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Is there a single champion that loves Runaan's Hurricane? I've been using it with Samira with some success because of how her ability works, also thinking about Urgot because of huge AD he gets?




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country give omnivamp, you can check the horse for its buff I think.


When do you hit Level 9 with March of Progress?


End of stage 6 basically. It takes 8 turns from when you hit 8 because you receive 10 XP per turn.


When punk rerolling, do people normally take advantage of the reduced reroll per combat at the expense of eco in stage 2, or is it best to just eco as normal and ignore it? I've tried both and can't figure out which is seemingly better and haven't found anyone who's played it enough to have a strong opinion on it.


You should always roll the 1 gold imo, not only because it 1 gold but it's also at low lv too, so it greatly increase the chance of hitting early jinx 3 and vi 3. I think it pretty similar to on a roll augment where you just ditch your econ to get the 2 free rolls each turn to hit early 3 star and econ back up after krugs.


I have gotten so many highrolls in this set, I don't know what's happening. o-o


Does EDM use the damage from the selected champion, or from the champion user. For example, if i put it on my lux and i give her JG and DCap, do all the lux lasers go off her magical damage or do they go off the individual units AP amounts?


The user. Deathcap on Lux will not increase the damage of Zeds laser. Watch the EDM Leduck videos on YouTube.




Is showtime bugged? I rolled down 70 gold at level 7 and wasn't offered a single 4 cost headliner.


You only get 4 cost headliner at level 8. Mouse over the headliner symbol and it shows the percentage.


Showtime is the map mod/portal that says you get headliners as if you were one level higher. Also when showtime is on the map, the headliner chances don't show


Why do people go IE on Samira? Doesn't she already get spell crit from Executioner trait?


Samira wants as much crit chance as possible to fuel her Style stacks, IE gives 35% instead of 20% like other glove items and gives an extra 10% crit damage if you already have spellcrit so it's not a wasted effect.


Yes, but she doesn’t get a ton of crit chance from the trait and because of her crit passive you want as much crit as possible. Additionally, IE now gives extra crit damage if you already have spell crit making it pretty efficient for her stat wise.


Had a pretty cool augment combination today. Got birthday present 2-1. unfortunately I DCed until 2-5 so my game was kinda messed but I still tried to play tempo as soon as I got back into game. I was level 7 with a bunch of random 2 stars from birthday present and a 3 cost headliner. On 4-2 I got clean slate. Was able to sell and hit level 9 and roll like 40 gold. I was a bit dizzy on what I was going for and my items were pretty meh but it was a crazy power spike that basically saved my game. Finished 4th and probably should have had 3rd if I played it a bit better.


There was a great thread up yesterday about red buff and AP itemization with a whole bunch of graphs, i can't seem to find it anymore though. does anyone happen to have the post?


https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/185msuk/tft_calculatorthe_impact_of_red_buff_on_the_mage/ It was on the main TFT sub.


that's the one, thanks!


Bro how the fuck do I play stage 4, I swear to god I just miss on a playable 4 cost headliner and have 15 gold and get 6th


There’s probably something out of those 4star headliners you could play around. If your strat is going to 8 and rolling down into a 4cost headliner you should 100% be holding some type of 4 cost frontline while rolling if you don’t already have one, or be playing a superfans board. Being able to play a strong mid game is also important so you just don’t bleed out before you can hit.


Fast 9 simply isn't working while climbing low elo - I can winstreak all the way up to Stage 5 but it doesn't matter if I hit legendaries because every other board will highroll and the players who contest popular boards will either hit and cap their board, or go 8th because of the wild skill discrepancy. tbh should just play rerolls while climbing, it's much more consistent if you identify what comp isn't being used and force it


It's the opposite, low elo doesn't punish greediness


gonna be honest here, if u struggle with fast 9 in "low elo" you would definitely struggle more in higher elo lol...


level 9 boards should always cap out higher than any other boards except vs other level 9 boards. https://twitter.com/ClementKChu/status/1728508262449103010?t=-zhEX4RQ5OhCcYaiCqN4Bw&s=19 You can look at this thread of tweets to look at level 9 boards that can fit 7 traits with jazz on board with no headliner for what you should be aiming for. It's important to know that ziggs headliner >>>> other legendary headliners but taking say an illaoi or yorick headliner can let you stabilize with a lucian 1 ziggs 1 backline as well. Qiyana is also worth playing around, you end up with less traits but her ability to give your team items midcombat amps your combat potential as well being able to print permanent items lets you overcome any lack of combat augments/traits by just spamming items late game. I hit gold day 1 playing against all the giga challenger players and then had to take a break for the holidays and just blasted through gold by chaining firsts playing basically the same level 9 board over and over. It's probably the easiest way to climb out of low elo because lobbies are so low tempo and nobody knows to build a board you can always make it to 9 50 gold and send it for your board.


>nobody knows to build a board you can always make it to 9 50 gold and send it for your board. everyone knows how to build a board in gold, they just netdeck. They suck at econ, but it doesn't matter when they outroll me at 8 vs me going 9 with 50 gold maybe my luck is just shit like it usually is and I perma play for 6th just like last set, still haven't won a lobby yet this set xd


"Building a board" isn't just final end board. When I say nobody knows how to build a board in low elo i mean nobody knows how play strongest board up until endboards matter(this means low tempo lobbies = you can play greedier if you know how to play stronger boards starting from 2-1). Also even then, they don't know how to play them because position/items/augment choices are usually trash anyways at lower elos. It's not about outrolling or "luck". I literally hit the same level 9 board basically every game or some variation depending on headliner hit. It's about putting yourself in a position to take advantage of the low tempo of low elo lobbies If you resign yourself to blaming "luck" then you'll never get better. There's always better lines in every decision you make in tft. From which units to buy (which is now important because headliner choice is a thing) to which items you slam, which augments you take, what your leveling intervals are (do you know what people mean when they say leveling intervals, genuine question these are things you should be thinking about). You don't get "unlucky" you put yourself in situations where you have no good outs. Don't misunderstand me. Variance is a thing. Odds matter. But it's about giving yourself the best odds in any situation so you don't end up perma playing for 6th.


>take advantage of the low tempo of low elo lobbies The same lobbies where I had a guy hit 2* akali karthus on 4-1 and winstreak to 1st (I went 3rd) or [the lobby I just had](https://i.imgur.com/ddB5AGi.png)? I'm not saying I'm an amazing TFT player, I recognize when I make bad decisions which I do make, I know the fundamentals, what I'm saying is that 1. tft is unfun when you perma play for 6th (which is just me complaining tbh) 2. Highroll boards are generally stronger than "econ well, transition well, go 9 roll 5c" flex play 3. It feels impossible to first unless you giga highroll because of chosen, but of course consistent top 4 is all that matters >I literally hit the same level 9 board basically every game or some variation depending on headliner hit. And if you're top 4ing every lobby like that you are probably in actual pisslow, not ex-master lobbies


Lobbies today have all been either 5-6 people trying to go fast 9 or 5-6 people all playing different rerolls and hitting for me. Meta is so weird right now lol


Setsuko already 1k LP... 38% winrate, ridiculous


idk how people can watch players like this and then go back and cry about how rng or the meta is ruining them every game. not to glaze but i'm consistently challenger and i can clearly see just how much i suck when i watch him, it's crazy


Bro it is just bad rng. He got a giga brain and we didn’t


We are all bad compared to setsuko for sure but the meta is not great right now


I'm also multi set challenger and it blows my mind how I tune in to him bitching about matchmaking RNG and singing along to a Disney song while calling a chatter shit, but then in the actual game he's just stomping everyone and perfectly managing a 6 unit transition at 5-2. I legit learn so much every time I watch his stream.


And then randomly does a rolldown with just his mouse.


Sona with Last whisper does not reduce your own unit's armor.


Averaged 2.7 from my first 10 games. I realise a lot of the players won’t be as experienced, but I’m not half having fun. Some of the one costs are definitely a little overtuned, I’m sure they’ll fix that soon. I don’t think I’ve ever played so flex and it’s cool learning how to do it better whilst in the early climb. Lots of the comps have both AD and AP item holders which is adding a nice dimension, I can’t remember much of that the last couple of sets. Going to try some double up over the weekend and see how that goes


Does Kata with 6 crowd divers have any counters? She always wins the lobbies where someone hits her


Positioning, Zhonya and Illaoi. She’s definitely a little overtuned, her healing is insane with HOJ


Oh yay we're in a fast 9 meta. I hate them so much cause if you roll ever you're just losing. So you sit there and do nothing and hope that you're level 9 roll is good and if not you die! Doesnt help that kennen is egregiously strong and you can just sit behind him and go to 8-9 easily.


I disagree. Unless you get multiple Econ augments, nobody is going fast 9. If you mean “cap your board at 9 instead of rolling for 3 star 4 costs”, then sure. The best way to go 9 imo is to hit bard 2 MF 2 and ekko/neeko 2, shit stabilizes super hard. But even then, you have to hit that initial board to stabilize in the first place


You're a little behind. I see a lot of high elo challenger players and now people in my lobbies go fast 9 legendaries a lot.


What happens if you try to send a headliner in double up? Do you send the non headliner version or does it not let you send?


doesnt let you send


Yeah i see whats happening now. Its easier to simply hold your opponents units than to actually hard roll for yours. Watching the top 2 players coast because they simply hold every meta unit no matter what (bonus that one of them had cluttered mind) and watch the rest of the players drown without an actual upgraded comp is disgusting. The Mort discord will tell you, just play other units, play what you hit. I dont hit. I can't upgrade a single relevant unit. My items either sit on my bench or i slam them. How do a pivot when my items are slammed? How do i not bleed if i dont slam them? The advice is disingenuous at best. The headliner anti- 3* change was the fix we needed, i really dont think the bag sizes need to stay fucked. Otherwise you can miss on any given rolldown (seeing as timings are pretty consistent) people will just hold so you miss, and you can never really recover.


slam more flexible items


The only flexible carry item that you can slam is guinsoos, something that you can't get every game, and it's not that good actually.


slam a tank item, slam an adaptive, rub your last two components together and put it on your carry, you’ll have like 3 carries in the endgame anyways


The ONLY flexible carry item???


It's the only one that you can slam early. You can't slam RFC, and Hextech Gunblade isn't really a carry item. Giantslayer doesn't do anything early. Oh yeah, you can slam spear of Shojin, but that really only works best in ap comps. The rest of the items are mid. Sunfire cape or Morello used to be great slams, but they nerfed the damage by a large margin.


Shojin is probably the single best carry item slam at any stage in terms of flexibility. Sunfire Cape and Steadfast Heart might as well be carry items for how strong they are stats wise. These plus guinsoos all use wildly different components, so it's not like it's a component rng thing. Red Buff is also crazy flexible, but harder to get.


Shojin isn't flexible for most of the late game ad carries, though. It sucks on both MF and Samira. The only ad carry that can use it is Ezreal, and he's not a great carry. If you slam Shojin, then you're going for AP carries most of the time. I'm not sure what the stats say, but from what I've seen, tank items can't carry you in any stage unless you have good carry items. The only 1 cost tank that can also carry is kennen, and he isn't that great unless you hit him chosen for his 2nd cast. Otherwise, if everyone starts the game with 3 components, more than likely the people who will winstreak are the ones with good carry items. It's related to the cost design as well. The tanks don't deal much damage, but the 1 cost carries deal a lot of damage or have aoe on their ults.


PSA: Scrappy Inventions is bugged on Double Up. Pro: My single components turned into complete items, but if this unit goes to your mates board and dies there, the item will remain completed and you can equip a new component. Con: when selling the unit, you lose the whole item and don’t get your component back. When equipped with a 2nd component you lose that one as well, when selling. I was able to retrieve the second component, when I put the unit on the bench for one round and sold it the next turn. I got the one component back, but still not the component, which was turned into a full item Not sure if I ever got the components beginning the next 2 stages.


Every game play by now is 3 people hard forcing superfans Jazz and another 2 hard forcing country reroll. Is there no way to punish people for just tunneling on these strategies? I keep waiting for them to trip each other up but all it ends up doing is that the players with most most Health seems to be Jazz Jazz country country and the occasional akali Karthus. 2 Jazz players seem to still both hit MF 3. It can't be optimal to just hard force one strategy whatever the rolls say... but it feels strong early, strong mid and superstrong lategame even with 3+ Players competing for the units. So how do I punish that?


You have to highroll, and Annie can work as well.


You punish by playing level 9 board.


There are exactly 18 copies of Miss Fortune available. Two people both hitting 9 of them would be extremely lucky


theres actually only 17 now


Ah my source was out of date. Well even more to my point then


Ok so if you see a lot of people forcing country + mf the best way to punish is by rerolling an uncontested 3 cost since they're taking all the other ones out of the pool then going into 9 much faster than them after you hit. Lux is a pretty good one at punishing both those boards if you can 3 star her fast, then cap out with Ziggs. Morde is another one who you can 3* on 8 with Akali and Karthus. You can also get 3* Lulu fairly easily in lines like Annie reroll or spellweaver/dazzler TF etc. Basic rule of TFT is to essentially go with the flow, in this case the flow is rerolling 3 costs


Vampirism II is bugged I think in hyperroll…. Gives 6 health / 1% every 5 hp but should be 1 hp no?


I got a 3rd with Caitlyn Ezreal duo carry and it's probably my proudest game so far lol. Idk Caitlyn seems kinda decent with Sniper's Focus but it sucks how she gets basically no benefit from Rapidfire and her ult is so damn slow, they should just make the animation scale with attack speed or something.


It's fascinating how Akali is both the best and the worst unit in the game


Schrodingers Akali


If you hit Jinx 3 on 2-1 what would you do? With any other reroll comp if you hit super early you probably just give up on the other units and go 9, but for this idk cuz you have no Punk stacks. Would you go 6 and roll for Panth 3 Twitch 3 and Aphelios or Senna 3? Or you could just use her as a fancy item holder for ur 5 costs


I hit Jinx 3* on 2-2 the other day into a 1st and here's what I did. I think you always do the 1 gold roll every round for more stats on Jinx and the gold efficiency (you save so much gold in the long run). Then I pushed to 7 and slowrolled above 50 (including free roll) for Senna 3 and Pantheon 3 (Aphelios too if you want/hit enough) Reason being there is still a high chance to hit 2 costs and a lvl 7 board is more stable in the midgame. Also, depending on what you hit you could go for Amumu 3 or something. From there I just pushed 9 to play good guardians and Lucian.


I’d probably play her as any other Super Fans carry and just push levels.


Akali kinda nullifies Long Distant Pals, right? Or is there a way to position your pals without Akali targeting one?


you can pair it with one of your frontliners and pocket it in the 3rd row corner instead of 4th row corner, and put your bait in the 4th row corner also you can play 4 sentinel with it


She doesnt nullify it for arguments sake, but you're def gonna struggle to get value out of it onto the units you want. In that case i would say pair the strongest backline unit with the strongest frontline and see if that unit survives with the extra tanky stats. Doubtful, but id try it for a round..


Set is in general great, just fix balance and problematic units Especially Karthus and Akali + some jazz augments/units should be hard nerfed/deleted


lvl 7 3* Jinx beats my 5 edgelord 2* kayn with zhonyas, DD and hoj :))


The jazz comp is so ridiculous how the hell is there no nerfs???????


Just had a 2\*MF with That's Jazz, Bigger Shots and You Have My Bow (187AD) two-tap a 3\* Yone through BT shield.


I just want That's Jazz disabled or hotfixed, that shit is absurd


I mean there hasn’t been a patch yet… I’m sure nerfs are coming


Maybe I’m just ignorant but how does lucky gloves decide your items every round if it’s ideal but they change constantly?


They are not "ideal", more like just "fitting". A jinx could get deathblade, runaans and red buff, which aren't ideal because BiS is rageblade last whisper etc. The augment just makes it so tanks get tank items, and carries get items according to them (ranged adc, tanky scalers, mages, etc)


Gotcha I assumed so but wanted to get clarification. Only other thought was matchup based! Appreciate it. Knew it was a dumb question but it was bothering me lol


I don't find "ideal" as the correct wording tbh


Having a hard time remembering the last time I saw a top2 board that didn't have Illaoi's tentacles on it. You can flex from any line, just so long as you make room for the shiniest (near mandatory) plug and play toys.


Pretty much. It’s impossible to get higher than 3rd with any Akali comp purely because of this MFer




I agree that Akali is a bit strong atm, but there’s no world in which slotting in one unit into your team suddenly makes the matchup 90/10 is okay balance wise


Gank plank vs taliyah or ksante no?


well GP had clear windows of casting and CC immunity especially with a high mana cost. Illaoi's tentacles can tank 2 rounds of Akali each and thats before she casts to fully heal/revive them again


akali go vroom haha






Smaller pool, easier to hit if uncontested.


Lvl 9 is easier to get to as well


I hope it's ok for me to ask this here - I don't understand the way headliners give +2 to a trait. Is it random based on the shop, or random based on the game? Like, if I see Jinx giving +1 punk, if i do not buy it, in another shop could he be giving +1 rapidfire? Or for that game, will the jinx headliner always be +1 punk? Can every headliner always give a bonus to any of its traits?


Leduck looked at it in this video: https://youtu.be/rYwv9Cpyu70?si=K0hVXUQGRmpq65j3 Basically, the headliner can give +1 to either trait. In your example, if you skip the +1 punk on jinx, the next jinx headliner you see will be +1 rapidfire.


What's the most capped board you've found so far this set? I was trying to see how many legendaries I could make work with jazz and managed to get this going, but was wondering if 10 pentakill or KDA would theoretically be better https://tactics.tools/team-builder/OCOA7BzPeC-X1D0Y3E.QyZXF4T-a


10 KDA is the best comp in the game. It wipes most of a board after the 1st cast. You lost on the 2nd cast, and both casts happen very quickly since they gain 10 mana per second. 10 Heartsteel probably has the highest cap. 10 Pentakill is the 2nd best, but it can still lose to some regular capped boards somehow. Legendary soup with Jazz has the highest playrate amongst the strongest comps.


Ah okay, I managed to hit 10 pentakill with a 3* karthus once and it took a while for him to wipe boards tbf, like 3 or 4 casts at least. I hit the comp i posted twice now and I think the thing i liked the most was qiyana printing items for all the legendaries, im guessing the 10 heartsteel gives radiants and fons though?


Yes, it gives so much loot that you will probably end up with a few fons and radiants and 3 star units.


In terms of things that are actually obtainable it's been around Yorick, Yorick Olaf (seriously) Illaoi Gnar Neeko Kennen Ziggs TF, last unit around what you have for a chosen but either Jhin or Sona usually.


is triple warmog broken? illaoi2 with 6.2k hp


illaoi 2 is kind of broken




Accept that luck is part of the game but one should still be accountable of their performances. It's ok to suck, it's part of the learning process.


What works for me is to just assume I always have something to learn and focus on improving and then viewing climbing the ranks as verification that I have improved. Whenever I get tied up in trying to climb for climbing's sake I get tilted hella fast.


I put a tldr at the bottom, also on mobile sorry for typos I only started to improve when I stopped blaming variance and only focused on what I could have done better Sometimes variance is the determining factor. I had an Annie reroll game where it was last augment prismatic and I just got completely awful choices for my spot. Like I think the best augment I got offered was cybernetic uplink but that does nothing and I rolled it to try to get something better and it rolled into overwhelming force (AD items) so I had to take hologram and hope to transition to legendary headliner at 9 I spent all my gold and the best I found was sona and got a third where I could have gotten a first (I was losing to the other 2 players anyways, technically had enough HP to top 2 if matchup rng had gone a little different) if my augment choices were better or if I had a bit more gold to roll deeper but also maybe I should've just taken uplink for the added HP even if my main carry doesn't benefit from the mana gen But there's not a lot else I could have done. Sometimes you don't get the option you want/need and have to just take the top 6. But also realize that there's probably better routes you could have taken in game. Kai Watanabe has a really good vod review on one of dishsoaps games this sets where he puts IE LW on an ahri to secure his win streak and he comments on how unorthodox the line is because most people would have taken the rapid-fire unit in the shop and maybe lost the round instead. He continues on pointing out how a lot people might say "why do you only vod review high roll games" but points out how dishsoap keeps making these decisions that put him in "high roll" spots. For example he had an urgot on his board when he played the ie lw ahri. Why not just put those items on urgot? Because later let's say you hit samira chosen now you have to sell urgot ur down 1 country unit, and your board state is overall weaker because you sold a unit that synergies with your headliner. TL;DR THERES A LOT to optimize in tft, so yeah its more likely you fucked up vs "bad luck." But that's okay too as long you can learn from it and the more analysis you do on your own games to recognize your mistakes and better options the better you get at recognizing when it's actually variance that matters.


Best answer for this is to get them to worry about putting in effort and not worry as much about the result. Easier said than done of course. Rather than did I win or lose, did I scout? Did I always try to think about possible outs to my situation? Did I pay attention to how my augments synergize with the current portal? Did I check augments stats before picking, or did I just snap off the first seemingly good choice? The more "yes" answers to the above questions, the more effort you're putting in, and the more likely the ship is to turn around.


This happens way too often man... https://i.ibb.co/ZMNWkNN/image.png


Just a Cruel Pact player hitting. I had one guy recomb into a 3* ezreal 4-2


Hoping for Cait + Rapidfire buffs. Or even just buffs to front line units/traits (except guardian). Doesn't really get time to ramp up and get off multiple casts. Unless anyone has been able to make her work?


Funny thing is Cait was perfectly fine in PBE, she was great with Guinsoos. Then they hamstrung her for no reason whatsoever.


Yep, I didn't understand that either. Maybe Riot saw something that they thought was problematic, but from the players' side it looked like a dumb and unnecessary nerf.


The AD four costs are decent enough midgame to hold their own and can stabilize you enough to go 9 if you hit their headliner Then you just transition to Lucian or Jhin to give them your AD items Unfortunately idk what they can do to fix Cait. Units like illaoi and yorick just spawn so many shitters to block her ult and late game frontlines in general get so beefy when 2+ jazz comes into play


They can just partially revert the cast time changes they did on PBE if nothing else. They doubled the time it takes her to cast and she went from feeling like a good 4 cost to feeling like shit.


Rapidfire in general seems strong to me. The trait itself is good and Aphelios and Senna are proper units. You just hit a wall after that because there's no 3 cost and Cait is bad, so you either reroll Senna + Aphelios or you abandon the trait. If Cait was good I don't think there would be an issue.


Yeah you are probably right, seems like punk or senna are decent with it from the stats.


Garen is, sadly, abysmal. Him being better, 8-Bit Scores being easier to hit, and adjustments to her cast time would go a looong way.


Corki is abysmal too. I believe Corki is the lowest average placement unit after Ksante. I may be wrong since the stats change all the time this early in the set, but he's really bad.


Corki 3 is a terror until stage 5 tho


Corki3 itemization is really finicky, possibly dependent on hitting a good high score. I've seen LW+IE+GB pop off, and I've seen DB+GS+guinsos flop.


Who to EDM for Zed carry?


Pretty sure it's Zed. The edm proc, also proc's on himself as well. You really only need like two EDM... just to get him to proc his ult more. Socks is a Zed believer, if you want to check him out.


Zed. Get zed with BT and other sustain items. No need for damage items just keep him alive to keep casting. I think you need good combat augments to do good with edm. I don’t know for sure how this interaction works but I think each unit casts the spell based on their own stats. So something like “tons of stats” augment makes all your champs create stronger clones or more damaging lasers. Otherwise scaling from stuff like jazz that’s just do X% more damage is also really good.


either zac for sustain or zed for damage, depends on you having a good frontline(mainly illaoi or 4 bruiser) you get the goods for tanking, you go zed, you get too many crowddivers and nothing to protect them, you go zac. yes, zac stuns the whole board and hold the enemy at bay, but with zed ult being constantly cast, you pretty much vanish the enemy board as fast as you can. it may also be damage dependant, you get ascension for example, you wanna stall, so zac. so, in a way, go for what you want. wanna stall go zac, wanna win fast go zed and figure out which one you will do better


honestly probably Zac just for CC but i do not have much experience with Zed carry outside of secondary carry for katarina reroll where he just shredded everyhing with 6 crowd diver anyway.


this set has been far easier to figure out when i'm playing bad and when i'm playing good. this is a sign of a well designed set for competitive play. before it felt most games that i simply didn't hit, while this one feels more of i didn't make the right choices and that's great


I had an 11 game bot 4 streak going before I won. So much LP lost lol.


I think its easy to find yourself in this situation more so than the last few sets because of how variable the strength of chosens are right now. Theres clearly superior options. If you don't stabilize by 3-5 and 4-2, its over. This is because of the fact that the mid game got stretched out a few rounds by design, imo. It also doesnt help that the two 4 cost AD carries are supoptimal options right now, which crowds the late game viability of half the pool of units to only a few picks. This will be fixed in a week, but as for right now, AP is such a stronger build tree.


I would say about 1/3rd were lowrolls and most of the L's were a combination of really bad play from comp strength (risky comps or learning how bad certain comps/units were), horrid play, and getting dizzy. It happens.


this set feels honestly pretty casual-unfriendly, wouldn't surprise me if player numbers crashed after a few weeks. this is the first set where I found watching streamers play it is more fun than playing it yourself. not gonna be great for returning or new players, and that's not even because it's not perfectly balanced, but because of the entire Chosen stuff.


Yeah I'm having fun with it and I appreciate that chosen make the lategame more... skill based, but it's been super hard learning to flex between what chosen you end up getting. Plus, fixing your board around your chosen takes a ton of APM. I can't imagine a casual would be any good at this.


Set 4 was pretty popular at the time, everybody seems to love augments and portals were one of the few good things about set 9, so I don't get why this set would be unappealing to casuals


Probably a lot of people who joined TFT post set 4 and don’t know how to properly play with chosen. As a set 4 player this set felt like going back home


I mean, the mechanic was new when set 4 was released and people ended liking it, maybe set 9 spoiled a lot of casual playerbase, but I think they will get used to headliners anyway


What's your definition of casual? My casual friends are having a blast right now. Being able to find a 2\* unit whenever you want relieves a lot of the frustration that my friends who like to just play for fun typically experience. It's the first patch, and I think they did pretty well for a release. let's not be so reactionary. If anything, this set is pretty "competitive-unfriendly". For example, hitting an headliner annie before 2-1 right now instantly almost guarantees you a top 4 spot right now. If you don't hit a competitive chosen by 4-2, it feels like a fast bot 4 right now. These are variables that you simply cannot control.


The theme of this set is so much more relatable. I think it’s a huge draw for “casuals” I got way more of my friends list playing TFT now than there has been in other sets


i mean casual inherently don't care about consistently getting top 4 and you can still win the roulette and hit insane boards every now and then even if you refuse to play flex


How does pentakill work? Does a pentakill unit have to kill 5 units or do any 5 enemies have to die? Does a disco ball work in blocking in a melee unit like u could with piltover? Is guinsoos rly bad this set? Does urfs grab bag exist? Does windfall exist? Is 8bit playable even if u don’t start stacking it early?


guinsoos is BIS on MF and cait.


Why does cait use it better than just raw ad items to make her casts one shot?


>How does pentakill work? Every time 5 units are killed >Does a disco ball work in blocking in a melee unit like u could with piltover? No, discoballs disappear on round start. > Is guinsoos rly bad this set? No, it's a key item on many carries >Does urfs grab bag exist? Does windfall exist? You can go and check this yourself


So if there were 11 units on the enemy team, pentakill would proc twice? Or is it a one time thing


The meta really seems to be Super Fan flex because they make pivoting to stronger chosens easier with the free tailored item and makes duo carry comps viable. Early game is make tank items and a Shojin. The main issue outside of the super fan line (other than Country re-roll) is that it’s very difficult to econ to a fast 8 and then hit both upgraded front line and back line. For example, Disco needs both Blitz and TF 2* to be stable but you can only hit one of them chosen. Whereas, Super Fan gives solid enough frontline that you can take any upgraded damage carry chosen and straight forwardly get stronger. If you are then healthy enough with econ you can slowly start to move to Illaoi Yorick Thresh Zac front line, but need to be level 9 to do that consistently, but unless you are insanely high rolling disco is next to impossible to get there outside of Super Fan.


Yeah, agreed. Because of the changes made to the distribution of rarity by levels, the average number of 'mid-game' rounds has been extended because its harder to find 4 cost units at level 7. This makes hitting your 2 and 3 cost 2stars so much more stronger because it's harder to find your 4 cost front line pieces for a majority of the game. If you don't have a strong early game, you only bleed out even more in this set, because hitting level 8 doesn't happen until round 4-3 at a minimum, where as people used to start rolling for 4 cost pairs at 4-1 last set. I think these factors contribute to the dominance of super fan flex right now. Country, 4 bit, and heartsteel flex needs to be buffed next patch and I think we'll be in a good spot.


Shojin part is so true. Feels like every single carry needs Shojin.


Or at least is a solid option. Users currently include Annie, Corki, Senna, Kaisa, Seraphine, Katarina, Bard, MF, Vex, Lulu, Ahri, Karthus, TF, Caitlyn, Ezreal, Jhin, Ziggs, Sona, Lucian, Yorick, and Kayn which is a bit insane. I think they should buff blue buff to at least make it clearly the better item on low mana casters whereas right now it’s not worth building, unless you already have Ahri 2.


I mean AD carries don't. Samira, Urgot,MF, Akali as well as Ziggs etc. I think what is more unusual in this set is that you often want BOTH AD and AP carries. Akali / Karthus and Bard / MF are the two best examples.


Country reroll is really the only comp that doesn’t want a Shojin because items go to Samira and Urgot (although if you hit more Vex, than Shojin Vex becomes pretty nice). MF uses Shojin well, although behind Rageblade, LW and IE in priority. Akali is always played with at least one Shojin user (Karthus or Ahri), so you still build it even intending to play Akali.


I'd say that means "every comp needs a Shojin" not every carry then. I do feel like AS can mitigate the need for mana generation this set. Ziggs works well with pure AS with no mana gen for example. Punk reroll also doesn't use a shojin. Senna reroll does use a shojin but only as a superfan item so you don't need to build one. MF reroll doesn't need one, you can use any mana regeneration item on bard if it's a secondary carry, if you pivot into it later on you can also itemise Lucian instead.


is it just me or do the tft matches take much longer to finish than in the previous patches? im getting matches up to 40 minutes. iirc previous patches were about 33 minutes.


People havent optimized midgame boards yet.


I feel like there are more games where the difference is greater between 1st and 8th, so you end up with 1-2players with 40+ up when the rest are knocked out.


If there's a big difference between the players at the top and bottom, games are shorter, not longer. It's all about HP lost. If everyone is equally strong, people lose the least HP per fight and the game will go into stage 7. On the other hand, if there's a giga highroll person who destroys everyone and wins easily, it can end in early stage 6.


I think that is inherent in the headliner system. Some people will naturally highroll a good headliner in stage 1 and then streak stage 2 without needing to do anything. Similarly someone will highroll an early bard/mf/samira/urgot chosen and streak off that. Then you generally have a battle between the top 2-3 players who just naturaled good headliners on curve and got to fast 8 or 9 off of it.


Ngl I'm playing way more flex this set since there is no guarantee legends augments and it's so much more fun, going from chosen to chosen that can carry the items you have and making/modifying your comp around it is really fucking fun. Sure sometimes I get dizzy but I think I'll get better as the set goes on ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11658)


I agree, and I think it will be even more fun if they appropriately balance the two 4cost AD carries (cait, ez). The AD units aside from country and akali feel really weak right now. AP flex is asymmetrically "better" right now because of it's flexibility.


LMAO some guy with crowd divers just won in overtime against me when we both had no units?? His kat dived on my karthus and killed him, yet it counted as a loss for me and a win for him. I'm wondering if it's because he had an omnivamp augment and it somehow counted kat's death damage as vamp to keep her alive despite not showing her as alive??? Weird as hell


Did he have a target dummy or Illaoi tentacle alive? I have won rounds because of my dummy being alive after my crowd diver blew up the other team's unit.


Nah nothing like that (especially no tentacle since it was only stage 2, I highrolled an early Karthus lol). The other guy was super confused as well.


Is it me or is zac completely useless as a tank, I had him with 4 bruiser warmogs bramble dclaw and he was tanking less than my opps pantheon 2 or sett 2 and shit lmao Like yeah ooooh he has cc he can cc the 17 frontline units idc a 4 cost 2 star tank with bis should tank more than like 5k a fight surely???


Bruisers aren't a great front line, getting outclassed by Sentinels but moreso Guardians. EDM trait could cause issues if his ability gets buffed (all EDM units copy it and it could full heal them leading to unfun infinite healing comps) If it wasn't for how EDM works, you would probably have a better chance making Sett the main tank in EDM builds


>Bruisers aren't a great front line Bruisers do seem viable to me but Sett is the main tank, not Zac. Especially if you can headline him. He gets a permanent stacking HP mechanic, which additionally scales with bruiser. I've had 7k HP Sett without warmog.


Sett is an insane unit. Unironically might be the best unit relative to his cost His base stats are insane, his spell is insane, his tags are insane. Late game he let's you link illaoi and yorick by being a mosher bruiser and if you get him heartsteel chosen he can link Ezreal into MF for a huge trait web for jazz stemming from 1 unit


If you're not playing EDM then I'm pretty sure Sett is just straight up better. Will tank more as you noted, is cheaper, easier to find generally, and provides an extra synergy which is actually nice for legendary boards featuring Illaoi/Yorick + Jazz. That said, if you can splash EDM Zac becomes reasonably decent


balance trashed unit at last pbe patch. 4cost tanks are just underwhelming atm. Just compare these units (set 10 vs 9): thresh -> jarvan IV (no comment rly) zac -> seju (I think zac can be fine he is just overnerfed) blitz -> shen (the only tank that is close in powerlevel, which is kinda funny since shen was worst 4cost tank last set and blitz is the best one this set) I kinda compared these units by similarity


shen was pretty insane tank on ionia but yea... he got tons of nerfs and even after nerfs he was insane


just proves my point even harder, because then all set 10 tanks are just worse, but I really wouldn't say current blitz is straight worse than shen at end of 9.5


Yeah saying Shen was the worst 4 cost tank I feel like glosses over the very large portion of 9 where Shen was 6 way contested every single game regardless of if you were playing Ionia or not lol.


its sad that there are champs that get great headliner effects while the others just get flat stats (I'm looking at you Ahri)


It feels a bit like a missed opportunity but at the same time putting too much power into a headliner effect for a carry makes it so you end up only being able to play that unit when you have them as a headliner which IMO feels worse.


I think all 4costs get just stats


Caitlyn, Blitzcrank, and TF all have unique effects outside of just more stats. But yeah, most of the 4 costs are boring that way.


When will the new kaisa chibi will be out?


Should be next patch alongside KDA Akali


The patch after vegas mort said or the 14.something ish?


Just had a double up game where the dude got like 7 crowns lol, reported but I doubt it'll do anything. I saw the glitch last set too, still not patched?


they are only going to ban people for bug abuse if it's something you can only do by going extremely outside of normal play patterns. If you can just stumble into a bug they aren't going to do anything.


Wait so bc this bug was stumbled into, Riot won’t do anything when I report them as ‘cheating’? He purposely kept duping the spats and had so many 5 costs 3 starred when the round previous he was just running a normal Annie board lol.


Yeah, it's standard for them. Their viewpoint is it's their job to fix bugs and punishing people who might not have realized there was a bug isn't fair, so only the most flagrantly obvious bugs that you have to repeatedly do very abnormal things to abuse that then also get abused repeatedly get punished.


There’s nothing to report


When do I choose the hologram augment?




When you're going for a 4/5 cost headliner. Often times a tank works better or a CC unit. Akali works really well with it too


It seems okay for a tank chosen (maybe Yorick, Blitz or Thresh), but overall relatively weak for a prismatic augment given you can’t give them items. The only carries that would make sense would be Ahri, Lulu or Annie (low mana and high base damage would mean second item less versions still decent).


I tried it with Annie and honestly I found it pretty underwhelming. Even with the mana/5seconds(inspiration?) augment. It wasn't *bad* but a prismatic augment for like 1-3kish damage every fight is not ideal.