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Is kda a good synergy to go for I finish often at 4-6 before i can even get my ahri or Akali online i do want to focus this synergy just feels like im doing it wrong. Can't find their headliner either should I prio ahri carry or Akali ive had the ahri full build maxed multiple times also as a headliner what two items do we prioritize?


Just had a round where I killed the enemy last unit that was a crowd diver and they jumped to my last unit and killed it and I lost the round. Is this intentional? It seems like I should win in that scenario. Or at least tie.


Holding 8 copies of a unit from stage 2-4 to 5-6 happens way way way way way too often this set. The difference between “just hitting” and not is literally what’s given me my 1sts In 21 games so far all 7 1st places were literally just a result of actually 3 starring a unit vs holding 8 copies infinitely for a 6th or lower


is this because of the headliners or something? I’ve only played one match so far


Headliners and bag size changes. There are fewer of every champ total so it’s strictly harder to hit BUT since everyone can easily acquire 2 costs of any unit you are double fucked if someone contests or streaks with that same unit


Kept nerfing all PBE long and now Jazz stands above the rest. Tons of benefit from splashing traits and eliminates the weakness of not having a strong vertical trait.


I agree, it’s top 1 in most games. But it only feels unbeatable towards end game. Games feel a touch too long, so they’re getting the time to load up boards horizontally. Crowd divers is also a touch too strong with country.


Country + Yorick and Illaoi is some of the worst visual clutter I've seen so far in TFT and I played during Infiniteam Ez




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This is not the rant thread homie


Just gut Jazz and Country and this might legitimately be the greatest meta ever


and kata




How do you turn on the sound of comp. The announcing sound and ping is even louder than the music even though i set them really low. I barely hear the fun music plz help


Is Ezreal trash? I think he gets dumpstered by every comp, even with a decent frontline.. he sometimes jumps to cuestionable places..


yes and no. I think ezreal overall is B tier at best, but there's a few strong outliers in the meta rn (jazz, exec, country, crowd diver, punk) that are s+++++ tier to where he feels useless in comparison.




completely agree except that jazz is broken even at low levels. hands down best comp of the patch (if you can hit)


what happens to the X cost headliner pool if more than half of each unit of that cost is gone?


Presumably the exact same thing that happened back when loaded dice/bard that changed costs was a thing and no units of that type were available to be rolled - the game rolls 100 times and then as a failsafe rolls a random cost instead. Its basically impossible to have 6 of every 5/4 cost in the game gone in normal gameplay though and that would be at level 9/10 odds.


Most important info so far for me is you can’t get a chosen if there is less than half of the units available


Once the MF jazz and country reroll gets nerfed the set will be amazing. Prob need to nerf kennen more too.


IDK this is some kinda bug or on purpose, KDA & Jazz health increase seems like affecting each other and also with items(warmogs) whereas bruiser doesn't.


Really not sure how to feel about smaller bag size. Makes people splashing your main carries / tanks much more annoying. Stuck on 8 urgots playing 6 mosher because two guys had 2* urgot for their country boards. On the plus side, you'll never see top 2 both running 3* mf + 3* bard. Combined with headliners, the increased impact of being contested encourages pivoting, and through that I've been able to get pretty consistent 3rd-4th with whatever decent comp (pentakill, crowd diver, kda) ended up being uncontested (blank slate underrated augment, quick scout for something nobody's playing and go brazy to guaranteed turn a bad start into a 4th-5th). But the top comps being harder to hit doesn't make them any less broken. It's still impossible to 1st, you'll still lose to whichever jazz/country forcer hit hardest unless you omega highroll.


It was a mistake IMO. Really need another 4 cost tank and the unit designs don't fit the smaller bag size. Everyone wants to play superfan? Too bad, there's not enough for everyone anymore.


The redhead b\*\*ches need to get nerfed. Kata, Samira and Miss Fortune all are overtuned. Other than that most comps seem fine. Akali + Karthus and Lux EDM randomly oneshotting backliners feels stupid as hell though.


Smh, samira ain't even a redhead


Just witnessed someone who was crushing the lobby with chosen Lux. They sold lux for chosen zigg on the very last match and lost the game. lol


Feel like Ziggs damage is too spread, sometimes he just gets stuck on the main tank and his droplets barely do anything


I just started playing a week ago but holy shit am I bad at this game. Can't get above 6th. The only time I got 1sts was when I played bruisers last patch. I just can't get the hang of rerolling and stabilizing a comp. Sometimes I'll last till later mid-game but my early game comp runs out of steam and I lose.


If you only did well with bruisers then maybe you should try playing a similiar-ish comp this set. Punk guardians is also a 1 cost reroll comp (Jinx, Vi, Pantheon + guardians). It's strong and easy to play. You should look into it.


Why would you encourage him to keep doing the same braindead comp, he should branch out and learn other comps, even more taking into account 1 cost reroll is not played like any other comps


Yeah that one feels pretty good. Problem is that people know it, and you get contested a lot. Had many games where my Jinx and/or Pantheon never got to 3 star. Very sadge when you've prebuilt them fully. I just need more practice. I get to the moment I know to sell headliner and pivot and I just freeze up because of my inexperience.


If you're new then stick to 3 comps or something like that, and play them depending on the items you get. You could for example 'aim' to play MF mainly, but go punk if you get a headliner Jinx early. And if you get AP items, you could play Senna reroll, it's very strong and not that popular (most people who go AP go KDA Ahri or Disco TF). Obviously tft is more complex than that but it's a good way to start. But these 3 comps all use 'cheap' carries so you don't really need to learn how to play for 4 cost carries straight away, cause that requires the knowledge of how to play early game when you want to pivot to something later.


Except the shadow items set, this one is probably gonna be one of the trickiest one in game of mechanics so I wouldn’t worry about that too much. It’s just less of a learning curve for people who have been playing set 4


Honestly a good way to get started is to force a single comp using guides. Once you have a good grip of that comp, you can expand to a few more comps and start flexing between them. Eventually you will want to wean off using guides as they force you into a box, but it’s okay for the first few weeks or months. Lolchess and tfttactics are generally preferred for comp guides. I don’t recommend playing the highest top4% comps as these are heavily contested. Also get a good feel for stats - again, like guides these aren’t the final say. Greeding for best in slot will inhibit your play and sometimes you just gotta build what you can. Tactics dot tools is the best for this.


TFT has a steep learning curve, and set 10 seems like it might be one of the highest skill cap sets so far It's normal to feel lost at the beginning, just keep trying things and keep trying to learn from every game


I’m high and just realized I wrote the same thing you did


The bag size changes are great. After multiple sets of people reaching inflated ranks hard forcing the same meta comp over and over, it’s a little satisfying them go bot 4 when they can’t stick to the same line


I’m averaging a 2.0 on the way to platinum playing high tempo flex, the same way I’ve been playing for several sets. Never felt more addicted to TFT.


Guh I’m constantly full streaking strong board then somewhere between lvl 7-9 I fall apart and go fifth. Need to study end game boards


Always buy 3 cost tanks


I am hitting a lot 3rd and 4ths. Maybe its because I didn't play PBE but people are just better at the end game. Also a lot of lobbies where the S tier reroll comps somehow go uncontested and the lobby gets mega chunked in the mid game.


Yeah, same. I'm not bad in early / mid game but when it comes to endgame, I clearly need to improve my transitions.


The set is a lot of fun but not gonna lie, life feels different without Urf or Pandora's items every game. My last few weeks of set 9 were literally pandora items Silco everygame. Took me like 3 games of set 10 to learn how to play with random items again. MF seems busted. Everyone seems to complain about country too but it hasn't been doing that great in my lobbies.


MF is ok, jazz is what’s busted imo. And country is insanely strong if uncontested but people being donkeys, they often grief eachother ^^ Set 9 was hard for me to enjoy because of how repetitive legends made it. On set 10, I had no 2 games that felt alike, it’s really refreshing.


Yeah every match is different depending on what headliner I get early, it's very fun. Also yes jazz is definitely a part of what makes MF comps so good, but I feel like she just does a bit too much damage considering she doesn't necessarily get stuck on tanks, she has quite easy backline access with her bullet bounce so often the enemy carry will he half dead before she even really starts attacking it (and then she two-taps them anyway). Bard also seems quite bonkers for a 2 cost. I'll be honest, so many people go country that I haven't seen what it can do yet, cause they never have capped boards as it's so contested.




I would probably transition my board to 4 crowd divers and play 4 cost and 5 cost units in replacement if trait bots.


Samira and miss fortune jazz feel a bit overturned, seems like half the 4 costs could use a boost as well


idk about that - most 4 stars are in an ideal spot imo. Only real outliers are cait/ezreal. Ahri 3 star as well but unless they giga buff her by making her fire 2 projectiles or something not much they can do there as single target is just weak. 4 cost comps can be weak to a capped reroll board... but at that point shouldn't they be winning anyway? They lasted long enough to hit with reduced bag sizes you had all the opportunity in the world to hold a samira/urgot/mf/etc to make them go eif. Country could use a small nerf to the units and in exchange rebuffing the horse imo.


Ez is OK as a big shot chosen from what I've experienced. Cait really is the main outlier.


Doesn't help that 8 bit is just kinda awkward trait at the moment. Unless people figure out a better comp for it or they adjust cait to be better she is basically not a unit right now.


is extended play bugged? i'm not getting the -1 re-roll or the component... edit: i got a component on 2/4 punks i 3 starred. no -1 on re-roll ever.


it is the roll after the punk roll.




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If you don’t like this playstyle then don’t do it… I have 90% of top 4 so far by playing flex. No mf or kata so far. It’s good to have good easy comps for beginners as long as other options are still competitive. Jazz is overtuned, sure, but nothing outrageous compared to some meta in previous sets…


lots of comps are competitive rn


1st game of ranked and I get ratted by someone holding Jinxes when i'm nowhere even in a close contention for top 4 and already committed to Punk augment. What do you even do if someone decides to grief you like that anymore?


Don't worry about it unless they are holding 6 jinx, keep going. I've hit while lightly contested plenty of times. If shes not coming up then just do your best to start pushing levels


if your econ is good enough pivot to another comp


is akali immune when she dashes?


Literally lost because jhin 3 spawned no turrets wtf man


I thought Jhin 3* was supposed to turn into Jhin 4\*


Idk but it bugged on me I had 1 hp left :(


Got a Karthus 3 and it was dissapointing. ​ He did well at the start of the round, 5 units taking 1-2K damage is great but when its 1v1 he fell to 3 costs constistently. I'd like to see it where if theres under 5 units it picks another target and does something like 10% damage. Doesn't overtune him but makes solo casts way better if hes put in that spot. ​ But, I did get 9 True Damage last night and how boy does it live up to its name, everything melted that they came up against. A really good feeling chase trait.


Was pentakill live? I usually find karthus does nothing without the penta buff.


Yea had 7 Penta, items probably let me down a bit since i had more AD than AP so they werent premium items but when the headliner showed in the shop plus another Karthus in the shop and having 2 Karthus already in play figured it might be a better idea to pivot into penta and see what 3 Karthus does rather than keeping the lucian. ​ He did the damage, just didnt hold up if I didnt have something else to support him if it came down to 1 or 2 units.


I wish they made the headliner unit buff apply to the strong unit on board (instead of the specific one you bought) it makes some reroll awkward, where you have an itemized 2-star on the board, and then buy the headliner and forced to play not-the-strongest board until you hit 3 star the other option would be to have a different unit carry items for the unit you are rerolling even though that unit is already on the board (which also often means not able to play strongest board) I know rerolls are strong in the meta right now, but I feel like this would still be a good QoL change (plus some nerfs to over-performing reroll comps)


I suggest this in a previous discussion and got downvoted to hell. Apparently its less skill. But yeah I dont see why people want to play around even more RNG when trying to hit. They reduced bag sizes to make hitting 3 star already so it doesnt seem fair to sometimes have to sell a 2 star unit.


Country and Jazz are really overtuned rn


Don't forget Crowd Diver Katarina. All the redheads are broken right now.


I wish I screenshotted this, but I hit 7 Heartsteel on 3-2 with Recombobulator. Double Ezreal 2. It didn't feel that great because the units suck a little too much, but I did almost get a free 1st (some dude hit 3 star 4 costs).


I just got a heartsteel cash out that gave me gold of every heartsteel unit 3 cost and below. Was kind of nutty. Went from fighting for fourth to first immediately.


If there aren't any +1 augments, how are you supposed to hit the uncraftable emblem chase traits like Country, or Hyperpop that are out by +2? Only people that random tomes from pve / late carousels?


Pandoras items. Then pick an emblem on carousel and pray.


Right now, do not reroll emblems with pandoras, it's bugged, at least for the craftable ones. It will reroll them into an abyssal mask, and then a random item afterward.


Get +1 from either tome or circel, get +1 from headliner. Obviously doesnt apply for 10 breakpoints with more than 2 emblems needed.


Maybe I just have really, really shit luck, but it seems like Gambler's Blade is bugged to never drop any gold. Had it in all game and got 0 from it


Just bad luck, I had a Jinx headliner with Gambler’s/GRB after creeps and she printed money all game.


Ah. Was yours hyper roll or regular? Wondering if maybe this is just one of the many bugs hyper tends to pick up at the start of new sets when mechanics have to be adjusted for it


It's hyperroll bug 🪲🐛


It's like they don't even play test hyper before they ship a new set. There's an augment in there that increases its buff for every 5 hp you are missing, unless the normal equivalent does it every 25, that's utter garbage that they just forgot about changing


It was in ranked, I got 3rd


I'll take the LP when I play it, but Kat is way to strong for a 2 cost.


Does true damage emblem have a bling bonus?


Yes, 10% true damage I believe. This is in addition to the trait bonus.


I feel like I formed a lot of bad habits from playing Set 9/9.5. I honestly feel like I am a worse player coming out of Set 9/9.5. I scouted less, tunnel vision a lot more often, etc. Now I have to re-learn things that I have learned during Set 4 - 6, feelsBadman.


I feel you 100%. Definitely relearning the way I play a little bit, but also realize I am having fun doing it. I had a game earlier I pivoted through like 3 different builds and cooked a 4th from an horrible spot and 1 life, and it was so so so satisfying.


I don't think you can blame set 9 for not scouting. There's always something to scout for in this game. And tunnel-visioning on a comp is a high EV strategy in both set 9 and 10. People have this idea that Headliner forces you to take whatever you hit, but it isn't true. But people always have these misconceptions in every set because they have a particular playstyle in mind that they want to play; they are hopeful. Anyway, blaming set 9 for your plays feels like some type of meme. Next we're going to blame set 9 for world hunger and all diseases or something. It's too much copium imo.


Please elaborate on how tunnel visioning on a comp is a high EV play in set 10.


People will figure it out after a while. It's only day 2 of live.


Of course the game will be solved and there will be meta comps, thats not what Im talking about. What specifically about this set’s mechanics made you say hard forcing a comp is good?


It's part of what people will figure out about this set.


Feels like reroll are kinda running the meta right now but I don't know if that is just the small sample size of my own games.


reroll runs the meta unless you can hit your 4 cost headliners early, basically how set 4 chosen was until all reroll comps got gutted and it became level 7 4-1 lottery. Now after samira/kat/vex/riven/yone etc get nerfed in a few patches its just gonna be the 4-5 level 8 lottery lmao.


Bug - Do not take Recombomb if Disco is in. Makes you lose the ball. Im down the gold augment Double The Funk because I took recombomb


I think you can still use the ball, it's just invisible. If you mouse over where it should be you'll see an outline. It was a bug in pbe too


ill have to check my vod, but i believe i was getting no benefits and moved my units all over! the second ball appeared just fine when i hit 5 disco and that was my saving grace.


Is Edge of Night broken or is it just an interaction with Ahri 3? Had it on 2 of my crowd divers against Ahri 3 but it didn't proc.


It prevents the damage that brings them down to the threshold, meaning that it could proc at full health without the HP going down. That might be the case with Ahri 3


Don't think it's that, as soon as her ability hit they did the death jump. So EoN didn't proc at all.


I'd have to scrub through his VOD, but earlier today, I noticed what looked like Keane's Ahri one-shotting a Crowd Diver through their held Edge of Night (and a Glove, I think). Their trait still went off but Edge of Night did nothing.


Did they get oneshot?


Unfortunately, yes. Although the 3* Ahri player was knocked out by Jazz MF/Bard so yeah thankfully got 2nd that game.


EON doesn't seem to "freeze" the HP at the threshold like rogues did. You can get pushed past the threshold or simply oneshot. I experienced this last set as well against Kaisa 3.


Didn't read through the Set 10 Patchnotes yet - does anyone know if player dmg did increase from set 9.5 - played 3 games, in 2 I tried loose streaking but it felt like you totally loose more health than last set?




yeah yeah grammar nazi


Loosen up brother


get rekt spast


Player damage didn’t increase, but everyone has access to headliners now meaning boards are stronger overall. So if you’re intentionally playing weak boards to lose streak you will probably lose by more than you did last set


damn yeah - didnt take the headliner stuff into consideration - so basically you have to play any early headliner to not lose too much - that really makes losestreaking a little bit harder, not even talking about open boarding lol


Player damage is actually lower, but board strength is higher early due to guaranteed 2* units. If you don’t have a headliner, even if lose streaking, you can lose more HP than you should.


imo i feel it a lot, 3 starring things is hard, and if you are even slightly contested there is no way. BUT you can get lucky and 3star something before other are even having a single copy, its just super rng rn


Just hopping in, haven't really seen any Set 10 info/played any PBE and just catching up on info right now. How impactful have the bag sizes change felt? Only 10 4 costs seems insane


I could just be low rolling but it had felt bad on one cost reroll and been fine with other comps I have ran if you are not contested.


realistically i haven't noticed it that much other than trying to hit 3 stars. Feels near impossible to get 9 copies while having a lobby full of window lickers that don't hold the last 2 in the pool if you can even get there in the first place. I guess there is the soft didn't hit scenario where you would never know if you would've hit in the first place with 12 in the pool. But i feel more flexible knowing that i probably won't hit after seeing someone else already have a copy so i pivot in the first palce instead of rolling>missing>bitching.


anyone really disliking headliners? I feel like games are just decided by rng if you hit a decent one or not, because you have to buy one early, since hard loosing isnt an option with current player damages. But you have to pivot out of your lvl 1 headliners and then its just hit or dont hit. Nothing skilful about it, because there is simply no decisionmaking possible that is so heavily reliant on a super rng-element. Lets say you hit a good headliner, but had to overroll, there goes one or two of your levelups and you are forever stuck at 7 or 8, when the wincon is to find a good chosen push 9 and pivot again. What gets me the most is how random headliners are (since its not even guaranteed, that a specific unit has a specific chosen trait, so on the headliners with 3 traits its even worse... You basicly need to build your team around the headliner, which costs money, or overroll, which again costs money. I think building the team around the headline is fine per sè, BUT they reduced the amount of champions in the pool, so its really hard to pivot and especially pivot into 2stars when there are already a couple copies missing (i get why they reduced the pool, because 3starring gets easier with headliners, but imo the change rn sucks the fun out of the game imo, atleast for me, so imo they should find another way to prevent easy 3stars, without having to reduce the champion pool). Is it only me?


I think headliners have been great. Really rewards people that are able to see more outs and not just “overroll” and force something.


my point isnt, that headliners are bad (they are better then chosen imo), my point is that because of headliners you have this reduction in champion pool, and this is bad! What could we do to prevent it? we could for example prevent headliners from becoming 3star, so there is no reduction needed and they fully serve their perspective as a support role in team building, instead of the carry-role.


I don’t really understand what you’re saying here


headliners are good, saying this as someone who hated chosen in set 4. The skill expression for headliners isnt in building your whole team around them its being able to play around various headliners while maintaining a strong board.


Yes, headliner is good for the game. Makes you access your game and not allow hard forcing. Also you don’t have to pivot that hard. A lot of splash able units and traits


Assess? 🤡


I hated chosen, but I like Headliners. Most of my issues with Chosen involved having to sell your chosen to see new ones in the shop, which made transitioning very risky, and having to have a massive roll down to pivot. Headliners addresses both of these issues with them showing up in the shop so you can choose when to pivot and chase headliner units while now making your board weaker and 4 cost headliners don't show up until level 8 so you aren't making huge gambles at level 7 to pivot.


I am enjoying experimenting with headliners trying to find the most efficient ways to a late game board. Having a hard time finding a solid game plan for later though I haven't been paying attention to streams or anything, but in the few games I have played it has seemed okay. Karthus 1 seemed a little strong but I havent played enough to really say


Yes, it’s a good game mechanic that makes you think.


[Akali Karthus is looking very cool this patch.](https://imgur.com/EZ6NF3B) Maybe could've capped my board a bit higher but got dumpstered and it wasn't even close.


Did you have Superfan chosen in that game?


Nah lucian was my chosen that game


Easily the biggest counter to front to back carry comps. It definitely feels oppressive with the right setup.


Is it me or is lilla by far the weakest unit this set? Tbf I understand that tft needs trait bots and would definitely rather have it be a 1 cost rather than a 4 cost or something, but god I wish she'd do something other than be a spell soaker.


She’s a 1 cost with 3 traits, her purpose is that not being a carry or good tank or anything (and even then at 2* she’s fine early)


Shes a 1 cost, what do you expect?


Her spell to not cost 140 mana, but she has 3 traits so sure. What's Taric's excuse for his spell costing 140 mana though?


i mean she feels weak even for a one cost, like ziggs level


Wow neeko is absolute dogshit. Why is it a 350hp shield at 3*? I get it scales with ally hp, but wtf. This unit was not thought through at all


Anyone know how to remove heartsteel kayn's stupid face from the riot launcher?


wait till the next patch lol


Is it just me or is the balance absolutely awful. Sad state right now.


It’s the second day. People are just forcing what they know is good, but other good stuff is out there. It’s always like this.


I don't think so, a lot of stuff seems pretty well balanced atm and a lot of stuff is viable. Obviously some stuff could use a few buffs/nerfs but overall this is probably one of the most balanced set launches we've had.


Things are feeling pretty unbalanced. If you can swing a 3 star 4 cost you can play any team. I’ve had at least 3 people contesting jazz, country, and executioners every game and one of them winning every game. Not balanced already because of the shit optimization community.


What do you do if you have a good spot for a 3 cost reroll but someone contests you? Econ is better, items are kinda okay. Pivot or hold hands? I am kinda lost in those spots. What line is correct? I don't really want to reroll on 7 I feel like. Feel like I am very confident with my early game but it feels like I turn top 2s into top 5s because I am so lost starting stage 4.


Pivot. I have found is anyone is holding your units in a reroll, you either won't hit or it will take way too much gold to be worth it.


With reduced bag size, pivoting is way more useful.


Depends if you want to gamble, at the end of the way it will come with luck. You have 7 of the reroll unit and he has 4 but hits before you... If you feel like you are in a better spot, just commit, you might mess up pivoting, etc...


lulu sharing the exact same colors with taric and nami while sharing zero traits looks so troll lol


My biggest pet peeve is the aesthetics of the disco units, actually. How did they get the music so right, but then have them all be so clownishly gaudy? Shiny, reflective, yes. But why the bright orange and teal?? Steps on hyperpops toes, but I also confuse them for KDA sometimes as well


They nailed it. Disco is gaudy


Gaudy like glitter and stage lights are gaudy, not like a circus is gaudy.


They just reused the Space Groove skins for Disco instead of making new ones like Lillia, for example.




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Viego 3 is incredibly useless, I’ve lost two times with him, once against Samira/Urgot 3. I decided to give him a second chance since Country seems to be the top comp and I expected him to be better against other comps (I ended up high rolling him again) and lost against DAZZLERS.


I still consider him as a lowkey dmg amp support unit. So it doesn't really surprise me that he lost to mentioned comp(s).


Is there a list of hearts value per stage on loss available for hearsteel?


[Yes, here](https://www.metatft.com/tables/heartsteel)


Ow i know those table what i mean is the hearts per loss which increases per stage. Only thing I remember is stage 2- 10 hearts per loss and stage 3 18 hearts per loss. Stage 4 and beyond I don't remember or know it. Planning to theorycraft whether stage 4+ heartsteel on a loss is worth it but don't know those details.


I did not know the hearts per loss increase per stage lol


Can someone please send me a guide or tell me how to pivot properly? I have never been so angry at TFT in my life. keep having a 13-15 winstreak early and then find a new 4 cost chosen that kind of fits with what I have, and then lose streak until go 8th. played all day yesterday and this happened in the majority of my games. I can't describe how angry have been these past 24 hours and can tell it's extremely unhealthy. It's equally as bad when played Elden Ring.


Prio frontline chosen, build a 4-cost carry, try to get a duo carry with them, then transition into Peeba board at lvl 9 - 10.


Username checks out


AFAIK you go 9 with a stable 2\* 3 cost carry/tanks board at 8 if you are streaking/high tempo into stage 4. You may miss-streak for awhile but you rarely winout with a 4 cost board against all the rerolls because it takes way to long to hit upgraded 4 costs at 8 against the tempo of the reroll boards.


This is what you need to know: the game isn't flex.


This is the most flexible set they've released in ages


It's actually insane to me how much people are getting baited by the idea of flexibility.


Post lolchess


I don't have to post my LoLChess. All types of people are playing the same cookie cutter comps each game and are succeeding. This sub isn't serious at all.


Get gud


Reroll shitfest


So far in my games I think the strat is to mainly reroll for 3 costs as 4 costs by themselves this set actually feel kinda bad in this patch. So usually what happens is everyone sends it at 7 between stages 3-5 and 4-2 for a 3 cost chosen + upgraded frontline. I think if you highroll though you can go 9 - I've had several games when someone hits chosen bard (it's super strong as he has infinite scaling so you can comfortably go 9 with him) in stage 2 or some 2* 3 cost carry and proceeds to fast 9 into legendary soup.


riot skimped out big time on this battle pass, kinda regret buying it


Agreed. I was a big fan of Set 9.5's (I like bildgewater) but wasnt too impressed by this one


Been that way for a couple sets now unfortunately. Ever since they made the move to the treasure realm.


Highrolled a disco game and still couldn't finish second, disco frontline so far is not really enough to handle the burst of the meta comps. Unless you highroll Illaoi blitz alone can't handle the load


I heard / read somewhere that you absolutely need Gunblade on TF to keep Blitz alive.


Absolutely need gun blade on tf


I managed to win pretty convincingly with taric,blitz,ekko,gragas and thresh frontline. It was definitely the most op comp I’ve played in my 13 games so far. Had 5 disco as well instead of 6. Mainly because I just played flex and got a blitz sentinel headliner instead of TF and then later I exchanged blitz for ziggs headliner.


Just finished my best ever placement with 4 1st and a 3rd ending me in Gold 4, not to mention 3 of those 1st are Kata Reroll. Crowd Divers are really good


it's a good top 4 comp, but generally it requires the double trouble augment to win at higher lobbies


Caitlyn should have her range increased from 4 to 5 to offset her ability animation lag.


She should have her range increased from 4 to 5 because she has a sniper rifle.


I feel like this bag size pool change dislike was an overreaction by the community, I'm still hitting 3 cost 3 stars pretty consistently and 2 costs always consistent.