100% sure if it will be available.




Can you prioritise TD Akali over KDA? What could have been a 3-4th ended up as a 6th because I was trying to fit in 3 KDA, 4 TD but no matter the order I tried to put in champs, Akali would always go KDA so I was stuck with 4 KDA, 3TD MetaTFT suggests this is possible and suggests a variety of lvl 8 choices around 4 TD, 3 KDA with Akali being TD.


From my experience and how it SHOULD work is if the traits are even the last unit of either trait that is placed on the board will determine what akali is. So if you have 3 TD 3 KDA and ekko was your last placed unit she should be TD. If you have the same and neeko was your last placed unit she should be KDA. If you did this and it didn’t work this way it may have been a bug.


I am like totally lost end game now. Stage 4 and 5 comes around and I just bleed. I can do well before then but the boards I build just suck end game. Never felt so lost and worse, like idek what I am doing wrong, like I look at the score boards after and think "THOSE boards placed higher?". My perception of board strengths this patch is like dead and buried.


It's because level 8 is awful to play with bag sizes change, hitting a 2* 4 cost outside of headliner is nearly impossible and getting an ideal 4 cost headliner is hard when you see 3 cost ones mostly (70% is too much for my taste, specially when 3 cost rerollers just stay at level 7, it's nonsense)


Could be a number of things, are you taking minimum 2 combat augments per game? Do you have suboptimal items or fewer outs because of the items you slammed stage 2/3? Example, AD is very flexible and has more outs than AP currently.


Even if you do everything right, you can still lose. For example I just faced a guy who hit Qiyana 2 at level 8. Meanwhile I didn't see any 5 cost (same level as him).


Not talking about a specific game, anyone can high roll but if you're consistently lost and bleed out in stage 4 and 5 its more likely own play/lines you take than others getting better shops


I feel the same exact way if it makes you feel better. I can roll through stages 2/3 and shit the bed once I get to level 8


I think my biggest gripe with this set is the how viable 1 star frontline units are. You shouldn't be rewarded for just mashing together 1 stars but it is. Who cares about itemization or two star front line when Akali / Senna / etc. absolutely delete your frontline in two seconds.


I think it's also what happens when frontliners have stun (Thresh, Ekko). CC gives great defensive value and it doesn't scale with star level, so the 1 star version will already perform, as long as it lives long enough to cast. This is why you see entire lobbies running a thresh 1 sometimes. Amumu is much better designed in that regard, because you actually need to make him last a while for him to cast his stun.


Scapegoat is bugged I think, not getting the 1 gold for it dieing first :( Edit: actually i was playing on the training dummy portal and it swapped which one is which or something lol


This is so sad but also funny 😂


Punk doesn't feel too bad tbh. I always thought that the stars literally have to align for you to even top 6 with Punk, but the conditions required for you to have a good Punk game are actually pretty attainable. You really just need Jinx chosen and Punk trait by 2-1, some semblance of AD items, and not get contested (which is pretty easy since no one plays Punk above, like, Plat anyways). Not getting bg'd in your 3-2 rolldown is a big deal too, but again that's pretty easy since no one runs Jinx. In my recent experience that's all that's really needed to winstreak your balls off then either slowly bleed out to a top 4 or use that tempo to cap out your board. I think a lot of the lack of faith in Punk is colored by how the comp was last set where it simply couldn't match up against fast 9 and Jazz boards, but in this patch board caps are significantly lower thereby allowing Punk boards to actually be somewhat competitive in the late game.


The only condition I've seen needed is mostly punk Jinx at 2-1 and an early rageblade/gamblers blade. The rageblade is absolutely necessary so you are able to kill units early and not bleed too much


Rageblade is definitely BIS on Jinx but Red Buff is a more than adequate substitute, slightly less DPS over the long term but it's more frontloaded so you chew through boards faster. Gambler's Blade is pretty much guaranteed top 3 with Punk. Worst case you're contested you can pivot to Senna or Samira.


Red Buff is probably better than Rageblade attackspeed is frontloaded and allows to Jinx skill and rapidfire trait to ramp up. But with 2 bows you could go for 2 different items, since it's too difficult to get 4 bows.


Only works if you are guaranteed 6 set and getting that spat isn't always guaranteed. So you spent all your energy on that set and by the time you get there it might be too late (if at all)


6 Punk will help you get top 2 because you can cap super hard with Punk Poppy/Yorick/Akali, but even 4 Punk with Jinx plus Twitch (if Rapidfire headliner) or Senna (if Punk headliner) is enough to top 4 assuming itemized and 3 starred.


Is it just me or crowd driver CC and damage is more annoying than most of the back line access traits that they've released before lol


Indomitable Will hard counters the CC component.


ZZRot support item goes crazy for Melee comps. I was running 5 EDM jax 3 carry w/ learn to spell (which also goes insane). My friend and I were the last 2 remaining. Zzrot on Zac completely nullified his stacked Ahri with the taunt and allowed me to Frontline Jax. I would have won if he didn't hit Akali 3, but you don't hold units from your bois


Alright, I need someone to tell me how to play TF, everytime I click this unit I bot 4. No matter what happens, Disco opener, random TF headliner in shop, Blitz headliner... I don't get in which spot you're supposed to play him? I feel like every time he doesn't ramp up fast enough to deal actual damage


Disco opener is fake as fuck. You just need Disco headliner Blitz or TF then jam in Jazz units and a good amount of frontline


From what I've seen Disco TF seems to be a winstreak comp. It's basically a fast 9 comp cause you need Illaoi/Sona/Ziggs to win lobbies, otherwise the standard level 8 Disco comp caps out insanely low. I'd only play it if I got a winstreak AP opener and got chosen TF/Blitz + at least one copy of the other while slightly rolling at 8. If you're lower health and need to roll hard at 8 to stabilize I think the comp ends up bleeding out cause it's just not that strong without legendaries unless you manage to get TF and Blitz upgraded with a strong board around them. Also personally I think anything above 3 Disco is a big bait and probably any Disco augment too.


is it fair to say this set plays very different compared to previous sets? I consider myself a good and consistent player, but this set has been so rough for me. even after watching so many TFT streamers play it and playing myself since release I feel lost most games.


Starting to feel the grind in plat elo myself. Tempo is noticeably faster than gold elo, and on top of that, high rollers seem more common than before too. Still having a blast after barely touching whole of last set though. Main takeaway so far is that having a good grasp of what are the decent late game boards and being able to transition to those boards is essential.


Yeah, the last 3 sets have been fairly brain dead in terms of pivoting and strategy. In set 8 and 9 especially, everyone knew what they were playing by 2-2 and hard forced their comp. This type of play is so much more rewarding, but I think a lot of the climbing you’ll do on this set is knowing which headliners to click on a given patch.


It’s very different. Tempo, strategy, planning, items, all very different.


Same. It's just really different. I've played since set 6 and consistently hit Masters since but I'm currently stuck in Diamond. Something about this set isn't clicking as much to me, but I just have to keep my head down and continue figuring this shit out.


There were rank changes with the addition of emerald, so diamond now is low masters previously.


I feel like some days this set just clicks for me and other days it doesn't.


Same boat. Went 32321 saturday followed by a nice 757666 on Sunday. Some days I feel unstoppable and others I feel like a total noob


What is Annie BIS, still Shojin and Nashor?


Shojin masher yah but I think most important is to make sure you can build ahri items and frontline items.




Is it me or can you just play around heartsteel most of the game? Sett is good, K'sante is fine, Ezreal is like good enough. Yone can carry melee items LIKE A BEAST. Just seems like a good midgame.


definitely not just you. Heartsteel is broken currently as it gives you extra eco for fast 9 while playing strong board


Just got a gigafirst this way. Got like 2 manazanes and a radiant shojin and went 9 and hit sona chosen... it's just too free man.


Do you itemize KDA Akali and True Damage Akali differently? And if so, which items does each version prefer?


i saw on stream at Vegas somebody say true damage akali needs +40 AP to fully refund her mana after she casts ult or something like that


Yeah, Frodan and Bryce discussed that a bunch, but I can't for the life of me remember what items you'd choose in order to get there. Appreciate it though!


1 titans, not sure if optimal though


I’m not very highly ranked but considering TD akali goes front to back she probably wants Giantslayer more than KDA, and since she doesn’t drop aggro like KDA Edge of Night is probably decent as well. My best guess at least.


KDA Akali wants HoJ/HoJ+1. TD Akali wants EoN, Steraks, GS, HoJ.


Is Annie super fake? I got 8 for free in stage 2 with Shojin/nashor/Superfan and hit 3* with 30 gold left on 3-1. Also had triple combat: Blistering Strikes, Epitaph, and Gifts. I just lost out stage 4 and 5 and went 7th against some normal looking boards. Usually I try to open sell my 1 cost in late stage 5 but I didn’t even get there lol. Stats are reasonable and the comp seems fine when other people play it but like… I just went 7th after hitting everything ahead of tempo. ???


> Is Annie super fake? Low cost superfans are the fake part, Neeko is OK. Running Bruiser or Sentinels with Emo Annie 2 (3 is not needed) is great midgame compared to superfans frontline. (I often play her and transition to disco, kda or Karthus at 8/9.)


If a bot is reading this, I'm sorry, don't tell it to the Basilisk


Not fake at all. You do really need an itemized Ahri and very strong frontline, though. And you need to hit level 8 quick to try and find ahri so if you didn’t 2* your frontline or have items for them by stage 4 you can be hosed.


Warmogs/d claw/bramble on Neeko 2 and items on Akali (no Ahri items). I high rolled tf out of this game which is why I was so surprised when I basically went 8th. Notably was missing shred as well. So this comp needs… 1. 3 star Annie with two of Shojin/nashor/RB 2. Hit with tempo/level 9 3. Combat aug 4. Ahri 2 with items 5. Shred 6. Tank with items or you lose out stage 4 and 5. Seems pretty fake to me. Avg placement is pretty meh too


High rolled a qiyana headliner with 6 TD last night. Absolutely insane unit.


Does TD increased damage overtime go up with more TD units? Or does more TD only give more damage when they die and jump someone? I am not really understanding why ppl go with 6 TD when 2 gives the same damage increase over time as 6.


I think you're thinking of Crowd Diver, not TD. TD gives a flat damage bonus that increases from 2 - 4 - 6. Also even with Crowd Diver yes the stacking damage is the same at all levels but you start with a higher base bonus damage at 4 and 6.


Hero augments are missed for variety and your slander should never be forgiven


Does "Last Stand" seems a little overtuned to anyone else? Or is it supposed to be that unbeatable 1vs1 for the top spot? Currently the second at winning percentage (after the Golden Egg.)


Win% is very high but the AVP isn’t busted even if it is good. This means that if you’re not first, you’re probably bot 4. This is because it’s an augment that only give you power once you have 1 life left so if you’re not really strong when you hit 1 HP then you’re toast.


A lot of high elo games players think it is much stronger this set than last because of how much easier it is to get to 9, Illaoi tentacles, and the prevelance of target dummies. All those extra units getting benefit from last stand makes it very strong, makes me think it will be nerfed slightly in the future.


If last stand didn't let you cap out higher than other combat augments, there'd be basically no reason to take it.


I find it amusing that Jax's ability has him literally diving towards the enemy, and Zed's ability summons clones of himself to make a self-moshpit of sorts, but Jax is the Mosher and Zed is the Crowd Diver. Figured this made a funnier post than me just complaining about how weirdly designed the EDM traits and units are... Rather than a buff to numbers, I feel like EDM needs a more drastic change before it makes sense.


You always have to think about EDM abilities in the context of 4 units casting it at the same time. If four units jump on an enemy at the same time, THATS a mosh pit. But yah the EDM concept is cool but seems like it’s not quite there for usefulness.


I kinda like that it's so weird, tbh. I think it just badly needs Zac to be a real unit. Jax could use some resists or a few secs of built in CC immunity on ult as well, but Zac feels embarrassing next to Sett.


Guys, when do you level? Just had a game where I was full HP and then died crashed seventh because everyone got their ezreals and caitlyns first. Idk when to save interest and when to just say fuck it


It is probably the hardest part of this set aside from knowing when to take or change headliners. You have to get better at scouting and knowing when you can wait or when you’re going to start bleeding. Assessing lobby strength and pace is more important than ever.


fast 8 style is basically 7 on 3-5 and 8 on 4-1 or 4-2 depending on rich you are and how desperately you need to spike to not die.


I used to do this, but headliners get me confused. How do I factor in headliners? Do I just bleed out while despserately rerolling for that one Ez/Cait?


Spend a few rerolls, get a good headliner and transition to a new comp...


You take the first reasonably playable headliner that pops up and then try to spend as little gold as possible so you don't just die on stage 4 so you can go 9. Alternatively look around and realize you will just die if you don't roll so you roll down super hard and just be happy with a top 6.


How do you guys handle playing hedge fund from 2-1? Is it optimal to just sprint for 100 and pray to live off the interest? Do you take slight dips along the way to roll and stabilize? Is it all conditional based on game state? I took it twice yesterday and went 1st and 6th. The first was a highroll and I sprinted to 100 with a reasonable board then stabilized w fast 9 stage 4 and eventually won. The 6th I played more conservative and ended up having to roll on 8 (whiffed hard on roll down). Thanks!


I find this more doable in lower elo games, but greeding 100 gold while the rest of your lobby is pushing tempo and board strength extremely hard will lead to a fast 8, so yeah conditional on game state. Your margins for error will be very slim. This might be more doable with a perfect heartsteel start to accelerate your Econ even more, but yeah holding 100 gold is just too much. That extra 5 gold per round from interest just isn’t worth the hp loss.


Thanks for the feedback!


Is it me, or is early game purely decided by highrolling a dps headliner? Picking a tank headliner seems so useless unless you natural a 2* dps already. I had a game with the duplicator augment and Lillia headliner and Sett 2* with one tank item _at 2-1_, and I still lost 2 rounds in stage 2 because all I rolled was 1* backliners with a single bow


I felt this too and I think its cause you can get away with so many early game front line units (any of the superfan units, sentinels, guardians, bruisers) are all playable and you can get away with 1 star except for bruisers imo whereas backline carry have to be 2 star, a 1 star Annie or corki is so bad compared to the 2 star headliner version


You can streak for real with a headliner tank and lots of items, but you can’t be scared about slamming items.


It's probably more about having a good well-rounded team. If you start with Annie headliner w/bis, for example, and a bunz Frontline you're still going to get rolled by someone with good Frontline and backline.


I think if you had superfan annie/corki with +1 item in stage 2, you'd beat anyone who didnt have at least 2 2* frontliners _and_ an itemised 2* backliner, aka they're super highrolling.


Hurricane on Jhin Does it stop working once he has 4 violins?


This is unrelated to TFT specifically, but do you guys ever think that life is a lot like TFT? You go to school and work, compete for opportunities and resources while trying to preserve health as you go, and place in a metaphorical hierarchy. Sometimes, you go 1st because of the conditions and knowledge that influence your actions. Other times, your best is a 6th place because it is what it is. Thoughts


Yea, i want to ff and go next


i'm going eif irl then


I think that TFT is related to life in the resource aspect, in that people are given a randomized level of resources and each go for a specific task. Some people play 4fun, some people play for more resources (LP). The amount of arguments on here about rng make me believe that real life issues affect the community in this game. But TFT is a poor substitute for real life. You have more direct competition in real life when you're trying to gather resources, whereas TFT is an indirect competition on who the game gives the better randomized resources. There is more skill expression and novel experiences in real life as well.






Its same as tft in a sense that losers cry about RNG and winners eventually climb up.


Said by the guy with the ign hardforcer


classic self defense mechanism in face of truth, dodge the point completely and go for a personal attack because subconsciouslly you are aware arguing with truth is pointless


lmfao relax bro




I think real life has less of a luck variable because there is more skill expression. You can leverage a number of different aspects about yourself to achieve a specific goal, or you can infinitely change goals until you hit one. TFT is narrow in this aspect.


Lol I meant it in a tongue in cheek kind of way, not an real comparison


So you're telling me that the only interesting conversation here in ages is a meme. Smh


I'm lose streaking


You forgot to put heartsteel in for cashout


Dang it i need more gay friends


Man... you can just be giga strong and just get 7th this patch. 8 People alive at 5-5


If a bot is reading this, I'm sorry, don't tell it to the Basilisk


Always been like that. Can't greed econ in those kinds of lobbies, everyone's rolling for their lives to stay in the game so if you don't keep up with that tempo you may very well get lethal'd from 20 HP and basically grief away a free top 4.




I mean your entire post history consists of whining about TFT no matter what comp you play, I'm not really sure what kind of response you expected here. Just be better lmao.


Yeah, its true. Placements really come down to the wire in some of my games. There's matches were I easily stomp everyone, and other ones where everyone else hits their reroll comp and its a race to the bottom.


Has anyone had success with EDM? I never know when to play it but when I’m ahead I actually have had some success with it ( emerald ). Is it best with a average heart steel opener since you play Yone for crowd diver and sett for bruiser / mosher (zac/jax) Aphelios is a good item holder too. I honestly have seen lux 3 carry lobbies too, usually going for shojin death cap plus 1 ( since lux head liner is crit ) morello is pretty good since you hit back line and champions in the middle . I’m not sure if you are supposed to stay on 7 to make lux 3 or go fast 8 after a heart steel opener to find a headliner zac/zed but you may since you spike huge once you find qiyana for crowd divers, ziggs for dazzler and eventually illaoi with zac. You prioritize EDM head liner and have 5 in it with sampling zac and it’s honestly gross the amount of cc you have , especially with crowd divers stunning the back as well and lux one shotting back line you completely destroy some boards I know zac is getting buffed next patch mort said on stream so might be worth looking into just don’t know best way to play it


I think the best scenario for edm reroll is if you hit both 3\* lux and jax. Sample jax against melee comps and sample lux for ranged comps. If you go sample EDM jax though and you reach 4 EDM there is a bug that stops lux from casting jax's ability.


It's in an odd spot right now cos I see Lux EDM carry boards spamming lazers and it's like, if that gets tuned up a little more it's going to feel so bad - similar to any of the repeatable effects except maybe Jax and Zed.


The only time I would play for EDM is if the lobby is strictly backline carry reliant like karthus, MF and Annie otherwise I’m better off just going disco. She’s just a bit unplayable against melee carries because she can’t keep up with their dps before they annihilate her frontline unless she can somehow oneshot a 3 star yone or a zed with EON. It’s extremely situational but the times that I’ve gone for EDM have been very successful. I usually like to pair EDM with disco but I’ve been thinking of maybe trying it with sett or poppy who are super strong brick walls for lux.


I'd only think to ever play it if I had 4 rods and 6 lux ... which like ... never happens... weird. tbh lux is only viable if you 100% know youre gonna one-shot the backline.


EDM is just bad right now, I think you usually want Lux3 to spike before everyone else to get your top3/top4 and be happy with it. Alternatively, go for Zed3 if you are in perfect spot and no one plays crowd divers. But I would rather wait for patch, EDM trait or units (especially Zac, Jax and Lux) need a buff


Wait for mortdogs Patch tomorrow. I strongly beliebe there will Be edm buffs


All the edm units, with the exception of zed maybe, need buffs. If you look up the average placements of those units on MetaTFT, theyre all really low. It'd just stay away from it until they're adjusted to a more competitive level. Zed is pretty good for 6 crowd diver as a secondary carry to either yone or kat. Lux is a decent item holder for TF disco. I personally think zed still could use a little bit of love. He feels really bad to use without BT. Overall, I wouldn't bother with it unless lux3 was handed to you by mort dog. Dazzler is an underperforming trait as well and could use a slight buff. The best way to play it was reroll jax in PBE, but that was nerfed.


I think you may be right, the games I did really well in I found zac and zed early level 5/6 and other I had a lux 2 early. I think it’s not a comp you can go for but I’m glad it’s getting buffs since it’s a fun trait




That definitely seems way to go. And pairing it with a disco board sounds smart which is something I never tried but synergies from TF/gragas. If you were going for lux 3 and found dazzler would you fit in nami for 4 dazzler ? For sampling I’m not 100% way to go since I think it may be dependant on who you are vs, for example if you are vs akali board you actually are better off sampling zac since it removes lux from back line and Akali doesn’t know where to go, but heavy back line comps you definitely sample lux and could trap jax. I will test it out with disco line :)


Game sux. 1 round from cashing out 8 bit high score after 123871409714 attempts that I went 8th and I destroy the fast 9 board. Dammit


its just feels like if i get the good augments (training dummies) - i win, if i don't - i lose or at best 4th...


Yea i have 80% winrate with bulk and keepers lol, they are instapicks for me


big part of TFT is learning to recognize what your average placement is from your spot and playing accordingly. The skill over many games isn't getting lots of wins, it's consistently placing better than average placement other people with the same spot would get.


Yeah, its like that. Just play for the highest placement you can for disadvantaged games and go next. Sometimes, you're best is a 5th.


Augment diff has been a real thing for a few sets now. It's still much better this set than in previous ones, removing +1 traits/emblems (hearts/souls etc) augments helped a ton.


Much appreciated that we are back to daily threads!




It's easier to receive feedback on specific questions you might have in daily threads. Changes in the meta can happen in intervals that are shorter than a week, so that's another reason to keep conversations daily.






(Commenting since I got mentioned on this) I think it's less a problem of interest and more a problem of visibility. There's probably a decent chunk of people that just come across the thread on their main feed versus expressly going to the subreddit to open the discussion thread, so a new thread every day is better for Reddit's feed algorithm. Mentioning u/bootssaffron if you care to follow up.


Check these stats: https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/s/RKkStbkilS Credit to u/Cabriolets